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Reform Regional Rugby - Update

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Jimmy Moz Sat 14 Jan 2012, 4:36 pm

First topic message reminder :

As some of you will have seen, our campaign is now starting to attract attention and take on real momentum. Here is a selection of some of the coverage we have received to date.

Western Mail 10 Jan 2012

Observer, Rhondda Leader and Cynon Valley Leader 12 Jan 2012

BBC Wales Interview: (16 minutes into the video)

Fans may also like to hear that Owen Smith is meeting next with all of the other Valleys MPs to rally support for the reform of regional rugby. You may also wish to write to your own MPs to make the case for change.

Lastly, please urge all of your friends, work colleagues and anyone else you know who agrees with our cause to sign the petition:

The WRU must understand the depth of the concern that exists among Welsh rugby fans and we can best do that by recording our protest and our opinions. So I look forward to receiving many thousands of additional signatures in the coming weeks and months. The petition will eventually be passed to the WRU to inform their thinking about the future of the game, however, a copy of it will also be presented formally in Parliament

Keep the faith

Last edited by Jimmy Moz on Wed 08 Feb 2012, 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Jimmy Moz

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by munkian Sun 15 Jan 2012, 10:28 am

Oop North ? Thought it went into Administration?

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Casartelli Sun 15 Jan 2012, 10:29 am

Exactly - we need to take it forward and have four regions - based around North, South, East & West Wales, that represent everything.

Anything else is just tinkering.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by BridgendBoyo Sun 15 Jan 2012, 10:30 am

bedfordwelsh wrote:Its been said before Ponty fans want a Ponty Region/Super club. Some will never be happy unless that happened.

Regions were concieved for right reason but ill-concieved as to their make up and formation.

This is absolutely the case. Mr Moz has not denied this. This petition is for another region which would be soley based at Sardis road, 10 minutes up the road from Cardiff. All under the guise that they are fighting some sort of injustice, that Ponty represent the South Wales Valleys, which they don't.

I'm not dead against a Valleys team, just being realistic that it won't happen mainly because theres no money to run it. I'll reiterate my point that if there was to be a Valleys team it should be based near to the heads of the Valleys road, my choice would be Merthyr. That would be a proper valleys team. What would happen then, would Ponty fans support that team? Unlikely. This petition is appease closed minded rugby fans of one club, fans who have already turned their backs on one region.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Cymroglan Sun 15 Jan 2012, 10:41 am

munkian wrote:Oop North ? Thought it went into Administration?

The team is part of the WRU National Academy and continues to play.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Shifty Sun 15 Jan 2012, 11:04 am

Jimmy Moz wrote:Yes well if you want to go down to CCS and chant "Kardiff" or any other Superclub thats up to you

Whatever the outcome of this petition and campaign even if it comes to nothing at least we have all given it a go instead of bowing down to Peter Thomas and the WRU etc and the other Superclubs. Thankfully my young nephews dont care much for Cardiff and prefere to play for their local club but still support Ponty. And trust me this is not due to any adult brainwashing they have had free ticket for Cardiff lots of times due to the club and have never enjoyed it that much and just prefere watching Ponty. Not sure on what you mean by pensioners though I agree there are a lot of older people at games but also see lots of young ones. I am only speaking for my club though

Jimmy I simply looked at regional rugby as evolution, I enjoy watching games, any chance I get I will go and enjoy any game that takes my fancy. I'm from the Bridgend area, and used to go to the Brewery Field regularly so just like you I understand the annoyance at losing professional rugby, but it is not Cardiff's, the WRU's or anyone else's fault WE don't have a team anymore. People can moan and make a case for Pontypridd, but the facts don't lie.

Bridgend and Pontypridd agreed to merge, Pontypridd couldn't contribute so sold their 50% stake to Leighton Samuel, Samuel then decided to concentrate on the Bridgend ground after spending a lot of money redeveloping it, the Pontypridd fans didn't want to come to Bridgend. Both the Bridgend and Pontypridd fans shot themselves in the foot by not supporting the Warriors, there is no point bolting the barn door after the horse has bolted.

