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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:07 pm

(A drum beat starts and a voiceover begins over a dark screen)

VO: The greatest and most powerful revolutions start quietly, hidden in the shadows.

(Dean Andrews is shown walking down a corridor)

VO: Revolution starts in the mind.

(Daniel Magnusson is shown sitting at his desk)

VO: Better the devil you know?

(Vincent Costello is on screen holding the EWF title)

VO: Or the threat of the unknown?

(Joshua is shown holding McCoy)

VO: Revolution comes in many forms

(The entire 6CW roster is shown)

VO: But an army of the people is invincible

(Anthony Grace is shown backed by an arena of COG’s as the video comes to an end)

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as Centuries" by Fall Out Boy kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off. The camera shot shows us the New York skyline.... All the major landmarks are visible; the camera pans around the sold out Madison Square Garden across the thousands in attendance the voice of Harold Lloyd can be heard

HA: Welcome to the Home of Wrestling for what promises to be a night of non-stop entertainment as 6CW crosses the pond and catches a cab through the streets of New York City to bring you 6CW REVOLUTION!!!!

(The crowd pop as more fireworks go off)

HA: I am Harold Lloyd and as ever I am joined tonight by my brother Henry

HE: What a huge night we have in store and there is no better place to be than Madison Square Garden in front of twenty thousand screaming fans

What an atmosphere

What a night




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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:09 pm

(Camera’s flash as Daniel Magnusson is shown arriving into the backstage area of the Garden. He shakes hands with a group of fans and signs a couple of autographs, his attention is taken by something off camera and he turns to his left)

DM: What the….??

(Magnusson walks towards a group of men in suits who are laughing dramatically. The group part as Magnusson approaches, the camera shows some unknown faces but Dean Andrews is stood next to Anthony Grace’s consultant Charles Kramer)

DA: Daniel. I have just been speaking about how excited 6CW is to be here in New York City further promoting the brand. We truly are a global company with a fan base unrivalled in this industry

(Magnusson’s focus is with the group of men stood on each side of Andrews and Kramer.)

CK: Where are my manners? Daniel please let me introduce you to my business partners. They represent the various parties who share an interest in Mr Grace. A media portfolio shall we say

(Kramer turns to address the four men)

CK: Gentleman, the man I have told you all so much about, the man who made all this possible, the owner of 6CW. Daniel Magnusson

(Magnuson nervously shakes the hands of each man before turning to Andrews)

DM: Dean. Can we have a word in private please?

(Andrews smiles nervously)

DA: Of course Daniel. Gentlemen please excuse us

(Andrews signals to a group of backstage officials)

DA: Please show our guests of honour to their seats. Gentlemen I am sure you will enjoy the show immensely.Charles please pass on our best wishes to Anthony ahead of his match and we will speak later

(Kramer nods as Magnusson and Andrews walk into the distance before the shot cuts away)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:11 pm

(Christy James is as glammed up as a lady can be in a fabulous dress, hair flowing down her body and a beaming smile. With a mic in her hand she introduces her guest...)

CJ: Making his first appearance at a 6CW PPV...Ryker Kidd!

*Kidd is almost bouncing as he joins Christy and over-enthusiastically shakes her hand

CJ: Ryker, I almost feel like I needn't ask this question, but how are you feeling as you open your first 6CW PPV tonight?

RK: If you can't go on last then go on first, Christy, and Ryker is gonna set the pace tonight.

CJ: No nerves then?

RK: Nerves are not my style. We got stories everywhere tonight, but Ryker Kidd wants to steal the show. Maybe, just maybe, there's bigger stories at Revolution tonight. But no one, NO ONE, will show the 6CW universe a better performance than Ryker Kidd. First Roth, then the world baby!

CJ: Thank you Ryker, and really, best of luck tonight kid!

RK: Thanks Christy, but I don't need luck. Hell, as good as I am, luck needs me

*The pair hug as the scene fades.


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:13 pm

(Backstage Brian is stood with an interview team. Brian has his hair slicked back and is wearing thick rimmed glasses which he pushes against his nose. He is dressed casually in grey chinos and a red BAZINGA t shirt)

B: L-L-L- Ladies and Gentleman. B-B-B-Buck Riggins

(The UK Champion nods to camera)

B: B-B-B-Back in the US Buck. H-H-H-How does it f-f-f-feel to be home?

BR: Jeesh Bri – I’m as much an outsider on these city streets as you but let me tell ya I’m as happy as a pig in **** at the moment. I came to this company a boy; a boy with a dream and nights like this is what I dreamt of back on the farm. This belt, these fans – Whoo whee. Damn this is as good as it gets right now

B: And the th-th-th-threat tonight of D-D-D-D-Dario and Enigma?

BR: Where do I start? Hell guys like these are as unpredictable as a cow at milking time.

(Brian looks confused)

BR: Stay with me Bri!!!! – Dario and Enigma. They have their thing going on and good old Buck here has been dragged into the party but that don’t mean I’m taking things lightly. This belt means everything to me and I’ll do what it takes to keep it around my waist

(Brian nods at Riggins)

B: G-G-G-Good luck for t-t-tonight


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:15 pm

Match 1
Ryker Kidd vs. Tyler Roth

HA: Ladies and Gentleman, we've got a real exciting match lined up for you to open up Revolution, where we see the PPV debut for 6CW's newest star.

HE: And I can't see it being a moment to remember for this young man, in fact I don't think he will be able to remember anything after Tyler Roth is through with him.

HA: We'll see about that Henry, Ryker Kidd is only 18 but he was very impressive in defeating Dennis Hart on his Anarchy debut, and he didn't exactly back down to Roth despite his advantage in size and experience.

HE: You think that was a clever thing to do Harold? He's just gone and peed off one of the most dangerous and powerful competitors we have in 6CW, now he's facing him in a match. It was a naive move from Kidd, and he will already be regretting it.

"Till I collapse" plays out around the arena and the crowd descend into boos as Tyler Roth strides out onto the stage. The man-mountain paces down the ramp to the ring, he climbs up the steel steps and then steps into the ring. He turns to face the ramp, staring coldly as he awaits the arrival of his opponent.

HA: Roth attempted to bully Kidd at Anarchy, he thought he could just swat him aside but he got more than he bargained for.

HE: He wasn't trying to bully him Harold, he was simply teaching this upstart about where he stands in the feeding chain of 6CW....right at the damn bottom.

“Bawitdaba” plays out of the speakers and the lights in the arena dim down and cast the darkness all around, drawing cheers from the crowd. After a thirty second lapse a voice echoes through the speakers…

“MY NAME IS KIDD” followed by an array of pyrotechnics. Smoke spreads out across the stage and then Ryker Kidd steps out, his arms spread wide and a grin on his face. Kidd high fives a few of the fans before building into a sprint as he slides in under the bottom rope and leaps to his feet, staring at Roth.

HA: He's only had one match but these fans have already bought into Ryker Kidd, and who can blame them? The kid's enthusiasm is infectious, he just loves being here.

HE: I'd take this atmosphere in if I was him. It's only downhill from this point.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Kidd goes in for the lock-up, but Roth simply pushes him down into the canvas. Kidd rolls to his feet, he runs in at Roth who flattens him with a huge clothesline, flipping the youngster over. Roth places a foot over Kidd and makes the cover.

Ref: 1................2.Kick out!

Kidd pushes the shoulder up off the canvas, Roth grabs Tyker Kidd by the head and drags him to his feet. He Irish whips him across the ring, Roth attempts a spinebuster but Kidd counters with a monkey flip. Roth rolls up to his feet, Ryker Kidd then drives a couple of roundhouse kicks into the side of Roth. He follows this with a spinning shoot kick to the gut, Kidd then runs off the ropes and connects with a corkscrew neckbreaker. He covers.

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

This time it is Roth who drives the shoulder up off the canvas. He gets to his feet, Kidd quickly pulls Roth down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. He rolls to his feet and throws a wild punch that Kidd easily ducks under, he then shows some of his own power by grabbing Roth by the waist and throwing him down with a German suplex, bridging into the pin attempt.

HA: Roth showing he's got some power to go with that lightning fast offence.

Ref: 1..............2...........Kick out!

Roth again gets the shoulder up. Kidd allows him up, he goes for another roundhouse kick but Roth grabs the boot, before launching Kidd out across the ring with an exploder suplex. Kidd somewhat unwisely rises to his feet, stumbling into the path of Roth who lifts Kidd up onto his shoulders and then driving him down into the canvas with a Samoan Drop. Roth quickly hooks the leg.

HE: You want to see power, look at that suplex by Roth, that's power brother!

Ref: 1.................2.............Kick out!

Roth drags up Kidd, he then smashes some huge punches up into the body of Kidd who leaps up into the air such is the power that Roth is throwing the punches with. Roth continues with punches until Kidd is backed into the corner. He then drives some hard knees into the stomach before stepping back, he then runs in and crashes a big boot into the head of Kidd.

The youngster stumbles forward out of the corner, straight into a snap powerslam. Roth floats straight over into the pin attempt.

Ref: 1..................2.............Kick out!

Kidd kicks out, Roth gets to his feet and drags up Kidd. He pummels down on the back of the rookie before lifting him onto his shoulders in a powerbomb position, only for Kidd to counter with a hurracanrana takedown. Roth is up to his feet and Kidd leaps into the air, planting Roth with an implant DDT. Kidd hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2..............Kick out!

This time it is Roth who kicks out. Kidd lifts him to his feet, he goes for a kick to the gut. Roth grabs the boot and smirks, but not for long as Kidd levels him with an enzaguri kick to the head. Roth falls to one knee, and Kidd quickly nails him with the running knee to the head. Roth collapses into the mat and Kidd makes the cover.

HA: Ryker Kidd is just so exciting to watch. He might make mistakes, but his willingness to try anything is what has already endeared him so much to these fans.

HE: Those mistakes might not cost you down in the snake pit Harold, but this is the big leagues, and any small error will be capitalised on.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Kidd lifts up Roth, he goes for an Irish whip to the corner but Roth reverses the momentum with his size advantage. Kidd uses the ropes to springboard backwards into an attempted crossbody block but Roth catches him across the chest, before hitting a fallaway slam. Roth makes the cover.

Ref: 1................2..............Kick out!

Kidd kicks out, Roth rolls the youngster onto his front. He then drops a series of hard knees down into the back, before applying a full nelson hold. He lifts Kidd up to his feet in the full nelson hold, before planting him into the canvas with a full nelson slam. Roth makes the cover.

HA: A real back and forth contest, I'm not sure that Roth expected quite as much of a challenge as he's had tonight from Kidd.

Ref: 1....................2....................Kick out!

Roth lifts up Kidd, he fires in some big European uppercuts that send Kidd stumbling back into the ropes. Roth whips him across the ring firmly, before running in and taking Kidd down with a flying shoulder tackle. Kidd rolls up to his feet, Roth grabs him by the throat and delivers a two handed choke-bomb. Roth hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Kidd again drives the shoulder up off the mat. Tyler Roth lifts him to his feet in frustration, he boots him in the stomach with all his force before flinging Kidd towards the corner. Roth runs in going for the spear, but Kidd moves his way through the ropes and Roth's shoulder crashes into steel ring post. Kidd quickly sunset flips over Roth into the pinfall attempt.

Ref: 1......................2....................Kick out!

Roth powers the shoulder up off the canvas, he gets to his feet and Kidd hits a dropkick. Roth stumbles back slightly, and Kidd leaps into the air and nails a second dropkick. Roth falls back towards the corner, Kidd then sprints in and delivers another dropkick. This knocks Roth down and he's slumped against the turnbuckles.

Kidd points to the opposite corner and the Madison Square Garden crowd go wild for the youngster as he runs to the corner and uses the ropes to spring up to the top rope. He looks at Roth, he then points to the sky before leaping off...

HA: We've seen Kidd do this on his debut...COAST TO COAST!

HE: That was amazing, what a move from that young man!

Ref: 1.....................2.......................Kick out!

HE: And Roth still kicks out. Kidd won't keep this animal down!

Kidd gets to his feet, Roth sits up only for Kidd to quickly hit a neck snap. He follows that up with a standing shooting star press. Cover.

Ref: 1..........................2....................Kick out!

Roth gets the shoulder up, Kidd bounces off the ropes as Roth rises and goes for a Lou Thesz Press but Roth catches him across the chest and then drives him down into the canvas with a spinebuster. Roth then hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...................2..................Kick out!

Kidd manages to get the shoulder up. Roth scoops Kidd up and throws him across the ring. Kidd stumbles up, he runs towards Roth who scoops him onto his shoulders...

HE: Reality's all over!

HA: Kidd dropped down the back, he's wriggled free!

Roth turns around, Kidd boots him in the gut...


HE: No way, he can't win this.

Ref: 1..................................2.................................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: He just has Henry! What a start to this young man's 6CW career, a win on his Anarchy debut and now a win on his Pay Per view debut.

HE: Roth pounded Kidd into the ground for most of this match, I don't understand how the hell he managed to win this match. Everything on paper says that Kidd should have got a beating.

HA: I think you're going to learn that Kidd has tremendous heart and resilience, and that is without even mentioning his prodigious in-ring ability.

HE: You call it prodigious, I call it overly-risky.

HA: Well these fans certainly love him for it.

*Kidd dives out of the ring and celebrates with the fans as Revolution goes to an ad break.

Match result: Ryker Kidd via pinfall
Match time: 5 minutes, 01 second


Posts : 10129
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:17 pm

(Dario Machiavelli is backstage a man dressed in black is holding a small handheld camera up to film him)

DM: A man who hides in the shadows is no hero...A man who conceals his identity is protecting nobody but himself...FEAR consumes us all...FEAR reveals our truth..FEAR cannot be escaped...You cannot hide forever...I can see the truth in your eyes...I can see the FEAR that you hold...I will reveal the secret you hide...An Enigma no more...But the FEAR will remain

(The man lowers the camera and Dario smiles, the view pans to the left and shows Enigma watching from the shadows, his eyes full of thought from behind his mask.)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:29 pm

(Jonathan Daniels is standing by in the backstage area with Timothy Allen)

TA: Jonathan in just a few minutes...

(Daniels snatches the mic and glares at Allen)

Daniels: Hush up, jacka55....I'm not here to talk and I'm not here to make cheap statements that don't mean a damn thing

(The crowd boo)

Daniels: I'm here to make a statement and prove that I am ready for the big people were foolish enough to overlook me once...

(Chants for Terrance Kray start out and Daniels smirks)

Daniels: But tonight you are going to realise that I am a much different beast...Terrance Kray isn't performing in the minor leagues anymore, he's in the big boy leagues now and he's up against world class fools can lap up his innane chat and his high profile persona but when I'm done with him here this evening it won't matter how loud you cheer...

I'm leaving Revolution with my arm raised in victory and I am heading on to bigger and better things...just try and stop me!

(The crowd continue to boo as Daniels slams the mic into Timothy Allen's chest and walks out of shot)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:32 pm

Match 2
6CW UK Championship
Buck Riggins © vs. Dario Machiavelli vs. Enigma

As we return to ringside Dario Machiavelli is just entering the ring

HA: One of the strangest individuals we have had in 6CW and we have had a few

HE: Dario has made it a personal mission to reveal what he calls Enigma’s secret

HA: Whether he is too focused on that rather than the match itself remains to be seen

The crowd pop as the lights flash on and off and Enigma is shown making his way through the crowd

HE: Still not much known about this guy. He has talent but is yet to find his place in 6CW. Still somewhat of an outsider in the eyes of many

Enigma stands on the barriers staring at Dario in the ring. Enigma’s face as ever obscured by his hood and face paint

HA: He has something to hide that is clear. What it is we may or may not find out tonight

HE: How very insightful of you Harold

Dario is staring at the masked Enigma

DM: Face your FEAR. Do not hide from your truth any longer

Enigma drops from the barrier as "Devil Town" blasts out of the speaker and the crowd cheer at the arrival of the UK Champion Buck Riggins

HA: Back on home soil what a reception for this rookie

Buck walks out onto the stage; he removes his cowboy hat and tips it to the crowd for a moment before placing it back on his head. He walks down the rampway, tagging the fans hands before climbing to the top rope and raising the UK Championship belt above his head

Dario is still staring at Enigma as Buck drops down to the apron and hands the belt to the ref. The champion looks at his opponents; he nods at Enigma who returns the gesture. Dario retains a blank stare at Enigma

HE: Machiavelli very focused on one thing. I’m not sure he has even seen Buck yet

The bell rings and Dario steps towards Enigma straight away but he is caught by a kick to the knee from Riggins which drops the Director of FEAR to the mat. Riggins and Enigma start to work on the leg of Dario

HA: It’s a great idea to act as a team in the early stages of these matches but that alliance soon goes out the window when a pin is attempted

Machiavelli screams out in pain as Riggins applies a knee lock. The ref asks him if he wants to carry on and Dario nods, using his strength he manages to reach for the ropes breaking the hold. Rolling out of the ring Dario takes a breather

Riggins and Enigma look at one another and the crowd cheer, the two men shrug their shoulders and lock up

Riggins is the stronger of the two and he forces Enigma backwards. Enigma rolls free of the hold but is met with a boot to the gut from Riggins, who throws him to the mat with a hip toss. Enigma rolls up and Riggins nails a leaping high knee drop. Cover.

Ref: 1...........2.......Kick out!

Riggins gets to his feet; he hits a couple of fist drops into the face of Enigma. Riggins places his opponent into a side headlock; Enigma gets to his feet and counters with a belly to back suplex. Riggins rolls back into the corner, Enigma runs in and connects with a baseball slide. He drags Riggins away from the corner, and then hits a springboard leg drop.

Ref: 1............2......Kick out!

Riggins is dragged to his feet; Enigma hits him with two big European uppercuts. Enigma whips Riggins out across the ring but is floored with a big lariat on the rebound. Riggins nails a standing elbow drop.

Ref: 1.............2..........Kick out!

Riggins drags up Enigma, he goes for a suplex but Enigma blocks, then countering with a face-first suplex. Riggins rolls up to his feet and Enigma connects with a kick combination, flooring Riggins with the final, fourth kick to the head. He goes down into the pinfall.

Ref: 1............2........Kick out!

Riggins kicks out and gets to his feet; Enigma shoves him out across the ring and connects with a flapjack. Riggins stumbles up; Enigma hits a knee to the stomach before running the ropes and hitting a neckbreaker. Cover.

Ref: 1................2........Kick out!

Again Riggins forces the shoulder up; Enigma lifts him to his feet only to floor him with a double arm DDT. Enigma then bounces off the ropes, connecting with a standing moonsault. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...............2..........Kick out!

HA: Enigma with the upper hand, what a start from the masked man

HE: Ooooooooooooohhhhhh!

Enigma goes to pick up Buck but is nailed from behind by Dario. Enigma falls to the mat and Machiavelli pushes Riggins to the outside of the ring

HA: Machiavelli doesn’t care about Buck, he wants Enigma. It’s always been about Enigma!!

Enigma gets up to a knee but is met by a vicious boot to the head. Dragging Enigma up, he connects with a spiked DDT

HA: This could be it, remember the champion doesn’t have to be pinned for the belt to change hands

Ref: 1...............2..........

Dario pulls Enigma’s shoulders off the mat and smiles

HE: He could have had him there!!

Enigma is slow to rise and Dario is stalking his every move

DM: I know your secret. Now the world must see the truth!!

Dario grabs Enigma by the hood and tries to pull it away

HE: Dario doesn’t care about winning this match he just wants to reveal Enigma’s identity

Enigma is frantically holding on to the hood as Dario laughs maniacally

DM: Do not FEAR your reality

Enigma throws repeated elbow strikes knocking Dario backwards. He fixes his hood as Dario steps forward once more

E: This ends now!!!!


HE: From nowhere Enigma has laid out the Director, flat on his back. WHAT AN IMPACT!!!!

HA: Cover him. We could have a new champion

Enigma looks down at Machiavelli and then across to Riggins who is now on his feet outside the ring. Enigma nods and rolls out of the ring. Riggins climbs the top rope

HE: Bucking the trend!!

HA: He got all of it





HE: Riggins retains with a huge help from his supposed opponent Enigma?

Enigma is walking backwards up the ramp as Riggins arm is raised the masked man applauds the victor

HA: Obviously the win was not the be all and all for Enigma. He wanted to prove a point to Dario. He is the one in control of his destiny. FEAR does not consume him

HE: It was a great match up and a good win for the UK champ Buck Riggins

Match result: Buck Riggins via pinfall
Match time: 6 minutes; 13 seconds


Posts : 10129
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:34 pm

(Lex Hart and Miss Jessica are in the MSG locker room alone. Jessica is sitting on a bench and casually filing her nails, while Lex is standing in front of a mirror and staring at his reflection.)

LH: We have him just where we want him......

(Hart smirks at his reflection as Jessica looks up at him.)

J: Lex honey, you have been staring at that mirror all evening. When am I going to get a go? I still need to sort out my hair, put my make up on, get my.......

(Hart turns round.)

LH: You did all that an hour ago?

(Jessica rolls her eyes.)

J: I want to look my best for you Lex! A girl needs to make the effort!

(Hart says nothing and starts to do a few stretches in the middle of the room. Once he has finished he takes a deep breath in and breathes out loudly)

LH: Don't worry, you will have other opportunities. This match is only the beginning. JJ just doesn't know what to expect and he is doubting himself. The bravado that turned my stomach is now replaced with the stink of fear. Now the chance is here to show him up in the biggest arena for wrestling. I am going to make sure I enjoy this and make it the start of something.........monumental.

(Lex takes another deep breath in and a deep breath out)

J: But Lex honey, don't you need to be careful of JJ?

(Lex coughs loudly as he catches his breath. He stares angrily at Jess before sighing)

LH: You don't buy into his crap do you? Johnson is the same washed up wrestling junkie he has been for months. He just can't stay away and he ends up embarrassing himself. I mean, look at me! I am in my prime! His arse ages like vinegar while mine ages like fine wine.

(Jessica goes to speak but then stops)

LH: What?!

(Jessica puts down her nail file and stands up)

J: I care about you ok! I don't think you should feel like JJ is just gonna roll over for you!

(Lex stares at her for a few moments before breaking out into laughter)

LH: That was so touching! Really it was! But Jess, there is no need to panic. Johnson is about as dangerous as that nail file. I could not be less worried about JJ Johnson. He will roll over, like the good dog he is. Because if he doesn't, then I am going to put him down.......

