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British hatred of their own fighters.

Imperial Ghosty
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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by AdZacO Thu 23 Jun 2011, 1:48 pm

First topic message reminder :

In Britain, the public like to build people up and then watch them fall. But with boxers sometimes they don't even want to build them up. The way that DeGale and Khan are seen by a large part of the boxing public is awful. Now I personally wanted to see DeGale lose to Groves, but nt cause i hate him, but because i think it will be good for his career. When people say why they dislike those two in particular they tend to go towards they arrogance. This I don't think is they only reason.

Calzaghe was a brillant talent, and seemed like an alright chap, but he didn't fight the best out there, but to be honest not many fighters at his division did either.

Think back to Hatton. The most loved British fighter in recent memory. He certainly had bits of arrogance, especially saying how he was going to beat Flyod and Pacman, and take it rightful thrown as p4p no 1. Is it that he had an abundance of charisma to go allow with his arrogance, or was he confident, as he had already proven himself? He did try to big himself up early on in his career.

With Khan I personally feel every one got miffed, as early in his career he was PPV sometimes headline act, when he had no right to be. That got on peoples nerves, and his arrogance while paying to watch him beat journeymen that any young prospect would fight pushed them over the edge. As now he does seem intent on fighting the best out there, which is the main reason that Froch is probably now Britains most loved fighter.

As for DeGale, I think it is just that he is an idiot, with no charm. So is it that along with arrogance, we need some wit, charm and charisma, along with fighting the nest out there to be liked?


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by J.Benson II Thu 23 Jun 2011, 8:20 pm

AdZacO -

Thanks for taking my comment on Martinez-Barker completley out of context.
Besides, I never said that I will be supporting Barker.

Imperial Ghosty -

So we're both childish. Lets just leave it at that.

J.Benson II

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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Thu 23 Jun 2011, 8:23 pm

Lets leave it there before you antagonise anyone else

Imperial Ghosty

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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Steffan Thu 23 Jun 2011, 8:50 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:After all three things are self evident........

1. You are going to live.
2. You are going to die.
3. You are going to do both being British..

1. Fact
2. Fact
3. Wrong - The UK could disband and therefore a British nationality wouldnt exist at the time of his death


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Michaels, Sean Thu 23 Jun 2011, 9:05 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:you'd have loved Bruno then..

loved him in cinderella
Michaels, Sean
Michaels, Sean

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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by coxy0001 Thu 23 Jun 2011, 10:32 pm

[quote="Michaels, Sean"]
TRUSSMAN66 wrote:you'd have loved Bruno then..

loved him in cinderella[/quote

Bruno 'in' Cinderalla............

I'm not into that interracial stuff, but it does sound like fun to watch


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by huw Fri 24 Jun 2011, 9:26 am

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Let me tell you something when a British sportsman does some thing special it puts the spotlight on your Country. It makes people admire the individual and brings recognition to the fact he's BRITISH...

Take pride and pleasure in your fellow Countrymens achievements....

After all three things are self evident........

1. You are going to live.
2. You are going to die.
3. You are going to do both being British..

Would people I meet from other countries think more of me if Andy Murray won Wimbledon?

The funny thing is here Truss you are saying that for example a US sportsman wins an event and it reflects on you as a person as he is from your country, you then become a winner by association.

However there was a previous thread where your were getting aggitated that people were stating that Americans were Idiots (amoungst other things) because they voted for Bush (amoungst other things). Well surely by your logic the idiots that are in / from your country would define you as much as the winners? After all if everything you do represents where you are from then you are all the same?

I am not at all defined by being British. Not that I'm ashamed / not proud of being British just that I think for myself and am defined by my own actions.


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Steffan Fri 24 Jun 2011, 12:03 pm

I remember being at the Calzaghe Jones fight in MSG and I got talking to this Yank. He was a nice guy to be fair but he said that Roy was gonna school Joe and then Malignaggi was gonna school Hatton later that month

I tried to inform him that Roy was shot, Joe was gonna beat him easily and both fighters were only doing this for the money anyway but he wouldnt have it

I also tried to inform that while I agreed Hatton was about a one dimensional a fighter you could get, Malignaggi couldnt punch his way out of a wet New York Times and that he would get stopped or beaten up on points

He wouldnt have any of it even though he seemed a knowledgeable boxing fan

A nice guy but typical "USA, USA, USA" Yank


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Young_Towzer Fri 24 Jun 2011, 12:10 pm

