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Road to Wrestlemania?

Kay Fabe
Shot 21 LCFC
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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by liverbnz Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 10:05

Now that the Rumble has come and gone and with it the first steps on the road to Wrestlemania, how do you think things will shape up?

There are still a lot of time between now and the biggest night in the professional wrestling calender, and with the Elimination Chamber 17 days away, a lot of questions that need answering.

Which title will Sheamus decide to go after?
Will CM Punk or Daniel Byran still be carrying their respective belts come mania?
Who else will be involved in the title matches?
When will The Rock show up to continue his fued with Cena?
Who will participate in MITB this year? Who will win?
Will Kane's evil push continue? Or was it used soley as filler for Cena?
Will The Undertaker defend his streak for the 3rd time against HHH?


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by MetalMotty Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 10:29

Which title will Sheamus decide to go after?

He will go after Daniel bryan

Will CM Punk or Daniel Byran still be carrying their respective belts come mania?

Not sure about Punk but id say likely both

Who else will be involved in the title matches?

Jericho possibly Ziggler Orton Barrett

When will The Rock show up to continue his fued with Cena?

Probably on Raw a month before Mania

Who will participate in MITB this year? Who will win?

I would go for Ziggler if he isnt in a main event already, Dark Horse would be Christian

Will Kane's evil push continue?Or was it used soley as filler for Cena?

Nah just a filler he may have a fued with ryder then move on to Mark Henry

Will The Undertaker defend his streak for the 3rd time against HHH?

yeah probably will end up keep harrssing HHH for a rematch but quite like the idea on "random thoughts" by Y2D2


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 10:39

I think Kanes evil push will continue. This is the best he has been since he first started.

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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by liverbnz Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 11:40

Shot 21 LCFC wrote:I think Kanes evil push will continue. This is the best he has been since he first started.

I would like to think that would be the case, but I have my doubts. Kane's been hot a few times after a tweak of his character and they've failed to make full use of it. When he took the mask off in 2003(?) he was super hot, but after his fued with HHH he went back to the standard upper-midcarder/main event emergency role that he's almost always been in.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by liverbnz Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 11:46

What about CM Punk guys? I'm in 2 minds about his title run. I have a feeling he's better chasing the title, but I think a good, solid title run with a big win at mania would really send a message that the company is fully behind him. Would it be better for him to drop to Jericho at EC and try and win it back?


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Kay Fabe Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 12:12

I'm struggling to care, if HHH/Taker is the plan then it just turns me off and if Jericho is the best they can come up with for a guy who could be freaking huge in CM Punk then it's all a bit to predictably safe and boring

If they do go with Punk/Jericho then I hope they get the belt on Cena ASAP because Rock/Cena is a thousand times bigger than Punk/Jericho so with that in mind the WWE title shouldn't be involved in a match so small time compared with it's counterpart

I can't see Bryan being the World Champion come Mania, it could be Barrett but for me that's a mistake, Barrett being the WWE's first British World Champion should be booked better than a transitional champion to get the belt onto the Royal Rumble winner, Barrett has a ready made motive and story so giving it away at Elimination Chamber only for all the roads to then lead to Sheamus would be foolish

For me, the best and most credible way to get the belt onto Sheamus would be via Randy Orton, I love DB and think he's done well with it but Sheamus beating him would be a bit to obvious and since I'd like to see the Rumble winner treated with a bit of prestige, Orton winning the Chamber then losing at Mania is the way to go

Kay Fabe

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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by liverbnz Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 12:24

I agree with you 100% on the belt being in the most important match on the card, as it is only logical with it being the most important (or at least joint most important) entity in the company. The only worry I would have, is that the belt would become secondary in the fued, like mania last year essentially. Neither does it seem likely it will happen given Cena is not in the EC match - yet.

As for HHH/Taker, the build was poor last year, and it was the first streak match in years that had such a poor build-up- I blame HHH for that, but then I may be a little bias. I don't see any reason for the build being any better this year, especially if they're going to go down the line of Undertaker begging HHH for the match!

As for Sheamus, I would have preferred if they had him run through Mark Henry when they first realised he was injured a few months back. I think he may well struggle to keep up his head of steam into mania. It certainly doesn't bode well that there were already 'boring' chants starting up on RAW when he was giving his opening segment promo.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Kay Fabe Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 12:46

Sheamus is suffering from the Rumble winners stigma, the problem is that Elimination Chamber and No Way Out before it became such an important component in how WrestleMania would look that the Rumble winner has become overlooked, the Rumble winner should have a top guy to fued with at the Chamber to keep him hot and bridge the gap but ever since they wanted the title defended then the champ needs 5 top(ish) guys to fight, that means the Rumble winner has a dearth of genuine over talent to work with and momentum is invariably lost

I really like the PPV and it's one of the best of the year but for me it's really poorly positioned on the calander

Kay Fabe

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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Brilliant_yep Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 12:54

Completely agree gaffer,love the chamber PPV,hate the just makes things a bit more confusing for the road to 'Mania...although judging by this week's Smackdown,that's exactly how they want it.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by sodhat Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 12:56

Maybe they could move the chamber back to where MITB was now that it been removed?