(Lex smirks at Jessica as she looks annoyed. He rolls his eyes and exits the locker room, leaving Jessica in a huff)


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:36 pm

Match 3
Terrance Kray vs. Jonathan Daniels

He: We've got singles action up next with two guys who will be hoping that a win might get them a shot at one of the UK or INT titles as Terence Kray takes on Jonathan Daniels

Ha: And while the likes of Grace v Costello or Max versus Gazzy have been stealing headlines, this rivalry has slowly been boiling over since a 6 Man tag on Aftermath not long ago when Daniels was less than impressed that Kray picked up the win over his team

'Perfection' starts to play as Daniels steps out to a chorus of boos fom the crowd, he cockily strides out to the stage and then makes his way down to ringside mocking the fans on his way

Ha: Daniels has all the god given talent to be great in this industry, but his attitude doesn’t half let him down. His constant gloating and self-belief that he is better than everybody else is more of a hindrance than anything I think

He: You would wouldn't you. Just petty jealousy because you know Daniels is the embodiment of perfection

Ha: Not at all, I just think if it wasn't for his ego he'd be more likely to go places, I mean the spotlight this kid puts himself under, he should be winning every time he steps in this ring, and it’s just my opinion, but because of his egotistical viewpoint, his loss column is magnified way more than his win one

He: well keep your opinions to yourself, they're stupid. We both know Kray has his hands full tonight

All of a sudden the jeers turn to cheers as 'Up the bracket' starts to play and Kray runs out to the stage. He walks to either side of the stage and throws up the West Ham irons sign above his head before making his way down to the ring tagging the hands of the fans

Ha: In the last couple of weeks Kray hasn't been able to show his best form, just last week he was ambushed in the ring by the Forgotten and the numbers game proved too much as they quickly overpowered him, however Anarchy before that, although he lost, Kray really put it all on the line against Joshua, and although he might not have won, even you can't deny he didn't look impressive

He: OK OK, I'll give you that, but he still lost. Unfortunately in this game its the picking up the wins that gives you the momentum week in week out, if your picking up losses, regardless of whether it was a valiant effort or not, it will be tough mentally to get yourself psyched up

Kray circles the ring and high fives various fans in the front row before climbing on to the ring apron and then up to the top rope, he throws the hammers signal above his head which is met by a raucous chant of 'PEPSI DILDO!!' from the crowd

He: stupid chant, crowd is full of idiots, just like Kray....THATS RIGHT DANIELS

The crowd boo loudly as Daniels drops Kray with suckerpunch no sooner than he jumps down off the turnbuckle. The referee signals for the bell and Daniels lifts Kray up and slides him into the ring post

Kray holds his ribs straight away as Daniels exits the ring and then grabs Kray by the feet and head and stretches him out around the ringpost as the official counts him out inside the ring. Daniels breaks the hold and then slides back in the ring and raises his hands in the air which draws more jeers from the crowd

Ha: this is the problem with Daniels, he should be staying on the offensive here, but he's more concerned with showing this crowd his ego side

Daniels lifts Kray up off the mat and picks him into a scoop slam, driving him down to the mat. He rolls Kray over and follows up with three measured elbow drops to the lower back area before lifting Kray to his feet and whipping him with force into the corner of the ring


Kray lands hard on his lower back as Daniels cockily lies over him for the cover



Kray kicks out and Daniels grabs him by the head and drives a number of punches into the temple, breaking only as the official intervenes. He lifts him up to his feet and then pushes him in to the corner of the ring before unleashing a flurry of punches to the head and mid-section, and then whips into the opposite corner.

He: Daniels sizing him up

Ha: Nobody home, great awareness from Kray

Daniels runs at Kray with a running bodysplash but Kray quickly dives out of the way and then goes on the attack nailing Daniels with a variety of kicks. Daniels tries to push him away but Kray is tenacious and goes back on the assault with another flurry of kicks. Daniels slumps into the corner as Kray continues to boot him

Ha: at the risk of a lawsuit you could say that Kray is stomping a mudhole and walking it dry

Kray stops his assault and then runs against the ropes and returns with a big boot across the face of Daniels and then he drags him out of the corner, he climbs to the second rope

Ha: Leg drop from Kray, leg hooked



Daniels kicks out and Kray gets to his feet, he allows Daniels to do the same before he pushing him against the ropes and Irish whips him across the ring, he follows with an inverted atomic drop and then hits a running enzaguri knocking Daniels back down to the mat




Ha: So close for Kray, that was a lovely combination he put together, just needs to continue building on this

Kray gets back up and backs into the corner of the ring, he waits as Daniels slowly does the same and then goes for a running swinging neckbreaker


The ring shakes as Daniels drops Kray to the mat and covers him




He: closest either has come to a pinfall so far

Daniels backs away and allows Kray time to get to his feet before kicking him in the gut and delivering a snap suplex applying more force to the lower back area, he goes for another cover



Kray throws his arm in to the air and Daniels drag him up to his feet and whips him into the corner. He follows with a running splash and then as Kray staggers out he hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and then goes for another cover




Ha: Kray kicks out again, Daniels begin to show signs of frustration

Daniels hits the mat in anger after Kray kicks out at 2 and he gets up and begins to stomp down on the lower back area of Kray and kicks him out of the ring under the bottom rope. Daniels exits the ring and walks around to where Kray is lay and he lifts him up to his feet and up over his head

Ha: no no no, Daniels, don't do this......MAN VERSUS STEEL, THERE'S ONLY ONE WINNER THERE

Daniels lifts Kray up over his shoulder and then aims toward the steel ringpost before picking up pace, and the crowd go wild as Kray drops down behind his opponent and pushes him head first into the steel

He: Should be disqualified, this isn't a no holds barred match

Ha: wouldn't be saying that if Daniels was the one driving Kray’s head into the steel

Kray rolls in and out of the ring breaking the officials count before he picks a now bloodied Daniels up and whips him into the steel steps. Daniels crashes into them shoulder first. Kray rolls back inside the ring as the referee is counting Daniels out on the outside







Ha: But Kray is full of momentum right now

Daniels rolls inside just before the count of 10 and as he gets to his feet Kray hits a running forearm smash which knocks Daniels into the corner of the ring. Kray stands in the opposite corner and hits a running dropkick and then quickly gets up and hits a second, followed by a third (a la D.Bryan) Daniels staggers out of the corner into a fisherman’s suplex

Ha: Kray has him





Kray doesn't dwell on the near fall and quickly gets to his feet, he motions for Daniels to do the same and then goes to Irish whip him against the ropes, Daniels reverses and goes for another big body drop but Kray senses it and hits a running knee strike into a swinging neckbreaker and then climbs up to the top rope, he makes the west ham sign over his head again and waits for Daniels to get to his feet before jumping off and connecting with an axe handle smash and he quickly crawls over and hooks Daniels leg for the pin





Ha: You sound worried

He: Not at all, Kray is as tough as they come, but my money is still on Daniels, he just needs to get back in to this

Kray gets back to his feet and stretches, showing obvious signs of discomfort in his lower back before he lifts down and grabs Daniels who shoots his hand up and grabs Kray around the throat and gets up to his feet. Kray is trying to break free but Daniels grip is too strong as he lifts him in position for a chokeslam






Kray once again shoots to his feet and climbs to the top rope. He stares around at the crowd who are all cheering his name before launching himself through the air with a frog splash


Kray doubles over in pain as Daniels slowly gets to his feet and catches his breath back. He grabs Kray by the head and rips him through the air before power bombing him in to the turnbuckles in the corner of the ring

Kray crashes to the mat in a heap as Daniels closes in again and reaches down, dragging back up. He grabs around the throat and lifts him high up in to the air

He: Huge chokeslam



Kray gets his shoulder up and Daniels applies a naked choke, releasing only before the official disqualifies him. He shouts at Kray to stay down and stomps on him every time he tries to get back to his feet. Kray crawls toward the corner of the ring and uses the ropes to pull himself up only for Daniels to hit a running splash from behind. Kray staggers out backwards, falling only to be caught by Daniels who locks in the full nelson and violently shakes Kray from side to side as the fight fades out of him. The crowd chant along for Kray who tries to get his energy back

He: What strength from Daniels, Huge full nelson slam

The crowd are booing loudly as Daniels cups his ears to them before pointing down at the crumpled heap that is Kray and laughs. He drags him up to his feet and then kicks him in the mid-section before connecting with a suplex, he rolls through and lifts him into a second, and the goes into a third and stalls for effect before dropping Kray down to the mat





Ha: Kray is resilient as they come, great heart from this kid

He: you call it heart, I call it stupidity. Think bigger picture kids, save yourself this beating and take the loss

Daniels shoots up to his feet and backs the official in to the corner complaining about the count. He turns attentions back to Kray who has made his way back to his feet, Kray tries to fight by throwing punches but Daniels overpowers him and drops him with a big boot. Kray once again slowly gets up to his feet






He: Daniels ain't too impressed

Daniels looks down with disgust at Kray and then signals for the end. He taunts Kray to get to his feet and then kicks him in the gut and sets him in position for the suplex

He: We've seen Daniels hit this before, the jack hammer suplex which is ironically one of Kray’s finishers


The crowd cheer again as Kray drops down behind Daniels and drops him with the leg sweep. Both men slowly get to their feet, Daniels the quicker of the two and he aims a haymaker at Kray who ducks underneath and hits a springboard forearm smash off the middle rope. Daniels quickly gets up and is knocked straight back down with a dropkick, and gets up a third time only to walk straight into a discus lariat.

Ha: And just like that this contest has swung in favour of Kray

Kray fires up the fans as he waits for Daniels to get to his feet and then he whips him against the ropes and drops him with a Samoan drop and hooks the leg for the pin



Daniels kicks out and Kray picks him up to his feet, he kicks him in the stomach and then somehow picks the bigger man up and slams him down to the canvas with a powerbomb

Ha: Daniels may have the strength advantage, BUT I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW KRAY HAD THIS STRENGTH UP HIS SLEEVE.......WOW!

As soon as Kray slams Daniels down to the mat with the powerbomb, he keeps hold and pulls him back up through the air to head height before slamming him down to the mat again and hooks the leg




Daniels powers out of the cover and Kray quickly closes in and stomps down not allowing Daniels time to catch his breath. Daniels tries to push him away but Kray continues to close in. He drags Daniels up to his feet and pushes him against the ropes before connecting with a number of knife edge chops, each met with a loud 'WOOOOOO' from the New York crowd, he then whips him across to the opposite ropes

Ha: Kray hits the Flap Jack, he's looking to take to the skies...........FROG SPLASH!!!






Kray exits the ring to the apron and motions for the crowd to get louder, he waits as Daniels slowly gets up and then he springboards off of the top rope into a crossbody







He: Official signals two, I don't know how much more I can take of this, I'm exhausted just watching it

Ha: It has been brilliant to watch, a true testimony to the quality we have here in 6CW

Kray is looking to end this as he begins to stalk Daniels and readies himself for the superman punch

Ha: here we go.......HEY!

The crowd boo loudly as Kray goes for the superman punch but Daniels pulls the official in front of him and Kray has to apply the brakes before he takes him out. Daniels throws the official to the mat temporarily distracting Kray

Ha: What the......




ding ding ding

Ha: The cheating son of a bi......

The crowd boo loudly as 'perfection' once again plays and Daniels quickly slides out of the ring. We see replays of Daniels throwing the official down to the mat before he hits a low blow to Kray and rolls him into the cover with a huge hand of tights for leverage

Ha: He cheated...the proof is there in the video replay

He: He won, it doesn't matter how. The record books won't say how he won, it'll just have a big W in the win column

Daniels walks back towards the stage and smiles at Kray in the ring who has just realised what has happened and looks angrily at the referee

Ha: I don't blame Kray for being annoyed here, he was well in control of this one until Daniels little stunt at the end

He: Ah well, never mind, he'll get over it. Anyway, it’s time to move, and if you think that was entertaining, we've still got plenty more where that comes from

Match result: Jonathan Daniels via pinfall
Match time: 9 minutes; 18 seconds


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:39 pm

(JJ Johnson is in his dressing room getting ready ahead of his match when his wife Brandi walks in. JJ smiles and kisses Brandi)

JJ: What you doing here boo?

B: I’m here to support my man

(Johnson squeezes Brandi in close, kissing her forehead)

JJ: You know how much you mean to me, how much I love you and would do anything to protect you?

(Brandi steps back)

B: Of course honey but I’m a big girl. Who do I need protecting from, Jessica? That skank ho try anything she gonna end up straight back on the kerb where she belongs!!

(JJ places his hands on his wife’s shoulders)

JJ: You need to promise me that no matter what you will stay backstage tonight. I need to take care of business. You wait in here, you lock the door, you hear me?

B: But…………….

JJ: No buts B. Things gonna happen tonight that you don’t need to see. I need to know that you’re safe...OK. No matter what...You do not come out there!!

(Brandi nods as JJ kisses her again and the scene fades)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:41 pm

*Timothy Allen is backstage smiling into the camera and waiting to introduce his guests.

TA: Joining me at this time...our current 6CW Tag Team Champions...the Red...Arrows!!!

*Reborn and Hurst walk in and shake hands with Allen, nod curtly to the camera crew and settle beside the interviewer...

TA: Jack, Robin...How are you feeling?

RR: Yeah, man, I'm good *he looks up to Jack* You cool, J?

JH: I'm tip top, my good sir.

TA: That's very nice, but you're about to defend your tag titles in a much anticipated match...surely there's some tension?

RR: Nah, son, we ice.

JH: A little bit of experience comes in handy here, Tim. I'd expect we're the only calm ones coming into this.

TA: And why would that be?

JH: Well, Timothy, each of our opponents has a problem of their own coming into this. The Death Squad flop in the big one, whilst PJ n Drunken

???: "What about PJ n Drunken?"

*The Arrows and Allen turn to see Perfect Jack and Dicey walking towards them

PJ: Come on, big mouth, lets hear it

*Hurst walks to stand directly in front of Perfect Jack, never breaking his stare with the 6CW legend

JH: Whereas, Timothy, the old war horses here don't even know if they've got the gusto to still go in a big PPV match.

*Dicey bursts forward to respond and gets shoved back by Reborn

RR: You wanna watch your step you old son of a b*tch

*Dicey bristles with rage but Perfect Jack puts out a hand to calm him

PJ: Let him have his moment, Dicey, they're gonna need some nice memories when they come back to the locker room empty handed later.

DR: This ain't our first rodeo, kids, we about to take back control of the house that we built

*Hurst takes another step forward and now really stands eye to eye with Perfect Jack.

JH: This isn't the wild west any more, chaps. This is 2015, this is the new 6CW and this is a brave new world of wrestling. As your old men like Leone, Dubois, Lex and JJ all cling to whatever they can to stay relevant, today's world sees Wood, Costello and Thunder making the pace, sees Ryker Kidd causing a storm on his first PPV, and sees The Red Arrows leading these titles right into Night of Glory and the biggest event of a year you don't belong in.

PJ: Yet come tomorrow morning all you'll be reading is JJ Johnson, GazzyD and how Dicey Reilly and Perfect Jack came back and took what was theirs.

*The two teams stare at each other with pure contempt as the scene fades away


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:43 pm

Match 4
JJ Johnson vs. Lex Hart

We go back to the action where the Lloyd brothers are sitting at their commentary positions.

HA: Well folks, what a PPV we have had so far! And now the tension really goes up a few notches. We have a 6CW unsanctioned match between two well-known faces in the wrestling world......

HE: And it is unsanctioned because one of these guys would love to tear his opponent limb from limb!

HA: This match certainly could be brutal! But it is still flying under the 6CW banner. Lex Hart, who tried and failed to destroy this very organisation will take on JJ Johnson!

HE: It is time for Johnson to realise that 6CW with Lex Hart in is a very different place to one he waltzed into many months ago!

"Be Myself" blares out of the speakers and the fans greet it with furious booing. Lex Hart and Miss Jessica appear onto the stage as red and pink pyros shoot off above them. Hart smirks and takes Jessica's arm in his as he starts to confidently walk down the aisle.

HA: Hart must be used to this reaction now. In any arena across the world, the name Lex Hart certainly provokes a negative reaction.

HE: He is the man of the hour! 6CW is a better place with him in and Johnson is starting to get that.

Hart reaches the ring and slides in. He climbs the turnbuckle and cups his ear to the crowd as they continue booing. Jessica applauds from outside the ring as Hart climbs off the turnbuckle and waits for his opponent.

HA: And now......prepare for the roof of the MSG to come off!

"Remember the name" blasts out across the arena and the fans go nuts. The camera pans around the MSG and we see Brandi Johnson sitting in the crowd and applauding along with them. JJ Johnson suddenly appears onto the stage. However, instead of doing his usual entrance he quickly sprints down the aisle straight at Hart. The fireworks haven't even finished exploding as Johnson slides into the ring and goes after Hart.

HA: What a start! Unbelievable!

Hart is taken aback at the speed of Johnson and is pushed against the corner. Johnson immediately starts hammering away with right hand blows before whipping Lex to the other corner. Hart rebounds out and Johnson catches him with a scissor kick. Hart falls to the canvas hard and squirms to get to the ropes. Johnson goes after him and tries to get him into an ankle lock. The official pushes Johnson away though as Hart has hold of the ropes. Johnson backs away slightly which is just enough time for Hart to slide back to the outside. Johnson goes after him quickly. Hart scrambles around the ring and heads to the commentary table.


In a show of skill, Johnson jumps onto the steel steps and flies into Hart with a huge lariat that knocks his opponent over the table. The Lloyd brothers part and Johnson climbs over the table and starts to hammer Lex with blow after blow. The crowd cheer the fan favourite on as a cameraman focuses on the two men brawling. Hart manages to get a hand free and rake the eyes of Johnson. JJ is momentarily blinded, which gives time for Lex to get up and vault over the commentary table. He slides back into the ring and argues at the referee to get a grip. As Johnson gets back into the ring, Hart backs behind the official for protection.

HA: What a coward!

Johnson pushes the referee and gets his hands on Lex. He hauls him to the ropes and slams into him once more. The referee goes to separate them and goes after Johnson first. From the outside we can just make out Jessica take out something from her cleavage and hand it to Lex. She then stands onto the apron and shouts at the referee. He turns and goes to get her off.


While the official is distracted, Hart kicks Johnson in the groin before punching him hard in the face. We can see that he is holding brass knuckles that has obviously been handed to him by Jessica. Johnson falls to the ground and Lex chucks the knuckles from the ring. The official turns round and is none the wiser to what has just happened. Lex smirks at the crowd as they show their dissatisfaction. Hart picks up Johnson and whips him to the ropes. He then slams a high knee into Johnson's mid-section which knocks the wind out of him. Lex watches Johnson carefully and stomps away at him at any point his opponent tries to get up. He then backs Johnson into the corner and slaps him heavily in the chest.

HE: Hart is enjoying this!

After every slap, Hart smiles at the crowd and trash talks them. Suddenly, Johnson catches Hart's hand and pushes him away. He then runs at Hart and launches himself into the air.


Johnson goes for a colossal spear but Hart at the last moment pushes the referee in Johnson's direction. JJ can't stop and he slams the official to the mat with authority. Johnson looks shocked at what he has just done and the ref lies perfectly still on the canvas.



Hart quickly gets behind Johnson and throws him over the top rope. Sensing his chance Hart follows up and slams Johnson's head against the guardrail. He then whips his opponent into the steel steps and sends them flying. Johnson tries to get up but is hit by a drop kick by Hart that sends him sprawling over the steel steps and onto the commentary desk. Hart walks up and rips a monitor off of the desk.


Hart smashes the monitor down onto Johnson's forehead which quickly starts to spurt blood. As the boos rain down, Lex trash talks at Johnson and takes the remains of the power cord that connected to the monitor. He wraps it around Johnson's neck and starts to strangle him with it.

HA: This can't be allowed!

HE: What part of unsanctioned don't you get brother?!

HA: It didn't mean this!

HE: Well complain about it to the sleeping ref!

Hart continues to choke Johnson as the camera briefly shows the official still motionless in the ring. Hart pushes Johnson away and reaches for a chair from behind the guardrail. He brings it hard down onto his opponents back before setting it up under Johnson's neck. Hart slams an elbow down on the back of JJ's head that causes him to guillotine himself on the edge of the chair. Johnson goes flying backwards as Lex looks on.

HE: Lex Hart is being methodical here! He wants to show the whole of the MSG just how far their hero has fallen.

Hart watches as Johnson staggers around the outside of the ring coughing loudly. Blood is pouring from his head wound and he looks very disorientated. The crowd boo as Lex takes his chair and walks round to the front of Johnson. He sets the chair up and sits down to watch JJ crawl towards him on his hands and feet. Hart starts encouraging JJ to get up. Jessica walks up to Lex's side and starts laughing and pointing at Johnson as the crowd boos are deafening.

HA: They are taunting him!

As the Johnson struggles to get to his feet, Jessica gets even more vocal with her mocking. Suddenly she screams as her hair is pulled back by someone standing from behind the guardrail.


Brandi has a handful of Jessica's hair in her hand as she pulls her back towards the rail. Jessica manages to turn round but is hit by a slap to the face. Brandi climbs over the rail and immediately jumps on Jessica, beating away at her. We can hear Jessica screaming as she starts to fight back. Lex has turned round from his chair and is actually smirking and finding the events quite comical.

HE: Hart enjoying the side show here!


Suddenly Hart is pushed off his chair by Johnson. JJ half jumps and half falls on Lex and starts punching him with right hands. Lex manages to scramble free and is looking surprised at Johnson who is on his feet now. Johnson's face is covered in blood but he starts to come at Lex again.

HE: Run Lex! RUN!

In the ring, the official is starting to come round after being knocked to the canvas. Hart tries desperately to avoid a demented looking Johnson. Lex in his haste trips over Brandi and Jessica who are still brawling on the floor. The referee in the ring starts to count both men out in the ring.

HA: Look at Lex go!

Hart scrambles back to his feet and staggers all the way back round the ring to avoid his opponent. As the crowd cheer him forward, JJ manages to get close to Hart and grab him by the arm. Behind him, Brandi has got up off a dazed Jessica and spits down at her. She comes up behind her husband to check that he is ok. Meanwhile, Hart has wiggled free again and picks up the chair that he was sitting on. He takes a wild swing at Johnson who ducks.


The crowd go silent as the chair swings right into Brandi. She goes down to the floor and lies motionless. Johnson turns round with a look of shock on his face and immediately forgets about Hart. Lex's face looks confused for a second before he glances at the referee who is still counting. He quickly dives into the ring as the official signals for the bell.

HE: Lex has won!

HA: Who cares?!

The crowd is still stunned as Johnson kneels next to his fallen wife and starts yelling to the back for help. EMT's start to rush to the ringside with a stretcher as Johnson is desperately trying to get his wife to regain consciousness. Jessica is feeling her head and looking dazed as she slides into the ring. Hart looks on with a smile on his face as the EMT's get to Brandi and start to assess her.

HA: Hart has won.....but the significance of the victory is lost on the people here in the MSG as we see 6CW medics work on Brandi Johnson.........

