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Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious

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Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious Empty Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious

Post by AlexHuckerby Wed 30 Jul 2014, 3:42 am

Briggs at it once again, interrupts Wladimirs training session to shout profanities at him seemingly covered in baby oil... Gets in the ring with him and repeatedly tells him he's gonna beat him up. Wladimir then says he would knock him out and holds up his hand and tells him if he can hit it then Briggs says, "Nope, but I can hit your face"

The man is genuinely ma if he thinks he has a chance, about 15 years ago he got annihilated by Lennox Lewis and about 4 since Vitali rearranged his face.

Won't give up!

Can we see this fight ACTUALLY getting made... Might be better than Pianeta in fairness?


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Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious Empty Re: Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious

Post by joeyjojo618 Wed 30 Jul 2014, 7:11 am

I thought it was pretty funny, although things like this are adding to the WWE style nature of boxing these days which can only be a bad thing.

Briggs should have retired after he took that beating against Vitali. Credit to him for hanging in there but he should have been pulled out by his corner or the doctor. Wasnt good to watch for me personally. He wouldnt take as much punishment against Wlad, but wouldnt stand a snowball in hell's chance either.


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Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious Empty Re: Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious

Post by TopHat24/7 Wed 30 Jul 2014, 10:30 am

Any chance this is set-up?

It's funny, but it's the most interesting & personality-full I've ever seen Wlad.


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Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious Empty Re: Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious

Post by Steffan Wed 30 Jul 2014, 12:19 pm

Probably a set-up it looked to me

If it wasn't though it was a poor attempt by Briggs to get Wlad wound up

Surely everyone knows the 'Tell your woman to bring her pretty little self to her apartment tonight and I show her a REAL MAN' always works?


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Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious Empty Re: Shannon Briggs - A Man Being Hilarious

Post by Mr Bounce Wed 30 Jul 2014, 1:16 pm

You have to like Briggs. A showman and a loudmouth who sells himself and his limited talent. I'd love to see him fight Fury and Wilder. That would be fun.

Mr Bounce

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