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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by A Fine Folk. Wed 09 Jan 2013, 5:00 am

He's the world heavyweight champion....

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by JoshSansom Wed 09 Jan 2013, 6:35 am

Seems like a segway to getting Ziggler to cash in the MITB briefcase...

Given that this wasn't seemingly advertised as a WHC match on Raw and given Big Show's very short match against Kofi on Raw; there is also the possibility that Show has an injury. It is a real shame as both Mark Henry last year and Big Show this year have stepped up into the monster heel role and I had hoped both would carry their titles to WM before facing a big crowd favourite.

Ziggler's new catchphrase could be "Stealing the Show... & Your WrestleMania!"


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Aaronb33 Wed 09 Jan 2013, 7:28 am

From what I've heard, the title match was a very physical one so the injury point doesn't seem likely. I agree with the bit about it being a way for Ziggler to cash in though. Del Rio is a transitional champ at best.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Hero Wed 09 Jan 2013, 7:56 am

WWE have shot themselves in the foot though and have already announced it on several days before it airs (or to get people to bother to tune into it)


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Guest Wed 09 Jan 2013, 9:23 am

Great - how on earth has this guy now been WWE champion more than once?

He's so boring!!!!!!


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Mr Video Man Wed 09 Jan 2013, 9:59 am

another reason not to watch smackdown
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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Crimey Wed 09 Jan 2013, 10:28 am

Hero wrote:WWE have shot themselves in the foot though and have already announced it on several days before it airs (or to get people to bother to tune into it)

They always do that when the world title changes hands on Smackdown, which begs the question...why bother changing it on Smackdown? I'd be surprised if more people tuned in.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Mr Video Man Wed 09 Jan 2013, 11:07 am

Crimey wrote:
Hero wrote:WWE have shot themselves in the foot though and have already announced it on several days before it airs (or to get people to bother to tune into it)

They always do that when the world title changes hands on Smackdown, which begs the question...why bother changing it on Smackdown? I'd be surprised if more people tuned in.

if anything i think it has the opposite effect because people think oh i dont need to bother watching it now i know what happens
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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by VDT Wed 09 Jan 2013, 12:06 pm

Must be due to public demend for another ADR vs Sheamoose PPV Match Laugh

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Crimey Wed 09 Jan 2013, 12:53 pm

sjh5678 wrote:
Crimey wrote:
Hero wrote:WWE have shot themselves in the foot though and have already announced it on several days before it airs (or to get people to bother to tune into it)

They always do that when the world title changes hands on Smackdown, which begs the question...why bother changing it on Smackdown? I'd be surprised if more people tuned in.

if anything i think it has the opposite effect because people think oh i dont need to bother watching it now i know what happens



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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Hero Wed 09 Jan 2013, 1:12 pm

I presume they believe it'll be a 'Mick Foley' moment.
It will not be a Mick Foley moment.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Crimey Wed 09 Jan 2013, 1:32 pm

They usually only do it when somebody is injured, the only time I can think of where they've changed the title without the person being injured and announced it on was when Swagger cashed in on Jericho.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Dr Gregory House MD Wed 09 Jan 2013, 1:36 pm

Can't belive WWE have done this again!!

Last year Mark Henry was the unstoppable super-push monster, and all his momentum was squandered to the Big Show for a 45 second reign and an IC title match at 'Mania.

This year Big Show goes on one of his best runs in years, gets 2 clean wins over the super-face Sheamus and then gets jobbed out to Del Rio on Smackdown who has lost to Sheamus 770 times this year and is presumably going to lose to Ziggler in the medium term future.

Who does this benefit? Sheamus certainally doesn't get any benefit, it dosn't seem like WWE have given up on him but while he's singing Danny Boy, Del Rio reaps his 3 PPV's of sacrafice and unless WWE have major plans for Del Rio, I don't think that was a wise move. Show's momentum is now all but crushed, he can still look strong but they won't be able to re-kindle the unbeatable monster aura easily in the near future, it does give Ziggler a face to feud with in Del Rio but given the unexpected nature of the win he's hardly going to be able to capitalise and establish himself on this momentum if WWE wants to pull the trigger on Ziggler before mania.

I'll wait to be convinced as always but at the moment short-sighted is an understatement.

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by whatwindturbine Wed 09 Jan 2013, 6:38 pm

WWE have given Del Rio both titles, MITB and the Rumble win in a two year period...

And his ring announcer is still *WAY* more over with the fans.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by bretmeharty Wed 09 Jan 2013, 7:58 pm

At a guess Id say this was done to keep Del Rio happy


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Mr H Thu 10 Jan 2013, 9:41 am

The WWE want to push him as their number 1 Hispanic superstar and with the babyface turn not working out so well they put the strap on him to try and get him over.