Hart watches with glee as Johnson starts to bark at the EMT's to do something. When one tries to check on Johnson's blooded face, he yells at him to concentrate on his wife. The camera picks up audience members who look on concerned as Brandi is loaded onto the stretcher wearing a neck brace. Hart signals to Jessica for them to leave and the pair slide out of the ring like lizards and exit through the crowd. When a few of the fans start to turn on Lex, he simply barges past them.

HE: For Hart, the job is done for tonight.

HA: Really?! You think that Lex planned for this?! To assault an innocent woman?!

HE: Innocent?! Brandi had no business getting involved in this match! She chose to attack Jessica. It is upsetting that she has ended up hurt but that's what happens when you cross the line.

HA: And you don't think Hart has?

HE: Lex has got the victory. That's all that matters.

The EMT's start to wheel Brandi up the aisle as Johnson walks by the stretchers side. His eyes do not move from his wife's face as the audience claps in appreciation of Brandi and in hope that she is alright. Johnson doesn't acknowledge them as he, Brandi and the EMT's exit through the curtain.

HA: You may say it is all that matters. But right now all thoughts aren't on Hart winning here at the MSG, but on the condition of JJ Johnson's wife.

There is a unnerving quiet around the MSG, not befitting the end of a PPV match, as we head backstage.

Match result: Lex Hart via countout
Match time: 7 minutes


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:46 pm

*Timothy Allen is walking through the corridors of 6CW with his camera crew, talking live

TA: You follow me now as I meet the Death Squad ahead of another chance at the 6CW titles

*He stops at a door marked "The Death Squad" and proceeds to hammer against it

TA: Varyag, El Rey, a word before your match.

*The door opens and Allen smiles to the camera, but his smile fades as Marinov Krasimir steps out through the door

TA: Umm, Marinov, the arrangement was for the combatants to talk with us this evening...

*Marinov looks Allen up and down with a sneer of derision

MK: You want to speak with my men, do you? You care about the greatest tag team in this company now, all of a sudden, when the little boys are gone? You are nothing and your silly coverage of the "legends" and the soon to be former tag team champions sickens Krasimir.

TA: Management arranged for a chat with the contenders

MK: Management means nothing! Magnusson and his silly puppet are not Marinov concern.

*He pushes Allen out of the way and stares down the lens

MK: Tonight it all ends. Tonight the champions fall on their swords. Tonight we retire the old men. Tonight

"WE WILL RISE!!" comes crying out from inside the changing room. Marinov smiles

MK: We will rise, hooyesos, we will rise.

*The scene fades on the wild laugh of Marinov


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:49 pm

(Timothy Allen is standing backstage with Max Adamson beside him)

TA: Ladies and gentlemen, I am backstage at the MSG....

MA: ASG.......

(Allen turns round and looks confused. Max snatches the microphone from his hand and pushes him away)

MA: You aren't fit to tie your own shoelaces, let alone interview me.

(Adamson addresses the camera)

MA: Yes, here at the ASG......Adamson Square Garden.....dreams all always made! But more importantly, frauds always get found out. And that is what is going to happen against GazzyD. He has taken my gold on it's little globe trotting tour but now is the time for it to be returned to the real champion. You see that is what GazzyD was........he was a go-to guy for when the schedule was a bit too much for me to take. I saw 6CW's plans to travel the world and I stepped back. Now here in New York, you will see the old Adamson. The guy who held the gold longer than anyone else has or could. The guy who sold out arena's and put bums on seats.......

(Adamson stops and smirks)

MA: Gazzy....I am grateful for the rest, I really am. But now 6CW has realised that championship material you ain't. And so it is time to turn the clock back and make February a distant memory. We will put on a show here at the ASG. We will go through the motions. And then you will lay down and take what is coming to you for the sake of yourself, 6CW and the whole of humanity. They had to live with 2 months of hell and so it is only right that the saviour of 6CW fixes it.

(Adamson turns to the side and beckons Allen back towards him)

MA: Let me make this clear to you........the Adamson show is all about quality. So I have done you a favour by keeping your stupid questions away from this interview.

(Allen goes to speak but Adamson cuts in)

MA: The Adamson show........

(Max thrusts the microphone into Allen's chest before walking out of shot)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:51 pm

Match 5
6CW Tag Team Championships
Red Arrows © The Death Squad vs Perfect Jack/Dicey Reilly

Ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a triple threat match for the 6CW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!

*Crowd pop

HA: Sensational night already so far here at Revolution and things are about to kick up a notch….the tag team championships will be on the line as three teams vie to prove their dominance over the other two…

HE: The Red Arrows have been a record-breaking team, it can’t be denied….but I think tonight their luck is out…

The New York crowd are in fine voice as the “Death March” screams through the speakers and is greeted by boos. Krasimir Marinov is the first man onto the stage and he adjusts his suit, a smile on his face, before being flanked on either side by his clients…

RA: Introducing first, the challengers………………accompanied to the ring by their manager, Krasimir Marinov….weighing in at a combined weight of 560 pounds……El Rey Castile and Varyag…..Thhhheeee Deeeeaaaattthhhhhh Sqqquuuuaaaaadddddddd!

Varyag lets out a roar and Castile motions a belt around his waist as they follow their manager down the ramp towards the ring. Castile vaults up through the ropes and the rest of his team follow….

HA: The Death Squad have been chasing this title shot for the past month and a half……at Day of Reckoning they came up short in their quest to win the tag titles but a non-title victory over the champions ensured that they get another crack at the big time…

HE: The Death Squad have improved leaps and bounds since the last time they challenger for the championships….tonight is their night…

HA: Second championship match of the evening….Buck Riggins was able to successully overcome triple threat rules earlier but can the Red Arrows follow his lead?

Marinov stands in the middle of his two clients and he yells out in incoherent Bulgarian whilst the crowd continue to boo. The lights in the arena then dim and purple pyros begin to explode into the rafters as “Beer Money” plays out and the crowd go wild…

HA: What an ovation here in the Garden….seems PJ & Drunken have themselves some new theme music as well...

RA: Weighing in at a combined weight of 500 pounds…………Peerrffeeccct Jack and Diiiiccceeeeyyyyy Reeeeiiiiillllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

HE: I can barely hear myself think in here….

Perfect Jack is the first man onto the stage and he beams at the ovation he is receiving by the fans in the arena. He nods his head in appreciation and touches his chest before the cheers grow louder. Green pyros flame into the air as Dicey Reilly strides out to join his partner. They high five and then make their way down the ramp…

HA: Dicey Reilly and Perfect Jack responded to the challenge of the Red Arrows last month after a period of inactivity and seeming retirement….

HE: These old timers just couldn’t resist the chance to lace them up once more…former tag team champions but this is a different era now….

HA: Former tag team champions….world champions….combined there isn’t much that these two hall of famers haven’t achieved in their careers….they still have plenty in the tank and their challenge shouldn’t be taken lightly…

HE: Well the Red Arrows aren’t fazed it would seem….

HA: That could be to their detriment….The Red Arrows are seeking vindication of their title reign, they want a huge scalp and they believe Dicey Reilly and Perfect Jack will be the perfect way to prove they are the greatest tag team of all time…..they cannot afford to let their attitudes and egos overlook the fact that they are in the ring with two of the greatest ever….

HE: And whilst those two teams bicker The Death Squad can come in the backdoor and take those belts…

Dicey and Jack pose for pictures with some of the fans before climbing into the ring to join The Death Squad. There is a little trash talk between both teams and then “Prince Charming” echoes through the speakers. It continues for a few seconds before it is drowned out by “Stronger”….

RA: And their opponents………..weighing in at a combined weight of 445 pounds…….they are the reigning and defending 6CW Tag Team Champions…....Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn…..Theeee Reeeeeeddddddd Arrrrroooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwssssssss!

Red pyros erupt into the air and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn make their entrance. Hurst stands on the stage, his usual jovial mannerisms nowhere to be seen, as Reborn bounces next to his opponent. They both shoulder their titles and nod at one another before making their way down the ramp….

HA: 256 days since Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst shocked the world by defeating Max Adamson and Enforcer to become the Tag Team Champions….since then they have turned back all challengers in this historic reign…with each passing month they have become more cohesive and more dominating….

HE: And yet they aren’t happy….they have overshadowed all former titleholders but they feel like they still deserve respect for their accomplishments……

HA: Harris/Masters…..The Producers…..The Authority….The Death Squad….The Brotherhood….The Wild Stallions….Bad Intentions…the list goes on of the teams that have tried and have failed to take the belts away from The Red Arrows….they truly are one of the all time greats….

Reborn and Hurst cirlce the ring before climbing up inside. They both hoist their championships into the air as they get in the faces of their opposition…

HA: Reborn and Hurst are mightily sure of themselves….their records allow that….but I surely hope they don’t come into this match believing that all they have to do is turn up…

Dicey and Jack look at each other and smirk before staring back to the champions. Marinov is whispering instructions to The Death Squad as the referee makes the rounds to speaks to all three teams.

HA: This match is one fall to a finish….the first team to register and pinfall or submission will leave here as the champions…

There is a discussion for a few moments and then it is decided that Robin Reborn and Perfect Jack will get the match underway. Both men are being cheered by the crowd but the roar for Perfect Jack is a little louder, something that seems to annoy Robin Reborn….

HE: For the first time ever The Red Arrows are behind in the popularity stakes…

Jack winks at Reborn as they circle one another and then they lockup in the centre. Jack immediately spins around and takes Reborn’s back before scooping him off the ground and taking him to the floor…

HA: When it comes to wrestling you are very unlikely to find anyone who can match up to Perfect Jack…

Jack spins around Reborn and slaps the back of his head before standing up, drawing cheers from the crowd. Reborn looks annoyed as he gets back up to his feet and beckons for Jack to come at him for a second time…

HE: Reborn needs to change up his tactics….even I know he isn’t outwrestling Jack…

The two men lock up again and this time Jack grabs Reborn’s arm and twists it around before grabbing the champion’s head and throwing him into a snapmare. Reborn gets back up and Jack lashes chops into his chest before whipping him off the ropes and he launches him across the ring with a big overhead suplex…

HA: Robin Reborn is being given a lesson in humility right now…

Jack gets back up and he smirks at Reborn’s reaction before tagging in Dicey Reilly, drawing another roar from the audience. Dicey climbs in and he quickly thunders a knee into Reborn’s stomach before teeing off with huge right hands…..

HE: The Red Arrows are in with two very fired up legends here….there is going to be no room for pleasantries….

HA: Dicey Reilly hasn’t been in a real fight for a long time….I think he’s going to enjoy this one….

Reilly grabs Reborn’s arm and he whips him to the opposite corner with serious power before following across and drilling into him with a big splash. Reborn staggers out and Dicey puts him down with a belly to belly slam……………….1…………………….2………………..shoulder up!

HA: The Red Arrows wanted this….they demanded this from Dicey and Jack…

HE: They may live to regret it…

Dicey stands up and he stares over at Jack Hurst before dropping an elbow down into the chest of Reborn. He repeats the process three more times before he drags Reborn back up and flips him up onto his shoulders….

HA: Reborn going for a ride…

Reborn manages to drive his elbow down into the head of Dicey several times before jumping over the back of him. Dicey spins and looks for a running clothesline but Reborn rolls through his legs and dives into a tag on Jack Hurst…

HE: Reborn showing his resourcefullness….

Hurst quickly climbs the ropes and he waits for Dicey to turn around before launching off and knocking him down with a lariat. Reilly gets back up and Hurst dropkicks him into the ropes before firing an enzeguiri into his head as he returns……………..1………………..2…………….Dicey gets his shoulder off the mat!

HA: Jack Hurst is a very underrated wrestler….at times he has been overlooked but his reign as a tag champion have proven just how talented this man is…

Hurst drags Dicey back to his feet and he suplexes him into the air before turning around and slamming him down to the canvass. Hurst then has a few choice words for Reilly before heading to the corner and climbing the ropes…

HE: I think Jack Hurst is looking for a big game changer here….


Hurst throws himself through the air and looks to land down on Dicey with his patented legdrop but he finds nobody home. Dicey manages to scramble back up to his feet but he is slapped across the back by Varyag..

HE: This is going to flip the script….The Death Squad are the ones everyone is overlooking in this match…

Hurst tries to get up as Varyag crashes into him with a heavy body block. Varyag then drags Hurst back up and he flips into the air before crushing him with a powerbomb……………1………………..2……………..kickout!

HA: The Death Squad are highly motivated and confident….they believe tonight is their night to walk out with those belts…

Varyag stares around at the competition and then hauls Jack Hurst up and launches him into the corner. He stomps a mudhole in the gut before running the opposite ropes and returning with a big splash. Hurst tries to stagger away but Varyag pulls him into a full nelson…

HE: Varyag’s strength sets him apart….his submissions are designed to break…

Hurst tries to struggle but he cannot compete with the strength of his opponent. Varyag’s arms tighten and start to push the champion towards the floor whilst Marinov screams out instructions from ringside…

HA: Varyag might just put Hurst down with this….he can’t fight back against the strength…

Reborn is trying to bellow instructions to his partner but Hurst cannot answer back or do anything to combat the strength of Varyag. The Death Squad member is really rag-dolling the champion around when Reborn goes up high….

HE: He’s not the legal man…

HA: Reborn trying to save the titles…

Reborn leaps through the air and he dropkicks Varyag in the side of the head, knocking the big man flying into the ropes and breaking up the submission. Castile tries to climb in and help his partner but the referee moves in to hold him back…

HE: Oh so it’s alright for Reborn to get involved but not Castile…..such biased officiating….

Reborn grabs Hurst’s arm and he drags his partner to the safety of their corner and then makes the tag. Varyag is on his way back to his feet when Reborn springboards in behind him and takes him to the ground with a facebuster. Reborn then runs the ropes and returns with a somersault legdrop………….1…………………2………Varyag powers out!

HA: Reborn knows it is going to take a little more than that to put Varyag down but he’s trying to sap the strength of the big man…

Varyag gets up and Reborn lands kicks to the legs and chest of his opponent. He swings another roundhouse but Varyag catches his foot and drags him in close before bench pressing him into the air…

HE: That kind of strength is impossible to defend against….

Varyag lifts Reborn high into the air and parades him around the ring but Reborn manages to kick his feet and then reach down and jab the big man in the eyes. Reborn then shows his athleticism to drop down and wrap his legs around the big man’s neck before throwing him across the ring with a headscissors….they get back up and Reborn dropkicks the knees out from Varyag and hits a kneeling DDT……………………1………………………….2………………….shoulder up!

HA: Robin Reborn, despite his stature, can fight with any man on this roster and hold his own…..

Reborn gets back up and he backs into the corner before lifting himself onto the second rope. He waits for Varyag to begin standing and then launching off with an overhang neckbreaker….Varyag immediately begins to get back up so Reborn charges into him with flying knees to the head……………..1…………………..2……………..Varyag kicks out again!

HE: Reborn’s pouring it on but he’s having no luck…must try harder…

HA: Perhaps a little double team action can help…

Reborn makes the tag back to Hurst. They both grab Varyag by the arms and whip him off the ropes before greeting him with a double superkick to the chest as he returns. Varyag staggers into the corner and Hurst drops down on all fours as Reborn rushes over and uses his partner’s back as a springboard…

HA: A little poetry in motion…

Reborn dives into Varyag but the big man demonstrates his strength again and catches Reborn in his. He walks him out and prepares for a fall away slam but Hurst clatters into him from behind with a chopblock…

HE: Get one of them out of there referee….can’t have both legal…

Hurst quickly takes over and he grabs Varyag’s leg and tries to pull him into an anklelock. Varyag’s legs are too powerful though and he manages to turn before kicking out, sending Hurst flying back into the corner. Varyag gets up and he rushes in for a flying shoulder thrust….

HA: Varyag went straight into the ringpost there….that will any man, no matter their size…

Varyag is slumped in the corner, up against the ringpost, as Hurst makes his way behind him and pulls him into a rollup…………..1…………………….2…………………shoulder up. Varyag stumbles back up and Hurst attempts to lift him onto his shoulders….

HE: There is no way he can…

Varyag uses his large arms to drive down into Hurst and break his grip. Hurst stumbles over to the ropes and Varyag comes running towards him again…

HA: Varyag got tangled up there…..Perfect Jack is in…

Hurst rolls away and sends Varyag tumbling into the ropes, tying him up in a heap. Jack takes advantage of the situation and tags in off the big man. Hurst is just getting back to his feet when Jack runs into him and knocks him down with a clothesline. Jack then waits for Hurst to get back up and he lifts him into an atomic drop before throwing him into a bridged German suplex……………..1…………………..2………………kickout!

HA: Jack looks in great physical shape here…it’s like he has never been away…

Jack pulls Hurst back up and looks for a suplex but Hurst is able to float over the shoulder of his opponent and counter with a Russian legsweep. They get back up and Hurst nails a three punch combination and then pretends his hand is a mirror before slapping Jack in the face…

*Crowd boo

HE: A little “charm offensive” from Jack Hurst….

Perfect staggers away and Hurst rushes into him with a clothesline to the back of the head. Hurst then proceeds to stomp down on his opponent until the referee intervenes and warns him. Hurst then drags Jack back up and scoops him onto his shoulders…

HA: Jack Hurst thinks he might just be able to finish this here…

Hurst spins Jack around and prepares to launch him but Jack elbows his way to safety and counters with a German suplex. He keeps his hands locked and drags Hurst back up before landing another suplex…

HE: Once Jack starts rolling with these suplexes there might be no stopping him…

The crowd are applauding as Jack clings onto the waist of Hurst and hauls him up for a third time and launches him into a released suplex. Hurst is flat on his back as Jack crawls over him………..1……………2…………..Hurst just manages to get his shoulder up off the mat!

HA: These three teams are throwing it all out there tonight….the tag division has always been very lucrative and these six men are doing it proud once again…

PJ gets back up and he looks at Dicey, who smiles at him, and then slaps his partner’s hand. Dicey begins to scale the ropes as Jack pulls Hurst up and nails him with a snap suplex. Jack rolls out under the ropes as Dicey flies through the air…


HA: Might finish it…


Posts : 10129
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:52 pm

Dicey thunders down into the chest of Jack Hurst with the headbutt and then drapes an arm over his chest…
………………..Castile springboards onto the ropes and flies into the cover with an incredible 630 splash!

HE: Castile might have just kept this match alive….

Dicey tries to get up and attack Castile but the smaller man catches him with a spinning backheel kick to the stomach and then grabs his head, nailing a backflip inverted DDT (diamond dust)…..

HA: Dicey Reilly just got strung out there…

HE: Castile is the only man who hasn’t been tagged in yet….he wants some action…

The referee grabs Castile and pushes him back towards his corner as Dicey Reilly and Jack Hurst struggle to their feet. Hurst is first up and he swipes Dicey’s legs from under him before slingshotting him into the corner. Reilly clatters into the turnbuckle and staggers back into a big backdrop driver………………1………………….2……………….Dicey gets his shoulder up!

HA: So far these teams are keeping order….the referee’s job has been plain sailing…

HE: Don’t speak too soon, Harold, because this match could explode at any moment….

Hurst gets back up and he makes his way to the corner and starts to climb. He is halfway up when Castile slaps his leg, gaining a tag for his team…

HE: That is what he has been looking for…

Castile springboards onto the ropes and he flies into the ring with a kick to the side of Dicey’s jaw. Dicey gets back up and Castile hits him with a double palm strike to the chest before welcoming him up again and he grabs Dicey by the head before nailing a leaping double knee under the chin….

HA: That shot may have knocked Dicey out cold…

Castile spins on the spot and he taunts the crowd before heading to the corner. He launches himself onto the top rope and points down to his manager, who gives him the thumbs up, and then he propels himself into the air…


Dicey Reilly throws his knees up just in time and crashes them into the spine of Castile, who rolls away in agony. Dicey then crawls back up and he waits for Castile to rise before kicking him in the stomach…


*Crowd pop

HA: New champions…

Dicey plants Castile on his head with the cradle piledriver and he hooks the leg…………..1…

HE: Don’t get too carried away…

Varyag breaks up the cover and he drags Dicey up to his feet with ease. He looks for an Irish whip but Dicey spins inside and kicks the big man in the stomach…


Varyag counters into a huge backdrop. He then bounces back off the ropes and lets out a roar as he charges forward…


The crowd boo and wince as Varyag clubs Dicey in the head with a brutal axe handle, leaving him flat on the canvass. Varyag pounds his chest and looks satisfied with his work before turning around…


Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Robin Reborn defies gravity as he propels himself into an incredible shooting star press, catching Varyag on the way down and planting him with a brutal DDT. The big man rolls to the outside upon impact and drops to the floor…

HE: How did he do that?

HA: Robin Reborn is a mystery to everybody but himself…


Perfect Jack suddenly spins Reborn around and knees him in the stomach before planting him with his patented suplex finisher. The referee is telling Jack that he isn’t the legal man though so he can’t gain a pinfall….

HA: Dicey Reilly and El Rey Castile are still the legal men and they are in no position to make a tag right now…


There are cheers and there are boos from the crowd as Jack Hurst spins PJ around and scoops him onto his shoulders before detonating with the punt kick to the gut, sending Jack scrambling through the ropes to the outside. Hurst then pulls El Rey Castile towards the ropes and he climbs out and is able to make a tag….

HA: Hurst’s now the legal man…..

HE: And Dicey Reilly is still down…

HA: He’s going high risk….SHOW OF GRACE!

The flashbulbs go off and there is applause from the fans as Hurst thunders down onto Dicey with the legdrop….he makes the cover and hooks both legs…

HA: The Red Arrows are about to get their vindication…

………Varyag pulls Hurst out under the bottom rope and launches him across the announce tables with incredible force!

HE: Lookout…

Hurst crashes into the two Spanish commentators and knocks them to the floor, as well as a cameraman. Varyag is holding his head but he looks furious as he makes his way over towards Hurst’s position…

HA: We have chaos now all around….

HE: I told you not to speak too soon….this match was never going to stay civil….there is too much on the line….

Varyag grabs Hurst and he drags him up to his feet before pulling him forwards and swinging him through the air again….BOOM!

HA: Jack Hurst is being dismantled…

Hurst collides with the steel steps and is left in a battered heap on the floor. Varyag makes a beeline for him again but this time Robin Reborn somersaults over the top rope and collides with the big man, taking him to ground…

HE: Where did Reborn just come from…

HA: I’ve lost track of who is legal…

HE: Still Hurst and Dicey…

Reborn pulls the steel steps away from the ring and he drapes Varyag across them before heading towards the ringside barrier. He pulls himself up on top and then jumps through the air with a double foot stomp, crushing Varyag’s head against the steel…

HA: That may be the only way to keep the big man down…


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Reborn is just getting back to his feet on the outside when El Rey Castile runs from the opposite side and torpedos through the ropes before spinning his foe into an incredible tornado DDT on the hard flooring…

HA: Sensational move from El Rey Castile…

The cameras then pan to Jack Hurst, who is clutching his spine, rolling back into the ring. Dicey Reilly is just getting to his feet and Hurst tries to pull him in…


Dicey drops behind and he pushes Hurst off into the corner. He chases in but Hurst drives his elbow out into Dicey’s jaw before charging out and hitting him with a spear…

HA: Where is Jack Hurst getting this energy….

