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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake
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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by Marlonz Thu 14 Jun 2012, 4:15 pm

Hi guys,
Whilst I felt Pacquiao did enough to beat Bradley fairly, the thought I want to voice is not actually about the "split decision". It's actually about the PED rumours that continue to dog Pacquiao yet completely escape Timothy Bradley. This baffles me and I'll tell you for why.

1. Bradley went on a vegan diet for 12 weeks, yet was able to add extra muscle bulk and looked ripped beyond belief at the weigh in and fight, to the degree that Pacquiao was accused of looking "out of shape" by some.

2. Bradley "sprains" one foot in round 2, then "breaks" the ankle of his other foot in round 4 but is able to last the distance, showing good movement and a 2nd wind down the stretch.

3. When the verdict is anounced, Bradley leaps up on to the ropes in celebration. His agility was not compromised and he did not show any signs of pain (jumping up). He also does not wince, grimace or look down at his feet at any point during the interview with Kellerman.

I seem to remember the theory was that Pacquiao might have been using a PED that had the ability to block out pain and give a seemingly unlimited supply of energy. Amazingly there are post-fight video's on Youtube still accusing Pacquiao of using steroids or PED's but praising Bradley for the way he ultimately "controlled the fight against Pacquiao" whilst suffering with injuries.

To me at least, this seems some of the clearest evdidence yet that Pacquiao is simply just not given a fair shake. For whatever reason, I'm just baffled at the hatred really. Just wondered why people think this is? Or am I looking into things too deeply? Also, do you believe that Bradley's injuries were truly serious and should the X-Rays and MRI's be made available?


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake Thu 14 Jun 2012, 4:23 pm

Can't comment on point 1, other than there are plenty of ripped vegans out there

Points 2 & 3 = Adrenalin

I've been injured & hurt in the gym when sparring and it's not until long after the adrenaline wears off that the pain kicks in. Did my ankle a few months back and it was sore for about 30 seconds after I went over on it, nothing for the rest of the session then I was in agony the next day and for weeks after that.

Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake

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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by UpandUnder Thu 14 Jun 2012, 4:25 pm

I think bradley might have twisted his ankle, don't buy this big injury stuff and wheelchair ect.
To me it look like he ate some big shots had a moment of weakness and started giving excuses then when he got back into the fight and Pac eased off he was fine and it wasnt a issue, it certainly didn't appear to hamper his mobility at all if anything he got more on his feet as the fight went on.

Slight injury but nothing serious, if the MRI proves me wrong then fine its just my gut feeling.


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by ShahenshahG Thu 14 Jun 2012, 4:41 pm

Manny/JC/Khan/Mayweather - its difficult to get cool calm assesments on them because they provoke so much furore. Had Khan been the one with a positive test, even if the other came back negative he 2would have been ripped a new one and peterson is hardly mentioned unless directly involved in the discussion. Manny is the casual mans favourite and will get more support/abuse than most. A bit of the Prosecutor/defense team effect - where it becomes less about the case and more about one uppiing the other.


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Thu 14 Jun 2012, 4:51 pm

Chisora-helenius, Lara-willaims and mostly rios-Abril are all worse decisions than manny-Bradley. If he gets it overturned, which is very unlikely, it would be disgusting unless they overturn the others which are more deserveig. Manny makes millions depending on if he gets robbe for not, Lara, chisora and Abril aren't that lucky. Look at how Lara has even set back by the Williams defeat and has anyone heard of Abril since rios?


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by hampo17 Thu 14 Jun 2012, 4:55 pm

Bradley is a fitness nut hence his physique. Apparently the week before one of his fights he went missing, his trainer rang him to find out where he was and he'd been out running for 4 days in high altitude to test his body. His reason was if I can last here then I can do the 12 rounds no problem.

As upandunder has said he probably overreacted with the broken ankle story, a sprain or twist nothing more.


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by Guest Thu 14 Jun 2012, 5:07 pm

Bradley was probably combining grain based foods with legumes to supply his body with the essential amino acids it needed for growth and repair.

As already mentioned by Group Cpt, I also thought adrenaline would play its part in dampening the pain responses in his body. Couple that with the fact that Bradley is a fighter, it’s not unreasonable to presume his baseline pain threshold is already going to be higher than that of Joe Public.


