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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

MR. scotland27
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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by MR. scotland27 Fri 05 Jul 2013, 1:15 pm

As someone who is relatively new to the NFL, I am finding difficult to understand the difference between the Pro Bowl, All Pro and the Top 100. Obvioulsy Adrian Peterson is probably the best player in the league right now, reflected by his selection for the Pro Bowl, first team all pro, number 1 on the top 100 and MVP. But what about a player like Richard Sherman who was first team all pro, but didn't make the pro bowl, and wasn't the highest rated CB on the NFL network's top 100.

Any help on this matter would be good, I find it quite confusing.
MR. scotland27
MR. scotland27

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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by cherriesfna Fri 05 Jul 2013, 1:24 pm

all pro is best by a mile

then id go for top 100 as its voted by piers

fan vote ruins the pro bowl

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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by cherriesfna Fri 05 Jul 2013, 1:24 pm

also people dont like my brotha sherm because he is so good and he knows it

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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by MR. scotland27 Fri 05 Jul 2013, 1:30 pm

I love Sherman but he has a lot to live up to this year with all his chat
MR. scotland27
MR. scotland27

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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by Thomond Fri 05 Jul 2013, 1:34 pm

Top 100 is a load of shoite. The only thing they got right was Peterson being number one, there are a lot of omissions on it and a lot of questionable guys they put a lot of emphasis on guys turnign up in the post season.

The Pro Bowl is largely a popularity contest as fan votes matter most. Certain guys will get there despite not deserving it (Eric Berry of the Chiefs this year and Jeff Saturday), while certain guys always make it. The Pro Bowl can under estimate certain positions. For example, a lot of the outside linebackers who get picked for the pro Bowl are 3-4 linebackers, your Clay Matthews, Aldon Smiths, Demarcus Wares and so on. Those guys are all very good players but playing as 3-4 backers they will make a lot of big plays namely sacks, so they get the attention. 4-3 Outside linebackers can be a very unappreciated in this type of thing, and perhaps a bit in All-Pro nominations too.

I'm not saying guys like Lavonte David, Lance Briggs, Jon Beason or Zach Brown are good enough for the Pro Bowl but their job is made a lot harder as peopel don't appreciate how good they are. So basically the pro bowl needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, small market teams can go unnoticed as their players are well known in the public domain (Daryl Washington), and fasn can be idiiots as we all know!

All-Pro is where it's at, jorunalists put it together and nine times out of ten they have it bang on. As for Richard Sherman, the guy was the best cornerback in the league last year no question, one of the few guys who can go man to man on guys and win, Quarterbacks will soon learn to throw away from him more often like they did with Darrelle Revis. As for why he didn't get to the Pro Bowl, he is a big trash talker and annoys a lot of people, I was always mouthing in sport myself and one of the Buccaneers' greatest players, Warren Sapp was the same so I love a teash talker and I love Sherman but a lot of people don't like that attitude so they didn't want him there. No question he was deserving of it though.


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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by MR. scotland27 Fri 05 Jul 2013, 2:38 pm

Ok makes more sense now, but how does Von Miller do so well as an outside linebacker in a 4-3?
MR. scotland27
MR. scotland27

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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by Thomond Fri 05 Jul 2013, 2:50 pm

Most teams mix things up in different packages now days you see nickel defence which is kind of a variation on the 3-4 and some teams play a 2-4-5 at times too, probably should have added, defensive schemes are being mxed more and more.

As for Miller, he is a bit of a freak in that regard, there are not many 4-3 OLBs who can blitz like him and their defensive co-ordinator gives him greater licence to blitz. Miller plays on the strong side, usually opposite a tight end or a right tackle (in his case he is pretty great so might have to deal with both). Most blitzes happen on third down when Strongside guys are often not on the field (on long third downs people will often replace an SLB with a defensive back as more receivers are in the game) but Von is so good he makes people keep him on the pitch, his jobs at times is solely get to the QB and from the strongside that can help as he mightn't be up against some of the better blockers but that's not a slight on him.

As for his techniques and things liek that, I haven't watched enough of the Broncos focusing solely on him to judge, from when he palyed the Bucs, he was a bit of a freak, had insane power and great speed and some terrific hand work to get past guys, not many guys can match up to him from a physical stand point.


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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by MR. scotland27 Fri 05 Jul 2013, 3:02 pm

Cheers great insight
MR. scotland27
MR. scotland27

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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by NYJ Fri 05 Jul 2013, 11:01 pm

3-4 DE's get no love either (JJ Watt aside). Mo Wilkerson deserved some recognition.

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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by Derbyblue Sat 06 Jul 2013, 6:22 pm

Something so far not mentioned I'm pretty certain that due to being suspended Sherman couldn't be selected for the Pro Bowl and even if he was available howmany people are going to choose a player the league said was guilty of taking performances enhancing drugs?

I'll be amazed if any player cares for the top 100 sure its probably nice to get the top few spots but most players dont bother voting and they only get 20 choices how some of the players on the list are in anybody's top 20 I have no idea.


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Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players? Empty Re: Which form of ranking do you think matters most to NFL players?

Post by GSC Sat 06 Jul 2013, 6:28 pm

Miller plays at least some DE on pass downs.

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