HE: I don’t know but he needs to be careful when he turns around…

Perfect Jack is back on his feet and he greets Hurst with sickening chops to the chest as he turns around. Hurst doubles up and Jack grabs his arm and looks for an Irish whip but Hurst spins inside and pulls Jack towards him…


Hurst pumps Jack up for the punt kick again but Jack catches his foot on the way down and spins Hurst into a dragon screw. He keeps hold of his leg and then spins around…




The crowd are bouncing and Hurst is yelling in pain as Jack cranks the pressure up to ten and really stretches back into the submission. Hurst’s face is completely red and the agony is obvious…

HA: So many greats of this business have fallen to this move…

HE: The Red Arrows’ title reign is in tatters….HE’S TAPPING OUT!


Hurst is desperately slapping his hand to the canvass, unable to take the pain anymore, and the referee grabs at PJ’s shoulders to pull him off. Jack quickly gets to his feet and fist pumps the air…

HA: They did it…

HE: Why hasn’t the bell rung?

HA: Huh?

Jack continues to celebrate but the referee grabs his arms and pulls them down. PJ looks bemused as the referee is telling him something….

HA: In all the hype and drama I forgot that Perfect Jack isn’t the legal man….his partner Dicey is….

Jack continues to look confused until he is attacked from behind by both members of The Death Squad. Varyag drags Jack up and drills him with a sickening backbreaker, holding him across his knees….


Castile leaps from the ropes and he foot stomps Jack further into the knees of Varyag. They then turn their attention to Dicey Reilly and Jack Hurst…

HE: I told you that the Death Squad were being overlooked…

Dicey Reilly is just getting up in the corner when Varyag flies into him with a huge splash. Dicey staggers out and drops to his knees as Castile climbs onto the apron and slaps Dicey’s back…

HA: Now Castile is legal with Hurst…

Varyag pulls Dicey up with ease and slings him through the ropes to the outside as the cameras now pan in on Jack Hurst, who is having trouble standing up.

HE: The legs of Hurst may be damaged badly afte the figure four….he’s in big trouble now…

Hurst swings and lands a big right hand on Varyag, drawing cheers from the crowd, but his momentum is taken away completely but a kick to the back of the head from Castile. Varyag then drags Hurst forward and plants him with a spinebuster….

HA: Hurst is just an animal waiting to be put out of his misery here….

Marinov is shouting instructions from the outside and Varyag nods. He grabs Hurst’s arms and ties them behind his back as Castile backs into the corner…

HE: This is it…..OH THIS IS IT!

HA: MARCA DE LA MUERTE….You can forget it…

Castile rushes forward and he leaps into the devastating knee, driving it right into Hurst’s face and leaving him slumped on the ground…


HA: 450!

The crowd are electric as Robin Reborn comes flying from nowhere and breaks up the cover with a sensational aerial assault. Varyag quickly grabs Reborn and drags him up before scooping him onto his shoulders….

HE: Merely delaying the inevitable…..RED DRAGON!

Reborn spins out of the backbreaker attempt and drops behind Varyag with a backstabber. Castile runs forward and looks for a yakuza kick but Reborn ducks under it and lands a huge roundhouse kick of his own. Reborn then drags Castile back up and he flips him into the air before driving him down backwards with a face-first powerbomb….

HA: I think Castile may have just gone for a sleep after that impact…..and Reborn set to fly…..SHOOTING STAR PRESS!

The crowd voice their approval as Reborn comes hauling from the air and he crashes down onto the chest of Castile. He then grabs Jack Hurst and drags him across into the cover…

HE: This isn’t fair…

HA: Reborn doing the right thing….

……..Dicey Reilly makes the save!

HA: Unbelievable….the match continues…

Reborn looks stunned as he turns around to see Dicey Reilly breaking up the cover. He quickly moves to get involved but he is scooped up by Varyag and driven back into the corner. Varyag goes to work with shoulder thrusts but then Dicey Reilly clatters into the big man from behind….he urges Reborn to help him and they tee off on the big man before delivering a double clothesline that sends him over the ropes to the outside….

HE: Reborn and Dicey working together….who would have believed it…

Reborn and Dicey then spin around to confront one another. A shoving match ensues before it breaks into a fist fight. The crowd are split as they land on one another, Dicey’s shots soon having the bigger effect. He shoves Reborn back into the ropes and then whips him across….


Reborn flies back and takes Dicey off his feet with the huge back elbow takedown. He beckons him back up and kicks him in the stomach…


HA: He actually tried to use Dicey’s move….

Dicey swipes Reborn’s feet and shakes his head before dropping back and catapulting his foe to the corner. Reborn shows athleticism to land on the turnbuckle and launch back with a twisting crossbody…


Dicey just pumps his foot through the air and catches Reborn in the chest area as he comes down. Reborn rolls into the corner to try and catch his breath but Dicey thunders into him with a brutal knee right to the jaw…

HE: He calls that the “Hangover Cure”….

HA: Reborn’s face just got re-arranged….he’s out….


HA: So close….Jack Hurst out of nowhere….


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 7:54 pm

Hurst almost upsets Dicey with the rollup from nowhere. They get back up and they trade right hands until Dicey lands a knee and whips Hurst into the corner. Hurst flips upside down and staggers back to his feet as Dicey kicks him in the stomach and lifts him up….



……..thr-Hurst gets his shoulder up!

HA: Jack Hurst is surviving on guts and pure instinct….he has nothing else left….

HE: None of these men do…..OH WOW!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


El Rey Castile is back up and he springboards into the ring for a seated senton but Dicey catches him on his shoulders. Dicey then runs to the ropes and release powerbombs Castile over the top and into Varyag and Marinov on the outside…

HA: That’s how you take out the competition….

Dicey beats his chest and raises an arm as the crowd go wild and chant his name. He then spins around and is scooped into the air..

HE: Eyes on the prize at all times…..WASHBOARD…

Dicey lands seven unanswered elbows to the jaw of Jack Hurst and sends him groggy. He drops behind and then kicks Hurst in the stomach…






Ding ding ding

HE: I can’t believe what just happened….

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen here are your winners…….and STILL 6CW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS….Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn…..THE REEEEEDDDD ARRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSS!

HA: The question is not “what?” right now….the question is very “why?”….

The instant replays document the end of the match. Dicey Reilly has Jack Hurst primed for the cradle piledriver when Perfect Jack drops behind his opponent and lands a furious low-blow, drawing a stunned reaction from the audience. Dicey drops to his knees, his eyes widening in shock, as Perfect Jack looks at him with disgust and then exits the ring….Jack Hurst cannot believe what he is witnessing but takes quick advantage by scooping Dicey up and nailing him with the “washboard stomach” for the three count….

HE: I just don’t get it….Perfect Jack brought Dicey out of retirement, he asked him to partner up in this match…..they had the titles in the bag….why in the hell has he turned his back?

HA: Only one man can answer those questions and he is walking up the ramp right now…Perfect Jack has stunned us all here….he just threw away a chance at the tag titles and a very long friendship…..

The crowd are booing Perfect Jack as he marches up the ramp without so much as a backwards glance. “Prince Charming” is booming through the speakers as Robin Reborn hobbles back into the ring to celebrate with the victorious Jack Hurst….

HA: The record-breaking reign of the Red Arrows continues but boy did they get a huge slice of fortune here tonight….

HE: They got their vindication….they took the scalps of two hall of famers and nobody can deny that….we may be looking at the greatest tag team in the history of 6CW….

HA: No doubt about it….The Arrows were in one hell of a fight tonight and they will be healing the bruises in the days to come but the fact remains that they are still the champions and it cannot be taken from them….

HE: Can anybody end this reign?

HA: It looked like it could end on a few occassions tonight but for one reason or another it wasn’t to be…..The Death Squad will head back to the drawing board and Dicey Reilly and Perfect Jack….well I’d wager that those two men have got a lot to discuss…

HE: I’m not sure Dicey will want to discuss anything with Jack….I think we are going to have a fight on our hands…

Marinov looks disgruntled as he leads Varyag and Castile towards the backstage area. Reborn and Hurst are climbing on the turnbuckles and celebrating with their belts as Dicey Reilly staggers back to his feet. There is a huge round of applause for the Irishman but he looks less than impressed as he stares up towards the entranceway…

HA: Dicey Reilly looks ready for a fight right now….I’m sure he, more than anyone, cannot believe what just went down…

HE: I thought he and Jack were friends….united in a common bond…

HA: Jack just severed that bond in a very brutal fashion…

Reborn and Hurst jump down from the ropes and they stare at Dicey for a few moments. Hurst and Reborn look happy with themselves but a little reluctant to make fun of their rival. Dicey merely looks them up and down before exiting the ring and heading up the ramp.

HA: Phenomenal contest to continue this fantastic pay per view…..don’t go anywhere folks because we have much more where that came from…

HE: I’m even more fired up after watching that….I love 6CW, nobody does it better…

Match result: Red Arrows via pinfall
Match time: 17 minutes; 33 seconds


Posts : 10129
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:03 pm

(The scene goes backstage and the crowd pop as they see GazzyD in his lockeroom. He shoulders the 6CW Championship and heads for the door when Christy James enters)

CJ: Oh good, you're still here...

Gazzy: Just barely,'s time...

CJ: I know but I wanted to see you before you went out there. I know how much this means to you and I know how much Max has gotten under your skin....but you need to stay calm tonight....don't play into his hands...

(Gazzy takes Christy in his arms and looks into her eyes)

Gazzy: I know you're worried and I still can't apologise enough for Max putting his hands on you last month....but I have this under control....things have changed a lot in recent months and I am now the one holding all the cards....I'm in charge...

CJ: I know that but no unnecessary risks....

Gazzy: It is all in has been too long since GazzyD headlined Night of Glory...

(The crowd pop)

Gazzy: But once I get past Max there is nothing to stop me.....thank you...

CJ: For what?

Gazzy: Without you none of this would have ever been possible...thanks to you I have regained myself and I feel like the old me once more.....together we are unbeatable...

(The crowd cheer and whistle as Gazzy and Christy share a kiss)

CJ: This is just like a fairytale...

Gazzy: more nightmares...

(Gazzy and Christy hug and then Gazzy exits the lockeroom, leaving Christy with a smile on her face)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:06 pm

(Anthony Grace is shown backstage completing his final pre match steps and the partisan New York crowd begin to boo)

HA: This is very much a home crowd for Vincent Costello and that presents a huge challenge for Anthony Grace. He isn’t used to this overwhelming animosity from the 6CW fans. Yes there are mutterings of discontent from the purest wrestling fans but for the most part the 6CW universe have seen the amount of effort Grace has put into his wrestling career and because of that he is starting to turn around the public’s opinion

(Grace smiles as he looks to a TV monitor backstage and hears the reaction from the crowd but you can sense it is affecting him more than he is letting on. A small number of Let’s go Grace shouts can be heard and Grace makes the sign of the cross)

HE: Grace has huge faith in his ability as do his backers who we have seen becoming more of an influence in recent weeks what that means for tonight’s match is anyone’s guess. Grace has some powerful people behind him and he and Dean Andrews are very close. Costello may be a little concerned about what favours that relationship actually brings. We have seen some very strange conversations taking place and who knows what has been discussed behind closed doors. For me there is more to this than meets the eye than a standard match for the EWF championship. Yes Grace is a highly talented individual but you have to wonder if it his wrestling ability that has got him this opportunity or perhaps something else?

HA: The cynic in me questions what has happened so far. We have seen throughout 6CW history how outside influences have played a big factor in the outcome of big events. I hope this will not go the same way. Grace deserves that chance to show exactly how good he is on his own. I just hope we get to see it

(Grace continues his preparations as the view changes)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:07 pm

Main Event 1
The Re-Match
6CW Championship
GazzyD © vs Max Adamson

Ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

HE: Here we go, Harold….

HA: The first of tonight’s three main event contests and they do not come any more personal or bitter than this clash for the 6CW World Championship…

HE: At Day of Reckoning in February GazzyD stole the 6CW Championship from Max Adamson…he had no right to take that belt and end the record-breaking run of Max…..tonight is about revenge and payback…

HA: Stole the 6CW Championship? GazzyD defeated Max fair and square in one of the greatest matches this company has ever seen….Max may have been a great champion but he lost to the better man at Day of Reckoning and he hasn’t been able to deal with that ever since….

HE: Because it never should have happened…..GazzyD has never been on Max’s level…it was a tragedy…

HA: And yet it happened….Gazzy ended over a year of torture at the hands of Max Adamson and took away what Adamson held most precious….since Day of Reckoning Max has sought retribution and even stooped so low as to attack Gazzy’s girlfriend, our very own, Christy James…

HE: Max will do whatever it takes to win back his belt….that is what stands him out from the crowd and makes him one of the best ever….

Madison Square Garden is bouncing and then “Radioactive” screeches out to a unanimous round of boos. Green and gold pyros fire into the air, shaking the foundations of the building, before the challenger makes his entrance….

RA: Introducing first, the challenger……hailing from Perth, Australia……weighing in at 296 pounds……………Maaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx Addddaaammmmmmmsssssssooooooooooonnnnnnnnn!

HA: Max has been owed this re-match since he lost his championship at Day of Reckoning but he knows tonight is his one shot to regain it….if he loses then he goes to the back of the queue….

HE: He won’t lose, he can’t lose….Day of Reckoning was a fluke, a one off….Max Adamson is going to right all the wrongs here tonight and prove that GazzyD is nothing but a flash in the pan….

Max Adamson stands on the stage and he pushes his unkempt hair from his face before making his way down the ramp. His eyes are darting from side to side, his face full of venom, before he reaches the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. Max then gets up and he paces back and forth, paying no attention to the negative reaction from the audience…

HA: For ten months all Max Adamson knew was being the world champion….this is a completely alien situation for him right now….

HE: It’s only going to be alien for as long as this match lasts….Max Adamson is taking what belongs to him and he is moving on to the headline bout of Night of Glory….nobody can stop him…

Max’s eyes begin to bulge as jets of silver and red pyros go shooting high into the Garden’s roof. The crowd are alive with cheers as “Limelight” screams through the airwaves…

RA: And his opponent………….from Manchester, England…………weighing in at 221 pounds…..he is the reigning and defending 6CW World Heavyweight Champion……..GaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

HA: You say nobody can stop him but I wager that there is one man who can….the same man who defeated Max two months ago to take that belt….the human highlight reel, the ultimate underdog….the history maker or as he now likes to be known the 6CW World Champion…..GazzyD!

The pyros continue to shoot into the air before GazzyD comes vaulting through a trapdoor in the stage. The cheers grow louder as he bounces from one side of the stage to the other, pushing his world championship over his head…

HE: Enjoy this moment, Gazzy, because it all ends here tonight….all of these fans are going to be very disappointed when their hero is dethroned here tonight and sent back to the bottom of the pile where he belongs….

HA: This is one of these most intense and long-running rivalries in 6CW history…..tonight we add a new chapter….perhaps even the final one of this storied feud…

Gazzy makes his way down the ramp and he circles the ring, slapping the hands of the fans, before climbing up onto the apron. He steps through the ropes and stares at Max before heading to the corner to pose on the turnbuckle…

HA: For both of these men this is not only about being the world champion, not only about getting one over on their fiercest rival but it is also about securing a headline match at Night of Glory…..this is what every superstar on the roster dreams of…

HE: They’ve both been there before….they know what it means….but Max has done it twice and it is that experience that will see him through here tonight….

There is a raucous noise from the audience as Gazzy and Max stand next to each other, Max towering over his opponent. They glare into one another’s eyes as the referee gives his final instructions…

HA: Two months ago we witnessed a phenomenal bout between these two superstars….can they top it?

The bell sounds and the crowd cheer as the match gets underway. Max then delivers a huge push to Gazzy’s chest, sending him flying back into the ropes. Gazzy bounces back and he manages to duck underneath a huge clothesline attempt from Adamson before sprinting off the opposite ropes….he comes back and Max tries to spin him through the air with a tilt-a-whirl but Gazzy counters with a headscissors, sending Adamson flying across the ring…

*Crowd cheer

HA: Max may have the power advantage but he certainly needs to be wary of Gazzy’s speed and athleticism…

The crowd cheer and Max looks annoyed as Gazzy takes on a fighting stance. Max gets back up and he circles Gazzy for a moment and then lunges in for a takedown but Gazzy sidesteps and pushes Max to the corner. He traps the challenger there and works away to the body and legs with stiff roundhouse kicks…

HA: Each kick is laced with hatred….with years of pain that Gazzy had to endure at the hands of his former friend…he may be the world champion now but he’ll never forget…

Max tries to cover up from the kicks but Gazzy keeps firing them until the referee gets involved. Gazzy comes forward again but this time Max jabs his thumb into the eye of the champion, drawing boos from the crowd, and then he grabs Gazzy by the shoulder and hauls him through the ropes to the outside of the ring…

HE: These guys should know each other so well by now after all the battles they have had in the past two years…

HA: And yet they find ways to adapt and reinvent themselves constantly…it shows the class of both competitors…

Max ignores the advice of the referee to stay in the ring and quickly climbs to the outside. GazzyD is already up and he shows his speed and agility to leap onto the ringside barrier and sprint across before diving towards Max…

HE: What a fool….Max had him scouted all the way…

Max catches Gazzy in a bearhug and shakes his head before just rushing backwards and slamming him into the ringpost. He then grabs Gazzy’s arm and whips him back into the barrier with such force that Gazzy launches upside down and his spine cracks against it…

HA: Max able to turn this match on its head that quickly with some brutal aggression…

Max stomps down on Gazzy and chokes him up against the barrier for a few moments before dragging him back up and rolling him under the bottom rope. Adamson climbs up onto the apron and he waits for Gazzy to stand before propelling himself over the top into a heavy shoulder tackle on the champion………………1……………………….2……………shoulder up!

HE: We’ve always known how dangerous Max Adamson is….just how good he is….but since he lost the championship he is a completely different beast…

HA: This version of Max knows no boundaries…he has no limits to what he will do in order to get the 6CW Championship back…

Max pulls Gazzy up and he fires into the stomach with repeated knees, holding Gazzy up as he continues the assault, and then whips him into the corner. Gazzy sags against the turnbuckle as Adamson rushes towards him and leaps into a splash…

HA: Gazzy able to move from that….can he capitalise?

Gazzy swings from the corner and sends Max crashing against the turnbuckle. The champion then sprints off the opposite ropes and he returns with a flying dropkick in the corner. Gazzy gets back up and he repeats the process for a second time before backing off into the opposite corner again…

HA: Max is on unsteady legs from those dropkicks….three times could be a charm….


The crowd are stunned as Gazzy sprints across the ring again but this time Adamson launches from the corner and meets his opponent head-on with the brutal spear. Gazzy is doubled up in agony as Max pushes him over on his back and covers…
……………shoulder up!

HE: That was a three….Max should be the champion again…

HA: The referee says Gazzy got his shoulder up….but my word the champion is in big trouble here in the early going…

Adamson looks annoyed as the referee tells him it was a two count but then he smiles as he watches GazzyD trying to clamber back up. Max traps Gazzy against the ropes and he lands sickening punches to the kidneys before waistlocking him away from the ropes and launching him with a German suplex…

HA: GazzyD may have internal injuries from that spear….

HE: And Max throwing him around the ring is not going to make him feel any better…

Gazzy tries to get back up again but Max just grabs him by the waist and throws him into a second German suplex. The crowd are booing as Max begins to taunt his opponent…

HE: Max told everybody that Day of Reckoning was a fluke, that he would set the record straight here tonight and just look because that is exactly what he is doing…

Adamson is mocking Gazzy but the champion shows determination as he spins around and clocks his foe with a big right hand. He follows up with several more and then looks for an Irish whip but Adamson is too powerful and is able to reverse….

HA: Oh damn…

Gazzy flies back from the ropes and Max tilt-a-whirls him into the air and brings him crashing down with a backbreaker……………1…………………….2…………….shoulder up up. Adamson kneels over Gazzy and lands hard punches to the champion’s face before clambering up on the referee’s count of four…

HA: This is becoming a difficult night for GazzyD….if Adamson can keep composed then he may be set for his third reign as 6CW Champion…

Max lets Gazzy get up and then he shoves him back into the corner with ease and begins to bury his boot into the champion’s stomach. Gazzy is winded and Adamson takes him by the arm before whipping him to the opposite corner…

HE: Finish him off, Max….

Adamson quickly follows Gazzy across the ring but the champion heads straight up the turnbuckle and then backflips over the head of the oncoming challenger. Max is at sixes and sevens as he turns around and Gazzy sprints off the ropes before returning with a huge spinning heel kick…

*Crowd cheer

HA: You never begin to doubt GazzyD or write him off….he’s been down before and he finds a way to come back…

Max gets back up and Gazzy dropkicks him to the floor once again. The crowd are making a lot of noise as both men get to their feet and Gazzy ducks a clothesline from Max and springboards onto the ropes…


The crowd cheer in delight as Gazzy floats back through the air and grabs Max’s head before driving it down across both of his knees…
…….Max throws his shoulder up. Gazzy gets back to his feet and he breathes in the reaction of the crowd before pulling Max forwards and hooking his arms…

HA: Gazzy setting it up….DEEP IMPACT!

Max battles to keep his right arm free and then he manages to swing free and drag Gazzy towards him, scooping him onto his shoulders as he does so…


Gazzy is span into the air but shows great skill to counter out into a big tornado DDT…………..1………………2…………….Adamson gets his shoulder up off the mat. Gazzy staggers to his feet and he quickly makes his way to the corner….

HA: Gazzy choosing to take some risks now….ready to up the pace…

Max is groggy as he stands and he holds the top of his head as Gazzy perches on high and then launches through the air with a brilliant missile dropkick to the chest…..Adamson staggers back to his feet and Gazzy runs into him with a sickening enzeguiri right to the back of the head…

HA: Max just might be out cold after that…

……….Adamson kicks out. Gazzy takes a look around the bouncing Madison Square Garden and he nods his head before getting back up…

HE: Get up Max….this is your chance to get back to the top….main event Night of Glory…

HA: These are the moments that every professional wrestler dreams about…..selling out the Garden in New York City…one step away from headlining the biggest show on the wrestling calendar…

Gazzy urges Max to stand and he tries to drag him in place for a “skull crushing finale” but Max shows his strength to counter with a rolling hipthrow. They get back up and Gazzy rushes in with a solid kick to the stomach before managing to whip Adamson off the ropes…

HA: Gazzy mustered some strength there….DROP-OH!

