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Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy

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Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy Empty Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy

Post by Rugby Fan Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:22 am

Charlie Richardson in the Telegraph:

...In 2007, Sky Sports owned the rights to the Premiership...Stuart Barnes and Dewi Morris as pundits proved a canny double-act, with neither afraid of calling a spade a spade. The Rugby Club, a Thursday night highlights and review show, was essential viewing for any club-rugby fan.

There were highlights, interviews, analysis, opinion and, occasionally, the odd quirky feature. There were few shining lights, few gizmos and gimmicks; the highlights featured matchday commentary with no music backing – and they were extensive. In nuce, the rugby was allowed to do the talking and flourish. Sky Sports took the Premiership seriously and, therefore, the league took itself seriously. The knock-on effect was that fans took it seriously, too.

...Last week, our esteemed sports-on-television columnist, Alan Tyers, asked for some recommendations of regular rugby programmes... Given Rugby Tonight has now bit the dust, before replying, it seemed sensible to watch ITV’s highlights show with “Flats and Topsy” (David Flatman and Topsy Ojo).

It was the derby weekend, and the show left me flabbergasted, exasperated. Flatman and Ojo as presenters are smooth, and are clearly following higher orders, but the obsession with dad jokes – the Ant and Dec tribute act – and the persistent denigration of the derby weekend is endemic of English rugby’s wider issues. Of course, a sport needs to be humble enough to laugh at itself every now and again, but after last season, with three clubs going to the wall, if not even the presenters of the Premiership’s free-to-air highlights show are willing to take the league seriously, then why should anyone else? Why should the media? Why should the fans who pay their (increasingly vast) sums of money to watch the games?

The comments section to this article is largely a defence of Flatman and Ojo, pointing out the limitations of the highlights deal ITV has, and how both men are better in commentary or presenting on other shows.

While Richardson has a point about poor Premiership coverage in general, singling out the ITV highlights show doesn't address the main problems.

Rugby Fan

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Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy Empty Re: Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy

Post by formerly known as Sam Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:30 am

Also talking about Dewi Morris and Stuart Barnes like they were anything more than barely competent is a very optimistic remembering of events.

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Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy Empty Re: Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy

Post by No 7&1/2 Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:51 am

BT was a huge step up. Bar Dallaglio. Rugby in general is stuck between this set traditional tv set up and embracing how younger viewers consume media. I think this has been brought up recently on a thread re Squidge aint it?

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Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy Empty Re: Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy

Post by Heaf Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:34 am

Anyone that says Stuart Barnes was good immediately loses any credibility IMHO ...


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Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy Empty Re: Telegraph attacks Flats & Topsy

Post by Rugby Fan Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:40 am

I watch Premiership highlights on YouTube, and it annoys me that the titles frequently give away the result. Just over the last couple of rounds, they've had "Second-half comeback", "Last-minute winner" and "Holding off the comeback" which undermine any attempt to avoid knowing the outcome.

After the event, you can watch matches for free on the Premiership website, and there's usually a full match on the Premiership YouTube channel. However, they are just presented as if they are raw, live coverage.

Most people watching full match replays already know the results, and may have read about, or heard of, key moments. If you are going to present a two hour match video online, then at least provide some chapter markers for those moments. It's always interesting to see the match context for tries, cards, fights etc. Put markers on the videos, and audiences can make their own 20-30 minute highlights packages. That gives more of an idea of the match than the official, sub-5 minute highlights video, and doesn't demand you sit through 2 hours.

Rugby Fan

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