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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Valero's Conscience
Mind the windows Tino.
Union Cane
Fists of Fury
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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 10:14 am

Controversial win over Marquez...a controversial loss against Bradley...I have no doubts that he'll overturn this defeat and hopefully it won't be a trilogy...

However Mayweather has shown now that he is the number 1 and as such probably deserves a much bigger slice of the pie...As it's only his reputation on line now!!

For me the best Manny should hope for is 60-40 but I don't think he or Arum will see it that way.....Think he should be happy with 65-35 myself!!!

Can't see the fight being made on those percentage lines....


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Fists of Fury Tue 12 Jun 2012, 10:21 am

Can't see it being made on any lines. Pointless now, anyway. Should have happened after Manny Cotto when it would actually have constituted a fight.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by paperbag_puncher Tue 12 Jun 2012, 10:22 am

I don't want to see this fight anymore to be honest. Even though he won I wasn't impressed with Manny again and haven't been for some time now. I genuinely think Manny would have given him a hell of a match up a few years ago and it would be a shame to have this match finally come of now that hes on the slide.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Fists of Fury Tue 12 Jun 2012, 10:23 am

What paperbag said.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by mobilemaster8 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 10:41 am

Interesting thread.

I would have to say that the percentage would have to be around 70-30 in favour of Mayweather with a 60-40 split on after sales.

However, just like paperbag, this fight is completely irrelavent now.

Mayweather is quite clearly on another level and always has been.

Pacquiao should take out Tim Bradley in his next fight, then hang up the gloves on a win and as a champ.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Reborn-DeeMcK-Reborn Tue 12 Jun 2012, 10:47 am

I'd like to see it for the pure fact that it would still be a mega event. The 24/7 would be fantastic and everybody would be talking about and almost everybody worldwide would watch it.

There would be months of great and not so great debate in the build up to it and im sure it would carry on for months/years after it.

Maybe Pacquiao isn't as motivated as he should be due to the last few fights being against people who nobody cares about.

After all the criticism, a fight with Mayweather could be the fight to make him sit up and add that extra motivation that we havent seen in a few years.

Anyone who says that don't want to see this fight in my opinion are talking rubbish, because if/when its made, they will be the ones who will be involved in every arguement and will sit up and watch it regardless.

No matter what has happened to each fighter over the last few years, it is still a massive fight for the sport.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by jimdig Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:00 am

Don't care for the fight anymore, But it's a 50:50 split. They are more or less equal draws, Perhaps Manny a little more of a draw (as he has been in with non-ticket sellers, bradley, with crap undercards, and still does 1 million buys).

Leonard got a bigger split than Hagler, Pay is not decided by P4P ratings, its decided by ticket selling ability, and I don't see anything to suggest that Mayweather is the bigger draw, Cotto is the No.3 PPV draw and Canelo and Mosley, all aid that card being an easier sell. It's still a case of splitting hairs.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rodney Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:11 am

Fists of Fury wrote:Can't see it being made on any lines. Pointless now, anyway. Should have happened after Manny Cotto when it would actually have constituted a fight.

Bingo, the quicker us boxing fans veer away from this fight now the better, Floyd had a chance to cement a totally wonderful legacy if he'd hadn't drilled dallied about 3 years ago, when Manny's stock was smoking hot.

Can't forgive either for this fight not happening, said many times previously couldn't care if either retired and we can all get on with boxing, instead of this long drawn out Holly Wilaboobie for tat Manny/Floyd show.



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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by JabMachineMK2 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:18 am

Good thread Truss.

I'd have to say that Manny brings very little to the table except a name now. He doesn't come off the back of amazing performances, and even the casual fans are starting to realise Mayweather is the better boxer. Perhaps not as exciting but he's the draw now.

I feel sorry for Manny, I prefer him as a person and post Cotto I thought he'd have the beating of Mayweather - but recently he's sadly been on the decline. he's not "shot" or "faded" because he smashed Bradley everywhere for periods of their fight, but he had a non-existent defense at times and although Bradley was missing, Mayweather wouldn't.

Mayweather brings the X-Factor into this fight. He's the bigger PPV star, he's more well known, he's the one with the belts and the "0" and he's universally appreciated as the better boxer now.

