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Not selecting players playing outside your country

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Not selecting players playing outside your country Empty Not selecting players playing outside your country

Post by TJ Sat 27 Jan 2024, 1:55 pm

Has any country made a success of this? Even Scotland tried it once for a season or so but it was soon dropped as unworkable

I understand the aspiration but IMO you end up either having good players unavailable or you possibly end up overpaying to keep them home meaning not enough left in the budget for squad depth.

Also some players benefit from time playing in other leagues. Was Wilkinson a better player for his time in France? Redpath senior certainly developed more in England and I do not believe Finn would have hit the heights he has if he had stayed in Scotland. For countries like Scotland and Wales with limited teams it also means more gametime for youngsters as there is vacancies for them in their local teams rather than sitting on the bench behind the established stars

sure you can lose a bit of control of your players but I think this is more than made up in player development. I'm watching Kinghorn flourishing in England right now and I think he will improve as a player as a result of his move

So has any country made this work? thoughts?


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Not selecting players playing outside your country Empty Re: Not selecting players playing outside your country

Post by No 7&1/2 Sat 27 Jan 2024, 2:01 pm

New Zealand. It works basically if your best players stay at home. Or you're losing players like nz do to sabbaticals for a couple of years.

No 7&1/2

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Not selecting players playing outside your country Empty Re: Not selecting players playing outside your country

Post by neilthom7 Sat 27 Jan 2024, 3:59 pm

It's worked pretty well for Ireland to be fair, I know it's not an outright ban for Ireland but more of a 'if you leave you better be a lot better than anyone else if you want to play' but it has a similar effect.

No doubt helps the national squad all of them being at home and being able to be rested, train together etc and also helps the provinces keep their best players around. Although Ireland is probably a bit of a unique situation and a lot of Irish rugby players don't often want to leave the island anyways so that helps too.


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