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Why aren't we talking about this?

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Why aren't we talking about this? Empty Why aren't we talking about this?

Post by 3fingers Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:29 pm

There was a great fight at the weekend, Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitry Kudryashov, part of the cruiserweight tournment that's ongoing. The fast skillfull long box-punching style of Dorticos vs the blunt force trauma of Kudrayashov. It was a great fight while it lasted and an evem better finish.

Next up we have a slimmed Mike Perez vs unbeaten Mairis Briedis. Then, eventually, we'll see how Usyk performs against big boys on a winning streak.

Honestly, these matchups are what boxing needs. There should be much more coverage. These types of fights, with the right build up, can make fans out of non-fans.


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Join date : 2013-10-15

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