I personally feel Samuel was an idiot who has a track record of wrecking businesses and anything he gets involved in generally ends badly, there was no need to take the Warriors away from Pontypridd, if he had simply paid players their worth instead of giving silly contracts to average players, then boasting about how much they were making, and given half the games to Pontypridd things would be better but it's water under the bridge now. He never wanted to do anything for the people of Bridgend, he simply wanted to garner as much attention for himself as possible and he represented everything that was bad about benefactors, a childish, disruptive, attention seeker, nothing more or less.

I sulked for a few years after the Warriors were created and supported them from my sofa, but eventually I missed going to games so got myself a season ticket with the Ospreys, though I will happily go to any other region if the Ospreys game is away that week.
Now I'm enjoying my rugby again, I also go to Welsh Premiership games, often as a neutral just to see some good rugby.

Last edited by AlynDavies on Sun 15 Jan 2012, 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by munkian Sun 15 Jan 2012, 11:36 am


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Morgannwg Sun 15 Jan 2012, 6:19 pm

Casartelli wrote:
Rather childish comment, but if I may retort;

The facts are that the superclubs have not improved over the last 8 years. Llanelli and Newport have declined. For teams that are supposed to represent 'regions' of Wales the attendances are awful. Wales is too small a country to rely totally on the towns of Llanelli, Swansea, Cardiff and Newport to support the national game - everyone should be included.

By the way, I also knew enough rugby 'factual points' to be aware that Manawatu and the Crusaders are on different islands of New Zealand.

Rich coming from you.

The rugby and national team has improved so you are clearly wrong. That is the part I don't get, you not being able to understand how wrong you are. The Regions aren't great in any shape or form, we know that. They were once competitve on a regular basis only to fall off in the past two years, but like I said that is to do with them finally doing what they were set up to do! They'll get better once those players are established in their teams.

And no, you just looked at a google map. But come on, why don't NZ fans get upset about going to support a franchise based in another town or city?

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Ospreydragon Sun 15 Jan 2012, 6:57 pm

From Stephen Jones' article in today's Sunday Times:

"Three out of the Four Wales regions are struggling so badly that the Welsh Rugby Union, desperate for so long to uphold the principle of regional rugby, are now at least allowing discussions with a view to revamping the scene, and returning the four clubs to their home cities.

"It is part of a wider debate, but if the WRU could fund major professional clubs in Cardiff, Newport, Swansea and Llanelli and if they could scrape together funding to fund another at Pontypridd, then the ywoild restore overnight some of the passion, crowds and local commercial activity that has been long lost."

Source: "Running Start" article by Stephen Jones in Sport section (page 8) of Sunday Times


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Shifty Sun 15 Jan 2012, 7:00 pm

Ospreydragon wrote:From Stephen Jones' article in today's Sunday Times:

"Three out of the Four Wales regions are struggling so badly that the Welsh Rugby Union, desperate for so long to uphold the principle of regional rugby, are now at least allowing discussions with a view to revamping the scene, and returning the four clubs to their home cities.

"It is part of a wider debate, but if the WRU could fund major professional clubs in Cardiff, Newport, Swansea and Llanelli and if they could scrape together funding to fund another at Pontypridd, then the ywoild restore overnight some of the passion, crowds and local commercial activity that has been long lost."

Source: "Running Start" article by Stephen Jones in Sport section (page 8) of Sunday Times

What alternative do we have?
The only other option Wales has is to try and beg the English to let us join the Aviva Premiership, but would they honestly want 4 Welsh teams in there, maing a 16 team league?
To be fair the English clubs have always accepted the Welsh team,s it's the RFU that has historically blocked everything at the last minute.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Ospreydragon Sun 15 Jan 2012, 7:08 pm

"What alternative do we have?"

1. Employ top-quality coaches.

2. Play exciting and winning rugby.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Shifty Sun 15 Jan 2012, 7:11 pm

Ospreydragon wrote:"What alternative do we have?"

