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Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough

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Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough Empty Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough

Post by ADMIN Fri 18 Feb 2011, 22:28

It's reported that former ROH star Austin Aries tried to get onto the Tough Enough show but didn't make the final cut.
Gutted myself, big fan of Aries and woud have loved to have seen him join the growing number of ex ROH guys in WWE.


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Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough Empty Re: Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough

Post by Legend Sat 19 Feb 2011, 13:34

There are also reports that several other relatively well known names have failed to make the cut for the series. Those names include Joey Ryan, Brittney Savage, JD Maverick and Mercedes Martinez.

It's being said that most of the contestants selected for the show do have prior pro wrestling experience, and the only confirmed name for the show thus far is Miss USA Rima Fakih.

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Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough Empty Re: Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough

Post by ADMIN Sat 19 Feb 2011, 22:30

Austin Aries hinted at possibly leaving the business with the following tweet: "Apparently not big, young, or tough enough. While it's been amazing, the AA chapter of my life may be coming to an end very soon."

Aries was one of the names considered for WWE's Tough Enough, but ultimately they passed on him.


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Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough Empty Re: Austin Aries fails to make Tough Enough

Post by Fernando Sat 19 Feb 2011, 23:40

i don't see why independent wrestlers are trying to get on it. if they ain't good enough before to get to wwe then going on a reality show isn't going to do it.

only few have made it past tough enough to wwe into a succesful spell

etc miz and jomo


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