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The Lions One Year Out

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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty The Lions One Year Out

Post by Rava Wed 11 Jul 2012, 4:01 pm

First topic message reminder :

Our friends at Whiff of Cordite have opened the discussion of the make up of next years Lions Squad with a look at potential travellers in the Forwards.

Lions 2013 – the Forwards
Put on your Power of 4 bracelets, park your xenophobia, marvel at the fact Andy Powell and Ugo Monye toured last time out, and brace yourself for cringeworthy archive footage of Iain McGeechan bawling in 2009 – it’s the Lions!

Well, it will be in a year or so anyway. Last year, we looked at the runners and riders two years out, split (as this year) into forwards and backs – we got some things right (Ben Morgan and Dan Tuohy as ones to watch) and some laughably wrong (we said Rory Best was finished and mentioned Ooooooooooohh Matt Banahan).

One year on, we’re going to put our necks on the block (a little) – we’re going to call who is on the plane, who needs to do more, and guess some potential bolters … a fool’s errand if there ever was one. With Warren Gatland as head coach (as surely he will be), we think selection policy will be similar enough to last time, with form the key watchword. McGeechan and Gatty made it clear they wanted players who were finishing the season well, and were happy to leave out players they hugly respected (Ryan Jones) in favour of those who were on top of their form (Alan Quinlan). So we figure it’s not worth trying to name a 35-man panel at this juncture. Today it’s the forwards and Thursday the backs.

Loosehead prop:

On the plane: Fresh from a top notch season with Leinster and Ireland where he emerged as a pack leader, scrumagger of note and destructive carrier, DJ Church can be pencilled in as a starter right now.

Work to do: Gethin Jenkins was favourite to start and a certainty to tour just 6 months ago, but was injured and then out-performed by Paul James in the second half of last season. If James continues his upward trajectory and Jenkins doesn’t improve, James will tour in his stead. Alex Corbisiero had a solid season for England last year – if he holds on to his shirt, he’s going.

Bolters: Prop isn’t a position where you emerge from nowhere so don’t expect a less-established name to go to Oz, but Ryan Grant rescued his career with a move to Glasgow last year, and had a good summer tour, just like Scotland. If he ousts Chunk from the national team, he has a chance.


On the plane: Despite what we said last year, Rory Best is going – he’s been immense for Ireland and Ulster this year. In 2009, Ross Ford toured as a token Scot – this time, he will tour by right – his offloading game for Embra in this years HEC was incredible, and his set-piece work is solid.

Work to do: Dylan Hartley has never quite convinced at the highest level – every time you think he has cracked it, he puts out a performance so bad you go back to square one. Wales have been chopping and changing at hooker for the last year – Matthew Rees has generally been first choice, but has not been playing well – if any of Huw Bennett, Richard Hibbard or Ken Owens pull out a good quality and consistent season and get the shirt for the Six Nations, they will go.

Bolters: He will shortly turn Irish, and multi-HEC winning Richardt Strauss has been a key part of Leinster’s success – although small, he is a dynamic player and looks well-tailored to be put up against the powder-puff Wallaby forwards.

Tighthead Prop:

On the plane: The best scrumagging tighthead in Lions contention is Adam Jones – add his previous Lions experience and Gatty’s trust, and he’s in. Dan Cole is a yellow card machine, but he is improving every year – he had a good tour to SA as well – he’ll make it.

Work to do: There are no Sunday tests, but Euan Murray still need to do better than last year – as it stands he is behind the technically excellent Mike Ross.

Bolters: Again, tighthead props don’t come from nowhere, so don’t expect too many surprises barring injury. Deccie Fitzpatrick stepped up to a very high level this June and didn’t look too out of place – if John Afoa or Ross get crocked, he will come into the reckoning.

Second Row:

On the Plane: Richie Gray could fall into a big hole and spend 11 months getting out and still make the tour – he’s simply fantastic and we love him unconditionally. Captain last time out, Paul O’Connell makes his province and country twice as good when he is in the team – he is a captaincy contender (Gatty likes a meaty captain).

Work to do: After what looked like a breakthrough 2010/11, Courtney Lawes had his 2011/12 ruined by injury – if he comes back near his form of the season before last, he should still make it. The move to Perpignan may have come at the wrong time for Luke Charteris – Bradley Davies and Alun Wyn Jones had good summer tours, and Ian Evans is still playing a t a high level – at least two of that quartet will be missing out. If Donnacha Ryan or Dan Tuohy can continue last years progression, both are in with a shout – more likely Ryan, given how easily he has adopted to the international stage. Geoff Parling is a decent lineout operator, but there would appear to be better options unless he makes more impact around the park.

Bolters: As far as we know, there are no Eben Etzebeth’s waiting to bust out of a reserve team anywhere, but Iain Henderson looks the real deal at Ulster – it’s more than likely too early, but Gatty hasn’t shied from picking raw and talented youngsters before (albeit mostly piano players rather than piano shifters).


