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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by JJJohnson Sat 27 Apr 2024, 12:23 pm

Bout 2
6CWF Xtreme Championship
Time Attack (30 Minutes)
Anthony Grace vs Geoff Steel vs Marty Helms vs Mike Hill vs O'Callaghan vs Ojore vs Uryu Ishida
Theme: "Eyes Closed" by Imagine Dragons


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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Steel Tue 30 Apr 2024, 8:00 pm

Last Resort echoes around the arena as Geoff Steel makes his entrance into the arena, the crowd in attendance are going wild showing their appreciation for the former world champion.

Steel is wearing his red and silver trunks with a vintage 6CW t-shirt.
He walks to both sides of the stage beckoning the crowd to be louder whipping them up to a frenzy, before eventually applauding them from centre stage.

HL: This vocal support could yet prove to be the difference maker for Steel come Night Of Glory, I don’t think there’s a fan in the house that doesn’t want to see him lift that title belt.

JT: There’s just the small matter of six other superstars that would like nothing more than to ruin that party.

Steel is now on the entrance ramp signing autographs, he spots a small child wearing his merchandise and takes the shirt from his back and hands it to the child before ruffling his hair to another cheer from the crowd.

Geoff then makes his way to ringside he collects a microphone before climbing the ring apron and stepping through the ropes. He waits in the centre of the ring as his music begins to fade.

GS: Here we find ourselves again, another year down just days away from the grandest show on planet earth, there’s been times these past 12 months I’ve questioned whether I made the right decision lacing up these boots for another shot at glory, being honest that thought still lingers in the back of my mind. However the closer we get to Night of Glory the anticipation and euphoria swells within me, this is why I returned for these special nights, over fifty thousand fans in attendance each night with millions upon millions watching at home. A chance for me to etch my name in folklore and to start something truly unique by being the first Xtreme champion of a new era and the spearhead of the division.

The fans begin to chant Steels name.

GS: When my success has come this past year it’s tended to be when there’s been chaos involved, when the reigns are let loose and the fighter takes over. It’s time for me to embrace that part of me fully and go back to my roots build myself back up by doing what I do best cracking some skulls by any means necessary. The first name on that list Marty Helms!

HL: Helms and Steel have been on a collision course the past few weeks, they picked up the victory last time out but it was more in spite of each other.

JL: The prospect of seeing them go toe to toe fully unleashed is a spectacle nobody would want to miss.

GS: You want to prove that I don’t belong in this ring with you, that you are meanest son of a b1tch around, the greatest their ever was or will be, hate to break it to you but many a man has thought the same and the majority of them end up regretting the decision of placing themselves in my path. Night of Glory from that first bell you best watch your back a whole lot better than you managed at proving grounds or it will be lights out for you.

Steel begins to pace the ring.

GS: I’d be a fool however to purely concentrate my efforts fully on Helms, there are threats wherever you turn from my opponents, a real who’s who of 6CWF alumni, former world champions, colossal specimens of men, a son of a wrestling dynasty, Hollywood royalty, and finally standard Mike Hill don’t you even think about getting in my way not again. Everyman in this match is capable of causing significant pain and staking a claim for the championship, I just need to ensure come the end of the thirty minute timeframe it’s me that has the final pinfall or submission and can call myself champion once more.

Steel then climbs the turnbuckle and points towards the Night Of Glory sign.

HL: Geoff making his intentions clear here and that’s leaving with the Xtreme championship.


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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 03 May 2024, 10:17 am

"Hold on Tight to your Dream" starts playing as Uryu walks out and smiles at Geoff Steel as he heads towards him in the ring.

UI: Don't worry I am not out here to fight Geoff. I am here to stare at one of my opponents and hope they understand why I am here.

Uryu climbs into the ring and goes nose to nose with Geoff.