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by eddyfightfan Thu 14 Jun 2012, 5:14 pm

i dont think theres any doubt that bradley went over on his ankle early on. it mentioned it to his corner, but never used it as an excuse, how much it affected him is hard to say.

manny didnt look that ripped compared to usual, but bradley always looks like that.

as for the celebration, winning the world title against p4p number 1 (or 2 depending on your take) will make most people forgot any injury for a couple of seconds.

all the PEDs in this sport are ruining it, any performance half decent and the questions (quite rightly) come flying. shame


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by Marlonz Thu 14 Jun 2012, 5:22 pm

ShahenshahG wrote:Manny/JC/Khan/Mayweather - its difficult to get cool calm assesments on them because they provoke so much furore. Had Khan been the one with a positive test, even if the other came back negative he 2would have been ripped a new one and peterson is hardly mentioned unless directly involved in the discussion. Manny is the casual mans favourite and will get more support/abuse than most. A bit of the Prosecutor/defense team effect - where it becomes less about the case and more about one uppiing the other.

I've thought that too ShahenshaG and Khan would be hung, drawn and quartered if it was him instead of Peterson, especially if it was his idea (as it was Peterson's). People are even suggesting that Peterson and Berto are scapegoats, despite the proof!! Yet with no proof, they suspect Khan and nickname Pacquiao "Pacroid", and suggest that even if he passes random testing, it's because he's using a drug that can't be detected yet!?

But it's the influence that completely unreasonable people are having on others that is disappointing. I agree that Manny does appeal to the casual fan. But even so, if the Mayweather's and Bradley's are a league above him, and their fans are so sure and secure in that assertion, why the disproportioante hate? I mean, will NOT hating Manny suddenly invalidate Floyd's greatness?!


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by Marlonz Thu 14 Jun 2012, 5:25 pm

WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs wrote:Chisora-helenius, Lara-willaims and mostly rios-Abril are all worse decisions than manny-Bradley. If he gets it overturned, which is very unlikely, it would be disgusting unless they overturn the others which are more deserveig. Manny makes millions depending on if he gets robbe for not, Lara, chisora and Abril aren't that lucky. Look at how Lara has even set back by the Williams defeat and has anyone heard of Abril since rios?

Oh I completely agree. But like I said, it was'nt actually about the "split decision", but the way certain people take any opportunity they can to sling mud, when a guy they are defending could equally be questioned.


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by KO-KING Thu 14 Jun 2012, 5:34 pm

WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs wrote:Chisora-helenius, Lara-willaims and mostly rios-Abril are all worse decisions than manny-Bradley. If he gets it overturned, which is very unlikely, it would be disgusting unless they overturn the others which are more deserveig. Manny makes millions depending on if he gets robbe for not, Lara, chisora and Abril aren't that lucky. Look at how Lara has even set back by the Williams defeat and has anyone heard of Abril since rios?

Had it

117-111 Pacquiao
117-111 Abril
116-112 Lara
Didn't watch all of Chisora fight


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Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me... Empty Re: Pacquiao vs Bradley - Something that's been bugging me...

Post by Marlonz Thu 14 Jun 2012, 5:36 pm

UpandUnder wrote:I think bradley might have twisted his ankle, don't buy this big injury stuff and wheelchair ect.
To me it look like he ate some big shots had a moment of weakness and started giving excuses then when he got back into the fight and Pac eased off he was fine and it wasnt a issue, it certainly didn't appear to hamper his mobility at all if anything he got more on his feet as the fight went on.

Slight injury but nothing serious, if the MRI proves me wrong then fine its just my gut feeling.

That's pretty much my thoughts too. I don't believe Tim is cheating, but if you accuse one person of cheating because they did what you did'nt think they'd be able to do, yet overlook another person who COULD match much of the same criteria, on principle that is dishonest and obviously really inspired by an irrational hatred of the former person.

I saw Tim being interviewed on a chat show from yesterday (on Youtube) and he has both feet padded and dressed. But, looking at them, they look more precautionary than anything. If the rematch, stays at November 10th, I'll be highly suspicious of the "injuries" being anything serious...


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