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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by emack2 Wed 03 Sep 2014, 10:20 pm

This is from a Historical Perspective of politics in Rugby in all forms,my bonafides are well known and I am talking from objective
point of view.As much as possible as a Historian rather than an NZ,England or Scotland fan and will be a mix of fact,rumour,myth
and conjecture.A lot of it will be based on NZ Rugby in general and particular because it is my field of expertise hopefully some
will read this and enjoy it and maybe learn something.
It is of necessity based a lot in the Touring and Amateur era but overflows into the modern game even today.Governments,
Pride,Money and National Politics all come into it.Politicing in all forms is a dirty business at any level.
So starting at the beginning the two biggest Countries and Rivals were NZ and SA team selection on Racial Grounds occurred
with 1919 NZ Services.Continued thru period 1921-76 in practice[1970 was a token sop].Up until 1960 even before apartheid
was official.The Line was when in Rome etc. just one of those things.In NZ from 1960 CARE,and HART as anti`s and Similar
Groups for Tours.
Led to bitter controversy,cancellation of tours of 1967,73,85 and the 1981-2 and the Cavaliers,also the Falklands Islands
Mean`t cancellation of tours to Argentina and at times relations with FIJI.
The pressure in this era was so great many players in NZ wouldn't play versus SA,that 1981 shouldn't have happened.
Also that a lot of tours in period 1970`s and 80`s used to take up the slack that many players physically couldn't
make all the tours.
That is the general background so on the next subject for a large period of the 20th century the IRB was England,Ireland
Scotland,and Wales.Nz,SA,and AUS.Were ENGLAND Associate members and England in effect had 4 votes where the
others had one.This was a cause of discord within the IRB as in effect what England wanted England got.
France was involved in someway before expulsion for quote Professional Practices including playing professionals.
bribing officials,intimidating referees,match fixing etc.This led to expulsion for 4 or 5 years pre 1939.They only
joined the IRB comparatively recently.
The Laws were very strict on amateurism post 1918 and 1945 there was an amnesty for Rugby League players. BUT when
Karl Ifwersen a player of Mark Nicholls calibre was in contention for the 1924-5 "Invincibles"tour if selected no tour.
Bob Scott on the other hand was not banned in 1946-56 period though he had played League.
People have said why did NZ let Sa dictate policy and not tell them to shove it simple NZvSA is the biggest Cash earner.
In 1930 the Lions toured NZ and were soundly beaten,the upshot was the 2-3-2 Scrum banned by the interference
of Baxter the Lions Manager.
The NZ adopted the Bok Scrum but pride wouldn't let the NZRFU approach SA for the 3-4-1 secrets theres for the asking.
In 1949 after the AB`s Scrum was push around even by a University side,Management couldn't bring them selves to ask
for help for fear of being "Conned".Simpson the AB Captain Approached Bo Wintle a former SA Prop with Danie Cravens
consent for secrets of The Scrum and the Bok Hooking System.By the end of the Tour the Pupils had equalled the Teacher.
In Nz the NZRFU Council is all Powerful the Chairman,Vice Chairman and a total of 16 councillors from are from Wellington
the rest elected.All The Provinces nominated candidates but by some strange coincidence only the candadates who towed
the party line were elected.Time servers often being elected or re-elected over innovators many were genuinely working
to forward Nz Rugby.Others just wanted to climb the greasy pole.
The Council controlled Commitees ,Selectors,Coaches,Managers for Tours,these were often picked on Island Grounds
North v South.The effect of this was that people were selected to Coach or Manage because it was there turn rather
than best man for the job.This applied to Tours as well as Home series and Results were all important.
This also probably occurred in all Countries to a greater or lesser extent certainly in England Post SWC.when