UI: There it is, Your drive and determination. That little twinkle in your eye that shows me you are raring to go. Yet looking into you I cannot help but see myself. It's almost like looking through a kaleidoscope and seeing what could have been staring right back at me. We both have that never say die attitude. We both are going to throw everything we have at whoever comes up against us. We both have the same goal in this match in putting Marty Helms down, Albiet for slightly different reasons. Yet I keep looking into you and something is missing. Something that you are lacking and it is going to be the difference between me and you in this match. It isn't experience.

It isn't talent, Skill or drive nonono. It is the fact that you have never fought yourself. You have never questioned yourself about if you should be here. I don't mean others saying it to you. I mean that one little voice in your head that says it after a match, Every match. The one that when you look in a mirror you see it laughing back at you and you end up smashing the mirror with your fist! Having that voice in your head is a reminder to do better. To be better than you were five minutes ago. I have had that voice in my head a long damn time Geoff and constantly fighting it has taught me many things, Pushed me to the edges with injuries, Endurance and even a few times I was on the verge of leaving this place for good! Yet here I am looking at you and still going. I am ready for this war Geoff because I battle every single day.

Uryu lowers the mic as he awaits Geoffs reply.

Uryu Ishida

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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Fri 03 May 2024, 11:04 am

*With Steel and Uryu face to face, Bonfire by Childish Gambino plays

JT: The man of few words has come to answer

RJ: Rare that Ojore feels the need to - - oh, oh no, yeah, that makes sense

*The crowd suddenly burst into boos as Robin Reborn swaggers out, dressed in a completely baby pink suit, but with no shirt on. He even wears a pink beaded necklace, almost like a Marge Simpson look, and pink shoes.

JT: Come on, he's not even in the match! 

*Reborn speaks as his music fades, starting from the stage but slowly walking down the ramp as he goes. 

RR: Ahh man, look at you! Couldn't take it, could you, sitting at home alone? Another old man who should have retired, but at least old man Enforcer is going one-on-one with The Icon at Night of Glory...whereas you've crawled up off your deathbed to share a ring with a modern day David Arquette.

*Reborn smiles as he stops halfway on the ramp

RR: 'Ready for war,' he says. Uryu Ishida, who thinks the battles he goes through every day can prepare him for a real enforcer, the soldier, the warrior, Ojore. The voice in the back of his head, telling him to finish his homework, do his chores and bathe his mother's feet every night, that's what you compare to war. That's what is going to prepare you to bleed till your legs give out. That's going to prepare you for blow after blow to that little, spot covered head. 

*He straightens his suit, nonchalantly, almost disinterested as he speaks

RR: You've got Anthony Grace, an alcoholic so far into his backstory he wins matches just through confusion, Steel and Hill, washed up old pros who should be running a pub together by now, the MMA fighter who makes CM Punk look like a King of the Octagon. Then there's the foul-mouthed washout who runs away if he loses a match. Then you, Uryu, a man who reached his peak and is tumbling down the mountain back down to the bottom where he belongs.

And you think, even if you beat all of them, you'll survive longer than Ojore? The best bet you've got is my boy using you as a weapon and you landing on a pin, cos you aint built to deal with the war machine I am sending into that match. 

*He starts to walk to the ring again

RR: You...

*He points at Steel

RR:...and you...

*He points that same hand now at Uryu

RR:'re both victims. You're cattle on your way to the killing floor. Those nagging doubts aren't what push you forward, they're warning signs. And they're right. Run, gentlemen, because there are no prisoners in war, and Ojore won't think twice about putting you out of your misery.

*He stops now at the steps and waits

Dolphin Ziggler

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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Steel Sun 05 May 2024, 4:20 pm

Steel take a step back from Uryu and and looks confused at Reborn by the steps.

GS: So where exactly is this boy of yours Robin? I’m standing right here, Uryu is here, for some reason you are here despite having no stake of your own in this match. Yet Ojore is nowhere to be seen he suffering with stagefright or does he does he just have that little respect for his peers that he can’t grace us with his presence. I’ve thought my fair share of monsters over the years and believe me the bigger they are the harder they fall I look forward to teaching him a lesson in respect when I cut him down. I don’t run from anybody certainly not the invisible man so when your boy is ready for war tell him he won’t have to look far to find me I’ll be waiting in this ring. Then once I’m done with your boy and win that championship maybe I’ll come looking for you next and shut that mouth.