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Thu 10 Jan 2013, 11:12 am

So Del Rio's the champ eh? That'll put some butts in seats.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Guest Thu 10 Jan 2013, 11:53 am

As much as I hate Ziggler, i'm praying him to cash in next week and end the boredom of Del Rio as champ!!!


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Bull Thu 10 Jan 2013, 12:08 pm

nothing makes you happy does it?


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Mr Video Man Thu 10 Jan 2013, 12:14 pm

AntLord wrote:As much as I hate Ziggler, i'm praying him to cash in next week and end the boredom of Del Rio as champ!!!

hate ziggler? why?...........because he stole the show....and your girlfriend? Wink
Mr Video Man
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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Guest Thu 10 Jan 2013, 12:20 pm

I just dont like his character as the show off, he needs a better gimmick in my opinion


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Mr Video Man Thu 10 Jan 2013, 12:26 pm

i think he's doin alright meself.......maybe do a gimmick similar to mr perfect curt henning where he is great at everything and have a superkick as his finisher like others on here have said
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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Guest Thu 10 Jan 2013, 12:29 pm

Ziggler is there to sell i think, I just can't see him having a stand out moment at say WM or anything where he wins in a Cell or something like that


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Nay Thu 10 Jan 2013, 12:50 pm

sjh5678 wrote:
AntLord wrote:As much as I hate Ziggler, i'm praying him to cash in next week and end the boredom of Del Rio as champ!!!

hate ziggler? why?...........because he stole the show....and your girlfriend? Wink

His girlfriend was Vicky Guerrero, I am not sure that was something to brag quite as much about.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Guest Thu 10 Jan 2013, 12:56 pm

And even more controversially, I don't find AJ that hot.....


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Thu 10 Jan 2013, 1:42 pm

AntLord wrote:And even more controversially, I don't find AJ that hot.....

Someone has to say it ...

I'm sure Mr Styles is most relieved

Wink Run
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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Price Check On Jackass Thu 10 Jan 2013, 2:40 pm

Don't be so silly, as if Antlord has ever had a girlfriend!

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Bull Thu 10 Jan 2013, 2:44 pm

Laugh Laugh


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Guest Sat 12 Jan 2013, 12:00 am

Just watched it and thought it was pretty decent for a Smackdown match. Del Rio also looked to be quite over.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by GSC Sat 12 Jan 2013, 12:03 am

Del Rios been better recently, but yeah, just seems like a mechanism for Ziggler to cash in on a face.

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Kay Fabe Sat 12 Jan 2013, 1:11 am

Just watched this, Del Rio has been doing alright as a face, thought he worked well against Show, I'm surprised though, I truly felt they were saving Show for Ryback at Mania, if it happens now without the title on the line it'll just feel like a meaningless squash match when it could have propelled him.

I'm guessing Show has an injury though

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sat 12 Jan 2013, 5:15 am

Was a hell of a match, Id be surprised if I see a better one on Smackdown all year. Think they did well to project how much of a monster Show is and how hard it was for Del Rio. Little touches like rolling out of the ring onto his feet rather than getting up properly, and forcing the table on top.

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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by JoshSansom Sun 13 Jan 2013, 9:25 pm

Just watched Smackdown and I really enjoyed the LMS match and ADR becoming champion. It seems that his style suits being a face much better than a heel and I would guess that his intensity will also translate across to his promos as well. It just seemed as though he had no fire as a heel so I think he will be much more interesting as a face (and facing rather than being an antagonist).

Also liked the way that he won, reminded me of Jericho / Kane at Armageddon 2000 in terms of a smaller competitor burying a larger one. Felt believable way to end it.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by Hero Sun 13 Jan 2013, 10:39 pm

For me it was ADRs best ever match in WWE and up there too for Big Show, think it could certainly be ADRs break through match as he came across really well.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by FMKK Tue 15 Jan 2013, 7:43 pm

Del Rio got a rather good pop when he came out on Raw last night too, so the face turn seems to be sticking.


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

Post by MtotheC Tue 15 Jan 2013, 7:56 pm

Agree it was some what of a breakthrough moment for ADR it was certainly his best in ring performance, telling a really good story throughout, he's been afforded a lot of opportunities in the last 2 years winning the rumble, MITB and both world titles, hopefully this is a sign of thing a to come for ADR


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Alberto Del Rio Spoiler Empty Re: Alberto Del Rio Spoiler

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