"The Teflon KId" was Supremo and the Coaches took the flak.
In 1924-5 it was rumoured that a North/South split occurred on Tour and the fall out was that on the 1928
Tour it was reason Mark Nicholls was not picked for the first the tests.
Further that a South Island Manager was originally picked for the 1949 tour and that Vic Cavanagh Jr. was his
running mate.The Final Candates picked were North Island the Coach was a joke,Simpson coached the Forwards
Freddie Allen the backs.When the Team returned home packed as it was with Otago players Cavanagh was
dropped from the Selection Board !!!.He promptly turned his back on Rugby for many many years.
When Freddie Allen was AB`s Coach 1966-8 ,Cavanagh was Co-opted to advise on Coaching the forwards.
When the suits starting interfearing with his selections he called it a day though he would have loved a
crack at the Boks again in 1970.
A Parallel in alleged interference with SCW`s side 2004 and why he walked away but 2005 Lions may have
disproved the rumour,.
Amateurism was taken to ridiculous level s in the Nh for example Players for a major tour met for the
first time together 7 days before sailing.The tour Captain was the captain of the years 5Ns winners.
Pride denied the All Blacks neutral refs in 1976 Bok tour so only have themselves to blame for the final test
result for a polically motivated self confessed Ref [Burmeister]
Incidents of politics in Nz Rugby concerning didscipline cost them dear or made them look vindictive.
Before 1935 England ,AB match the AB winger came back for being late back from curfew.he`d marked
Obolensky out of the game when they met previously,he was dropped the rest history.
Ron Rangi was guilty of liberating a bottle of quality scotch on tour and was sentenced "
In Absentia"never to be picked for AB`s again despite Tom Pearce decreeing he could be.
The Murdoch incident when after a relatively minor incident was sent home to versions
one on the FRU`s insistence or 2 the NZ Manager panicked [Todd?]far worst incidents
had been squared by sensible Management.The Lions Hotel Wreckers for instance the
record 2 minutes to wreck a bed.
Or players or Coaches whose face didn't Vince Cavanagh jr or snr. and Carwyn James.
never Coached there Countries despite being THE Best of there time in Cavanagh,Jr
THE BEST of all time or Cullen and Merthens with Mitchell.Or the case when better
players in a side are overlooked.Bismarck Du Plessis for Smit ,or Dawson and Bryn
Meredith as examples.Mike Gibson was THE best all round NH FH I`ve seen ever
played there for the Lions.In the case of the 1966 side.There was an opinion they
would have won at least two tests.
Everything depends on winning now in the case of NZ coach failure to win an RWC
means instant dismissal.
Politics in SA RWC 1995 1 token coloured,ditto 1999,2 in 2003,2007, now politically
quotas have led to NH migration.PDV was a token Black Coach who wanted to change
styles but was denied by player power.His record a 5-1 3Ns ,a Lions win a 6-5 AB record
including 2 in NZ was very respectable certainly no need for vilification.
Player power ruined several Lions tours and those on national lines cost at least one
series win.
In modern Rugby only the RWC matters it seems everything is building for it etc.
you don`t win it your nothing inferior.
When the Boks ruled the roost post 1949 the All Blacks developed a siege mentality
from 1950 they HAD to win.They based there game on the 1949 Power Game a
massive Pack,solid set piece,kicking halfbacks a single loose forward Bill
Clark.The RUCK solid midfield defence and THE BOOT.
In 1956 the Boks had a Great Pack ,3 Hennie Mullers,plus some brilliant backs
Dr.Danie Craven wanted a running game,instead he got Rain,Mud,the Up
and Under,Dirty play by both sides,injuries .Ross-Handley Brown a third
generation All Black said it was the worst series he`d ever played in
he took 3 months to get over it.The writing was on the wall from the
First Match Waikato and the first lost,the 1951-2 Boks lost there first
match too but won the rest not like 1956.