Steel then turns his attention back to Uryu

GS: You got the good look at me you wanted Uryu you got me figured out? Your damn right I am going to throw everything or anything I can lay my hands on into this match. That your big hidden power having self doubt to drive you on, we may have swam in different circles this past year Uryu you having reached the peak and carrying one of the flagship titles me languishing failing time after time, So I can forgive you your ignorance why would you have paid any attention to me but if you truly believe im not my own worst critique and will do what ever it takes to proof myself wrong. Even Mr Self-Confidence over there has most likely at sometime questioned himself, none of us would be in this position if we didn’t have the drive to be better. So if that’s the difference maker you are relying on it’s only going to end in disappointment, see it as way to just comeback even stronger as you watch me lift that title.

Steel lowers his microphone and offers the floor to those who share the ring with him.


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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Uryu Ishida Sun 05 May 2024, 6:02 pm

Uryu quickly raises the mic and shakes his head.

UI: Geoff what you are not understanding about me is I have been where you are many times. Lowest of the lows, Betrayed by those I trusted countless times. I have been one of the companies whipping boys for decades! I have crawled up from dark matches to the odd opportunity to one month champion to tag opportunities to fighting the most sadistic guys in the buisness! You have always been up ahead of me until this relaunch happened. You have lost sight on what the bottom is like Geoff where as I never have! I am out here knowing I am not a guarantee to win this, Hell I am likely to be the guy getting pinned after last week!

Uryu pauses and calms himself with a deep breath.

UI:You know what the worst thing about being champion was for me? Nearly every single defence I had my ass saved by someone else. You know how it feels to be the representation of 6CWF and have your credibility questioned? Sometimes I even wondered who was going to interfere next. It amplified that voice in my head tenfold Geoff, Even when I lost the title it was still just as loud...

Uryu goes quiet for a few seconds and shakes his head.

UI: It's why I am in this match. To prove to those doubters I can be the champion they deserve. The Xtreme Title is the one place where nobody can save you. Where I can find limits of what my body can give and take. Where bleeding is the price for walking in the door. Where broken bones, Bruises and concussions are badges of honor. Where the champion has earned the respect of their opponents. So if you beat me Geoff you will have earned my respect.

Uryu then looks across to Robin Reborn, Yet still talking to Geoff.

UI: So I have no idea why my former tag partner is out here. I wanted the monkey, Not the organ grinder.

Uryu fully turns his attention to Robin.

UI: You think you being out here throwing out age insults is impressive? You know about the voice in my head as well. You sat there and listened to me babble and vent time after time about things that happened. You remember how unfocused I was? The way I would float from topic to topic? I am a lot more focused than the last time we fought so I do not mind venting a little self frustration out on you as a preview for your warrior.

Uryu flashes a grin at Reborn, waving him into the ring.

Uryu Ishida

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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 08 May 2024, 9:03 pm

RR: You think you was unfocused, you shoulda tried being on the other end. 

*Reborn just stares at the Poopie-eating grin on Uryu's face with absolute bewilderment. 

RR: I mean, I talk a yarn or two, I know, but...what? What are you saying, little man? 

*He scratches his head

RR: We on voices in your head? You're all about the bizness, wrestling is an industry, all that yack. Surely you gotta know promos are about getting one over on your opponent. I don't even need to reply to that, but damned if I just sound too good not to. 

*He peeks round to Steel

RR: You'll get all you asked for and more when the war is on, soldiers ain't doing the propaganda, too. You sell some tickets, boy. But I gots to get back to this...

*He points to Uryu

RR:...sad, sad excuse for a man. This man is such a Cat that when he gets a haircut, they charge him for a bikini wax. He's out here tryna threaten folks with the voices in his head. Damn, I bet you the only schizo who gets rejected by himself at night. 