On the Plane: This sector is ridiculously competitive, and some big names are going to miss out. As it stands, we see Sam Warburton going – you’ll need a fetcher to go up against Pocock, and Sam is also a captaincy contender. Stephen Ferris offers twitch power and strength unlike anything else in the hempisphere, and Chris Robshaw is ideal dirt-track leadership material – we think these three are in the lead right now.

Work to do: At the back of the pack, one of Jamie Heaslip, Ben Morgan and Toby Faletau is possibly going to miss out – Heaslip has the experience of SA in his favour, and has had a better year than most give him credit for, but is not firing on all cylinders. Morgan was England’s best player in the Six Nations but had a difficult SA tour, and Faletau carries more ball than anyone in the Welsh (Grand Slam) pack.

On the flanks, Sean O’Brien also carries well and he can play right across the backrow – that’s a plus on a busy tour. Looking at exclusive blindsides, Dan Lydiate will tackle until the cows come home; whereas Dave Denton can carry destrictively as well. Firmly ensconsed in the Stephen Jones Club is Tom Croft – he’s great in open field and scored spectacular tries in last years Six Nations, but he also got bumped badly by Dave Denton and dumped into touch by Paddy Wallace (Paddy Wallace!) in Ravers - he’ll need to improve. Or what about nearly-England captain Tom Wood?

If fetching is your thing, why, we can offer you a Justin Tipuric – Pro12 winner with the Ospreys and able deputy for Big Sam – or Ross Rennie, breakdown king in a HEC semi-final. And we haven’t mentioned John Barclay yet. The least you can say is there is depth!

Bolters: He may not have looked ready in New Zealand, but Peter O’Mahony has raw talent – the arrival of CJ Stander will free him to work on improving his game at 6 or 8, and you might see good results if the pressure if kept off. The best openside of the lot is probably Steffon Armitage, the Top14 POTY – a visible HEC campaign and he could make the plane.

Are there any obvious exclusions from their list?
Who would you pick as captain?
Any other bolters?

I will up date with the back choices on Thursday.

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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by Morgannwg Thu 12 Jul 2012, 9:22 pm

I still don't see the hype around this overated Lawes. Hartley did do well in SA though.

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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by Geordie Thu 12 Jul 2012, 9:26 pm


I can understand that...but i dont think many have seen the best of him for a few years due to a line of injuries...worryingly similar to Wood (from an England perspective).

Hopefully Lawes is thoroughly fixed....gets a full preseason and can really show what he can do....because i do think on his day he is impressive..

The only draw back is which position he's trying to be...the more athletic lineout guy...or the heavier i see him of something in the middle. If he could really boss the lineout...which is improving then alongside a big enforcer that would be a quite fearsome second row...


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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by Geordie Thu 12 Jul 2012, 9:30 pm

An interesting question for me will be the second rows.

If you go with a heavyweight second row like:
4 Gray
5 Hamilton

Do you then need to include someone like Croft at six for a bit more lineout savy?


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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by InjuredYetAgain Thu 12 Jul 2012, 9:39 pm

Nice call with (I presume you mean Jim) Hamilton. I am a big fan of his but I reckon we need more athletic tight 5 than JH can be. I think the hard grounds will make the game too fast for him


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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by rodders Thu 12 Jul 2012, 9:49 pm

Donnacha Ryan anyone?

Have to say he was Irelands best player in the NZ tests imo, arguably the best player on the pitch in the second one. Has been a revelation this year and is a nailed on Irish and Munster starter now. Is starting to become a real leader in the pack.

There's some very good second rows but given his ability to cover blindside could he make the tour?

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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by Rava Thu 12 Jul 2012, 10:07 pm

rodders wrote:Donnacha Ryan anyone?

Have to say he was Irelands best player in the NZ tests imo, arguably the best player on the pitch in the second one. Has been a revelation this year and is a nailed on Irish and Munster starter now. Is starting to become a real leader in the pack.

There's some very good second rows but given his ability to cover blindside could he make the tour?

I think thats a given Rodders.

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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by Geordie Thu 12 Jul 2012, 10:08 pm

Rodders there are indeed some very good second rows...and i dont forsee any from England making it...we're poor there at the moment. But thats an irrelevant comment anyway Wink

What combo would you start...?


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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by rodders Thu 12 Jul 2012, 10:15 pm

O'Connell, if he can recapture this seasons form after another bad injury and Gray would be my locks. Can't really see past them at the minute if on form.

Evans and Charteris would be other options.

Ryan and Gray together would be too weak in the scrum I think so Ryan would be a bench option maybe.

What about yourself? Whats happened Palmer and Lawes?

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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by Geordie Thu 12 Jul 2012, 10:33 pm

Palmer is a solid interational...but not the top level...and Lawes has been injured for so long who knows how he will be when he comes back.

He might make it. But this season we could say that about so many real potential players.

I think of all the English second rows who could potentially'll be Launchbury. Now that guy has the lot...and was a collosus for Wasps despite his age. And he can play 6 aswell...


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The Lions One Year Out - Page 6 Empty Re: The Lions One Year Out

Post by Glas a du Thu 12 Jul 2012, 10:55 pm

Celtic forwards and English backs.

1 who'd have thunk it?

2 mark my words.
Glas a du
Glas a du

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