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Join date : 2011-04-01
Age : 81
Location : Bournemouth

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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by HammerofThunor Wed 03 Sep 2014, 11:00 pm

I hope you don't mind but I sorted out the problem with line breaks. I know you've been frustrated by it in the past. Not read it in full yet but will do after posting this.

emack2 wrote:This is from a Historical Perspective of politics in Rugby in all forms,my bonafides are well known and I am talking from objective point of view.As much as possible as a Historian rather than an NZ,England or Scotland fan and will be a mix of fact,rumour,myth and conjecture.A lot of it will be based on NZ Rugby in general and particular because it is my field of expertise hopefully some will read this and enjoy it and maybe learn something.

It is of necessity based a lot in the Touring and Amateur era but overflows into the modern game even today.Governments, Pride,Money and National Politics all come into it.Politicing in all forms is a dirty business at any level.

So starting at the beginning the two biggest Countries and Rivals were NZ and SA team selection on Racial Grounds occurred with 1919 NZ Services.Continued thru period 1921-76 in practice[1970 was a token sop].Up until 1960 even before apartheid was official.The Line was when in Rome etc. just one of those things.In NZ from 1960 CARE,and HART as anti`s and Similar Groups for Tours.

Led to bitter controversy,cancellation of tours of 1967,73,85 and the 1981-2 and the Cavaliers,also the Falklands Islands Mean`t cancellation of tours to Argentina and at times relations with FIJI.
The pressure in this era was so great many players in NZ wouldn't play versus SA,that 1981 shouldn't have happened. Also that a lot of tours in period 1970`s and 80`s used to take up the slack that many players physically couldn't make all the tours.

That is the general background so on the next subject for a large period of  the 20th century the IRB was England,Ireland Scotland,and Wales.Nz,SA,and AUS.Were ENGLAND Associate members and England in effect had 4 votes where the others had one.This was a cause of discord within the IRB as in effect what England wanted England got.

France was involved in someway before expulsion for quote Professional Practices including playing professionals bribing officials,intimidating referees,match fixing etc.This led to expulsion for 4 or 5 years pre 1939.They only joined the IRB comparatively recently.

The Laws were very strict on amateurism post 1918 and 1945 there was an amnesty for Rugby League players. BUT when Karl Ifwersen a player of Mark Nicholls calibre was in contention for the 1924-5 "Invincibles"tour if selected no tour.

Bob Scott on the other hand was not banned in 1946-56 period though he had played League. People have said why did NZ let Sa dictate policy and not tell them to shove it simple NZvSA is the biggest Cash earner.
In 1930 the Lions toured NZ and were soundly beaten,the upshot was the 2-3-2 Scrum banned by the interference of Baxter the Lions Manager.

The NZ adopted the Bok Scrum but pride wouldn't let the NZRFU approach SA for the 3-4-1 secrets theres for the asking. In 1949 after the AB`s Scrum was push around even by a University side,Management couldn't bring them selves to ask for help for fear of being "Conned".Simpson the AB Captain Approached Bo Wintle a former SA Prop with Danie Cravens consent for secrets of The Scrum and the Bok Hooking System.By the end of the Tour the Pupils had equalled the Teacher.

In Nz the NZRFU Council is all Powerful the Chairman,Vice Chairman and a total of 16 councillors from are from Wellington the rest elected.All The Provinces nominated candidates but by some strange coincidence only the candadates who towed the party line were elected.Time servers often being elected or re-elected over innovators many were genuinely working to forward Nz Rugby.Others just wanted to climb the greasy pole.
The Council controlled Commitees ,Selectors,Coaches,Managers for Tours,these were often picked on Island Grounds North v South.The effect of this was that people were selected to Coach or Manage because it was there turn rather than best man for the job.This applied to Tours as well as Home series and Results were all important.

This also probably occurred in all Countries to a greater or lesser extent certainly in England Post SWC.when "The Teflon KId" was Supremo and the Coaches took the flak. In 1924-5 it was rumoured that a North/South split occurred on Tour and the fall out was that on the 1928 Tour it was reason Mark Nicholls was not picked for the first the tests. Further that a South Island Manager was originally picked for the 1949 tour and that Vic Cavanagh Jr. was his running mate.The Final Candates picked were North Island the Coach was a joke,Simpson coached the Forwards Freddie Allen the backs.When the Team returned home packed as it was with Otago players Cavanagh was dropped from the Selection Board !!!.He promptly turned his back on Rugby for many many  years.