It does seem strange timing to have it, especially when the winner is likely to be rolling into WM as champ.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Marky Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 13:06

I like what they did last year, WWE Champion The Miz defending the title in a one on one match (ignore the fact his opponent was Jerry Lawler), and the Raw Chamber match was to crown a number one contender.

They should have made Sheamus decide which championship he'd go after then make one of the Chamber matches a number one contenders match, and if Bryan is going to Mania he would retain v Big Show in a one on one match.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Kay Fabe Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 13:10

They did that in 2008 too when Orton faced Cena, I've got no problem with waiting until after the PPV for the Rumble winner to choose, after all he did win the right to choose so he should be granted the privlage of at least knowing who he's going to face

Kay Fabe

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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by JoshSansom Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 14:07

Which title will Sheamus decide to go after?

SD title

Will CM Punk or Daniel Byran still be carrying their respective belts come mania?

Punk yes, Bryan no... will drop it in the Chamber to Barrett setting up Barrett v Sheamus v Orton for the WHC at WM.

Who else will be involved in the title matches?

Punk v Jericho; Barrett v Sheamus v Orton

When will The Rock show up to continue his fued with Cena?

Raw after EC... will have a segment in every Raw leading up to WM but not all of them will be live at the venue.

Who will participate in MITB this year? Who will win?

Ziggler, Rhodes, Ryder, Christian, Kingston, Gabriel ... winner Ziggler

Will Kane's evil push continue?Or was it used soley as filler for Cena?

It will continue as they have no other monster heels at the moment

Will The Undertaker defend his streak for the 3rd time against HHH?

... yes.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by NickisBHAFC Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 14:24

which title will Sheamus decide to go after?
World title
Will CM Punk or Daniel Byran still be carrying their respective belts come mania? CM Punk but not Daniel Bryan i hope
Who else will be involved in the title matches?
CM Punk vs Chris Jericho
Shaemus vs Wade Barret
When will The Rock show up to continue his fued with Cena?
After Elimination Chamber
Who will participate in MITB this year? Who will win?
If there is one. Kofi, R Truth, The Miz, Ziggler, Randy Orton, Justin Gabrial, Daniel Bryan, Christian
Will Kane's evil push continue? Or was it used soley as filler for Cena?
Yes but dont know what there going to do with him for Mania
Will The Undertaker defend his streak for the 3rd time against HHH?
I guess so


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Kay Fabe Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 14:50

Anyone know how close Christian or Del Rio are to full fitness?

Both of those could give Sheamus something to do at EC over his #1 contenders match at Mania, since both missed the Rumble they could legitimately claim they were denied their right to win it and go to Mania, Del Rio has a legit shout because he won it last year and it ties in with Christian's 1 more match gimmick although I was bored of him jobbing to Sheamus last year but a couple of weeks feud over his Mania spot wouldn't hurt

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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by sodhat Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 15:16

the-gaffer wrote:Anyone know how close Christian or Del Rio are to full fitness?

Both of those could give Sheamus something to do at EC over his #1 contenders match at Mania, since both missed the Rumble they could legitimately claim they were denied their right to win it and go to Mania, Del Rio has a legit shout because he won it last year and it ties in with Christian's 1 more match gimmick although I was bored of him jobbing to Sheamus last year but a couple of weeks feud over his Mania spot wouldn't hurt

I read that Christian was being considered for the Rumble, so I imagine that means he is close to fitness or a return.

Don't think Del Rio is far off...but in his place, perhaps Ricardo could occupy Sheamus...?


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Kay Fabe Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 15:37

That's hardly going to keep Sheamus hot though, Ricardo Rodriguez is a joke jobber

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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Samo Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 15:52

If they hadnt made a mess of the Mahal "feud" then he could have easily had a high profile match against him at EC.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by Crimey Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 16:39

Which title will Sheamus decide to go after?
World Heavyweight Championship

Will CM Punk or Daniel Byran still be carrying their respective belts come mania?
I just can't see CM Punk dropping it to anybody in the chamber, so yes for Punk and no to Bryan. I'd be very surprised if Bryan is still champion come 'Mania.

Who else will be involved in the title matches?
Looking likely to be Jericho vs. Punk, Sheamus vs. Orton? Or even Sheamus vs. Orton vs. Bryan

When will The Rock show up to continue his fued with Cena?
Raw after Elimination Chamber.

Who will participate in MITB this year? Who will win?
Cody Rhodes to win. Ziggler, Barrett, Del Rio, Christian, Kofi Kingston and Big Show and Kane to be in the match.

Will Kane's evil push continue? Or was it used soley as filler for Cena?
It'll continue up until Wrestlemania, I expect him to start a mini-feud with Big Show leading up to the Money in the Bank match.

Will The Undertaker defend his streak for the 3rd time against HHH?
Unfortunately yes.


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Road to Wrestlemania? Empty Re: Road to Wrestlemania?

Post by sodhat Thu 2 Feb 2012 - 16:41

the-gaffer wrote:That's hardly going to keep Sheamus hot though, Ricardo Rodriguez is a joke jobber

I was kidding Gaffer!

Although in fairness, he had more exposure in the Rumble than many more established stars...


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