*It's now Reborn's turn to grin

RR: It should have become real, real clear why I'm out here tonight. Because when a crowd of people who stream live events come to tune in, you think you two are selling them on a night at home? Hell, not even Noah's ark can carry you animals to something worth saving, but when this company panics, they send out The Icon to fix a problem or two. And you both problems, problems I hope got fixed, snipped and wrapped up on the way out of the house. 

*Reborn walks around the ring with Uryu gesturing him to climb in, and Steel just staring. He ignores both and sits himself down on the commentary desk.

RR: But I'm gonna stay over here, keep the money away from the hands of desperate, desperate men, cos I don't think I wanna be close when you vent a little self-frustration out on me, you teenage sock puppet. 

Dolphin Ziggler

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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Steel Thu 09 May 2024, 6:48 pm

Steel continues to stare at Reborn then looks back towards Uryu.

GS: It might just be me but there appears to be some unresolved conflict between the two of you, please don't allow my presence here stop you from resolving that. You want my suggestion I've always found letting your fists fly helps to vent any frustrations, heck I'll even step out of this ring and you can make it your own to do as you please, it would be a shame to miss out on the fun who am I to deny you both this opportunity for growth.

With that Steel makes rolls from the ring and begins to back up the entrance ramp, before pausing.

GS: Believe me Robin nobody at home is purchasing this PPV on the back of you coming out here in that flamboyant pink number and running that piehole of yours, the masses are buying in because of the carnage that is about to unfold at Night of Glory it doesn't need any further promotion, the Xtreme division has always stood in a league of its own for being able to draw a crowd it's the idea of anything is possible where the only limits are whatever the worst of us can imagine. There is certain beauty in chaos, magnificence in the uncontrollable.

Steel now backs further up the ramp to the stage not taking his eyes off reborn and Uryu.

GS: Uryu I'll see you Saturday, that voice in your head better be loud and clear but I doubt even that will help you. I've carried that title before and I very much aim to again I know firsthand the depths within yourself you need to callforth to thrive and succeed in this environment, it doesn't come easily and sacrifices need to be made, right now I'm out of other options but to submit to primal side to bring back the glory days, you best be prepared to atleast match me just don't lose yourself in the process.
Night of Glory is upon us and I won't can't accept anything less than leaving as champion.

Steel then places the microphone on the ground, he waves one last time to the crowdto cheers before exiting the arena.


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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue 14 May 2024, 3:30 pm

Uryu nods as Steel leaves the ring.

UI: Geoff before you get back there. There is a difference between a primal side just waking up with rust and one that is wide awake and battle ready. Good luck.

Uryu then turns to Reborn with a smile.

UI: As for you, The last time we faced off, Which was Beachfront Brawl if you don't remember. I had just hit you and Grace with a double Split Second. I ended up retaining my title even against interference from Plague. Yet you were not the person I pinned. Would it have been nice to? Well admittedly yes but putting aside our history a moment. Are you out here because you want first crack at whoever wins the Xtreme Title? If so that is bold even for you! Yet...If I win you will get it. No jokes, If I win this match I will give you an opportunity to try and take it from me. You won't have to go to the board, Whoever is in charge after Night of Glory. You and me will have at it.

Uryu stares at Reborn and nods.

UI: You know I am a man of my word Robin. All those months we spent as a team I never went back on it and that has not changed. You can blab about how I shouldn't be here and how you are seemingly the next legend coming up or whatever. You have a tough challenge in Enforcer to deal with and I know that winning the Xtreme Title and proving I can still go at my best will be difficult. Yet...if your boy Ojore wins will you fight him? Or simply tell him to lay down for you? What if anyone else wins? you might have to..

Uryu pulls a faux shocked face.

UI: Earn an opportunity like the rest of us! Yet I am giving you an opportunity not out of kindness but out of me wanting to beat your ass and as another test for myself. So..what do you say? Or are you just out here to stroke your own ego?