1. Employ top-quality coaches.

2. Play exciting and winning rugby.

I just think the margins between Welsh, Irish, English and French national teams and clubs have closed, so there isn't much to seperate them, and its now become a dog fight on who preforms on the day.

no one apart from Saracens and Leinster have been consistent this season.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Morgannwg Sun 15 Jan 2012, 7:14 pm

Come on lads! Only Jimmy would believe something written by Stephen Jones of the Times.

South West/East, mid-Wales and North would have been ideal. I believe it was the first idea. But can you honestly see Llanelli and Swansea merging? That would be the entire Wales time in the corner of Wales without academies and players being evenly spread.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by glamorganalun Sun 15 Jan 2012, 7:15 pm

I watched the Blues play on TV and at the end of the game what were they all chanting at the end of the game "Cardiff, Cardiff" how can you expect club supporter in that region (Joke) to support they biggest rival! This is what is wrong with 3 of the so called regions. If you are not capable of understanding the reason for poor crowds from north of the M4 then just suppose Wales were merged with England to save money and you are expected to support "England Warriors" at Twickenham, I am sure you would support this national team and not make a fuss!


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Ospreydragon Sun 15 Jan 2012, 7:17 pm

AlynDavies, You're probably right about consistency, though in the HC you could add Munster to the list.

I think some regional fans are voting with their feet because the "rugby product" is so poor. The Ospreys have been truly awful this season, recahing new, "elite" heights of awfulness. Contrast football -- and the way the Swans play (as they did against Arsenal today) -- not just the winning, but the way they play.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Guest Mon 16 Jan 2012, 12:19 am

glamorganalun wrote:I watched the Blues play on TV and at the end of the game what were they all chanting at the end of the game "Cardiff, Cardiff" how can you expect club supporter in that region (Joke) to support they biggest rival! This is what is wrong with 3 of the so called regions.

What is wrong with 3 of the Regions? They all shout Cardiff?


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by red_stag Mon 16 Jan 2012, 8:54 am

Scarlet shout Scarlets
Dragons shout Dragons
Ospreys shout Ospreys
Blues shout Cardiff

Don't tar everyone with same brush.

As an aside does anyone think the word region was a dopey choice of words. Franchises could have been better.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by glamorganalun Mon 16 Jan 2012, 11:22 pm


I agree regarding franchises, each franchise should have been tendered in the first place but here in Wales certain clubs have so called history so they were given the regional status including the Bridgend based Warriors. At least the "Warriors" played at two locations and did not use Bridgend in the name. As you no doubt know, they were wound up and the Blues suddenly qualified for the HC, why didn't the WRU ask /offer this franchise to the highest bidder outside of the M4 corridor, no doubt the club supporters will say money.

The 3 Welsh regions are known as Llanelli Scarlets, Cardiff Blues and Newport Gwent (so you know who and where they are) Dragons. In the case of the Blues and Scarlets they have made some effort to remove the Place name from their shirt but it is very clear who the Dragons are just look at the shirt, I added this for Risca's benfit. The only one of these three regions on a solid foundation is the Dragons hence they this may be the reason they have not and will not win anything unfortunately.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by bedfordwelsh Tue 17 Jan 2012, 8:28 am

glamorganalun wrote:Red_stag:

I agree regarding franchises, each franchise should have been tendered in the first place but here in Wales certain clubs have so called history so they were given the regional status including the Bridgend based Warriors. At least the "Warriors" played at two locations and did not use Bridgend in the name. As you no doubt know, they were wound up and the Blues suddenly qualified for the HC, why didn't the WRU ask /offer this franchise to the highest bidder outside of the M4 corridor, no doubt the club supporters will say money.

The 3 Welsh regions are known as Llanelli Scarlets, Cardiff Blues and Newport Gwent (so you know who and where they are) Dragons. In the case of the Blues and Scarlets they have made some effort to remove the Place name from their shirt but it is very clear who the Dragons are just look at the shirt, I added this for Risca's benfit. The only one of these three regions on a solid foundation is the Dragons hence they this may be the reason they have not and will not win anything unfortunately.


