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"10 years in the making" - Mike Masters vs Scott Harris

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"10 years in the making" - Mike Masters vs Scott Harris Empty "10 years in the making" - Mike Masters vs Scott Harris

Post by JJJohnson Sat 27 Apr 2024, 12:38 pm

Bout 3
"10 years in the making"
Mike Masters vs Scott Harris
Theme: "Rapture" by Tom Walker


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"10 years in the making" - Mike Masters vs Scott Harris Empty Re: "10 years in the making" - Mike Masters vs Scott Harris

Post by DP Thu 16 May 2024, 8:18 am

The scene opens with Scott Harris sat facing the camera. He's looking down to the floor as he begins to speak.

SH: I've spent a lot of time mulling this one over.

What is there to say? How on earth could I verbalise what this match means to me?

I've gone back and forwards, raking up the past, reliving the darkest moments of my career. Replaying it over and over and over again.

There's one image that I keep landing on.

Every time I close my eyes at night, whenever I switch off in an evening in front of the TV, I keep seeing the same thing...

Harris looks up to face the camera, the war wounds from the past show still there for all to see.

SH: Mike Masters slicking back his hair, grinning that piece of sh*t grin that he's become synonymous for. It haunts me, I'm not going to lie. I can't get through a day without some reminder that he stands over my career like some sort of gatekeeper, blocking my path.

The strapline says it all. "Ten years in the making".

Ten years ago, Mike Masters picked at my bones like the vulture that he is. I was in the darkest place I think I've ever been in and he feasted on it. He embraced it and then put me on the shelf for good measure.

And it'd be easy for me to sit here and be down in the dumps. I've spent far too much time since 6CWF returned being glum and obsessing about the past and what's been and gone.

Harris' intensity starts to burn more and more as he speaks.

SH: No more.

Things are going to change going forwards. I'm going to change going forwards.

I've been a whiny, miserable b*tch for the best part of a year and have done ok. My achievements so far stand up fairly well.

But Night of Glory represents the start of something: The Sharpshooter 2.0

There's only one way I'm looking and that's upwards. I'm channeling every fibre of my being into reaching the summit of the mountain and I'm going to do away with anybody that stands in my path.

That starts with you, Mike Masters.

I'm going to take our past and I'm going to use it as ammunition. Every punch, every kick, every suplex, every Shot in the Dark is going to be pre-loaded with every last bit of venom that's circulating in my system.

I'm going to make you suffer. It's that simple.

This new and improved Sharpshooter isn't going to tread that naive line any more. I'm going to make sure I finish the job.

Can you finish the job you returned for? Can you roll back the years and reach the levels you used to hit for fun?

I know my levels. I know what I will bring to the table and I'm going to enjoy showing the world that you should never have come back.

The Sharpshooter reborn will be The Sharpshooter victorious... It's a sight 6CWF will need to get used to because for the rest of 2024...

I'm taking it all.

With that, the scene cuts to a still image hyping up the match between Harris and Masters.


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"10 years in the making" - Mike Masters vs Scott Harris Empty Re: "10 years in the making" - Mike Masters vs Scott Harris

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Thu 16 May 2024, 6:15 pm

There is an ongoing 6CWF live event in Aberdeen and Mike Masters is standing in the ring with a microphone in his hands. Masters is smirking and he slicks back his hair as he listens to the boos from the crowd that have assembled.

MM: Boooo, booooo. God you people are killing me with your originality.

The boos grow louder and there is a "Needs more Harris" chant

MM: You know who really does need "More Harris"? The man himself. Maybe if Scott Harris had more of himself. Maybe two, three or even four of himself then he would actually stand a modicum of a chance against me at Night of Glory this weekend.

Masters laughs of the response of the crowd

MM: I know you are out there, somewhere, listening to me, Scott, and hanging on to my every word because let us be honest; you are obsessed and have been ever since we first crossed paths. Obsessed with how I talk, how I perform, knowing full well that you can never, ever, come close to being in half of what I am.

They say "ten years in the making" and perhaps that is true for you, Scott, but for me I don't really care for taglines just as much as I don't overly care about our match this weekend. I mean don't get me wrong, the opportunity to beat you up is always welcome at the Masters household and the chance to perform on the big stage is exactly where I belong but you just aren't on my level and I find that a little difficult to get up for, you know what I mean?

I mean say I was facing an Eddy Kent or a GazzyD I might have trained a bit more, I may have taken this a little more seriously but it just isn't that much of a big deal as it is to you, Scott. I watched your little video package, it took me three runs through to catch it all because you are so bloody boring, and I listened to what you had to say and I just ended up pitying you even more than I already did. You really are pathetic. If ever a video encapsulated a "love me" complex then you won the prize, buster, and savour it because it is the only prize you are ever going to win in this industry.

You have the audacity to question my levels as though you have ever reached even halfway to what I am. I was streets ahead of you in 2014, Scott, and ten years later there is a chasm between what you are capable of and what I can do in my sleep. That is the difference between us. You have to push yourself to your absolute limits to win matches, to compete, to even hang at the higher levels of this profession and then there is me. I just walk in here off the street and find myself right up here (Masters holds his hand above his head).

And I get that it must eat you up inside knowing that all the years you were the "next big thing" in this industry, I was "the thing" and I didn't even break a sweat to make it happen. You tried to ride my coattails and when the speed increased you just couldn't keep up. You were begging for the scraps whilst I dined at the top table of this industry and after this weekend history will inevitably repeat itself. You are nothing more than my springboard back to where I belong whilst I am your cup final.

You demanded 6CWF pay money for a fancy VT whilst I just swaggered out here in front of the most disgusting town in Britain to deliver my message. We are not the same, Scott. You have poured your heart and soul into this and for me this is just another day in the office. This is the level of respect I deem you worthy of.

I only want one thing from you, Scott. Not your A game, let's be honest that's nothing to brag about, and not a match of the year candidate. I don't want you respect me or like me. But what I do want is for you to thank me. And you will. After this weekend when I humiliate you in front of tens of thousands at Hampden Park, just like everyone knew I would, I want you to look me in my eyes and thank me for giving you this opportunity. This is a once in a lifetime moment for any professional wrestler, Scott, and somehow you have won the jackpot. You get to headline Night of Glory IX with Mike Masters. These moments are usually only presented to the elite. Keith Leone, Vincent Costello, Liam Wood to name but a few and yet here you are. This is the pinnacle of your career and you sure as hell do not deserve it but I am gifting you it because that is how generous I am. You can tell your grandkids about this weekend, Scott, and be sure to remind them that all you have to show for it is the beatdown I graced you with.

You had a good year did you, Scott? Is that how you'd grade it? Because that alone told me everything I need to know about you and our match. Getting close to winning a belt or two but ultimately failing when the heat was on? That is some standard bearer. I am going to be your reality this weekend, Scott, and for the first time in your miserable little life you are going to face up to what you really are; a failure. No championships, no career-defining victories, you are nothing, Scott, and after Night of Glory you will be even less than that.

I am going to show you once and for all why your daddy ran out on you before you were even born. He didn't "need more Harris" and after Night of Glory neither will 6CWF.


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