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X-Factor is the devil's work

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X-Factor is the devil's work Empty X-Factor is the devil's work

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Fri 05 Sep 2014, 8:45 am

There are many who believe that Simon Cowell is the devil incarnate. Through his 'reality' TV programme, he spreads his evil will through glib, souless hacks whose life 'stories' have been conjured up to play on the sensibilities of the weak minded and naive. All is not what it appears on these craftily edited shows and yet, at the same time, all is abundantly clear. These people have been forced upon us even though we could've quite happily gone through life without ever hearing or seeing them.

This insidious X-factor terminology has crept into rugby. I see the word a lot on forums. But X player has X-factor. We need one or two players with X-factor. As if that were a good thing. Well I can categorically say it is not.

For let us examine what these people who use the term really mean behind it. A player who is deemed to have the X-factor is capable of doing something that very few players can do. But it is akin to saying that weedy little nerd over there is capable of pulling babes. Maybe one time in his life he punched well above his weight. He did the unthinkable. But let's not fool ourselves: he's still a weedy, little nerd.

Australia have tried to shoe-horn two X-factor players into the ten position. Deans did it with JOC in the Lions series and Link tried to do it in the Bledisole matches with Beale. A cynic might argue both coaches had no say in the matter but that didn't stop many people saying it was a good move. They are X-factor players. The more they get their hands on the ball the better.

No, and just no. X-factor is a euphemism for core-duties shirker, inconsistency, flakiness. Sure they might pull off eye-catching moves here and there but these players do not do the basics well. In the case of Beale, he can't defend his channel and has to be hid out on the wing, he doesn't have a kicking game and his distribution skills are lacking because he's always trying to crab across field. He's a devastating player in space and broken play but the simple fact is that he can't fulfil the basic requirements of a 10 to justify his position.

Once a player has the X-factor tag, it's as if he becomes impossible to drop. We just need players around him to get the best out of him. God forbid we should entertain the idea of dropping someone so valuable. It's the combinations with these X-factor players we need to juggle around with. Tuilagi with Edmond, Burrell, Barrett, Twelvetrees. Why aren't we getting the best out of Tuilagi? We all see what he did in 2012. Why can't the players just give him the ball and let him do his thing. Hooper with Palu, Higganbotham, Fardy, Mowen, Hodgson. Our balance is not right. Why can't we let Hooper do his thing and get somebody else to do the work in the tight. Well how about these players are not doing their core duties well enough and they are the problem?


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Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Madrid

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X-Factor is the devil's work Empty Re: X-Factor is the devil's work

Post by fa0019 Fri 05 Sep 2014, 11:56 am

The problem with beale is that at 10 he's hardly seen as a visionary. He's very predictable... if we played a drinking game every game with Beale hitting the inside man off a ruck we'd be wasted come halftime.

At 15 he was able to operate as a lone runner and could exploit space... yet unfortunately for him, Folau is simply a better player in all departments.

AUS have shed loads of talented players but they are not spread evenly enough around the park and tend to create numerous opensides and utility backs.

For me a fully fit Cooper is still the man to lead AUS at the next world cup. He has great leadership qualities, makes everyone around him seem better than they are and when he's not on a personal vendetta he's a world class 10.


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Join date : 2011-07-25

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X-Factor is the devil's work Empty Re: X-Factor is the devil's work

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Fri 05 Sep 2014, 12:18 pm

Agree. Beale is best suited to 23. He looked good at 15 but again he wasn't convincing under the high ball, his kicking wasn't sharp and his defence not good: core duties missing.

He's a broken play player and that is more likely to be found at the end of the game.


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Location : Madrid

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X-Factor is the devil's work Empty Re: X-Factor is the devil's work

Post by Neutralee Fri 05 Sep 2014, 4:35 pm

Beale has been shifted from pillar to post at clubs, and int level too though. It's no wonder he can't provide solid performances, when he plays 12 all season and then is thrown into the 10 shirt against the very best!

Beale is a talent, in the same way Hook is a talent, in the same way JOC is a talent, none have a position, look great ball in hand but ultimately don't help the teams performance at all!


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Join date : 2014-06-14

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