The Blues and Scarlets may have removed the name of the shirt but all you ever hear at a Blues game (other than sound of silence) is the chants of Cardiff. And come on Llanelli have always been known as the Scarlets so nothings changed there much.

I have said and will repeat it all the time, the set up of the Regions was far from perfect but one big difference to people from Ebbw (like myself) is now when we do go to dave you don't hear any Newport chants only Dragons and the Region themselves are doing a lot within the Gwent Region to try and encourage the next generation.

Last edited by bedfordwelsh on Tue 17 Jan 2012, 9:56 am; edited 1 time in total

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by offload Tue 17 Jan 2012, 9:52 am

"The WRU must understand the depth of the concern that exists among Welsh rugby fans" What nonsense.

Petition?? You only have one life - don't waste it on such a futile pursuit. Some people just don't know when to let go.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 17 Jan 2012, 3:04 pm

Smirnoffpriest wrote:
Cardiff Dave wrote:We've never had proper regional sides in Wales from day one and that is still the case. Why some people tend to think we do is confusing to me as the evidence is there for all to see.

But you can't even get the name of your own team right - so it's not suprising you can't see the evidence

As far as I am aware it's still Cardiff Blues.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 17 Jan 2012, 3:49 pm

Smirnoffpriest wrote:

I thought one of your big problems was that the Cardiff Blues weren't working, nobody wanted to go and see them, there was no passion or atmosphere and the region was being run badly and more people are needed to turn up.

Therefore it seems sensible to appeal to a larger amount of your market rather than just the old fans who used to go and watch Cardiff RFC - especially as they are a new region.

The major problems at Cardiff Blues have very little to do with the name of the team as it is at present, but in my opinion if they did drop the name Cardiff it would be counter productive. If those in charge thought it was a good idea they probably would have done it by now.
Yes it would seem sensible to appeal to a larger potential audience and it would be well worth doing if this audience is concentrated, substantial and within easy reach of the stadium ie along the main transport routes. For these reasons it was suggested to me that Cardiff Blues should do a bit of cross-regional marketing in Newport and Bridgend.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by BridgendBoyo Tue 17 Jan 2012, 3:58 pm

Cardiff Dave wrote:
Smirnoffpriest wrote:

I thought one of your big problems was that the Cardiff Blues weren't working, nobody wanted to go and see them, there was no passion or atmosphere and the region was being run badly and more people are needed to turn up.

Therefore it seems sensible to appeal to a larger amount of your market rather than just the old fans who used to go and watch Cardiff RFC - especially as they are a new region.

The major problems at Cardiff Blues have very little to do with the name of the team as it is at present, but in my opinion if they did drop the name Cardiff it would be counter productive. If those in charge thought it was a good idea they probably would have done it by now.
Yes it would seem sensible to appeal to a larger potential audience and it would be well worth doing if this audience is concentrated, substantial and within easy reach of the stadium ie along the main transport routes. For these reasons it was suggested to me that Cardiff Blues should do a bit of cross-regional marketing in Newport and Bridgend.

Really cant see that many people in Bridgend wanting to go the Blues games. When the Ospreys play at the Brewery field the games are sell outs, they've already invested in the schools and clubs in Bridgend, helping to supply them with kit. They hold school holiday camps in Bridgend, around my estate the only rugby jerseys being worn are osprey tops. Alot of older rugby fans dont even like the Ospreys, but they posivtively hate Cardiff from stealing all they're players from years gone by. Any marketing would be a waste of money IMHO


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:02 pm

Cardiff Dave wrote:
Smirnoffpriest wrote:

I thought one of your big problems was that the Cardiff Blues weren't working, nobody wanted to go and see them, there was no passion or atmosphere and the region was being run badly and more people are needed to turn up.

Therefore it seems sensible to appeal to a larger amount of your market rather than just the old fans who used to go and watch Cardiff RFC - especially as they are a new region.