I think Manny would be lucky to get the fight at all. I'd still watch it, because it would be a cracking fight. I think anything more than 25% is VERY generous from Mayweather.

Problem is, 2 years ago, it would have been 50/50 - but Mexicans hate Pacquiao now more than ever (they love Floyd) Americans I know of prefer Floyd now, where they might not have before.

75/25% is about fair.

Bear in mind this fight will break all known records of PPV sales, we're talking 25% of £150million+ worldwide. Better than getting 60% of 40million.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Union Cane Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:19 am

Rodney wrote:this long drawn out Holly Wilaboobie for tat Manny/Floyd show.

Gotta love the swear filter.
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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rodney Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:21 am

I'd maybes give them a fiver between them, think they've made enough fighting contenders, whilst robbing us boxing fans of the fight we wanted to see.

All the best


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Reborn-DeeMcK-Reborn Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:22 am

Floyd agreed to the 50/50 split in 2010 and Manny backed out due to the drug testing.

Don't see how Floyd gets lynched for "not fulfilling his destiny". Back then people were quick to jump on the "why should he agree to the test demands" but in recent months the positive results of other fighters have surfaced so its not that big of a deal.

Hardly Mayweathers fault for the fight falling through when it should have happened. The contract that was released to the press so there is no doubt whos fault it was.

I say let Mayweather finish him off. Its better than a fighter in a level below doing it.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rodney Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:22 am

Union Cane wrote:
Rodney wrote:this long drawn out Holly Wilaboobie for tat Manny/Floyd show.

Gotta love the swear filter.

Ha just spotted that Union, very good



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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:36 am

I would still like to see it, even if it is a bit late. Mayweather has, for me anyway, always been the favourite and those odds are better now that Manny appears to be some way short of his prime. But, why anyone write Pacquiao off is beyond me. It is a two horse race between a couple of generational thoroughbreds and far from a foregone conclusion, even now. It is not like the history of boxing isn't littered with huge upsets where a heavily fancied fighter is beaten by an 'underdog' is it? What is so different here that couldn't produce an upset? This is boxing and it only takes a second to land a punch. There is no reason why a fully motivated Pacquiao couldn't find a last great performance. I think Mayweather would win, and win comfortably, but I would still watch it and still like it to happen.

We can't lament the demise of boxing and then call what is arguably still the biggest fight in the sport a waste of time. What is the more disappointing scenario, a mega fight happening later than it should have or a mega fight not happening at all? I know which one looks worse to me. Yes it is not ideal, but since when has boxing always produced the right fight at the right time. I can tell you for certain that my casual friends would still tune in and watch even if they do so in the implicit knowledge that both fighters are past their best. The sport needs to attract new fans and mega events like this should help. We are all hardcore fans on here who are jaded by the Mayweather/Pacquiao nonsense over the last 3 years, but we are not representative of the wider sport viewing public and have to take our 606v2 hats off. The more casual fan would still be interested in the fight and that, to me, can only be a good thing.

Having said that, I can't agree with DeeMcK about the 24/7 shows. Why anybody would want to listen to Mayweathers idiotic diatribes or Manny's dull ramblings is beyond me.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by JabMachineMK2 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:44 am

I agree Tino, this fight would be one for the ages - perhaps a "rumble in the jungle" or "thriller in Manilla" style event. Something that gets a whole new generation interested in boxing.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by aja424 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:44 am

Don't see why manny would deserve any more of a bigger slice than Hatton did.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by superflyweight Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:46 am

I'm not too bothered if it goes ahead or not. The spectacle would be great but any element of uncertainty about the winner has practically disappeared.

For Manny to win he really would have to match his Cotto performance and maintain it for the full 3 minutes of all 12 rounds. It seems physically beyond him now.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by aja424 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:52 am

Maybe hes came of the juice for his last fights, in order to get used to fighting clean ready for a Mayweather match up and the random drug test that goes with it.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by JabMachineMK2 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:56 am

aja424 wrote:Maybe hes came of the juice for his last fights, in order to get used to fighting clean ready for a Mayweather match up and the random drug test that goes with it.



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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:02 pm

kind of shame d4 isn't on here...after Saturday!!!

