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Senior on Robins Radar

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Senior on Robins Radar

Post by Kenny Wed 14 Dec 2011, 12:47 pm
He would definatley add experience and cover, if they could get him on a pay as you play basis could be good business .
I personally would like Rovers to go with younger players .

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Re: Senior on Robins Radar

Post by Luke Wed 14 Dec 2011, 1:26 pm

We don't need him. We already have decent centers and i just don't see him playing, espically ahead of Webster & Welham. So not sure we would benefit from him coming, or he would.

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Re: Senior on Robins Radar

Post by George Hotel1895 Wed 14 Dec 2011, 3:09 pm

I really do hope that no Super League club signs Senior. He's well past his sell by date. I can' t for the life of me work out what the policy is at Rovers for promoting local Youngsters. For a heartlands side they do seem to have more than their fair share of overseas players, and this is not a pop at you tigerrobins, but just a moan by me. who would like to see more British talent at British clubs, and its not something i am seeing at Rovers.

George Hotel1895

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Re: Senior on Robins Radar

Post by Luke Wed 14 Dec 2011, 3:34 pm

There are a few coming through, Sherrife, Welham, Taylor and Watts. And apparently there are a few decent players in the academy sides. But we have let go a few that could have made it (Spaven at Donny for example).
Part of the problem is in my opinion, when we got promoted, we had a prodomintly English squad that struggled, the year after we bought in quite a few Aussies and have been succesful since, so are tending to go down that line.
Though to be honest, i have no idea what our recruiting aims seem to be for next year, personally i think we've bought in to many players, of which at least half we don't/didn't need in the first place.
It is frustrating, for as long as i could remember Hull bought big, Rovers bought Local.

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Re: Senior on Robins Radar

Post by Kenny Wed 14 Dec 2011, 8:37 pm

I would love to see more local lads making the 1st team we have promoted a few from the academy in the last couple of years , Cox , Taylor, Watts ,Welham,Sherrife,Latus , Salter ,Beaumont and there are another couple of lads who are now in the squad . And of course theres Hall , Wheeldon , Hodgson from Hull , and Hull born players Hodgson and Horne .

What has surprised me is the lack of players switching between the Hull clubs , it always happened in the past yet it seems its all one way now . Some great players went between the two - Sully , Paul Rose , Len Casey , Flash Flannigan to name a few .

Rovers get called for the lack of home grown talent yet Hull FC dont which is surprising given they only had Horne , Briscoe , Yeaman and Houghton in their team .

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Re: Senior on Robins Radar

Post by Luke Wed 14 Dec 2011, 9:33 pm

What people forget is that we've only been in SL for 5 seasons, so started later than most, espically since the financial problems at Rovers meant we couldn't afford to run a reserve team really for a number of years.
We are slowly catching up but it is going to take time. Sandercock is supposed to be very good at bringing youth through so will just have to wait and see.


Like i said Hull always bought players more so that is why less is said about them, though they should be doing better considering there facilities and how long they've been in SL. though it does get slightly tiresome about Rovers always going overseas (i get it alot from the Leeds fans at work). The point you raise about Hull not signing Rovers players is intresting, but then which Rovers players would get into Hulls team, Welham, Watts, Galea, Dobson possably.
Part of the problem is that both are after imediate success, and don't give time to youngsters.

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Re: Senior on Robins Radar

Post by Kenny Thu 15 Dec 2011, 12:31 am

I think Rovers have a few players who imo are better then their Hull counterparts but then im biased .

I agree the need for instant success is to blame for young talent not being pushed more , but like i have said in previous threads with only 2 trophies to play for blooding players is hard if you dont play your supposed strongest team you can go out of the cup or lose a couple of league games which teams like us cant afford to do . Dont think there is an answer .

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Senior on Robins Radar  Empty Re: Senior on Robins Radar

Post by Luke Thu 15 Dec 2011, 1:39 am

No i agree i can't see an answer either, it's either the quick fix of challanging for tropheys/play off places that give you a better chance. Or the long haul of being an average team for a few seasons trying to build a youthful side to then challange. And most fans don't want the long Haul.
Though i do feel with Rovers, that when the currant crop of forgien players leave, we have the potential local youngsters that will be able to step up to take there place.
I mean in the future we could have a side dominated by the likes of Sheriffe, Hall, Welham,Latus, Taylor, Cox, Beaumont add in David Hodgson, Josh Hodgson, Watts, Wheeldon, and it looks a strong side, so maybe blooding them little by little will help.
Here's hoping anyway Wink

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