When Freddie Allen was AB`s Coach 1966-8 ,Cavanagh was Co-opted to advise on Coaching the forwards.
When the suits starting interfearing with his selections he called it a day though he would have loved a
crack at the Boks again in 1970.

A Parallel in alleged interference with SCW`s side 2004 and why he walked away but 2005 Lions may have
disproved the rumour, Amateurism was taken to ridiculous level s in the Nh for example Players for a major tour met for the first time together 7 days before sailing.The tour Captain was the captain of the years 5Ns winners.

Pride denied the All Blacks neutral refs in 1976 Bok tour so only have themselves to blame for the final test
result for a polically motivated self confessed Ref [Burmeister] Incidents of politics in Nz Rugby concerning didscipline cost them dear or made them look vindictive.

Before 1935 England ,AB match the AB winger came back for being late back from curfew.he`d marked Obolensky out of the game when they met previously,he was dropped the rest history. Ron Rangi was guilty of liberating a bottle of quality scotch on tour and was sentenced "In Absentia"never to be picked for AB`s again despite Tom Pearce decreeing he could be.

The Murdoch incident when after a relatively minor incident was sent home to versions one on the FRU`s insistence or 2 the NZ Manager panicked [Todd?]far worst incidents had been  squared by sensible Management. The Lions Hotel Wreckers for instance the record 2 minutes to wreck a bed.

Or players or Coaches whose face didn't  Vince Cavanagh jr or snr. and Carwyn James never Coached there Countries despite being THE Best of there time in Cavanagh,Jr THE BEST of all time or Cullen and Merthens with Mitchell.Or the case when better players in a side are overlooked.Bismarck Du Plessis for Smit ,or Dawson and Bryn Meredith as examples.Mike Gibson was THE best all round NH FH I`ve seen ever played there for the Lions. In the case of the 1966 side.There was an opinion they would have won at least  two tests.

Everything depends on winning now in the case of NZ coach failure to win an RWC means instant dismissal. Politics in SA RWC 1995 1 token coloured,ditto 1999,2 in 2003,2007, now politically quotas have led to NH migration.PDV was a token Black Coach who wanted to change styles but was denied by player power.His record a 5-1 3Ns ,a Lions win a 6-5 AB record including 2 in NZ was very respectable certainly no need for vilification.

Player power ruined several Lions tours and those on national lines cost at least one series win. In modern Rugby only the RWC matters it seems everything is building for it etc. you don`t win it your nothing inferior. When the Boks ruled the roost post 1949 the All Blacks developed a siege mentality from 1950 they HAD to win.They based there game on the 1949 Power Game a massive Pack,solid set piece,kicking halfbacks a single loose forward Bill  Clark.The RUCK solid midfield defence and THE BOOT.

In 1956 the Boks had a Great Pack ,3 Hennie Mullers,plus some brilliant backs Dr.Danie Craven wanted a running game,instead he got Rain,Mud,the Up  and Under,Dirty play by both sides,injuries .Ross-Handley Brown a third generation All Black said it was the worst series he`d ever played in he took 3 months to get over it.The writing was on the wall from the First Match Waikato and the first lost,the 1951-2 Boks lost there first match too but won the rest not like 1956.


Posts : 10471
Join date : 2011-01-29
Location : Hull, England - Originally Potteries

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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by HammerofThunor Wed 03 Sep 2014, 11:17 pm

Interesting read. Always interested in history of the game. Professionalism is a funny one. Wales were kicked out round 1900s and although most agreed to allow them back in, the Scots still refused to play them (concessions relating professionalism were made to the Welsh to avoid them joining the league crew and the SRU weren't willing). Then you have Moore being banned from involvement in the game in 90s for writing a book.

Also it seems that the SH has been the driving force for change in the last century. The NH have been the holding force, resisting change. One thing for sure is the game we have today wouldn't be the same without both sides.


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Location : Hull, England - Originally Potteries

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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Thu 04 Sep 2014, 7:47 am

Good man, Alan. Didn't realise that about the members and votes of the IRB.


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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by fa0019 Thu 04 Sep 2014, 9:19 am

The rumours about PDV are widely off the mark. They said he had no idea on coaching etc, that players took sessions etc.