Be the only time it would be worth listening to what he's got to say!!!


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Reborn-DeeMcK-Reborn Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:02 pm

Mind the windows Tino. wrote:I would still like to see it, even if it is a bit late. Mayweather has, for me anyway, always been the favourite and those odds are better now that Manny appears to be some way short of his prime. But, why anyone write Pacquiao off is beyond me. It is a two horse race between a couple of generational thoroughbreds and far from a foregone conclusion, even now. It is not like the history of boxing isn't littered with huge upsets where a heavily fancied fighter is beaten by an 'underdog' is it? What is so different here that couldn't produce an upset? This is boxing and it only takes a second to land a punch. There is no reason why a fully motivated Pacquiao couldn't find a last great performance. I think Mayweather would win, and win comfortably, but I would still watch it and still like it to happen.

We can't lament the demise of boxing and then call what is arguably still the biggest fight in the sport a waste of time. What is the more disappointing scenario, a mega fight happening later than it should have or a mega fight not happening at all? I know which one looks worse to me. Yes it is not ideal, but since when has boxing always produced the right fight at the right time. I can tell you for certain that my casual friends would still tune in and watch even if they do so in the implicit knowledge that both fighters are past their best. The sport needs to attract new fans and mega events like this should help. We are all hardcore fans on here who are jaded by the Mayweather/Pacquiao nonsense over the last 3 years, but we are not representative of the wider sport viewing public and have to take our 606v2 hats off. The more casual fan would still be interested in the fight and that, to me, can only be a good thing.

Having said that, I can't agree with DeeMcK about the 24/7 shows. Why anybody would want to listen to Mayweathers idiotic diatribes or Manny's dull ramblings is beyond me.

haha, alright, I admit I may have crossed the line with that statement. But you seem to be on the same wavelength of what I said. This fight would still be huge and the people who say they don't want to see it WILL watch it and WILL want to see it if it is signed.

These are the same people who said Haye and Chisora should have been banned after Munich. Now they are backing Frank Warren to the hilt and claiming that fight to be an exciting event.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rowley Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:03 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:

Be the only time it would be worth listening to what he's got to say!!!

My guess he is in his bedsit with his head in the oven


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rowley Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:06 pm

alma wrote:
rowley wrote:
TRUSSMAN66 wrote:

Be the only time it would be worth listening to what he's got to say!!!

My guess he is in his bedsit with his head in the oven

he's been on the boxingscene forum, but it was mostly incoherent ranting

You say it as if it was ever any different.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by davidemore Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:07 pm

Sylvia Plath style Rowley? Is there poetry in his blood?


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:07 pm

Only got one thing to say to the idiot..



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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Valero's Conscience Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:21 pm

JabMachineMK2 wrote:
aja424 wrote:Maybe hes came of the juice for his last fights, in order to get used to fighting clean ready for a Mayweather match up and the random drug test that goes with it.


In fairness, it's not a ludicrous comment and Manny's dip in performance could be part-related to this.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Fists of Fury Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:30 pm

What a load of codswallop, I can't believe people are even having that discussion. It is ludicrous, you are going on the words of a raving lunatic in Mayweather Senior. Surely you are better than that?

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by 88Chris05 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:32 pm

I think claims of 75:25 to Mayweather being a fair split under the current circumstances are way off the mark. Yes, he's the bigger PPV attraction in America, with Manny second - but not by anything like a big enough margin to justify that kind of split.

Truth be told, assuming he gets past Bradley in the rematch, I still don't think it would be totally unreasonable for team Pacquiao to try and negotiate a 50:50 split, and I have my reasons for that. As I've said before, we shouldn't forget that, when Mayweather 'retired' in 2008, there was a feeling and general belief that he'd done so simply because there was nobody in the world at Welterweight or Light-Middleweight who could realistically challenge him - a feeling which was intensified when Margarito stopped the hitherto unbeaten Cotto in July of that year. A Mayweather comeback seemed totally pointless for a while - no mega fights at the weights, and nobody who could really have anything more than a slim chance of beating him.