The major problems at Cardiff Blues have very little to do with the name of the team as it is at present, but in my opinion if they did drop the name Cardiff it would be counter productive. If those in charge thought it was a good idea they probably would have done it by now.
Yes it would seem sensible to appeal to a larger potential audience and it would be well worth doing if this audience is concentrated, substantial and within easy reach of the stadium ie along the main transport routes. For these reasons it was suggested to me that Cardiff Blues should do a bit of cross-regional marketing in Newport and Bridgend.

Where in the above did I suggest dropping the name Cardiff? I just said appeal to a wider audience in your market - ie where there isn't any other region competing.

And if Ponty, Llantrisant, Barry, Caerphilly, Merthyr and Aberdare aren't in easy reach of Cardiff all being within a 30 minute drive down the A470 (besides Barry which is a short trip down A4055/Cardiff Road - all are linked to Cardiff by regular trains (much more regular than in most of the other regions) and buses, even the Dragons with it's stadium being close to the Newport train station - there are much less trains running up the Gwent valley or to Abergavenny than from Cardiff to Aberdare, and the (free) bus ride from CCS to the Cardiff train station is only a little bit longer than the walk to Newport station from the Dave. (and a lot easier to get that free bus at the CCS than it is to get a bus from PyS to town then walk to the Llanelli station, or getting a bus from the Liberty to the Swansea station (both of which have to be paid for). There is also quite a significant population along the A470 and along the Valley lines railway from Barry to Merthyr/Aberdare/Treherbert - definately a lot denser than Llanelli to Aberystwyth or Llanelli to Pembroke


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:04 pm

And as BrigendBoyo says - I really can't see you getting any success in attracting fans from Newport or Bridgend when the Blues have done hardly any ground work in those areas and would be competing with (relatively in Bridgend) established regions in both areas.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by BridgendBoyo Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:14 pm

Cuddy owns Bridgend RFC now anyways, so there's no chance of Cardiff moving in. If they were to bring back the towns name it would be more like Bridgend and Swansea Ospreys, because the Ospreys havn;t invested much in Neath in recent years.

Personally I think Cardiff have left it to late to change they're name, dropping it wont make much difference to people turning up. I'm a regualr visit to the Rhondda as my nan lives in Pentre, i've noticed a few youngsters wearing Cardiff Blues tops, though it's not surprsing as there are alot of cardiff city supporters in the valleys. Those supporting city are likely to support to the Blues


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:20 pm

BridgendBoyo wrote:

Really cant see that many people in Bridgend wanting to go the Blues games. When the Ospreys play at the Brewery field the games are sell outs, they've already invested in the schools and clubs in Bridgend, helping to supply them with kit. They hold school holiday camps in Bridgend, around my estate the only rugby jerseys being worn are osprey tops. Alot of older rugby fans dont even like the Ospreys, but they posivtively hate Cardiff from stealing all they're players from years gone by. Any marketing would be a waste of money IMHO

Cardiff Blues do a lot of that stuff too; training days, regional cub days, etc, but it doesn't seem to be working too well. The marketing suggestion was an off the cuff remark made to me although the Scarlets have something going on with UWIC in Llanishen I believe, or they did have.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:34 pm

CardiffDave - from my experience (although a lot less than the fans who live in Bridgend like BridgendBoyo and AlynDavies) the Blues have done nowhere near as much marketing, development work or anything as the Ospreys have in the Bridgend area - and in my experience they haven't done as much in the valleys area (although they do do the stuff you've mentioned above and more) as the Dragons have in the Gwent valleys or the Scarlets have in the 'Dyfed' area - so it's little wonder there isn't much of a return, or the fact that a big town halfway between the Ospreys and the Blues is now definitively an Ospreys region where it could have gone either way...


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:39 pm

Smirnoffpriest wrote:

Where in the above did I suggest dropping the name Cardiff? I just said appeal to a wider audience in your market - ie where there isn't any other region competing.