HE: Momentum shift….

Gazzy leaps into the air for a dropkick but Max catches him in midair and then drills him with a huge sit-down powerbomb. Adamson takes a moment to compose himself and then he stumbles back to his feet and runs towards the champion…


HE: New champion…

The crowd groan as Adamson plants Gazzy down on his face and then he makes the cover…………one…………….two……………..thre-shoulder up. There are looks of relief in the crowd as the referee holds up two fingers and orders the match to continue….

HE: He had to get him there…

HA: The referee saying otherwise…it was a two count…


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:10 pm

Adamson’s chest heaves in and out as he stares down at the champion and then shakes his head. He rolls backwards into the corner and he stretches back against the ropes as he waits for Gazzy to get up…

HA: Max might be just one move away….he could be closing in…

HE: He is closing in….Gazzy can barely stand….this is over….GORE!

Adamson flies from the corner again and looks for the giant spear but this time Gazzy is able to leapfrog over the top of him and send Max crashing into the opposite corner. Adamson is groggy and dazed as he staggers back…


*Crowd pop

Gazzy quickly pulls Max into a half nelson and dumps him on his face with the “skull crushing finale”…


HA: Adamson showing his resilience…..showing exactly what regaining that championship means to him….

The GazzyD fans look disappointed as the referee confirms it was a two count. The champion takes a moment to collect himself and then begins to struggle back up to his feet. Max slowly follows him and Gazzy delivers a sharp kick to the gut….

HA: This could be it….DEEP IMPACT!

Max quickly hurries backwards towards the ropes and then counters with a backdrop that sends Gazzy over the top to the outside. Adamson drops down to his knees to catch his breath as the official starts to count…

HE: You need to get back up Max and get Gazzy in the ring….you can’t win the title on a countout…

Adamson rolls from the ring on the count of four and makes his way over to Gazzy’s position. He grabs the champion by the head and drags him back towards the ring before launching him under the bottom rope…..Max then turns to trash talk a few of the fans in the front row…

HA: Never mind all that, Max….you have a match to win…..SEE!

Adamson dismisses the fans and makes his way back towards the ring but is greeted by a flying baseball slide dropkick from Gazzy that sends him flailing back into the ringside barrier. The crowd are cheering and Adamson looks annoyed as he staggers back to the apron and climbs up…

HE: That was disrespectful….Gazzy needs to be taught a lesson…

Gazzy grabs Max’s head and tries to suplex him back into the ring but Adamson drops between the middle rope and shoulder thrusts the champion in the stomach. Max then takes Gazzy’s head and he attempts to suplex him over to the outside…

HA: That is not what GazzyD needs….he does not want a crash landing like that….

Gazzy holds on desperately and then he manages to free himself from Adamson’s grip and uses the top rope to swing up and kick Max in the temple. Adamson is groggy and his head drops as Gazzy grips the top rope again and launches over the top….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HA: Gazzy putting his body and Max Adamson’s on the line here……..that was horrible impact!

The instant replays show Gazzy’s sunset flip powerbomb several times, documenting the point when Max’s head clatters off the hard flooring on the outside. Both men are down in a heap as the action returns live…

HA: GazzyD just threw all caution to the wind in an attempt to keep his world championship….

HE: He’s a madman….he could have caused a serious injury…

HA: Both of these men are hurting but Adamson clearly took the brunt of the damage…

Gazzy manages to grab the ring apron and he drags himself up and pulls himself onto it. He rests against the ropes for a moment and then he looks over his shoulder and watches Max trying to stand….

HA: Get back in the ring, Gazzy…

HE: Why is he hesitating?

HA: I’m not sure….surely he’s not….OH MY GOD!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x20



Gazzy takes a deep breath and he springs onto the ropes and then launches backwards into a mesmerising moonsault but Max moves out of the way and Gazzy comes crashing down across the ringside barrier, his ribs taking the full extent of the impact…

HA: That may just have broken every rib that GazzyD has…

HE: I told you he was a fool….what a stupid risk that was to take…

HA: GazzyD went high risk once too often…

Gazzy is just draped over the barrier, unmoving, as the fans look on in a concerned fashion. The referee’s count has reaches seven as Max drags Gazzy off the railing and carries him to the ring, dumping him back in…

HA: Gazzy can’t even move….

HE: Get in there and finish him off, Max…

HA: It looks inevitable…

Max breathes in and out and smiles before rolling back into the ring. He crawls across to Gazzy and just drops into the cover…………………………..1………………………..2……………………..3!

HE: Max Adamson is the new…


Even the referee has a look of shock on his face as Gazzy is able to push his shoulder ever so slightly off the canvass. Max Adamson looks beside himself as he gets up and grabs the front of the official’s jersey…

HE: But how? That isnt even possible…

HA: GazzyD is fighting on instinct….he has nothing else left I am sure of it….somehow, someway he continues to defy Max Adamson…

HE: We should have a new champion by now…

The referee slaps Max’s hands away and warns him about his conduct. Adamson looks furious as he turns around stomps his foot into the ground. He tugs at his hair and he stares at GazzyD before screaming at him to stand up…

HA: Max looks like he might have a breakdown at any moment….he really does look ready to burst…

HE: He’s ready to walk out of here as the 6CW Champion….CYCLONE!


Max scoops Gazzy up for the F-5 but the champion manages to scramble off the back and he shoves Adamson straight into the referee. Max then staggers back around and Gazzy kicks him in the gut before ploughing him into the deck with his finisher….

HA: That should be a three count…

HE: There’s no referee….

Gazzy, clutching his ribs, somehow manages to roll forward and drop an arm on Max’s chest but it doesn’t matter as there is no referee to count the fall. Gazzy rolls off the cover and begins to cough…

HA: GazzyD is hurting badly….and he should have this match won…

HE: He shouldn’t have pushed Max off into the referee then should he?

Gazzy begins to crawl to the ropes and tries to get himself back to a standing position. Adamson is slow to rise but eventually he does and Gazzy staggers over to him and lands a kick to the stomach again…


This time Adamson swipes Gazzy’s legs out from under him and then he drops back and catapults the champion towards the corner. Gazzy clatters into the turnbuckle and slumps there as Max rolls from the ring…

HA: Where is he… can’t do that, Max!

HE: There is no referee….therefore no rules…

The crowd are booing furiously as Adamson grabs a steel chair and he slams it down against the announce table to signal his intent. He then turns and heads back to the ring, rolling under the bottom rope. Gazzy is just stumbling from the corner as Max drives the chair into his stomach…

HA: Straight to the injured ribs…heinous…


HE: I knew tonight Max would get his championship back….I just knew it….

Adamson repeatedly slams the chair down on the back of GazzyD until the champion is flat out. Max then throws the weapon away and he drops down to make the cover…

HA: There is still no referee though, Max….use your brain…

HE: Don’t talk to the world champion like that…

HA: He isn’t the champion yet…

Adamson makes his way over to the referee and tries to shake him back to consciousness but the official is unresponsive. Max then turns towards the backstage area and beckons for another referee to come out…

HE: We need another referee, we have a new champion to crown…

Max grabs the steel chair again and he twirls it in his hands as he waits for Gazzy to stand up. Blood is dripping from Gazzy’s mouth as he pushes himself back onto his feet…

HA: Gazzy has just really bad internal injuries by the looks of things…

HE: He’s about to get some external ones too….


The crowd erupt as Gazzy somehow ducks Max’s chairshot and then leaps into the air with the double heel kick, splattering the weapon straight into the challenger’s face. Adamson is flat on the deck as Gazzy kicks the chair away and drags Max to the corner…

HE: No….no….no…

HA: Max brought that weapon in the ring….now he is going to rue it…..STARSHIP PAIN!

Gazzy launches up onto the top rope and performs the mesmerising split-legged corkscrew moonsault, driving down onto Max’s chest. He is momentarily winded but manages to roll into the cover as a new referee comes sprinting down the ramp…

HE: No…someone stop him…

HA: GazzyD is going to Night of Glory….



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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:12 pm



HA: I don’t believe it….

The Garden is stunned as Adamson defies the three count and gets his shoulder up off the mat. Gazzy rolls onto his back and stares up at the bright lights as the crowd find their voice again…

Crowd: 6C-Dub x10

HA: What a fantastic match….every time these two men go head to head they produce instant classics and tonight is no different…

HE: This is a fitting match for the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship…

Gazzy gets back to his feet and he stumbles against the ropes for a moment and then gathers his balance. He stares out at the audience and then he makes his way to the centre of the ring and begins to pull Max up. He hooks both of the challenger’s arms…

HA: Gazzy is so close….he’s on the cusp….DEEP…

Max drops to his knees, blocking the move, and he lands several hard punches to the ribs of Gazzy, causing the champion to stagger away. Adamson then gets back up and he scoops Gazzy up on his shoulders….


Gazzy elbows his way free and manages to drop out on his feet. He rushes into the ropes and springboards onto them before floating backwards for an elbow takedown but Max catches him in an electric chair position on his shoulders…



Max drops Gazzy backwards off his shoulders and catches him with a brilliant German suplex as he falls….
…………….shoulder up. Max looks bewildered as he staggers back to his feet and he waits for Gazzy to get up again before rushing at him and plummeting into a bicycle kick…

HA: Gazzy ducked….schoolboy…

Gazzy grabs Max’s trunks and rolls him up…………………1………………………2……………..Max kicks out. They get back up and Gazzy looks for a big roundhouse kick but Max ducks under it…


The crowd go silent as Max launches Gazzy through the air with the thunderous F-5 and then makes his way over into the cover…

HA: We’ve got a new world champion…

HE: Yes we do…


The referee’s hand comes crashing down for the three when Gazzy extends his foot and somehow manages to find the bottom rope. Max is furious with the situation and begins to punch the canvass….

HE: Don’t lose your cool, Max….you’ve still got this…

HA: Adamson boiling over….he can’t believe he let Gazzy off the hook there…

Adamson begins to get to his feet again and he snarls as he listens to the audience chanting “GazzyD” over and over. He shakes his head and then he smirks as he drags the champion up and hooks his arms…

HA: You don’t think…

HE: Yes I do….he’s going to beat GazzyD with his own move…

HA: The ultimate insult….


Gazzy wriggles against Max’s grip and then he succeeds in swiping Adamson’s legs out from under him and catapults him to the corner. Adamson collides with the turnbuckle as Gazzy gets up and runs the ropes…


HE: What a cheapshot!

The crowd pop as Gazzy thunders into Max with the spear and he hooks the leg…………….1…………………2……………..shoulder up!

HE: GazzyD doesn’t have the power to pull off that move like Max Adamson does….he had no right using it…

HA: But it was ok for Max to use Gazzy’s finisher?

Gazzy clambers back up to his feet and he stumbles to the ropes before climbing out onto the apron. He takes a quick look at Max and then he springs up top and launches…


Max rolls out of the way of the impact but Gazzy is somehow able to float through and land out on his feet. Max gets back up and Gazzy runs at him but Adamson sidesteps and shoves Gazzy into the turnbuckle before waistlocking him back out…


The crowd boo and groan as Max demonstrates his strength and begins to throw Gazzy around the ring with a series of German suplexes……one………two…………three…..four…..five……six………!

HA: Anything that GazzyD had left has just been extinguished right there….

HE: Finally the belt is coming home…

…….thr-Gazzy kicks out!

HE: Now this is just plain ridiculous now…

HA: Despite what these men throw at each other….it just isnt enough…

Max doesn’t even bother to argue with the referee this time. Instead he gets up and barges past the official on his way to the corner. He makes his way to the top rope and he draws his finger across his throat…

HA: Max knows he has thrown so much at the champion but it hasn’t been enough….he needs something else….something other worldly…

HE: I don’t this match ends unless either of these men can pull something out of the bag that the other one just isn’t expecting…

Max is about to throw himself into the air when Gazzy staggers up and jumps into the ropes, causing Max to fall into a sickening crotched position on the turnbuckle. Gazzy then stumbles over to the corner and he begins to climb towards the top…

HA: After everything these men have given in this match I don’t think the top rope is the place to be…

HE: Any impact from here is going to leave someone in critical danger….

Gazzy drives his forearm into Max’s face and then he grabs his head as he prepares to leap up for a frankensteiner. Max responds with heavy punches to Gazzy’s body, hurting the champion with each shot, and then he shows his strength to lift Gazzy up onto his shoulders….






Ding ding ding

HA: My word I have never witnessed that before….what a finish…


Both men are motionless on the canvass as the titantron begins to show the end of the match once again. Max gets Gazzy up on his shoulders for a top rope F-5 but Gazzy drives his elbow into the jaw of Adamson repeatedly until he is able to wriggle free. He then grabs Max’s head and tucks it between his legs for delivering a devastating “Deep Impact” from the top rope for the three count…

HE: I can’t believe GazzyD pulled that out of the bag….I just can’t…

HA: A phenomenal effort from both superstars and in the end it took a move of insane magnitude to end the title aspirations of Max Adamson….he was sensational in there tonight but the champion was just that little bit better…

HE: I really thought Max would be walking into Night of Glory as the 6CW Champion…

HA: He did last year but this year Max Adamson will have to find a different route to the big dance….it’s GazzyD’s time in the spotlight….he is still the 6CW Champion and he will headline Night of Glory VI…

The crowd are making insane amounts of noise as “Limelight” screams through the speakers and silver pyros explode into the air. GazzyD is barely able to to get on one knee as the referee passes him the 6CW Championship belt and raises his arm in victory…

HA: GazzyD will be feeling the effects of this match in the days to come but I am sure it is all worth it….he is still the man at the top of the mountain and for the time being, at least, his issues with Max Adamson have been laid to rest…

HE: I’ll give credit where it is due because I didn’t expect GazzyD to win here tonight….he performed admirably and perhaps he does deserve his spot at the top table of 6CW…

HA: I’m sure he will take that as a compliment coming from you, brother….

Max Adamson is nowhere to be seen as GazzyD stumbles into the ropes and raises the 6CW Championship belt into the air, drawing a huge reaction from the New York crowd. He cradles the title back into his chest and kisses it…

*Lights out

HE: Where did everyone go?

HA: Oh I don’t like this….

*Crowd pop



There is a fizzle of electric energy and a crack through the big screen before the very familiar pulsing heartbeat begins to resonate through the entire arena. There are boos, screams and cheers from the audience as the lights begin to flash on and off…

HE: I guess this means…

HA: We don’t know anything for certain….but that is the music of the 2015 Gateway to Glory winner, Joshua….


The lights suddenly burn a very bright white, blinding almost everyone in the arena, and then when the house lights take back over there is a huge reaction from the crowd. Joshua is standing in the centre of the ring, his long dark hair masking his face, and he waits for GazzyD to turn around before gripping him around the throat…


Joshua hauls GazzyD high into the air and then slams him down into the canvass with an almighty chokeslam. Joshua drops to one knee next to the unconscious form of the 6CW Champion and he slowly turns his focus to the 6CW Championship belt that is lying next to its holder….

HE: Can we take that as confirmation?

HA: I’d damn well say so….I don’t think words are needed in this scenario….I think Joshua just made his decision…

HE: I can’t believe it….I didn’t expect this here tonight, especially after the battle we have just seen….

HA: Joshua knew it was a prime opportunity to strike, he knew Gazzy was weak and fatigued….”The Puppet Master” just delivered one hell of a message…..

HE: He wants the 6CW Championship…

HA: And nobody can stop him, that is his right as the Gateway to Glory victor….I’d say we just booked in one of our two headline bouts at Night of Glory….Joshua will challenge GazzyD for the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship…

HE: Poor GazzyD….I don’t like the guy but he just won a war with Max Adamson and now he has to enter into the nightmare realm of Joshua…

The heartbeat begins to pulse through the speakers again as Joshua continues to kneel over the broken form of Gazzy.

Match result: GazzyD via pinfall
Match time: 21 minutes; 32 seconds


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:16 pm

(The Madison Square Garden crowd go crazy as Vincent Costello appears backstage. Costello’s eyes burn with fire as Christy raises the mic. Costello snatches the mic and the crowd pop.A feint smile appears for a second before it is replaced with Costello’s trademark snarl)

VC: You hear that Anthony? That isn’t a crowd being told who or what to cheer. That is New York sending a message to 6CW and to Anthony Grace. See what you need to understand about New York is that we don't pander to self-righteous, sell outs like you Grace... Sure there might be a few out of towners in this arena, a few tourists that are here for the show to massage your ego but the people of New York don't want you here, WE don't like you and WE have zero tolerance for your believe to achieve garbage!

Now you and your friends... Friends like the 6CW General Manager Dean Andrews


Friends like the CEO's of corporate sponsors


Think they can buy and talk and politick their way to my title... Well bigger and more talented men than you have tried Anthony and they all came to same conclusion... That when you mess with Costello's Law the result is always the same... Spectacular, failure!

Jason Sparkz, Enforcer, Liam Wood, Jerome Dubois, JJ Johnson they all messed with Costello's Law and one by one they all met the same fate... Defeat!

You see this is more than just a game to me, this more than just a fight.., this is my life... To reference it in terms you might understand... This is Hunger Games bit%h... Its dog eat dog and right now you're looking at the biggest, baddest dog in the yard... This title, this business means everything to me and the very thought of you walking out of New York City with my title makes me sick to the pit of my stomach... So right here, right now in front of 20 thousand New Yorkers and the world watching at home I guaran-damn-tee that if you wanna take what I've got, you'll have to prise it from cold, dead fingers... You hear me?!

(The crowd are cheering wildly)

VC: I didn't scratch and crawl and take every opportunity that I could so that 'Mr Hollywood smile' who just happened to wake up one day and decide 'I want to be a sports entertainer' could take everything I've worked for... It is my destiny to headline Night of Glory as the world champion, to go to the biggest event in wrestling history as the standard bearer of excellence and dominance in this business and nothing is gonna stop me, not when I'm sooo close I can almost taste it!

You say you're not afraid of me... Well you should be... I'm dangerous... You should know that there are things inside me without remorse, without compassion, things that are dead. Things that can hurt you, things that can scar you... You see I've never had powerful friends, I've never had people to hand me this and that like it was nothing, all I had was my physical and mental powers and the lack of remorse to use them... And you should know that tonight I will use everything in my arsenal, everything within my power to ensure that Costello's Law prevails... No matter what... Without remorse!

You and your 'friends' have backed me into a corner, threatened to take what is mine and jeopardise everything I have been working towards... Well tonight I'm not just gonna win, I'm not just gonna defend my tittle I'm gonna show your friends exactly what happens when you threaten Costello's Law, I'm gonna take their golden ticket, their free lunch, their golden goose and I'm gonna beat it until it's unrecognisable... I'm gonna destroy the very fabric of what believe to achieve stands for until all that's left is a toothless Hollywood smile of broken ideals.

So you pray to God Grace, you'd better pray to every God there is, the old and the new because when that bell rings and you realise that inside that ring they can't help you, when you come to the reality that no matter how many general managers and CEO's you have in your pocket they can't save you from the beating I'm gonna give you... it'll be too late!

So we will see how big this heart is you talk about so boastfully, we will see how powerful these friends are you have acquired so tactfully and we will see just how good you really are... because from where I'm standing you are the biggest joke 6CW has every produced... A hollow shell of promotional garbage that I'm gonna shatter into a thousand pieces! But know this Grace... When that bell rings I'm gonna hit you square in the chin, I'm gonna hit you hard... And when you take that first punch the reality of your situation is gonna wash over you like a tidal wave, the reality that you can't live with what I'm gonna bring, the reality that you are out of your depth!!

Costello's Law says for you Anthony Grace reality is a bit%h!!!!

(Costello throws the mic to the floor and the crowd are going mental)

HA: Wow Costello drawing a line in the stand here tonight

HE: That's how much the title means to him brother... It's his whole world and these fans are loving it. Imagine what the atmosphere will be like for the match!!!

HA: Just a second Henry. I think we have situation backstage?


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:17 pm

(The camera catches up with Max Adamson who is furious after his match with Gazzy. Adamson is trashing the hospitality suite as security desperately tries to regain control)

MA: You think this is over!!!

This aint over by a long shot

You can’t keep Max Adamson down. The Adamson show is 6CW. Without me this place is nothing

GET OFF ME!!!!!!

(Adamson tries in vain to break free as six security men grab his arms)

MA: You won’t stop me. That’s a promise




(Adamson is carried out by the security team and the scene fades to black)

HA: Wow I’ve never seen Adamson like that before, he was like a wild animal!!


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:19 pm

(The camera switches elsewhere backstage, the crowd cheer as Liam Wood is shown standing outside of a locker room door, he appears nervous and hesitates before knocking on the door.Wood takes a deep breath as the door opens. The camera pans round to show Thunder who is half ready for ring action.Thunders smiles at Wood who is looking down towards the floor, he raises his head slightly and looks directly at Thunder who smiles to break the tension)

T: Why so serious?

(Wood’s shoulders relax and a slight smile appears)

LW: No matter what T – We always tight?

(Thunder puts his hand on Wood’s shoulder)

T: I know you better than anyone Liam. I know how hard this is for you. I know how much you want this, but I know that you want to do it the right way...No short cuts, no easy way out

(Wood sighs)

LW: Through everything you’ve been through. Did you ever wonder why?

(Thunder raises an eyebrow)

LW: Why do we put ourselves through this, why do we toe the line when it seems others get it so much easier just because they don’t carry the same principles as the rest of us?

T: You can’t change who you are, no matter what, you’ve gotta stay grounded, to keep sight of what you believe in the most

??: I think I’m gonna cry

(The crowd boo as Mike Masters and Mr Jones appear on camera.)

MJ: Very touching. You keep having these little heart to hearts Liam. Tell yourself you haven’t changed but we can all see the truth

Thunder doesn’t want to admit it but he sees it in your eyes, he knows that out there tonight if it comes down to it. If it’s a question of victory of friendship.

The thirst for success will take over. That bloodlust you are feeling, the hunger that is eating away at you

That will be the voice you listen to

You can’t ignore your true path Liam. And soon you will see the truth…………

(Jones smiles)

MJ: That really you already made your choice a long time ago

(Masters laughs)

MM: See you soon bro’s

(Jones stares evilly at Wood and Thunder as the shot returns to ringside)


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Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:20 pm

Main Event 2
EWF Championship
Vincent Costello © vs Anthony Grace

HE: Listen to these people here in New York City, Harold…..they know what is coming next…

HA: Yes they do….what a night we have had thus far at Revolution and we still have two blockbuster matches to come…

HE: But this one is going to be brilliant….Anthony Grace is walking into the Lion’s Den…

HA: Anthony Grace is a Hollywood A Lister….he’s also fast becoming a huge commodity in 6CW….but like marmite you either love him or hate him, he really does split opinion with our audience…

HE: Because so many of these people, myself included, believe that Grace has been afforded opportunities due to his star power and friendship with 6CW General Manager, Dean Andrews…he hasn’t earned a shot at a world championship and that decision to make him #1 Contender has been greatly vilified in so many quarters…

HA: The EWF Champion, Vincent Costello, was furious to learn that Anthony Grace was his next opponent and a few weeks back he attempted to disfigure Grace in a brutal parking lot assault…

HE: And what did Grace do? He called in his lawyers….I’m not saying that Costello should go around attacking people and putting them through the windscreens of cars but this is professional wrestling and the boys in the back, guys who have grown up in this business, don’t appreciate legal action….that isn’t how we do things….