Single-handedly, Pacquiao turned that idea on its head and ripped it to shreds. As he blitzed his way through De la Hoya, Hatton and Cotto in succession (and remember, the quality and manner of these wins are largely comparable to any victory of Floyd's ledger, particularly at the time), Floyd found his situation of having no suitable challengers transformed to one in which he had not only a suitable challenger, but a challenger with whom his name will always be linked, and a fight against whom every boxing fan wanted to see.

In short, the idea of a possible Mayweather-Pacquiao fight being so appealing and such a potential record breaker is largely thanks to what Manny has done over the past three or four years, rather than what Floyd has done. Certainly, those three aforementioned performances by Pacquiao were the ones which raised anticipation of the fight to fever pitch levels. Mayweather-Pacquiao is a monster, but Pacquiao has done the most to create that monster, I believe.

I can accept that 60:40 may be just about the furthest Mayweather can go in terms of his ego allowing the fight to happen, but anything more than that would be an injustice to Manny, I feel.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rowley Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:35 pm

Given there is no evidence and by evidence I mean in the true sense of the word, can I ask people to choose there words a little more carefully than has been the case over the last couple of days in relation to Manny and use of PED's because whether we like it or not accusing him of it without proof is libel and am whilst it's fairly unlikely am sure Adam would not care for us getting sued. Should also warn you if us getting sued results in us having the cancel the Foie Gras and Cristal from the mod christmas party menu I will not be very forgiving.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Valero's Conscience Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:36 pm

I'm not saying he definitely is and Manny's recent performances are more than likely a sign of father-time but with Manny rejecting certain drug testing stipulations in the past I honestly don't think it should be entirely disregarded?

In terms of their purse split, I still think 50-50 is fair as they are both huge draws and will make each other richer for fighting each other. Floyd wouldn't take it as we know so maybe 50-50 with Floyd getting a 70-30 split on PPV over 1 million or something like that.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:39 pm

rowley wrote:Foie Gras

On the menu much in Rotherham?

Mind the windows Tino.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rowley Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:40 pm

Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
rowley wrote:Foie Gras

On the menu much in Rotherham?

Obviously Tina, to be honest get sick of eating the stuff round here.


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Post by superflyweight Tue 12 Jun 2012, 12:51 pm

Should also warn you if us getting sued results in us having the cancel the Foie Gras and Cristal from the mod christmas party menu I will not be very forgiving.

However, if 606 v2 dies get sued and Adam instructs me to deal with it, I will provide sandwiches and fresh orange juice at any resultant meetings.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:02 pm

50-50 can't possibly be fair....Because there is an argument to suggest the guy has lost his last two he's not as popular in America..

Fanciful to suggest 50/50....

He'll be fighting an unbeaten, undisputed p4p number 1!!!


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:02 pm

rowley wrote:Given there is no evidence and by evidence I mean in the true sense of the word, can I ask people to choose there words a little more carefully than has been the case over the last couple of days in relation to Manny and use of PED's because whether we like it or not accusing him of it without proof is libel and am whilst it's fairly unlikely am sure Adam would not care for us getting sued. Should also warn you if us getting sued results in us having the cancel the Foie Gras and Cristal from the mod christmas party menu I will not be very forgiving.

If anyone jeopardises our champers I will not be pleased Smile


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:03 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:50-50 can't possibly be fair....Because there is an argument to suggest the guy has lost his last two he's not as popular in America..

Fanciful to suggest 50/50....

He'll be fighting an unbeaten, undisputed p4p number 1!!!

Pac should take 35% and be happy. He is on a hiding to nothing with Floyd and everyone else who steps in with him gets a flat fee. A year ago I would say 50-50, but there is no question who is better now.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by aja424 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:09 pm

JabMachineMK2 wrote:
aja424 wrote:Maybe hes came of the juice for his last fights, in order to get used to fighting clean ready for a Mayweather match up and the random drug test that goes with it.


whatever "jab machine"


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Mr Bounce Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:18 pm

They'll both get 0% because the fight will not happen.

3 years ago, it would have been epic. Now they're both past their best.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:22 pm

alma wrote:
Seanusarrilius wrote:
rowley wrote:Given there is no evidence and by evidence I mean in the true sense of the word, can I ask people to choose there words a little more carefully than has been the case over the last couple of days in relation to Manny and use of PED's because whether we like it or not accusing him of it without proof is libel and am whilst it's fairly unlikely am sure Adam would not care for us getting sued. Should also warn you if us getting sued results in us having the cancel the Foie Gras and Cristal from the mod christmas party menu I will not be very forgiving.