Well he was coach of the bulls currie cup side, SA assistant coach, Falcons (Currie Cup) head coach, head coach U21s springboks... the only thing he hadn't done was coach a SR franchise.
That was superior to both Jake White and Rudolph Straeuli, the two coaches who preceeded him. Yet they didn't get the stick he got either before the appointment or during.

His record was decent and becoming more and more respectable as Meyer is sure to rake up his 6th loss in a row against NZ this season.

The MAIN question into PDV was why was he targeted and by whom? We were swept into this furore about his qualifications and suitability when in truth they were no different from anyone else.

You had chaps from all over the world talking him down before he had coached a single test, chaps like Craig Dowd... what did he have to do with SA rugby?

There was certainly an agenda and given at the time his family were physically harassed including alarming both his teenage daughter and his elderly father. Also someone created an "african special" of a alleged sex tape... which turned out to be false. The heat placed on him was immense.

Its a surprise he managed to stay in the job and certainly would explain why he seemed to have his back to the wall all the time.


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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by emack2 Thu 04 Sep 2014, 11:15 am

Frankly FAo I thought PDV was a very respectable Coach and IF the benchmark was wins
v AB`s he did better than most.


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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by fa0019 Thu 04 Sep 2014, 11:21 am

emack2 wrote:Frankly FAo I thought PDV was a very respectable Coach and IF the benchmark was wins
v AB`s he did better than most.

He wasn't a genius but he wasn't clueless either. Jake White ended on a high, he was a good coach but I don't think SA would have been that more successful had he stayed on.

Perhaps another 3N title but thats it... RWC11 would have been the same as most agree SA were very unlucky to lose in the QF (the refereeing and Frans getting injured in last pool match). Still would have gone out in SF at most.


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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by Dontheman2 Fri 05 Sep 2014, 6:07 pm

Thanks emack2 but what interests me about NZ rugby is the Maori side of things. I think the present day team has a strong Maori influence and there is the NZ Maori team which toured here a couple of years ago. Given the ABs dedication to the Haka it seems ironic that the All Black name supposedly refers to their monochrome strip. What I am really interested in is how the Waikato Settlement which compensated the Maori for the colonial land grab changed the rugby landscape


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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by Dontheman2 Sat 13 Sep 2014, 5:05 pm

Hullo? Hullllo? Anybody there? Thought you wanted to talk about this stuff emack


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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by emack2 Sat 13 Sep 2014, 7:51 pm

Since it is sometime since anyone commented didn't thing there was any interest if you are
still interested will do some research on Maori Rugby for you.
Just as a start the Native team of Wattie Barclays in the 1880`s took about a year and a half.
Star back Paddy Keogh was investigated and suspended for match fixing.

In 1928 Paewai,Mill,and Nepia,were put on notice to tour SA 1928 but later permission was rescinded.

In 1949 some 16 Maori`s were banned from SA tour including the Smith Brothers,Doc Paewai,Vince Bevan etc.

The same year the Maori toured Australia captained by the ill fated Peter Smith losing
one match in a 3 test series then drawing and beating them.
The Australian side was the same that beat the ABs 2-0 in that year.

Nz Maori were with Nz Juniors considered NZ`s second side,have competed in and
won both Churchill and Pacific nations cups.

Last match I`ve seen by them was there win versus England about 4/5 years ago
when Charlie Hodgeson.Gave the best display be a England 10 I`ve seen in years.
England lost.

Not a kiwi so history other than rugby a closed book to me but North Auckland.
Waikato,Hawkes bay and Manawatu used to be a hotbed of rugby there.


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Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby] Empty Re: Poltics and Rugby[or Politics in Rugby]

Post by Dontheman2 Sun 14 Sep 2014, 10:21 am

Thanks mate. You really know your stuff. Maori seemed to have slipped down the rankings a bit. They had a little tour about 3 years ago against the Tigers, a Championship select side and another might have been Oxbridge beating all 3. I think a few current ABs started out with Maori guys like Messam and Cruden.


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