HA: Perhaps not but Grace lives on the border of two worlds….his actions may not be what we are used to but he has two sets of followers to appease…

HE: There is no appeasing these fans here in the Garden, they want blood….Grace can smile, he can talk and preach all of his “Believe to Achieve” garbage but it won’t save him tonight….he has never walked into a hostile environment like this…

The cameras pan around the arena and they pick up on several signs that read “If Grace wins we riot” and “The Garden burns if Grace wins”. The whole arena appears to be shaking and then “Killing in the name of” screams out, greeted by a thunderous set of cheers from the New York crowd…

HA: Never ever would I have expected this kind of reception for the EWF World Champion…

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EWF World Heavyweight Championship!

*Crowd pop

Ring Announer: Introducing first…………from Hell’s Kitchen, New York City (Ultra pop)……….weighing in at 225 pounds……………the reigning and defending EWF World Heavyweight Champion………….Viiiinnnncccccccceeeennnnnntttt Cooossssttttteeeeeeeeelllllllooooo!

Pyros burst into the air and the fans are booming as Costello makes his way onto the stage. He smiles at the reception of the fans and he slicks his hair back before patting the title belt around his waist. Costello then makes his way down the ramp…

HA: Vincent Costello has never been cheered by a crowd in his entire career….he is the most egotistical, malicious and violent character you are ever likely to come across….but tonight he is in his hometown and my word are they happy to see him…

HE: Costello doesn’t care if he gets cheered or he gets booed but he knew that tonight he was goong to be treated like a hero…..Anthony Grace is not a popular man in New York City….

HA: I think Grace may be in for a shock at just how partisan this crowd is….I didn’t even expect this….

Crowd: Costello’s Law x20

HE: This is one of the most craziest crowds I have ever seen in 6CW….

Costello climbs into the ring and he holds the EWF belt over his head, drawing another outrageous roar from the crowd, and then he drapes it over his shoulder. He continues to smile as the fans chant his name….

HA: This is insane…

Crowd: Vince Cos-tello x10
New York City x10

HE: I hope Grace is ready….I wouldn’t be shocked if he left the building after hearing this crowd….

HA: I don’t think Grace will run but he will certainly be aware of what is coming….

Costello lounges back against the ropes as “Amazing Grace” begins to echo through the speakers, the words barely audible over the boos from the audience. The cameras pan into the crowd and show a lot of children, women and a few men wearing Anthony Grace merchandise but their cheers are barely heard over the din of the anti-Grace supporters…

HE: No famous singer for Grace’s entrance tonight….

HA: I don’t think anyone would have wanted the gig…

RA: Introducing the challenger…………from Los Angeles, California (boos)……….weighing in at pounds………….Annnnttthhhhoooonnnnyyyyy Grrrrraaaaacccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

The cameras stay trained on the stage before Anthony Grace walks out from the backstage area, the boos growing louder. He pauses for a moment and listens to the audience before smiling…

HE: Is he serious?

HA: Anthony Grace will not shy away from adversity….he knows there are fans in this building who are rooting for him and as long as there is one he will come out here and give his all…

Grace makes his way down the ramp and he stops to ruffle the head of a child wearing a “COG” t-shirt. He waves at a few of his fans before circling the ring and climbing inside. Costello is laughing at Grace and pointing around the arena…

HA: Anthony Grace is used to the red carpet treatment….used to being treated like a superstar, but tonight he is in the world of Vincent Costello and he is not the leading light…..he is the villain and this is a whole different role to what he is used to….

HE: Grace has never belonged here in 6CW and after the beating he receives tonight he won’t come back again…

Grace removes his jacket and he turns to throw it to the crowd but then thinks better of it, drawing ironic cheers from the fans. He drops his jacket to the outside and then turns as Costello marches up to him and lifts the belt into the air…

*Crowd pop

HA: Costello is loving every minute of this…

HE: The Grace fans are trying to make some noise but it isn’t happening for them…

Crowd: Let’s go Grace……GRACE IS (BEEP) x20

HA: This is spine-tingling….

HE: They dubbed it the “Bloodbath in New York City” and I think they might be right….this one is going off…

Costello continues to parade the EWF belt in front of Grace until the referee backs them away to neutral corners and starts to check them over for illegal objects. He declares himself satisfied and then he gives the signal for the bell…

HA: Earlier tonight GazzyD successfully defended the 6CW Championship and after the bout was over he was attacked by Joshua…The “Puppet Master” made his decision about which championship he will challenge for at Night of Glory…..that means that whoever wins this match will turn their focus to the Elimination Chamber and whoever should walk out of that victorious….

HE: Night of Glory is really starting to take shape…

The fans are still singing and taunting Grace as the two competitors begin to circle. Grace stretches his hand out to lockup with Costello, who makes the same gesture…

HA: A good old fashioned test of strength to start us out….or not!

*Crowd cheer

Costello suddenly jerks forward and knees Grace in the stomach, doubling him up, before following up with clubbing shots to the back of the challenger. The crowd are cheering as Costello continues to punch and stomp on Grace until the referee intervenes…

HE: The referee is going to need to be sensible here….the crowd are baying for blood and he doesn’t want to spoil the atmosphere….

HA: He needs to adhere to the rules though…

Grace gets back up, rubbing the back of his neck and the side of his jaw, as Costello grins at him and points at the fans once more. Grace remains stoic and he nods at Costello before beckoning him to compete in a test of strength…

HA: Grace refuses to bow down in the face of adversity….

They circle one another and this time they launch into a collar and elbow tie up. Costello quickly turns the arm of Grace, drawing cheers, but Grace responds by pulling Costello forwards and flings him across the ring with an armdrag…

HE: The crowd didn’t like that…

HA: Some of them did…..Grace has his supporters in here tonight…

There are some cheers from the audience as Costello begins to get back up and Grace tips him a wink. Costello looks annoyed for a moment but then he just shrugs his shoulders and comes forward again. Both men reach for an opening and then Costello tries to steal in with a kick to the stomach but Grace catches his foot and swipes his standing one…

HA: Very tentative opening here….maybe a little unexpected for some…

Grace tries to keep ahold of Costello’s legs but the champion flails and kicks upwards, dangerously, and the challenger is forced to back away. Costello gets back up and he tries to charge but Grace sidesteps him and traps him up against the ropes with hard right hands. He then grabs Costello’s arm and whips him across the ring…

HE: Costello saw that all day…

Grace lowers his head for a backdrop but takes a sharp kick to the face for his troubles. He wobbles off balance and Costello charges at him with a clothesline but he manages to duck and counter with a neckbreaker……………..1……………………2……………..shoulder up. Grace quickly pulls Costello back up and lifts him into a suplex but the champion floats over the back and nails an inverted headlock backbreaker (ala Randy Orton)…

HA: Costello is never out of range for long….even when you think you have control, he finds a way to snatch it back…

Costello runs into Grace and he punts him in the ribs, sending the challenger rolling under the bottom rope. Costello quickly follows and he dives off the apron with an axe handle to the back of Grace…

HE: Now we are going to the streets….this is where Costello will excel…

Costello grabs Grace by the scruff of the neck and he runs him forward, slamming him into the ringside barrier with force. The crowd cheer as Costello then begins to land big stomps on the chest of his opponent…

HA: The referee being extremely lenient here….he’s not even counting…

Costello grabs Grace by the head and pulls him up but Grace drops down on his knees with a jawbreaker, sending the champion flailing back into the steel steps. Grace then rushes forwards….BOOM!

HE: Grace is not going to outfight Vincent Costello…

Costello moves aside and he sends Grace crashing into the steps. Costello then drags the challenger up and he slams his head against the top of the steps before rolling him back into the ring….

HA: Grace could already have done himself some major harm in the early going….you should never surrender momentum with the EWF Champion…

Costello takes his time to climb back into the ring and then he beckons Grace up before scooping him onto his shoulders and nailing a shoulderbreaker…

HE: Costello knows that he has Grace hurt now…that shoulder can be worked on…

Costello stretches out the arm of Grace and then jumps into the air, driving his knee down into the shoulder area. Grace rolls, clearly in pain, but Costello just drags him back and repeats the process three more times…

HA: Costello is like a shark….as soon as he smells blood he goes for the kill…

Grace is sat on the deck, holding his arm, as Costello lashes a brutal kick into his spine. Grace drops on his back again and Costello stomps down on the shoulder several times…

HE: Grace was complaining because he got busted open at the hands of Vincent Costello last month but he may have bigger issues on his hands in this match….Costello might snap his arm…

HA: I wouldn’t rule anything out….I’m afraid that Anthony Grace is going to have to loosen his morals a little in this match if he wants to win the title….I can’t see his friendly, easy-going, approach matching up with Costello…

The referee warns Costello but he smirks and stomps on the arm of Grace some more. He waits for the moviestar to get up and then drives hard punches into his back before dragging him to the centre of the ring. He looks to scoop Grace up on his shoulders but Grace elbows his way off the back and manages to counter with a release German suplex…

HA: Great counter from Grace but he certainly felt that in his arm…

Grace takes a moment to rub his shoulder before getting back up. He clocks Costello with right hands and pushes him into the ropes before attempting to whip him across the ring…

HE: Grace doesn’t have enough power in that arm…

Costello refuses to budge and he then drives hard kick into Grace’s gut, doubling him over. Costello, still holding Grace’s arm, quickly climbs out onto the apron and then he jumps off, jarring the shoulder of the champion across the top rope….

HA: That can separate muscles and bones….so far this is a ruthless effort from the EWF Champion….

Grace is clearly in agony as the referee asks him if he wishes to continue. Costello then rolls back into the ring and he grabs the arm of Grace and begins to yank at it as hard as he possibly can…

HE: Perfect tactics from the most dominant champion in wrestling today…

Grace is trying to pull back but Costello clings onto his arm and continues to tug at it, putting pressure on the shoulder joint. Costello then drops backwards and locks his legs around the arm….

HA: Armbar….if Costello can get this locked tight then I think we are in for an early finish…

The crowd are applauding as Costello pulls the arm up to his chest and tightens his legs around the shoulder. Grace yells out in pain and tries to turn away from the hold but can’t due to the angle of his arm….

HE: Grace is trapped….he’ll have to break his arm if he wants to survive…

HA: Costello might just do that for him anyway….

Grace cries out again but when asked if he wants to quit he just shakes his head. Grace’s head is pressed against the canvass but he uses his free hand to try and push himself towards the ropes….Costello is really leaning back into the hold, his face contorted with effort…

HA: Vincent Costello would love nothing more than to snap Anthony Grace’s arm here and send a real message of intent to the rest of the lockeroom…

Costello continues to add to the strain on the shoulder and the crowd watch on with anticipation but somehow Grace manages to reach out with his free arm and grab the bottom rope…

HE: Costello not wanting to let go…

HA: He’ll be disqualified if he doesn’t…

The referee’s count gets to four as Costello finally releases the hold. Grace rolls from the ring again, clutching his arm, and it is evident he is in a lot of pain. Costello takes a few seconds to breathe in the atmosphere and then he rolls out after the challenger…

HA: Costello is not going to let up…he’s going to keep coming at Grace until there is nothing left….


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:22 pm

Grace is trying to compose himself by the announce table but Costello runs into the back of him with a heavy clothesline. He then drags Grace’s arm up and begins to batter it down ontop of the announce table…

HE: Grace might be better conceding defeat right now because he may never be able to use that arm again if this carries on…

Grace staggers away and tumbles down to one knee, clutching his shoulder again. His head and shoulder is rested up against the steel steps as Costello comes running at him…


Crowd: Holy (beep) x20


Costello runs at Grace to punt him against the steel steps but Grace ducks through and flapjacks Costello into the air, dropping him backwards against the ringpost. After a few moments Costello is able to raise his head and there is copious amounts of blood spilling all over the floor…

HA: MY GOD THAT IS HEINOUS….They billed it as the “Bloodbath in New York” but I wasn’t expecting to see this…

HE: Costello is oozing…

HA: This may just have changed the complexion of this match…..all of a sudden Anthony Grace isn’t the only competitor who is hurt…

The blood is literally spurting from the head of Costello and onto the floor, leaving a puddle. The champion tries to cling to the ring apron and pull himself under the bottom rope as the referee examines the injury…

HA: The referee may just have to wave this off….that injury is horrendous….

HE: What would happen then?

HA: I’m not sure….Costello may have to forfeit the championship…

Costello’s blood is staining the canvass as he tries to crawl back to his feet. He pushes the referee away from him and barks “don’t stop the match” before finding a vertical base. He sways, unsteadily, and then turns around as Anthony Grace runs into him with a big clothesline…

HE: This crowd are stunned…

HA: They’ve never seen Vincent Costello in this kind of mess….

Costello gets back up and Grace whips him off the ropes before sending him sky high with a huge backdrop. Costello stumbles up again and Anthony Grace grabs his head before springboarding off the ropes and dumping the champion down with an impressive bulldog….

HA: With the blood loss that might just be enough…

………….shoulder up!

HE: Costello is not relinquishing the EWF Championship like that….I don’t care how much blood he loses…

Costello’s blood is all over the canvass as he once again tries to press himself back up. He throws wild punches that Grace is able to avoid and then the challenger kicks him in the stomach and slams him down on his head with a brutal DDT…

HA: Grace is starting to believe here….he could leave as champion….

Costello’s head plummets into the mat and Grace rolls him over………………..1………………….2………….kickout. Grace takes a look around at the partisan crowd and then down at Costello before heading to the corner. He starts to climb the ropes, staring out at the audience, before raising his arms out to the side…

HE: What is he doing?

HA: High stakes for Anthony Grace…..LOOK AT THAT!

The flashbulbs go off as Grace backflips into an incredible moonsault and he thunders down onto the chest of the champion. Costello is motionless as Grace pulls himself across and drops over the chest….

HA: Vincent Costello is a tough son of a gun, a proud champion….but you have to wonder how long he can last….

Grace takes a moment to rub his shoulder again before getting to his feet. Costello’s blood has stained his skin but he doesn’t seem to notice as he waits for the champion to get back up. The crowd are making a whole lot of noise…..Grace’s fans giving as good as they get back…

Crowd: Let’s go Grace…..Grace is (beep) x20

HE: No matter what happens in this match I will never forget this atmosphere….

Costello’s hair is matted with congealed blood as he once again staggers up to his feet. He tries to press forwards and swings a huge haymaker in Grace’s direction but the champion ducks it and slaps on a sleeper…

HA: This might actually be all….Costello’s lost so much blood, his head is fuzzy and he may just go to sleep…

HE: Fight it, Vincent….

Costello tries to rock one way and the other in an attempt to throw Grace off but the challenger is strong and determined. Costello’s challenge grows less as his legs start to weaken and he falls to one knee…

HA: I don’t know how the crowd might respond to this but I really think we may be on the cusp of the end right now…

HE: You saw the signs in the crowd, Harold, and the pay per view is called “Revolution”….I fear that is exactly what we might have on our hands if Grace leaves here with that belt…

Costello’s arms wave back and forth and he tries to unlock Grace’s hands from around his neck but to no avail. His head is slumped forwards, his blood running down the challenger’s forearms, and soon he drops to both knees…..

HA: Costello is on dream street here….he’s done…

HE: Don’t say that…

The referee is looking at Costello as the champion’s eyes begin to close. His arms are no longer offering any sort of fight and the referee takes hold of his wrist…

HA: Costello is out….I mean he’s sleeping here…

HE: This is bad…

The referee lifts Costello’s arm into the air and then lets it go….it immediately drops back down to the ground. The fans looks concerned as the referee raises the arm for a second time and once again it falls straight back down…

HA: Costello’s reign as EWF Champion hangs on this one moment….Anthony Grace is so close…

There is baited breath in MSG as the referee lifts the arm of Costello for a third time and he lets go….it falls back down…


The roar from the crowd is deafening as the arm of Costello pumps into the air. His eyes open from behind the crimson mask and he begins to battle back against the hold of Anthony Grace. The challenger is doing his best to keep Costello down but the champion seems to be finding strength from nowhere…

HA: I don’t know how Vincent Costello is doing this but by God he is fighting….

The blood is still flowing but Costello seems stronger as he gets back to his feet. He tilts his body to the side and is able to fire off with elbows into the gut of Grace before dragging himself free of the hold and he boots Grace in the stomach…


Grace suddenly swings free of Costello’s grip and he drags him back in close before drilling him with a reverse swinging STO…


There are cheers from the C.O.G’s but boos from Costello’s fans as the champion is planted into the canvass. Grace can barely contain his delight as he rolls Costello over and hooks the leg…


*Crowd pop


The referee’s hand plummets down for the third time as Costello raises his shoulder off the deck. Grace sits for a moment, almost dumbfounded but then he nods his head in acknowledgement of the toughness of the champion…

HA: Vincent Costello’s toughness and durability on the line for everyone to see here….amazing…

HE: You really thought Grace had it didn’t you, Harold?

HA: Honestly yes…

Grace gets back to his feet and he listens to the mixed reaction of the crowd before heading to the corner and he starts to climb up. He reaches the top and is preparing his footing when Vincent Costello gets up and dives against the turnbuckle, dropping Grace into a crotched position…

HE: We just saw this in the GazzyD vs Max Adamson fight…

HA; And we know how that ended…

Costello gets up onto the ropes and he lands a right hand to Grace, who responds with one of his own. They trade shots until Costello is able to jab his finger in the eye of the challenger, drawing a big cheer…

HA: Whatever it takes….that is the motto of the champion…


Costello then grabs Grace and he throws all caution to the wind as he hauls him off into a huge, ring-shaking, superplex. Both men hit the deck with real force and are left in a heap…

HA: Costello is hurt….Grace is hurt….but both of these men will continue to fight because they are desperate to be the EWF World Champion…

Costello manages to roll himself over and he crawls across to drop an arm of Grace’s chest…………………1…………………………………2…………………..shoulder up. Both men are slow to get back to their feet and then they trade punches as they finally stand…

Grace’s punches: BOOOOOO!
Costello’s punches: YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!

HA: The Costello fans are desperate for their man to find a way to win this match….

Costello begins to rock Grace back onto his heels, pushing him towards the ropes, and then he grabs his arm and looks for an Irish whip. Grace manages to turn inside and he drags Costello towards him…



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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:23 pm

Costello elbows Grace in the jaw, repeatedly, until he lets go. Grace is unsteady and Costello scoops him up on his shoulders…


The crowd cheer as Costello pushes Grace off his shoulders and knees him straight under the chin………………..1…………………………….2………………………Grace kicks out, drawing cheers from his supporters. Costello crawls to the corner and he gets to his feet before beckoning for Grace to do the same….

HA: Costello has something lined up here….he’s ready…

HE: He’s going for the kill…….KERB STOMP!

Costello runs from the corner and he jumps up into the air for the devastating foot stomp but Grace rolls through it and he grabs Costello’s trunks, pulling him down………………….1…………………..2…………….shoulder up!

HA: Grace so close to stealing it there….

They scramble back up and Costello looks for a right hand but Grace ducks and counters with an atomic drop. Costello staggers into the corner and Grace follows in with a diving splash before walking out with the champion and he unleashes…


Costello ducks the tornado roundhouse kick and counters with a sickening half nelson suplex…………….1……………………..2………………Grace manages to get his shoulder up. Costello drags him back up and he flips him into the air before driving him down into a kneeling powerbomb………………1……………………..2………………….Grace kicks out again!

HE: Both of these men are tearing chunks off the other…but who will falter first?

Costello stumbles back to his feet and he rests against the ropes for a second before making his way back to Grace. He grabs the challenger by the hair and he drags him up before trying to pull him into a piledriver…

HA: Grace is fighting back….he’s not wanting to get caught out here…

Grace manages to counter by swiping Costello’s legs. He then drops back and catapults the champion to the corner. Costello collides with the turnbuckle and he staggers back as Grace drives him down with a back suplex……………..1…………………………2…………………..shoulder up!

HE: This is a tremendous fight….both men have been badly hurt but they continue to battle…

HA: When you reach this stage, competing at the summit there is no room for error anymore and no room for quitting….these opportunities don’t come around very often…

Grace gets back to his feet and he sucks in a huge deep breath before heading for the corner once again. He pulls himself up to the top rope and he ignores the boos from Costello’s supporters before leaping through the air for a flying lariat…

*Crowd pop



The crowd are stunned as Costello catches Grace in mid-flight and spins him into the huge black hole slam…

HA: He got him……did he?......NO!


HA: Anthony Grace got his shoulder off the canvass….I don’t know how because that was devastating from Costello…

HE: I don’t think he has ever caught that move better…

Costello is slumped on the canvass, his blood-stained face disbelieving, as the referee holds up two fingers. The champion’s chest heaves in and out before he gets back up to his feet and staggers against the ropes. He takes a long look at Anthony Grace, who is struggling on all fours, and then he pushes forward and runs at him…


Costello puts his foot on Grace’s back but Grace pushes upwards at the same time and sends the champion up into the air….Costello comes back down and Grace catches him on his shoulders before nailing him with a rolling fireman’s slam…

HA: Grace’s turn for a sublime counter…

All the wind is driven from Costello and he quickly rolls from the ring, clutching his ribs. Anthony Grace is sat on the canvass, taking a few moments to get himself together, and then he staggers back up to his feet and makes a dart for the ropes…

HE: What is….WOW!

HA: Even this pro-Costello crowd are applauding that….Anthony Grace putting it on the line…

Grace dives through the middle ropes with a suicide dive and tackles Costello backwards into the announce table. The crowd are making a lot of noise as Grace tries to drag Costello back to the ring….

HA: Grace senses he might have Costello weakened…he might have a chance to finish this….

Costello suddenly jerks forward and tackles Grace into the ringpost, damaging the back of the challenger. Grace staggers around and leans against the ringside barrier as Costello pulls himself up onto the apron and runs across before diving through the air….


HA: Straight out of the Mick Foley playbook right there….