And if Ponty, Llantrisant, Barry, Caerphilly, Merthyr and Aberdare aren't in easy reach of Cardiff all being within a 30 minute drive down the A470 (besides Barry which is a short trip down A4055/Cardiff Road - all are linked to Cardiff by regular trains (much more regular than in most of the other regions) and buses, even the Dragons with it's stadium being close to the Newport train station - there are much less trains running up the Gwent valley or to Abergavenny than from Cardiff to Aberdare, and the (free) bus ride from CCS to the Cardiff train station is only a little bit longer than the walk to Newport station from the Dave. (and a lot easier to get that free bus at the CCS than it is to get a bus from PyS to town then walk to the Llanelli station, or getting a bus from the Liberty to the Swansea station (both of which have to be paid for). There is also quite a significant population along the A470 and along the Valley lines railway from Barry to Merthyr/Aberdare/Treherbert - definately a lot denser than Llanelli to Aberystwyth or Llanelli to Pembroke

The reference to the name Cardiff was in the previous post to the one I quoted.
The thing is that Cardiff Blues (and previously just Cardiff) have always had and still have supporters living in all of the places you mention who travel to games and I assume they do some kind of marketing around these areas already although I couldn't say for sure.

Cardiff Dave

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:44 pm

Smirnoffpriest wrote:CardiffDave - from my experience (although a lot less than the fans who live in Bridgend like BridgendBoyo and AlynDavies) the Blues have done nowhere near as much marketing, development work or anything as the Ospreys have in the Bridgend area - and in my experience they haven't done as much in the valleys area (although they do do the stuff you've mentioned above and more) as the Dragons have in the Gwent valleys or the Scarlets have in the 'Dyfed' area - so it's little wonder there isn't much of a return, or the fact that a big town halfway between the Ospreys and the Blues is now definitively an Ospreys region where it could have gone either way...

I honestly don't know what Cardiff Blues do in this respect other than what is stated on their website. How it compares to the others I couldn't say either, but I was under the impression that the O's were top in this department since they sold or used to sell loads of merch.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:52 pm

I mentioned the name in response to some fans who call the Cardiff Blues - Cardiff which is obviously going to confuse with the rugby team of that name ie Cardiff RFC. Maybe calling them Blues (their nickname) or Cardiff Blues (their name) might help.

I didn't say changing the name would cure all ills, change the whole situation and make Cardiff Blues loved by one and all - as I've stated in other posts dropping the name on it's own (as doing any other thing on it's own - such as providing free buses) won't make a blind bit of difference - but if there's a holistic change to the regions activity and attitude and if there's a joined up approach to making the region appeal to the whole region and the name is changed just to highlight and underline these previous changes then it could work. But without anything fans will just look at the first word 'Cardiff' and just say - 'look, it's just Cardiff RFC acting like a superclub again' and be put off.

And you say the Blues have always had fans from other regions - of course they have, I'd be mightily shocked if they didn't as people move around for work or family reasons (like me a Scarlets fan but lived in Ponty and Cardiff), or they inherit loyalities/support from family/friends. But I doubt there was a significant number of fans going to see Cardiff RFC and in particular the Blues (especially now when crowds are stagnating), definitely not as high a number as possible.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 17 Jan 2012, 4:53 pm

BridgendBoyo wrote:Cuddy owns Bridgend RFC now anyways, so there's no chance of Cardiff moving in. If they were to bring back the towns name it would be more like Bridgend and Swansea Ospreys, because the Ospreys havn;t invested much in Neath in recent years.

Personally I think Cardiff have left it to late to change they're name, dropping it wont make much difference to people turning up. I'm a regualr visit to the Rhondda as my nan lives in Pentre, i've noticed a few youngsters wearing Cardiff Blues tops, though it's not surprsing as there are alot of cardiff city supporters in the valleys. Those supporting city are likely to support to the Blues

Any CB marketing in Bridgend would have been a poster stuck up in a bus stop most probably, but they weren't very good at doing that even in the city centre not many years ago.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Tue 17 Jan 2012, 5:04 pm

I know that the Scarlets have made a concerted effort to appeal to the whole region and have marketed themselves as such - although they've been helped by being an unofficial region for decades and as such have been able to hang onto some pre-region history.

But the Dragons have attracted many Ebbw and Cross Keys fans after a bumpy start and feel a lot like a region for the whole area, with their own songs and chants (like the famous Brew!) lol and just as importantly rivalries.