Calzaghe was arrogant after certain fights, i remember once him calling Jim Watt a boring fighter because he said something that Joe didn't agree with after a defence of his WBO title against a roadsweeper, people in Britain don't like arrogance. I find it laughable you say Hatton had arrogance, he had every right to believe he could beat 'Floyd' he was unbeaten at the time and many thought he could beat 'Floyd', i personally thought Mayweather would win, and thought he could be a bit too big for Pacquiao, but Manny absolutely obliterated him at his best weight, i wouldn't call Hatton arrogant for thinking he was gonna win though, most fighters have the belief in themselves, i congratulate Hatton for fighting 2 of the best fighters of all time imo, Haye and Calzaghe have been cautious, whereas Hatton, Froch have proved they would fight anyone. Don't like Khan, i think he's too greedy and arrogant, i remember him saying the UK forced him out, baffling. I went the Salita fight, when he fought a roadsweeper, Mitchell just schooled the lad he'd been obliterated by and he was on his high horse, the guy's a joke, and cannot fight to a gameplan, if he does move up to 147 i have a feeling the Ortiz' win/lose/draw against Mayweather and Brook's as well as Berto's will be absolutely desperate to get in the ring with him, i'd back all 3 to beat him, and not on points by stoppage. Brook, i've always said it will absolutely wipe him out. Far too awkward, and too clever, can use angles to find the target with either hand. Khan's too easy to hit, Brook will hammer him. He just hasn't had the exposure Khan's had, that means nothing in terms of talent. DeGale can come back, if he has a bit of respect for people he'll be liked.


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Young_Towzer Fri 24 Jun 2011, 12:14 pm

I remember being at the Calzaghe Jones fight in MSG and I got talking to this Yank. He was a nice guy to be fair but he said that Roy was gonna school Joe and then Malignaggi was gonna school Hatton later that month
I had a few saying Malignaggi would beat Ricky saying he was finished, i knew it wasn't the case, he took a few shots of Mayweather and was beaten by the better fighter, that didn't ruin him, the Pacquiao fight ruined him, the Mayweather fight he had a few moments and would of gone 12 rounds and had a better chance if he'd not been as reckless, and Kenny Bayliss, or a decent ref had let him fight, i'd still of backed Mayweather who i take nothing away from, but i thought he was done big time by the officials, etc. He then absolutely battered Malignaggi, and i maintain that was the best clinical performance Ricky ever put in. But Pacquiao ruined him, absolutely stinging him with every shot, it was like watching a Mosquito hover in Pacquiao as Ian Darke from sky put it.


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Rowley Fri 24 Jun 2011, 12:20 pm

YT why do you put Floyd's name in inverted commas? Was Ricky not fighting the real Floyd or is Floyd not his real name? Is all a little confusing.


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 24 Jun 2011, 4:18 pm

Don't support your own then.....

All this anti-American's Kinda silly..


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Steffan Fri 24 Jun 2011, 5:16 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Don't support your own then.....

All this anti-American's Kinda silly..

I always support Welsh fighters so dont know what your on about

As for the American stuff...cant speak for everyone else but I was just having a laugh same as you do with your anti-Welsh and anti-English stuff

I like Americans. In fact I would like to move there one day. Maybe Chicago. Who knows


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 24 Jun 2011, 5:18 pm

Say hello to big Al for me..


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Steffan Fri 24 Jun 2011, 5:20 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Say hello to big Al for me..

Who is he? Iv only been to Chicago once and that was quite brief to be honest. Have you been there Truss?


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 24 Jun 2011, 5:23 pm

Nope never been to the midwest......we were taken to New York for holidays mainly as it was only a few hours away...

My parents weren't very keen on flying..


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Steffan Fri 24 Jun 2011, 5:31 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Nope never been to the midwest......we were taken to New York for holidays mainly as it was only a few hours away...

My parents weren't very keen on flying..

Yeah im acquainted with NYC been there twice first time was for a week second time (Calzaghe) was about 6 days. Great place but just a bit too mental for me. My brother lived in LA for a while but this is going back years ago. I just seem to go for Chicago and I got a mate whos over there at the moment. I was taking to a guy from Chicago on a trip back from Vegas and he said Chicago can be like New York if you want it to be but at the same time you havnt got to go 100 mile an hour there is time to chill. Sounds good. Think a long holiday there is on the cards either way. I blame John Hughes for my Chicago obsession Very Happy


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Lumbering_Jack Fri 24 Jun 2011, 8:36 pm

Steffan wrote:
TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Say hello to big Al for me..

Who is he? Iv only been to Chicago once and that was quite brief to be honest. Have you been there Truss?

Big Al, the guy off South Park?


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by Knowsit17 Fri 24 Jun 2011, 11:26 pm

There's a fine line between being objectively critical of that which doesn't hail from far beyond your front door and hating it.

I'd say that in Britain both of these attitudes are at large, with some undesirable figures being prone to allow personal dislike to take their criticism overboard.

Some cases are more justified or understandable than others. Haye has done little more than spew verbal trash in order to contribute to the build-up and, in my belief, to participate in tactical mindgames with his opponent. In contrast to Khan, he has in no serious way neglected his home support in the process.


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by TechInept Sat 25 Jun 2011, 4:11 pm

Interesting, the only bearing nationality has on me supporting a fighter is I'll probably start following him earlier in his career. I only really support fighters For what they do in the ring. Example Im a big mayweather fan and even in the hatton fight I was 50-50 who I actually wanted to win. If a Mayweather Khan fight happened I'd be supporting Floyd regardless of nationality.


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

Post by djlovesyou Sat 25 Jun 2011, 4:59 pm

I think there's a very outspoken minority of British people that likes to attack any sportsperson that's British.

It's just the fact that they're so outspoken about it that it seems to endemic.


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British hatred of their own fighters. - Page 2 Empty Re: British hatred of their own fighters.

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