Uryu Ishida

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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 16 May 2024, 8:20 pm

*Reborn just laughs heavily, loudly, and for a good minute

RR: I knew you were a coward, but Geoff is gone, Uryu. And then you offer a match you can't make happen. You've got some big balls down there, my man. Threatening a man who's just left and then offering a match that aint happening. What next? Gonna threaten to take Gazzy's woman?

*The crowd oooooo

RR: That's right, even with Gareth in another one of his goth eras, she still never chose you. You couldn't earn her, you didn't earn this, and your words mean nothing. Going after me makes sense, I wouldn't go after my monster, either. After you took a shot at Geoff's back, now you come for me. Soon you'll be challenging Max Adamson for the most disappointing retirement match in history, tossing out an invite for The Rock, or asking that Ed Kent if actually he wants to just give you a title.

*Reborn turns to the commentators behind him, as he stays sat on their table

RR: One of you wanna fight him? Trust me, he's like Drake. Just ask to see his hard drive and he'll submit.

*Now back to Uryu

RR: I'm not here to fight, as you well know. I'm here to represent my monster and bring some eyes to your build. I don't go to the board, little man, they come to me. They see a card with Uryu talking to the departed figure of Geoff Steel and they worry not just that people won't watch Night of Glory, they worry providers might refuse to show it. You're talking to a Gateway to Glory winner. Main event of Night of Glory winner. 

I get nobodies like you those extra zeroes on the paycheque. You wanna be thanking me, I've achieved more than you could dream of and you're just lucky to be near me.

Dolphin Ziggler

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Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).  Empty Re: Return of Xtreme (Time Attack).

Post by The Last Outlaw Fri 17 May 2024, 9:17 pm

*Remedy by Seether begins just as Uryu lifts the mic to reply. He looks like the wind has been sucked out of him as The Last Outlaw stands on the stage

RJ: We haven't heard a lot from Marty Helms since his return, but he's finally had enough of listening

JT: He's rarely short of words!

*He stands still for a while as he waits for his music to fade out. Finally, he lifts a mic to his lips

MH: Well, well, well, little Urinal is at his peak. Throwing challenges around now are we, Ishi? I challenged your very being every night since the start of 6CWF, calling you out any and all days. You didn't challenge me then, even when you had a title worth winning. These fans

*He points around the building

MH: They might buy into all this, but I see what's dribbling down that leg. You aren't made for this world, Tissues, not the beatings and the brutality. You're still watching the version of The Lion King where Mufasa just goes to live on that nice farm nearby, aren't you? Mummy still fast forwards Bambi for you? Are you even allowed to be in this match? Have you handed you permission slip in?

*Reborn laughs and Helms quickly turns his attention to the mouth on the table

MH: I ain't even giving you the time of day, ya gobshite. Like the Met Gala crossed with an Ann Summers party, I don't know what you are, but I can see how you bring money in. I'd pay to see less of you.

*Reborn lifts the mic to respond but is instantly cut off

MH: No dice, silly billy. Don't wanna hear from you, won't listen. Ojore, he's a man I like. He stays silent and fights. You're the opposite, and you're wasting my time.

*Reborn is given no time to respond as Helms turns straight back to Uryu

MH: You talk voices, you talk renewed strength and determination. You can probably take a bit of punishment, you the women of this city have probably seen you with that open wallet, looking for a whipping. I just don't think you've got the bottle to hand it out. Can you really see yourself swinging a chair at a bleeding head? Are you gonna use broken glass to win a match? Violence wins the Xtreme title, Urinal. Do you really think you can even picture the carnage, let alone dish it out? 

At least Geoff is on his death bed either way, he probably doesn't know what title he's out here for. We can put him out of his misery. What happens with everyone's creepy little brother, Uryu Ishida, when the violence turns to you? You think you have even a fraction of my propensity for carnage? You think you can trade blood covered blows with a warrior like Ojore? O'Callaghan would break every bone in your body without missing a second of sleep, Tissues. You're hearing voices just because you're getting into a ring with me. What happens when the blood starts to spray?

The Last Outlaw

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