While Cardiff Blues just seem to have the chant 'Kardiff Kardiff' and old Cardiff RFC fans moaning about any change from the time when the Blues were Cardiff RFC


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Guest Wed 18 Jan 2012, 12:40 am

I have got to be honest, it annoys me when people see the Newport on the shirt and go on about it. It's funny how Alun and other people don't see the Men of Gwent on the collar, the Dragons logo is a G (for Gwent funnily enough) shaped into a Dragon tail and of course the name Gwent is still in the name. So there's three Gwent to one Newport thing on there and yet people who try their best to nitpick and find faults only see the name Newport. Dropping the name Newport would mean diddly squat to me, as to everyone at RP and everyone who isn't ignorant, they are just the Dragons anyway.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Wed 18 Jan 2012, 11:50 am

Well said Risca and another thing people call the Newport Gwent Dragons the Dragons rather than Newport, and chant Dragons at games and they do seem to be doing some work developing and promoting the Gwent valleys which seems to be proved by you, Bedford and quite a few posters on here who say their not from Newport but support the Dragons.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by glamorganalun Wed 18 Jan 2012, 4:15 pm


I suspect there are a lot more Gwent rugby supporters that don't support the Dragons, just look at the crowds and the topic of this post, this also applies to the other regions. I see more people with Ospreys shirts in Cwmbran than Dragons, yes they could all be from Swansea or maybe the Ospreys cloths shop is better at marketing cloths than rugby, they should take over Peacocks!

Don't get me wrong I am not anti Dragons, I have lived in the Newport area over half my life and yes the Dragons have improved the regional attitude from the early days from a supporters point of view, such as dropping the Newport name. I am not sure the management/money men have improved their regional ayyitude e.,g the Newport name on shirt, not playing at other grounds such as in the LV and the players seem covert compared with other regional players in the community (is it because they live outside the region?).

I think this is an interesting post as it illustrates most responding have their heads in the sand and can't/won't see there is a problem with the regional system as implemented, they may when it is too late.

I don't think they poster is requesting a super club for Ponty as some are saying, I believe he saying baseing regions around 4 clubs is wrong and they are physically not best placed to represent all of Wales, just common sense for those outside these clubs.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by bedfordwelsh Wed 18 Jan 2012, 5:24 pm


Dropping name, like you wouldn't make a difference to me but to some it is still seen as a barrier.

Would it instantly attract more fans if the dropped the name - No but I still think it could go another step further.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by glamorganalun Wed 18 Jan 2012, 8:50 pm


I agree with you, but a lot of the damage was done in the early years when the hard core crowd kept chanting Newport, I heard supporters around me complaining at the time but it took 2 years for the Dragons name to be adapted.

I still think the Dragons could do more by playing around the region (there is a joke there) for the games that don't bring in the crowds such as LV and the Italian teams.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by bedfordwelsh Thu 19 Jan 2012, 8:28 am


I have mentioned that few times, even if just as a trial and to be honest a lot of the fansI speak to at games and on here said they would be willing to at least give it a go.

I fully understand that the bigger Pro12 and the Amlin games have to be played at Dave but it wouldn't hurt if they took an LV game (our away game against the Os is at Brewery Field) or an Italian or Scottish team around the Region, even if as I said as a trial.

If it didn't work then not a great deal lost.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Thu 19 Jan 2012, 12:47 pm

glamorganalun wrote:Guys:
I don't think they poster is requesting a super club for Ponty as some are saying,I believe he saying baseing regions around 4 clubs is wrong and they are physically not best placed to represent all of Wales, just common sense for those outside these clubs.

So if the original regional structure is wrong (and I agree it was set up badly), and that having 4 regions based at 4 (previous) club stadiums/cities is wrong - then the suggested solution is to set up a 5th region around a club (Pontypridd) that is again not best placed to represent all of Wales?


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Thu 19 Jan 2012, 12:49 pm

glamorganalun wrote:
I think this is an interesting post as it illustrates most responding have their heads in the sand and can't/won't see there is a problem with the regional system as implemented, they may when it is too late.

