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guitar hero's

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guitar hero's Empty guitar hero's

Post by spencerclarke Fri 04 Jan 2013, 11:52 pm

Evening all.

Now I'm sure this has been done before but as it wasn't on the most recent page of threads I could be bothered to look further.

So who are your guitar heroes. For me it would be jimmi Hendrix miles ahead. Followed by Eric Clapton and kirk hammet. Now this is not necessarily the best ever just those that pull on your heart strings.

Metallica have been a big part of my life over the years as I have always listened to there music for as long as I cam remember and have seen them live a few times so kirk was always going to appear.

I just love a strong character iny guitar player at the end of the day


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guitar hero's Empty Re: guitar hero's

Post by dyrewolfe Tue 08 Jan 2013, 3:29 pm

I think we've had a couple of these threads before, but I'm a keen (if not very good) guitarist and have a few heroes of my own. In no particular order they are:

Zakk Wylde
Brian May
Jimmy Page
John Petrucci
Marty Friedman & Dave Mustaine
David Gilmour
Richie Sambora
Phil Collen

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guitar hero's Empty Re: guitar hero's

Post by Kenny Wed 30 Jan 2013, 4:52 pm

Ritchie Blackmore has always been my guitar hero

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guitar hero's Empty Re: guitar hero's

Post by asdral225 Wed 30 Jan 2013, 5:52 pm

Lenny, Mr Blackmore needs to get back to where he belongs, belting out heavy rock rifts.
Tony Iommi is another of my favourites

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guitar hero's Empty Re: guitar hero's

Post by Mr Fishpaste Wed 20 Feb 2013, 5:55 pm

To balance out all you rockers I'm gonna propose some jazzmen:

Joe Pass
Jim Hall
Al Di Meola
Wes Montgomery

Mr Fishpaste

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guitar hero's Empty Re: guitar hero's

Post by WhiteCamry Thu 21 Feb 2013, 12:16 pm

Django Rheinhardt
Chet Atkins
Chuck Berry


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