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Raven Appreciation Thread

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Raven Appreciation Thread Empty Raven Appreciation Thread

Post by AberdeenSteve Sun 27 Nov 2011 - 17:59

When we discuss Raven, people instantly think of the man with the most WWE Hardcore Title reigns. His legacy always refers to his hardcore past but he was so much more than a hardcore wrestler.

For those who have watched the early ECW days, you will have seen Raven at his finest. He was a brilliant heel, and was in a long line of heels to come out of ECW due to their brilliant promo skills.

Did he achieve all he was meant to in the WWE or should he have been given a main event push?
What are your views on Raven?

Personally, he was massively underrated and IMO one of the most underrated of all time. He would have played the rebellious champion, going against all things 'good'. He would have been the CM Punk of the era he was. Fantastic promoer and sorely misused.


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Raven Appreciation Thread Empty Re: Raven Appreciation Thread

Post by Guest Sun 27 Nov 2011 - 18:30

He was definitely the latter day Jake Roberts in promoing ability. He was in ECW when it was at it's height and was creating amazing matches week in and week out.

He was sorely mis-used in both WWE and WCW and deserved a World Title run in at least one of those two companies.


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Raven Appreciation Thread Empty Re: Raven Appreciation Thread

Post by The_Enigma Sun 27 Nov 2011 - 20:42

Raven is one of my all time favourtes. There's no doubt how well he was on the mic and could tell a story to get over with the fans. He was excellent as both Heel & Face.

He was always going to be mis-used by then WWF, they never wanted any stars coming in to go over their talent back then. He could have gone higher but that wasn't the case and was a number of talents mis-used at the time. He still got on with it and stayed with WWF and will be rememberd for his hardcore style matches. Loves his match against Big Show & Kane.

He could have been world champion in WCW. I don't remember much from his ECW days but from what I have seen he no doubt could have gone on to win the big one in WCW. He had his flock which could have been pushed and got him into the main event.

To sum up yes, he could and should have gone further in WCW. At least he got the chance to hold it in TNA. One guy that was with mis-used during his peak and will always be underated in my opinion.


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Raven Appreciation Thread Empty Re: Raven Appreciation Thread

Post by Gregers Sun 27 Nov 2011 - 20:44

Raven is one of the few ECW hardcore guys who I have actually always been a fan of (and still am)

Man could wrestle and the whole flock gimmick was great


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Post by Samo Sun 27 Nov 2011 - 20:44

His feud with Dreamer in ECW is one of my favourite of all time. Raven played his part to perfection.

Decent in ring, dynamite on the mic, and knows the business inside out. Could probably have held the WCW world title at somepoint.

Edit: Bringing Sandmans son into the flock was shocking TV at its best, and his Crucifiction stands as one of the most controversial points in Wrestlings history.


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Raven Appreciation Thread Empty Re: Raven Appreciation Thread

Post by Aaronb33 Mon 28 Nov 2011 - 1:40

One of my favourites of all time definitely. I think he and Mick Foley are the two best ever at the disturbing, ever so slightly insane promo that was so prominent in making ECW what it was.

I really strongly reccomend his shoot videos too if anyone is into that kind of stuff. It's amazing the mind he has for the business.

I loved his stuff in early ROH with Punk too. Really showed that he hadn't lost it.


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