Also Alun - how/why have people got their heads in the sand - with which issue discussed above, or which quotes from which posters? Also what do you think is the problem with the regional system? (and how would you suggest it's changed?)


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by munkian Thu 19 Jan 2012, 1:05 pm

I still don't buy into the myth that if the Dragons drop the 'Newport' from the name that 'thousands' of disillusioned supporters will flock to the games from Caldicot etc

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by BridgendBoyo Thu 19 Jan 2012, 1:10 pm

I agree with smirnoff here
The majority of ponty fans are calling for a 5th region which they want based at Sardis road.

Currently the regions do not represent all, as most of us agree they were implemented badly. But this petition calls for the extension of the current structure, which is odd.

Pontypridd does not represent the Valleys. The main problem with any new region is a financial one. Money is scarse, the WRU have opted for slow implementation of a region in NOrth Wales, building the support and structure which i believe is the correct process to take.

Who has got the money to parachute a brand new region into the pro12? the WRU hav'nt and there has not been any benefactor with the money and resources coming forward.


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by bedfordwelsh Thu 19 Jan 2012, 1:35 pm

munkian wrote:I still don't buy into the myth that if the Dragons drop the 'Newport' from the name that 'thousands' of disillusioned supporters will flock to the games from Caldicot etc


I don't think it will by doing that alone but I think its sort of a natural progerssion maybe.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by munkian Thu 19 Jan 2012, 2:15 pm

If there were a couple of thousands actual rugby fans out there who wanted to go watch live regional rugby then the name shouldn't matter.

And considering the Dragon's form this season the crowds aren't THAT bad.

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Thu 19 Jan 2012, 2:15 pm

as Bedford says it's a start of a process rather than a solution all by itself


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by Smirnoffpriest Thu 19 Jan 2012, 2:24 pm

Well Munkian I'm a rugby supporter and i certainly wouldn't be queuing up to by a Cardiff Blues/Ospreys/Newport Gwent Dragons season ticket just because they offer the chance to watch live regional rugby - because I feel no affinity to those clubs - I'd say it matters a lot who you go and support rather than just turning up because there's a match on.

True just changing the name won't make loads of fans turn up but it can put fans off


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by munkian Thu 19 Jan 2012, 2:43 pm

Each to his owm Smirnoff - I wasn't having a dig Hug

It'll be the next generation of rugby fans that really make or break the regions, those who haven't known anything diffferent

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by BridgendBoyo Thu 19 Jan 2012, 2:48 pm

munkian wrote:Each to his owm Smirnoff - I wasn't having a dig Hug

It'll be the next generation of rugby fans that really make or break the regions, those who haven't known anything diffferent

Thats how it's gong to have to be if it's going to work in current form. I know that oveer the easter break the Ospreys are holding kids traaining camps in Bridgend and Swansea.

I live on a big estate, the only jerseeys being worn around by kids are Ospreys tops. There is support for the Ospreys, unfortunately the majority support the Ospreys from their armchairs


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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by munkian Thu 19 Jan 2012, 3:11 pm

Tv coverage is getting better, the picture is umpteen times better (hd) than before and going out is expensive.

Teams like Leinster get huge support but then the fans are alot more affleunt than places like Bridgend and the Valleys

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Reform Regional Rugby - Update - Page 3 Empty Re: Reform Regional Rugby - Update

Post by BridgendBoyo Thu 19 Jan 2012, 3:17 pm

munkian wrote:Tv coverage is getting better, the picture is umpteen times better (hd) than before and going out is expensive.

Teams like Leinster get huge support but then the fans are alot more affleunt than places like Bridgend and the Valleys

True. I've had a season ticket a couple of time for the Ospreys. I didnt get one this year but i've been to about 5 home games. Theres always kids fdrom clubs there, without them it wold be completely silent. But they make a noise and buy all the food.

To be honest i've been to the liberty quite alot, and it's a rubbish place to go and watch rugby, dont like it at all.


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