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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax) Empty 1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 07 Jan 2013, 2:01 pm

After seeing the rather cool-looking promo video played repeatedly over the last couple of weeks, I was expecting a bit of a show when the Icon made his reappearance.

He is, after all, one of pro wrestling's elder statesmen, something of a legend and known for making dramatic entrances in the past. The promo had him looking angry, talking about redemption and out to get revenge on Aces & Eights, for the hammer attack that was used to give him some time off.

It started fairly promisingly, with DOC calling him out. The Icon failed to appear and instead one of his trademark black baseball bats dropped into the ring, sending DOC into a panic.

However we were then made to wait until the climax of the main event - a cage tag team match with Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe facing Devon and Big Masked Guy. Team TNA had just got the win and were about to unmask BMG when the rest of A&E invaded. Angle and Joe are getting the snot pounded out of them when the camera suddenly cuts to Sting jogging down the ramp and climbing into the ring. He proceeds to unconvincingly (i.e. without much energy or obvious enthusiasm) take out the entire A&E gang with his baseball bat, allowing Angle to unmask the guy as he had promised to do.

I couldn't help but think that, since the cage had no roof, he could have come down on a rope. Or even done the old lights-go-out-then-BAM-there-he-is routine (an oldie but a goodie). Have to say I don't think the Stinger did himself any favours either - he could have at least looked like he wanted to do some damage.

I don't know if TNA are deliberately avoiding the old showboating routines of the past, but I think this was a missed opportunity and that even when you have good wrestling, the odd bit of showmanship doesn't hurt...especially for a comeback by one of the biggest names in the business.

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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax) Empty Re: 1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

Post by Kaiser Mon 07 Jan 2013, 2:17 pm

Who was the masked big guy??


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Post by Guest Mon 07 Jan 2013, 2:19 pm

Who was under the mask?


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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax) Empty Re: 1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

Post by MetalMotty Mon 07 Jan 2013, 2:22 pm

Have to Agree was an anti climax, could have done better


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Post by Guest Mon 07 Jan 2013, 2:22 pm

So no-one knows


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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax) Empty Re: 1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

Post by Mr Video Man Mon 07 Jan 2013, 2:29 pm

mike knox
Mr Video Man
Mr Video Man

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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax) Empty Re: 1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

Post by Scott is Back Mon 07 Jan 2013, 2:32 pm

AntLord wrote:Who was under the mask?

Jim Carrey!


Scott is Back

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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax) Empty Re: 1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

Post by HitmanOwl Mon 07 Jan 2013, 4:04 pm

Yes it was a major let down!!! Worse bit was when they was removing this mask the camera man moved so didn't even get the pay off ha didn't even recognize Knox at first until Renault says its Knox from the wwe.

Aces story is boring and dragging like fook.


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1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax) Empty Re: 1/3/13 - Sting's Impact Comeback (an anticlimax)

Post by VDT Mon 07 Jan 2013, 4:09 pm

Will they just say Hogans the leader already and let him win the Title Ha!

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