Costello launches himself off the apron and he crashes down ontop of Grace’s back with a heavy elbow drop, leaving both men in a crumpled heap on the floor. Costello slowly begins to stir…

HA: Extraordinary night here at Revolution….what an event….summed up by this amazing battle for the EWF Championship…

Costello falls forward and collides with the announce table before he starts dismantling it, drawing more cheers from the sold-out crowd. The referee is now on the outside and trying to get the action back in the ring…

HA: I have to say that the referee has done a fantastic job in this match…he has allowed both superstars to fight their fight…

HE: But he may be drawing a line here…

Costello just grins at the official as he pulls the monitors from the table and then walks back to Anthony Grace and drags him forward. He launches Grace ontop of the table before climbing up with him…

HA: This is an extremely dangerous predicament…..get down from there, Vincent….

HE: He’s not listening to anyone…

The referee is waving his arms and trying to get Costello to stand down but the champion is in no mood to listen. He pulls the challenger up and flips him up into the air…

HA: Power…

Grace slips through the arms of Costello and lands back out on his feet, face to face with the champion. He quickly seizes Costello around the neck…



Crowd: Holy (beep) x20

HA: We may need medics….neither man is moving…

HE: This is not good…

The referee is kneeling in the wreckage of the table as the crowd goes ballistic. Neither man is really moving but Anthony Grace is certainly the more lucid of the two…

HA: Costello’s face was planted straight into the table…the champion may be unconscious…

HE: And Anthony Grace had the audacity to threaten a lawsuit when a similar thing happened to him…

Grace is able to roll from the wreckage and he tries to crawl his way back towards the ring. After a few more moments there is a huge cheer from the crowd as it becomes apparent that Vincent Costello is also beginning to move…

HA: I don’t believe it…

HE: Nobody will ever challenge the toughness of Vincent Costello again after tonight….colossal effort…

Grace manages to pull himself up into the ring and Costello isn’t that far behind. Costello is able to roll under the bottom rope but just slumps on the ground as Grace drops on him for a cover………….1……………………….2……………….thr-shoulder up!

HA: Somehow, someway Vincent Costello is managing to stay in this match…

Grace gets back to his feet and he looks at his own hands for a second and listens to the roar from the crowd before focusing back on Costello. The champion is trying to stand, almost unable to even get on one foot, as Grace comes towards him…

HA: Grace might just pull this off….BLOCK…

Costello grabs the referee and then pushes him into Grace, causing the challenger to put the brakes on his finisher. Costello quickly follows in and he clotheslines Grace to the floor before running off the ropes….

HE: He tricked Grace, he played on his good nature….KERB STOMP!


There is an eerie silence in the Garden as Costello jumps into the air for the finish but Grace suddenly spins back onto his feet and catches Costello with the tornado roundhouse kick to the jaw. Grace collapses back on the mat, exhausted from the effort, but slowly he pushes himself up and drags himself over…

HE: Costello is not even moving…

HA: He’s out….Anthony Grace has it won…



HA: Anthony Grace is the new EWF World Heavyweight Champ….


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:25 pm

*Crowd ultra pop

The referee’s hand is a millisecond away from touching the canvass when someone seizes his legs and drags him under the bottom rope, launching him backwards in a heap. The cameras pan in on a maniacal face…

HA: I don’t think Max Adamson has even been cheered by a crowd before…

HE: Max is a saviour…

HA: He has no damn business being out here….Anthony Grace had the three count…


There are even more cheers from the crowd as Max Adamson rolls into the ring. He tugs at his head, muttering to himself, as a confused Anthony Grace gets back to his feet. Adamson charges straight through him with a thunderous spear…

HA: Grace didn’t even know Adamson was out here….he had no idea why the referee hadn’t completed the three count…

HE: Max Adamson promised to make an impact here tonight….he said that although he didn’t leave as 6CW Champion he would be remembered and he was right….

HA: Adamson and Grace have been at some sort of loggerheads since Day of Reckoning….but I did not expect this…

Adamson stares down at the wreck of Anthony Grace and then he rolls from the ring, continuing to mutter to himself and tug at his hair…

Crowd: Thank you Max x10

HE: The Costello supporters are delighted with what just went down…

Grace is doubled up on the mat, struggling to catch his breath, as Vincent Costello struggles to use the ropes to get himself back up. A new referee is on the scene and climbing into the ring as Costello staggers forwards…


HE: You better it is…

Costello puts his foot on the back of Grace’s neck and stomps him down into the deck before dropping down and covering him…

Ding ding ding

HE: Yes….the greatest world championship reign of all time continues….nobody can stop Costello’s Law!

HA: Anthony Grace came damn close here tonight and I’m convinced he would have gotten the job done if it wasn’t for Max Adamson…..the former 6CW Champion screwed Grace out of the big time…

HE: Adamson wanted Anthony Grace to feel his pain….Max was denied his chance to main event Night of Glory and no way was he going to stand by and watch a moviestar take his place…

HA: The majority of the fans in attendance are delighted with what they have just witnessed but there are some heartbroken Anthony Grace supporters in the Garden…

The cameras pan around to show the different reactions of the supporters in the arena. There are a lot of fans chanting Vincent Costello’s name before there are plenty of younger fans and females who look very disappointed with what has just happened. Vincent Costello is sat on the canvass, rested up against the ropes, as the referee hands him the EWF Championship…

HA: Vincent Costello displayed all the traits of a champion here tonight….he lost so much blood in the early going and yet he refused to give up….on another day he may have lost his championship but his historic reign continues, onwards to Night of Glory…

Anthony Grace is still flat on the canvass, unmoving, as Costello begins to struggle back to his feet. He hugs his championship belt to his chest and stumbles to the ropes as “Porn Star Dancing” plays out. There is confusion as Dean Andrews walks onto the stage looking flustered…

HE: What is he doing out here?

HA: I don’t know…..I don’t see a reason for the 6CW General Manager to be out here right now…

Andrews: Ladies and Gentlemen I am sure you are all very happy with the fantastic battle we just witnessed for the EWF Championship…

*Crowd pop

Andrews: However I don’t think anyone can argue over the unsatisfactory ending to such a wonderful contest…

HE: What is he talking about?

HA: I think he is referring to Max Adamson’s interference…

Vincent Costello is resting against the ropes, glaring up at Andrews with mistrust and dislike, as Andrews continues to speak.

Andrews: I, as a wrestling fan and as the General Manager of 6CW, want to see endings to matches that are fair and just…….and that is not what I just saw…..I’m afraid that due to Max Adamson’s interference I am going to have to re-start this match…

*Huge boos from the crowd in attendance

Crowd: Bull(beep) x20

HA: This is not going to sit well with the conspiracy theorists…

HE: When have we ever restarted matches based on interference? This is a damn conspiracy….Andrews is screwing over Vincent Costello to help out his friend….this is ridiculous…

Andrews is trying to settle down the crowd as Vincent Costello begins kicking the ropes and screaming in protest. Anthony Grace is starting to get back to his feet…

Andrews: I’m sorry, Vincent, but it is the right thing to…


“Ghost in the mirror” plays out and there is another reaction from the crowd as Daniel Magnusson comes striding onto the stage, looking furious. He and Andrews are exchanging heated words that the cameras don’t pick up on…

HE: Daniel Magnusson is pi55ed…

HA: The owner of 6CW is not impressed with the actions of his General Manager…

Magnusson snatches the microphone out of Andrews hands and shakes his head. He turns to the crowd.

Magnusson: Folks I really am sorry but I believe Mr Andrews has been fed some false information…..this match will not be re-started….Max Adamson may have interfered in this match, unfortunately, but that is the nature of our business…..Vincent Costello won this contest and the result stands….

*Crowd pop and Vincent Costello nods his head, a look of disgust remaining on his face. He climbs from the ring and begins to make his way up the ramp, pausing to glare into the eyes of Dean Andrews before barging past.

HA: There is a whole lot more to this than meets the eye…

HE: Your damn right….Dean Andrews, Anthony Grace and these “sponsors” are trying to throw their weight around behind the scenes but Daniel Magnusson is having none of it….he’s putting his foot down and I respect that…

HA: This has suddenly become about much more than just wrestling….are we witnessing a power struggle?

HE: I think there is an internal fight bubbling underneath the surface and who knows what might happen if it boils over…

Dean Andrews and Daniel Magnusson continue to stare at one another as Anthony Grace is shown getting to his feet in the ring, looking a little bemused by the staredown on the stage. The Madison Square Garden crowd are still chanting for Vincent Costello and 6CW as the action goes backstage once more.

Match result: Vincent Costello via pinfall
Match time: 22 minutes; 55 seconds


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Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:29 pm

(Michael Hathaway and Jax Cutler are backstage talking)

MH: This is the time for victory Jax. Five other guys that are nowhere near your physical specimen of greatness stand between you and what you have always been destined to achieve. They think locking you in that cage will put you at a disadvantage. I know that it will bring out the best in you! No rules, no let up, just a human wrecking machine capable of GBH in the MSG!

(Cutler nods confidently and Hathaway slaps him on the back)

MH: You know it! Do these fools think you are scared?! Of what?! There is nothing in that chamber that can possibly test you. The win is as good as won. And we can stand tall while the fireworks toast your victory!

(Cutler snares before the sound of clapping interrupts the pair of them. Keith Leone steps into shot)

KL: Well, well! It is the time for the baby bird to fly from the nest. Those muscles good at flapping , Jax?

(Cutler steps up to him but Leone doesn't back down)

KL: Oh save the show of strength. We have seen it all before. You are just a steroid filled freak full of disappointment.....

(Hathaway cuts in angrily)

MH: How dare you insinuate something like that! Jax Cutler is clean! That is libel!

(Leone turns to him with a mock look of sadness on his face)

KL: Oh I am so sorry.....because that is how big tough men settle their problems right? Getting their PR team to cover their arse in court.

(Leone turns back to Cutler)

KL: Well Jax, I am tired of your spin. And now you are going to be shown up on the biggest stage of all. I doubt you will show your face again when you are given a lesson in what someone with talent and not talk can achieve. You are on your own now Jax, there isn't daddy over there to save you. No more stories. No more grand tales of accomplishment. Just Jax Cutler drowning in the sea of his own cowpat.

(Cutler is about to go for Leone. He suddenly stops as a baseball bat comes into view. It pushes Hathaway to the side and we soon see Jerome Dubois holding it. Cutler turns towards him and watches Dubois stare at him up and down)

JD: As much as eet pains me, I cannot disagree with what Keith says. It iz as clear as the fear in your face mon amis. The lost puppy dog looks iz the sign that you fear being let off the leash.......

(Dubois turns towards Leone and lowers his bat)

JD: Keith iz a special occasion no? Facing off once more in this grand arena. Iz that your heart I hear going boom boom boom? Iz Keith Leone losing his bottle?

(Leone steps up to Dubois)

KL: Let's find out Jerome.

(Dubois smirks and steps back)

JD: Later Keith......later. It iz much more fun to do it in front of the camera's no? Moment's like this iz not to be wasted in mere corridors.........

(Dubois points his bat at both men and Leone shoves it away from his face. Dubois smirks again and shrugs his shoulders)

JD: Time iz soon......

(Dubois lowers his bat and walks out of shot. Leone watches him go before turning back to Cutler and Hathaway)

KL: I am going to enjoy this.

(Leone strides confidently out of shot as Hathaway and Cutler are left alone)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:31 pm

(Backstage raised voices can be heard and the cameras scurry towards the office of Magnusson and Andrews)

DA: What was that Daniel? I thought we had an agreement. I thought we were all on the same page?

(Magnusson is furious)

DM: The same page? Is that the page where you and your media buddies dictate to me what happens in 6CW?

DA: It makes sense Daniel, you know it. Financially, long term plans, everything. It’s best for business

(Magnusson erupts)

DM: You sound just like him

(Andrews laughs)

DA: Oh my god Daniel. You’re obsessed. This isn’t the Authority. Jones has no involvement in this.
This is what is best for 6CW, no ulterior motive at play here, they want what we want




(Magnusson slams door in Andrews face and the GM is left on the outside red faced shaking his head)

DA: I’ll let you calm down Daniel. Mull over what has happened. In the morning with fresh eyes, you’ll see what needs to be done

Call me tomorrow, we can talk

(Andrews turns and Charles Kramer is stood. Andrews raises his hand)

DA: I know, I know. I’ll take care of it

CK: There not happy Dean. They thought we had a deal?

DA: I’ll take care of it. It’ll be fine. Trust me

(Kramer smiles and nods and the two shake hands as the camera heads to ringside for the final match of the evening)


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:33 pm

Main Event 3
Elimination Chamber
Mike Masters vs Liam Wood vs Keith Leone vs Thunder vs Jerome Dubois vs Jax Cutler

Ding ding

HE: This is it, Harold….oh God this is it….

HA: An absolutely phenomenal evening we have witnessed here tonight at Revolution and folks we are not done yet….infact we just have the small matter of six men entering the demonic Elimination Chamber to find out who will challenge Vincent Costello for the EWF Championship at Night of Glory…

HE: It does not get any bigger than this….six of the elite are about to walk through hell with the object of securing a first class ticket to the biggest show on the wrestling calendar…

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is the ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH!

*Crowd pop

Ring Announcer: In this match the rules are as follows; two superstars will begin the contest whilst the other four competitors are locked inside the bulletproof chambers. Every five minutes a new superstar will enter the match at random….this process will continue until all six participants have been entered. Elimination can only occur via pinfall or submission and the decisions may only take place inside of the ring. The last man standing after all others have been eliminated will be victorious and will receive a world heavyweight championship opportunity at NIGHT OF GLORY!

*Another pop from the crowd

HA: Well there you have it folks, the rules are pretty simple….but the structure in which this match will take place is anything but…here it comes….

HE: Over two tonnes of unforgiving steel….chain link all around….steel grates as floors and those glass chambers…..this structure is designed for mayhem and carnage…

HA: And that is exactly what we are going to get….only two of these matches have ever been seen before in 6CW and both of them were barbaric to say the least…whoever walks out of this contest victorious will have truly earned their opportunity at the world championship at Night of Glory…

The crowd in New York are literally rattling the foundations of the historic arena as the gigantic Elimination Chamber structure lowers around the ring. The cameras then pan around the arena before focusing in on the stage as the counter reaches “0” and then pyros explode into the air as “Limowreck” screams out…

HA: There isn’t a fan in their seats here in the Garden…..Keith Leone is a God to the 6CW faithful…

HE: And he’s also the man who will enter this match last…

HA: He earned that right by beating the clock two weeks on Anarchy….Leone has entered the chamber before and he’s won in the chamber before….can he draw upon that experience here tonight?

HE: Leone is no stranger to any extreme environment….he made his name off of competing in matches designed to maim and dismantle others….

HA: And that could stand him in great stead here tonight….the former world champion is looking for a path back to the top and the quickest route is through the gates of hell…

Leone appears on the stage, his trademark hooded shirt over his head, and he slowly raises himself to face the crowd. The cheers and whistles grow louder as Leone makes his way down the ramp and then stops in front of the structure to survey…

HA: It was 2012 when Leone last entered this chamber….he outlasted five other hungry fighters that night to secure a championship match with Lex Hart at Night of Glory…..will history repeat itself here this evening?

Leone climbs up the steps and he runs his hands along the steel chains before stepping inside. He circles the chamber before exiting the ring to climb into one of the pods, which is then chained shut by a referee on the outside of the ring. Leone leans back against the chamber wall and then “Bridge Burning” booms out to unanimous boos from the audience. Michael Hathaway swaggers onto the stage, a pompous smile on his face, and he is soon followed by the 6CW International Champion, Jax Cutler.

HE: I think a few people are overlooking the monstrous Jax Cutler here tonight…

HA: I would advise anyone who is doing that to think again because we’ve seen enough of Jax Cutler here in 6CW to know he should not be taken lightly…this is a supereme force of nature, he enjoys to inflict pain, and this kind of match may be exactly the environment in which he thrives…

HE: With Michael Hathaway guiding his career I believe the sky is the limit for Cutler…..he combines speed, power and ruthless aggression….he is the perfect combination of brutality…

Hathaway stands at the side of the chamber as Cutler bobs from one foot to the other. Jax then leaps into the chamber and he grabs the walls and begins to shake them, letting out a roar as he does so. Michael Hathaway applauds from the outside as Cutler stalks up to Leone’s pod and slams his fists against it…

HA: Cutler has not forgotten what Leone did to him two weeks ago….but he shouldn’t put all of his focus on the one man because there are four others who Cutler has to contend with here tonight…

Cutler backs away from Leone’s chamber, Keith merely staring back with disinterest, and is then locked inside a pod of his own. Cutler paces the small space he has and then “Demi God” screams out to another set of boos from the 6CW audience. Red, white and blue pyros explode into the air as Jerome Dubois walks onto the stage, carrying his newly trademarked baseball bat…

HE: Is tonight the night when the great Jerome Dubois gets his chance to head back to the mountain top?

HA: The hall of famer has displayed a new attitude in recent months that just might suit this matchup….Dubois is more calculated and ruthless than ever before…he is determined to get back the world championship that has alluded him for over five years…

HE: Dubois deserves his respect and tonight he is going to do everything he can to make sure he gets it…

Dubois reaches the bottom of the stage and he removes his mask before walking up to the chamber. He runs the baseball bat along the steel chains and begins to bash the weapon against the side until the referees on the outside pry it away from him….

HE: Hey, that’s Dubois’s property…

HA: There is no need for weapons inside the Chamber…there is enough damage that can be caused without it…

Dubois looks annoyed but then backs away and begins to climb inside the chamber. He stares over at Leone and then at Cutler before stepping inside another of the pods. He stretches his legs out against the cell wall and stretches his neck before all eyes turn back to the stage again…

HA: Only one more participant to take a place inside the pods….who will it be?

“Jokers Song” by Miracle of Sound fills the arena. A spot light flashes around the arena searching, finally coming to rest atop the big screen above the stage. The light reveals two men fighting, one clearly dressed as Batman, the other in a purple suit.

HE: Oh, it’s only Thunder’s entrance.

As the two men fight atop the big screen, the Batman of the two knocks the other off, he hurtles
to the ground and falls down the side of the stage. The Batman, glides down, his cape billowing in the glide. A team of doctors rush on to the stage with a stretcher. The Batman, pulls the other guy, now revealed to be Thunder dressed as Joker, up on to the stage, laughing.

HA: Thunder made himself the Joker of this piece? I guess he must be trying to make a statement about his own mental health.

HE: An argument could be made for the Batman being the more unsound, I mean heroes have a tendency to attract similar villains to themselves, Superman gets mostly aliens, the Flash, gets a lot of metahumans, Batman, is mentally unhinged at best, his villains just as messed up in the head.

HA: …

HE: What?

The Batman, strips off the Joker suit from Thunder, revealing an orange, Arkham Asylum jump suit underneath, the prison inmate number reads, 260615. The Batman, throws Thunder on to the stretcher, where is restrained. The doctors and follow the Batman down to ringside, taking with them the stretcher. Batman pulls Thunder up off the stretcher and drags him up the steps, in to the elimination chamber, he drags him over to a chamber and throws him in, before removing the handcuffs and slamming the door closed.

HA: Quite the entrance from Thunder….we all know how much he would love to be the man to challenge Vincent Costello for the EWF Championship at Night of Glory…

HE: Why is that Batman not leaving the ring?

Thunder stands at the door of his pod and continues to stare out at the Batman character, who stares back at him. “Endseekers” then crashes through the speakers as the Batman pulls off his mask to reveal Liam Wood…..


HE: These two are such geeks….

HA: Says the one who was talking about “metahumans” a minute ago…..Liam Wood showing that his friendship with Thunder isn’t as strained as many suspected….this is business, there is still huge respect between these friends…

Liam Wood puts his hand up on the pod and Thunder does the same. They nod at one another and then Wood backs away and climbs inside the ring. He circles around and then begins to untie his armour, throwing it to the floor outside the ring as he reveals MMA shorts underneath with a Batman logo down the side. He then focuses his attention towards the door of the cage and waits for the final participant…

HE: Only one man left to enter…

HA: And in many quarters the favourite to win this match….although the odds are not in favour of Liam Wood or Mike Masters now that we know they will be starting out this contest…

“Champion” booms out of the speakers and the crowd boo furiously as red pyros shoot high into the rafters. Mr Jones accompanies Mike Masters out onto the stage and Masters slicks his hair back before spinning on the spot and pointing up to the “Night of Glory” sign…

HE: This is Mike Masters’ time….he’s waited a long time to get the opportunities he deserves….tonight he is going to take it whether management want him to or not….since he teamed up with Mr Jones he has been a different animal…

HA: A few weeks back we saw Mike Masters take out his long time rival Scott Harris…he left him in such a state that Harris may never wrestle again….Masters is hell-bent on getting his shot at the big time and he knows that victory tonight will take him to where he wants to be…

Mr Jones clasps Masters on the shoulder and then points him into the chamber. Masters looks extremely confident as he runs up the steps and into the structure. The referee’s shut the door behind Masters and he takes a quick glance backwards before turning his attention to Liam Wood and the rest of the men in the chamber.

HA: Mike Masters and Liam Wood have been at loggerheads for a month or so now….every since Day of Reckoning….it seems Mr Jones has taken a liking to Wood and wants to add him to his stable…

HE: That would be perfect for Wood….he needs to stop being arrogant and mopey….Jones would make him a star once more…

HA: I’ve said it before and I will say it again…Liam Wood will never sell out and he most certainly would never side with Mr Jones after everything that has gone down between them….Wood knows he could never trust that snake…

Jones is grinning from the outside of the chamber as Masters leaps over the ropes and goes face to face with Liam Wood. The fans are making a huge amount of noise as the referee inside the structure has some final words for both men and then calls for the bell…

HA: Here we go….time to find out who will be the final piece in the Night of Glory main event jigsaw…

HE: You can feel the electricty in the air….this is a huge moment…


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:34 pm

Masters and Wood circle the ring, watching one another, and then they move forwards and lockup in the centre of the ring. Masters quickly applies a headlock and grins but Wood slams back into the ropes and shoves his opponent across the ring. Masters comes back and Wood looks for a hiptoss but Masters lands out on his feet. They both leap into the air simultaneously and land dropkicks…

HA: Two very evenly matches athletes and I think any match with these two men in it would be a box office smash…

HE: I think these two forming an alliance would be even better…imagine how deadly that would be for the rest of the roster…

Wood and Masters both get back up and Masters looks for a quick kick but Wood catches his foot and spins him around before decking him with a clothesline. Masters gets back up and Wood whips him off the ropes before lowering his head for a backdrop…

HA: Masters showing his athletic ability in the early going…

Masters leaps over Wood’s head and runs the opposite ropes before springboarding onto them and flies back through the air…


Masters looks for the flying kick but Wood catches him on his shoulders and sits him down into a powerbomb…………………1…………………2……………..Masters kicks out. Wood pulls Masters back up and he looks for a final cut suplex but Masters floats over the shoulder and pushes Wood off the ropes before nailing him with a beautiful dropkick as he returns…

HA: These men will fight for five minutes before the next participant enters the fray….eliminations can occur in that time….we don’t have to wait for all competitors to get involved before falls can happen…

Mr Jones can be seen smirking from the outside as Masters slaps Wood around the head and he stomps him back into the corner. Masters taunts the crowd before doing a full lap of the ring and sprinting back in for a diving splash. Wood stumbles out and Masters scoop slams him to the mat before climbing up onto the turnbuckle…

HE: Masters ready to fly…

HA: He’s going for the encore….450…

Wood is back up and he cracks Masters in the jaw with a right hand, putting him on the seat of his trunks. Wood then climbs onto the ropes himself and he jams his forearm into the face of Masters before launching him off the top with a tremendous belly to belly suplex…

HA: Masters felt that, right down to his spine…

Masters is clutching his back as he tries to stumble back up and Wood quickly grips him by the throat and chokeslams him into a backbreaker…
………….shoulder up!