If anyone jeopardises our champers I will not be pleased Smile

Foie Gras is horrible anyway.. Prawn Cocktail far classier

The moderators will have both. Providing we don't get sued.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Rowley Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:34 pm

I like Foie Gras, not that I have it too often, irrespective of what tina thinks to the contrary


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:45 pm

rowley wrote:I like Foie Gras, not that I have it too often, irrespective of what tina thinks to the contrary

This is why they arn't a moderator, taste is pivotal to the group thumbsup


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 12 Jun 2012, 1:48 pm

Seanusarrilius wrote:
rowley wrote:I like Foie Gras, not that I have it too often, irrespective of what tina thinks to the contrary

This is why they arn't a moderator, taste is pivotal to the group thumbsup

Sean, there are tons of reasons why I am not a moderator. My like or dislike of Foie Gras is probably pretty low on the list!

Mind the windows Tino.

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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue 12 Jun 2012, 2:15 pm

Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Seanusarrilius wrote:
rowley wrote:I like Foie Gras, not that I have it too often, irrespective of what tina thinks to the contrary

This is why they arn't a moderator, taste is pivotal to the group thumbsup

Sean, there are tons of reasons why I am not a moderator. My like or dislike of Foie Gras is probably pretty low on the list!

Fair enough matey


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by TopHat24/7 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 2:54 pm

Mr Bounce wrote:They'll both get 0% because the fight will not happen.

3 years ago, it would have been epic. Now they're both past their best.

Most accurate statement on the thread thumbsup


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by no-mas Tue 12 Jun 2012, 3:00 pm

TopHat24/7 wrote:
Mr Bounce wrote:They'll both get 0% because the fight will not happen.

3 years ago, it would have been epic. Now they're both past their best.

Most accurate statement on the thread thumbsup

I agree with the 0% bit however i feel the only reason it would have been epic 3 years ago is because the gulf in class wasnt as obvious as it is today to most, both past there best? yes, however one has been in exciting fights whilst the other has been looking lost.

To answer the original question, i would say 70-30 is fair however 65 - 35 is more likely


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by TopHat24/7 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 3:19 pm

no-mas wrote:
TopHat24/7 wrote:
Mr Bounce wrote:They'll both get 0% because the fight will not happen.

3 years ago, it would have been epic. Now they're both past their best.

Most accurate statement on the thread thumbsup

I agree with the 0% bit however i feel the only reason it would have been epic 3 years ago is because the gulf in class wasnt as obvious as it is today to most, both past there best? yes, however one has been in exciting fights whilst the other has been looking lost.

To answer the original question, i would say 70-30 is fair however 65 - 35 is more likely

Bit ambiguous there as Pac has, generally speaking, been in more exciting fights than Floyd (but also is clearly looking like he's lost a little something recently). Mosley ran from Pac after getting wobbled whereas he engaged PBF after wobbling him instead which made that fight more interesting however it was hardly exciting, Ortiz was a rubbish fight which Floyd won in slightly dirty circumstances, his performances against JMM and Hatton for example were classy and skilled but no exciting or particularly entertaining etc etc Floyd is much more in the Sweet Pea camp of being supremely gifted but not overly exciting.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue 12 Jun 2012, 3:24 pm

The Mayweathers will want it now they know that Pac is far past his best and they would wipe the floor with him.

This fight 2009 would have been a complete pick em. Now, pointless.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by TopHat24/7 Tue 12 Jun 2012, 3:44 pm

The JMM fights should've shown them all they needed to know to want to get the fight on as the win was pretty clear. They didn't. Now I don't care.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

Post by kevchadders Tue 12 Jun 2012, 6:12 pm

55-45 to Floyd or 60-40 at a push.

With Floyd I'd except he'd settle for 55-45. That would still make him feel he's won in the pot stakes and the 55% would still amount to more money than he has ever made in any other fight if it ever happened.


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Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why??? Empty Re: Floyd - Manny - What percentage should Manny get and why???

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