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Comeback of the Century

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Comeback of the Century Empty Comeback of the Century

Post by Derbymanc Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:08 pm

Things were very different 4 years previously as Nathans frustrations were starting to spill over and he began on a downward spiral. After brother Kieran’s injury in the ring and their subsequent opening of The People’s Gym in Heywood things were turning a corner, when Nathan suffered a bad knee injury at a local football game he shrugged it off. There were no major plans in the pipeline and he figured it would be a wait on the NHS until it was fixed up. This would become a nightmare throughout the years as appointments and consultations were cancelled, rescheduled until finally he was told the awful news that as he’d been up and about for the past years, his knee was now destroyed and there was nothing he could do.

Made doubly worse as thoughts of a possible comeback had started to rise and Nathan had his own little stable of amateurs.........................................

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