HE: So far they are keeping it inside the ring…..wise move if you ask me…

HA: As soon as you get to the outside it is nothing but pain and suffering….the floor is steel, the walls are steel….

Wood pulls Masters back to his feet and he tries to flip him up into a powerbomb but Masters counters into a falling DDT……………….1……………………2……………..kickout. Masters gets back up and he springboards onto the ropes for an asai moonsault but Wood drives his knees up into the gut…

HA: Liam Wood would love another crack at Vincent Costello and the EWF Championship, twelve months after they met at Night of Glory V…

Masters rolls away, winded, and Wood follows him across the ring before gutwrenching him into a heavy suplex…
…….kickout. Wood gets back to his feet and he climbs up onto the top rope, waiting for Masters to get up and then launches through the air with a big lariat takedown. Masters stumbles back to his feet and Wood puts him down with a belly to belly suplex……………1………………….2………………kickout.

HA: Both of these men would love to eliminate the other in the alloted time before the next superstars enters the match…

HE: It would be the soundest strategy but not always achievable…

Wood backs into the corner and he lifts himself onto the second rope. He takes a quick look at Mr Jones and then turns back to Masters and leaps through the air…


Wood launches off for the foot stomp to the back but Masters spins through the air at the same time and catches Wood with a roundhouse kick (Trouble in Paradise)……………….1……………….2…………….Wood barely manages to get his shoulder up!

HE: Wood was stunned from that kick…he’s dazed here…

HA: A great chance for Masters to take advantage…

Masters lets Wood get back up and then he seizes his arms from behind and begins to turn him around for the “Killswitch”. He turns him the full way but Wood counters with a tiger suplex………….1…………………..2…………………shoulder up!

HA: Even when Wood is hurt he is dangerous…..OH GOD!

HE: That will tear your flesh…

Wood gets up and Masters quickly runs at him but Wood dips his shoulder and he backdrops Masters over the top rope, sending him flying over and onto the steel grate floor. Masters writhes in agony…

HA: That is exactly what happens inside of this Chamber…

Wood grabs the top rope and he propels himself over and into an elbow drop across the chest of Masters. The crowd are cheering as Wood pulls Masters up and tries to run him into the side wall of the chamber…

HE: Thank goodness for that…

Masters gets his foot up and blocks the impact before firing back some elbows into the stomach of Wood. Wood stumbles back towards the ropes, winded, and Masters runs over and leaps over the top rope, grabbing Wood’s head at the same time and crushing his throat across the ropes…

HA: That was a nasty impact for Liam Wood….it could have broken his larynx!

Wood is holding his throat, coughing and choking, as he tries to get back up to his feet. Masters leans over and grabs Wood before suplexing him back over into the ropes………………1…………………2…………………Wood gets his shoulder up!

HE: And here comes the timer….

The crowd cheer as the clock appears on the big screen and starts out at “10”. The fans count down as the get ready for the third participant…

HA: Who is next to enter the Elimination Chamber?

Crowd: THREE……TWO………….ONE

*The buzzer goes off and an eerie blue light illuminates one of the pods

HE: Jerome Dubois….Le Phenomene Francais…

HA: The Demi God has arrived and he has a Night of Glory main event on his mind…

Dubois is released from his pod and he quickly climbs into the ring. Masters makes a beeline for him but Dubois clatters him with a shoulder block and then he drags him back up and launches him through the ropes to the outside…

HE: Masters having another scrape on the steel…

Liam Wood gets up and Dubois lashes him in the chest with vicious chops before grabbing his arm and he whips him across the ring. Wood comes back and Dubs scoops him up on his shoulders before nailing a snap Alabama slam….Wood holds the back of his head as he stumbles up and Dubois scoops him onto his shoulders before running him into a powerslam……………..1…………………2………………shoulder up!

HA: Dubois has been so close on a couple of occassions to getting his hands on a world championship but it has alluded him….he believes one more crack and he will finally get back to the mountain top…

Dubois climbs from the ring and he grabs Mike Masters by the hair before running him backwards and launching his head against the steel wall. Masters slumps down in a heap as Dubois smirks at him and then heads back to the ring. The Frenchmen climbs up onto the ropes and he waits for Wood to get back up before launching at him with a missile dropkick….

HE: Dubois is fresh and he needs to take advantage of that because it won’t stay that for long….this match drains energy very quickly…

Wood stumbles back up to his feet and Dubois scoop slams him to the deck before twirling around and landing an elbow to the heart………..1………………….2…………….kickout. Dubois stalks the ring and then he drags Wood back up and flips him into the air…

HA; Dubois fancies a quick finish….CULTURE…

Wood kicks his legs and he drops behind Dubs before connecting with a pele kick as the Frenchmen turns around. Wood clambers back up and he quickly heads to the corner, pulling himself up high…

HE: Wood is….OH WOW!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HA: The dangers in this match are limitless…

Masters is back up and he shoves Wood from the top rope and sends him flying through the air, colliding with the chamber wall. Masters then vaults onto the turnbuckle himself and he dives onto Dubois with a flying crossbody…………….1………………………2………………shoulder up!

HE: Wood managed to get his hands up to block some of that impact but it is going to hurt no matter what…

Masters waits for Dubois to stand and then clocks him with right hands and forearms to the face. He grabs his arm and looks for an Irish whip but Dubois reverses and sends Masters towards the corner…


Masters runs straight up the ropes and corkscrews back with an impressive takedown on Dubois. They get back to their feet and Masters hits a big jumping DDT (ala Dolph Ziggler)………….1……………..2……………….kickout!

HA; Already Dubois has lost his early impetus….this match is as much about impact as it is about stamina…

HE: And it is widely known that Mike Masters is the guy who can last the distance…

Masters gets back up to his feet and he rakes his boot in the face of Dubois before taunting the audience once more. He grabs Dubois by the head and he pulls him up before hooking his arms…


Dubois spins through and he kicks Masters in the stomach before flipping him onto his shoulders. Masters sits there and fires punches down into Dubs’ head as they both stumble around…


The crowd cheer as Liam Wood springboards back into the ring and he drives his knee right into the face of Mike Masters in a modified “Doomsday device” move. Masters lands in a brutal heap whilst Wood ducks a clothesline from Dubois and hits him with a full nelson slam………………1…………………..2………………..shoulder up. Wood then covers Masters……………..1…………………..2………….kickout!

HE: Nobody wants to be the first man eliminated from this contest….

HA: Nobody wants to be eliminated full stop…

Wood gets back up to his feet and he grabs Dubois before whipping him into the corner. He picks Masters up and whips him into Dubois before rushing in after them and although Masters rolls out of the way Wood catches Dubois square in the chest with a brutal yakuza kick…


Dubois slumps down in a heap and Wood turns away from him, only to eat a huge flying kick to the jaw from Mike Masters…
……….shoulder up!

HE: That was a slow count, ref…

HA: Standard count from the referee….it just wasn’t enough…

Dubois stumbles back up to his feet and he and Masters stare at one another for awhile before they turn their attention to Liam Wood. Wood staggers back up to his feet and he takes right hands from both men before they whip him off the ropes and launch him into a huge double backdrop. Dubois then grabs the arm of Wood and he drags him forwards….

HE: AU REVOIR….Liam Wood’s time is drawing to a close…

Dubois plants Wood into the deck with the thunderous sit-out sideslam. He then kneels over Wood and nods at Masters, who grins and heads for the corner. The crowd are booing as Masters leaps up to the top rope…

HA: Masters and Dubois working together to get rid of Wood…

HE: Its smart tactics….

HA: If Masters and Dubois can stay on the same page until the end it could be a very interesting dynamic….450 SPLASH!

HE: Wood is finished!

Mr Jones is watching on from the outside as Masters performs some theatrics on the top rope and then propels himself into an incredible 450 splash, driving down on the chest of Liam Wood…



HE: He’s….


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Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:35 pm


The buzzer sounds in the commotion and Thunder is released from his pod. He quickly grabs the top rope and launches himself into a plancha that breaks up the pinfall on Liam Wood. Dubois rushes over towards Thunder but is lifted into a flapjack that drops him across the top rope. Dubois stumbles back around and is planted by a Samoan drop….

HA: Thunder to the rescue of his friend Liam Wood…

HE: That was a stupid move…there is no time for alliances and friends tonight….Thunder should have seized the opportunity of watching one man get eliminated…

Mike Masters is up and he clatters into Thunder and rocks him with right hands. He then looks for an Irish whip but Thunder turns inside and drags Masters towards him…


The crowd cheer as Thunder drills Masters into the deck. Masters rolls under the bottom rope in pain but Thunder is in no mood to let him off the hook. He follows to the ropes and then he springboards onto them and dives over Masters with a brutal overhang neckbreaker on the steel floor….

HE: That was horrible to watch…

Thunder and Masters both roll in pain from the impact of the move. Thunder holds his back and grimaces a little before getting back up. He listens to the cheers of the crowd and then he bounces back off the ropes and rolls forwards…


HE: Has he no respect for his own body or anyone elses?

HA: I don’t think so…

Thunder drives down onto Masters again, crushing them both into the steel grates on the floor. Thunder crawls back up and he kicks the chain fence where Mr Jones is standing before turning away and heading to the ring. Jerome Dubois is on his way back up and Thunder launches over the top rope and lands a legdrop to the back of the neck…………………1……………………..2………………..kickout!

HA: Thunder has come out here firing on all cylinders….he is ready for this….more ready than I have seen him in a long time…

HE: But is he willing to fight his best friend to get what he wants?

There is a booming reception from the crowd as Liam Wood gets back to his feet and goes head to head with Thunder. They glare into each other’s eyes for a moment and then they nod and touch knuckles before circling the ring. The crowd are split as both men lockup in the centre…

HE: I didn’t think they would fight…

HA: Of course they are going to fight….they may be friends but they are warriors…

Wood twists the arm of Thunder but it is countered into an armdrag takedown. They get back up and Wood looks for a swinging roundhouse kick but Thunder ducks it and he lifts Wood up into an electric chair position…

HE: Victory roll…

Wood rolls down the front and pulls Thunder to the mat………………..1…………………2…………..shoulder up. They scramble back up and Wood looks for a snap superkick but Thunder ducks it and rolls Wood up……………….1…………………2………….kickout!

HA: These men know each other so well….they have been involved in some classic battles that will never be forgotten…

Thunder is up first and he drives a knee into the stomach of Wood before driving him down with a suplex. He swivels his hips and pulls Wood back up into a second vertical suplex…

HA: Thunder wants the three amigos…

Thunder uses his hips to roll through again and he drags Wood back up for a third time and lifts him skywards but Wood floats over the back this time and he counters with a German suplex…

HE: Now it’s Wood’s turn…

Wood hauls Thunder back up for a second time and he throws him back to the deck with another suplex. The fans are voicing their approval of the action as Wood gets Thunder back up for a third time…


Wood gets Thunder off the ground but Thunder locks his heels behind the knees of Wood and rolls forward, dragging him back to the canvass………………1……………………..2…………….shoulder up. They get back up and Wood looks for a discus clothesline but Thunder ducks it and then he pulls Wood into him…


Wood drives his elbow into the jaw of Thunder, sending him staggering into the corner. Wood then chases in but Thunder ducks under and sends Wood over the top rope and crashing onto the steel…

HA: Nothing friendly about that…


The crowd boo as Thunder turns away from the ropes and is slammed into with a huge spear from Jerome Dubois…………………..1……………………….2……………….he manages to get his shoulder up. Dubois gets back up and he drags Thunder back up before flipping him onto his shoulders…


Dubois lets the bottom fall out and he drives Thunder down onto the canvass with a brutal powerbomb. He talks a little trash and then he heads to the corner and begins to climb up to the top. He laughs off the boos of the crowd but then his legs are swiped from under him by Mike Masters…

HA: I guess the alliance of these two men didn’t last too long…

Masters has horrible red welts on his back as he climbs onto the ropes to join the Dubois. He drives his forearm up into the jaw of his foe and then he leaps into the air and catches him with a hurricanrana…


Masters wraps his legs around Dubois’ neck and throws him from the top rope. Dubois flips in midair and he lands down ontop of the chest of Thunder…Dubois tries to stagger back up and Masters rushes behind him and nails a zigzag neckbreaker…

HA: That could be our first elimination….

……….Dubois just manages to pop his shoulder up off the mat. Masters scrambles back up and he grabs Thunder by the head and pulls him into a piledriver………………..1………………………2……………..Thunder manages to kick out!

HE: You can see the toll this is now having on these men….they have used up so much energy…

HA: Liam Wood and Mike Masters have been in this match for over fifteen minutes now…it is bound to have a serious effect…

Masters gets to his feet and he sees Liam Wood trying to climb back through the ropes so he delivers a hard kick to the top of his head, sending him staggering back. Masters then rushes to the ropes and he leaps onto the top, launching himself into a senton splash that sends him crashing into Wood on the outside…

HE: Now this is getting tasty…

Masters holds his back a little as he staggers back up. He tips a wink to Mr Jones and then he grabs Liam Wood by the head and starts to drag him up. He looks to position him in place for a piledriver…

HA: Not on the steel….surely not….

Wood struggles against Masters’ grip and then he succeeds in swiping his feet out from under him, clattering the back of Masters’ head into the steel floor. Wood keeps hold of Masters’ legs and then drops back and catapults him towards the steel chain wall…


The crowd gasp and some cheer as Masters springs onto the side of the wall and manages to climb up it like a spider. He takes a quick glance over his shoulder at Liam Wood, who is clambering back up, and then he pushes off…


HE: He isn’t the show stealer for nothing…

Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Masters moonsaults off the cage wall and clatters down into Wood, leaving both men in a battered heap on the steel floor. The timer reaches “0” and the crowd boo as Jax Cutler is released from his pod…

HA: Here comes the 6CW International Champion…..OH MY GOD!


Crowd: Holy (beep) x20

HA: That is the devastation he brings to the table…

Cutler lets out a roar as they release him from his pod and he then rushes forwards and spears Mike Masters straight through the opposite glass pod, leaving shards scattered everywhere. Cutler looks furious as he gets back up, leaving Masters coated in blood in the wreckage…

HE: No….Mike Masters is crushed…

HA: Look at Jones’ face….he can’t believe it…

Mr Jones has his head in his hands on the outside as Michael Hathaway fist pumps the air. Cutler then drags Liam Wood up and he easily bench presses him into the air before running him forward and launching him against the steel mesh wall…

HA: Jax Cutler has brutality and destruction on his mind…

HE: This is exactly what he is made for…

Cutler looks furious as he stares at Masters and Wood before climbing into the ring. Thunder and Dubois are both stumbling back up and they both take a double clothesline from the INT Champion. Cutler easily rags Dubois back up and he hits him with an overhead belly to belly suplex, sending Dubois over the top rope and crashing onto the steel floor…

HA: Jax Cutler is destroying everything in sight…

HE: And Thunder is the only one left…he’s in big trouble…

Thunder gets back up and Cutler grabs his arm and whips him to the corner with such force that he collapses upon impact. Cutler drags Thunder back up and he whips him to the opposite corner with the same effect, Thunder writhing in pain on the floor. Cutler pounds his chest and he points up towards the rafters…

HA: Jax Cutler believes he is going to Night of Glory to fight for the world championship…

Thunder begins to stumble back up and Cutler grabs his arm before hauling him up and crushing him with an urange backbreaker. He leans over Thunder and he stomps down on his spine with real brutality before yanking up on his head to apply a camel clutch…

HE: Thunder’s back could break in two from this kind of pressure…

Michael Hathaway looks delighted from the outside as Cutler locks his hands under Thunder’s jaw and really tugs up on his head. Thunder is trying to fight and release himself but he is no match for Cutler’s strength. Cutler sits right down into the hold and he applies maxium pressure…

HA: Thunder might have no choice but to tap out here….he cannot free himself from Jax Cutler’s power…

Liam Wood has staggered back to his feet, blood streaming from his shoulder, and he sees Jax Cutler punishing Thunder in the centre of the ring. Wood stops in his tracks…

HA: Get in there and save your friend, Liam…

HE: This is it….what we have all been waiting for…

Mr Jones is watching the scene unfold in front of him and a smile begins to cross his face as Liam Wood continues to watch Cutler dismantling Thunder. Wood then turns and sees Jones watching him…


The crowd cheer as Wood suddenly climbs into the ring and he runs into Cutler with a big kick to the back of the big man’s head. Cutler staggers into the corner and Wood runs into him with a clothesline before climbing onto the ropes and unloading with ten…twenty….thirty unanswered punches….

HE: He’s lost it…

Wood jumps down from Cutler and lets out a howl as he circles the ring, his eyes glowing with ferocity. He runs back in and clatters into Cutler with a backside splash before grabbing the big man’s arm and whips him off the ropes…


Cutler comes down from the air and catches Wood’s leg before using his power to sling him over the ropes to the outside of the ring. Cutler pushes the referee from his way as he gets to the outside and he picks Wood up in a bearhug before charging him back into the steel wall. Wood cries out in pain as Cutler keeps ahold of him and clatters him back into the wall again and again until the Viper slumps in a heap, blood pouring from his back.

HE: There is devastation all around us….

HA: And Liam Wood is in line to join the same casualty list as Mike Masters…..SPEAR!


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Age : 34

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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:36 pm

Cutler throws his arms out and roars before charging forwards again and diving at Liam Wood, who moves to the side and sends the INT Champion head-first into another glass pod.


The glass doesn’t shatter completely but the whole pod fragments as Cutler’s head ploughs into it. He is extremely dazed, blood running down his face, and he staggers away from the pod…


*Crowd pop

The buzzer sounds and Keith Leone is the final participant to join the action. He walks straight out of his pod, no emotion on his face, and he drives into Cutler’s jaw with his patented superkick. Michael Hathaway is howling like a wounded animal as Cutler falls over the top rope and back into the ring….

HE: This isn’t fair.

HA: Cutler is all over the place….HUNTER’S ARROW!

Cutler tries to stumble back up and Thunder manages to press his shoulder under the chest of the INT Champion and push him skywards before delivering a brutal pop up European uppercut as he comes back down…

HE: Did he get him?

HA: Damn right he did…..Jax Cutler is the first participant to be eliminated from this match…

HE: He came in, destroyed everything in sight but his own aggression has cost him…

HA: If Cutler can control that rage and use it to his advantage then I don’t know who would be able to stop him….but right now he is extremely reckless…

The door of the chamber opens to allow Cutler out and the action turns back to the ring. Keith Leone grabs Liam Wood and he runs him head-first into a glass pod, leaving him in a heap on the floor. Leone then climbs into the ring and finds himself toe to toe with Thunder…

HA: For many this a dream matchup….old school and new school…

Leone and Thunder stare at each other for a moment and then they begin to trade with right hands. Leone rocks Thunder back on his heels and whips him across the ring but Thunder comes back and dodges a clothesline before springing onto the ropes and floats back…

HE: Caught him…

Thunder looks for an aerial attack but ends up jumping straight into an inverted atomic drop from Leone. Leone then knocks Thunder down with a clothesline before letting him back up and he spins him into a powerslam……………..1……………………..2…………..shoulder up.

HA: Leone is the freshest man in this match….he has not been through the same brutality as the other competitors…

Leone pulls Thunder up and he lifts him into a suplex before hanging him up on the top rope. Thunder rests there and Leone turns him around before neckbreakering him from the top rope…

HE: Thunder’s neck might have just snapped from that….

Leone rolls Thunder onto his back and makes another cover……………..1……………….2………….shoulder up!

HA: Lookout, Keith…

The cameras pick up on Jerome Dubois climbing from the chamber and shoving a few referees out of his way before grabbing his baseball bat. He walks back through the door as Jax Cutler is escorted out and he waits for Leone to get back up before driving the bat into his gut…

HE: This is it….now Dubois is going to have some fun…

HA: They shouldn’t have left that door open…

HE: Dubois was disrespected by Leone when Leone returned to 6CW and now he is going to have his payback…

Leone gets back up and Dubois lashes the bat across his spine sending KL staggering away and through the ropes to the outside. Thunder then staggers back up and Dubois jabs the bat into his gut before flipping him into the air…


Dubois crashes Thunder down onto the mat with the explosive “dominator” powerbomb and he drops into the cover…

HA: He got….NO!

The crowd cheer as Thunder manages to throw his shoulder up off the mat again. Dubois gets to his feet and he curses the referee, anger boiling over inside of him. He pushes the official to the ground and then grabs the baseball bat off the floor once again…

HE: Dubois is on a meltdown….he wants that Night of Glory main event so bad…

HA: And Thunder is about to find that out first hand…

Dubois beckons Thunder up and he swings the bat straight at his head but Thunder throws his hands into the air and catches the weapon in his hands. Both men struggle for a moment and then Thunder boots Dubois in the stomach and yanks the bat from his hands…

HE: Surely Thunder won’t succumb to the dark side…

Thunder looks at the bat for a second and then throws it to the ground before unloading with right hands on Dubois. He grabs the Frenchmen’s arm and whips him to the corner before chasing in. Dubois drives out with a hard elbow to the jaw of Thunder and then chases him out….


Thunder leaps over the spear from Dubois and sends him clattering into the corner. Dubois staggers back around and Thunder grabs his arm and twists it around. Thunder then climbs up the ropes and he leaps off with an “old school” forearm to the back of the head…

HA: Thunder is trying to build some momentum…

HE: He’s one of the only ones….hardly anyone else can move….

Thunder listens to the roar of the audience and then he drags Dubois back up and tries to get him in place with a “rock bottom”. Dubois fights back with elbows to the side of the head and then he drops down and jawbreakers Thunder, sending him staggering backwards into the corner. Keith Leone gets back into the ring and he dropkicks Dubois in the back before bridging him into a German suplex as he comes back off the ropes………………..1……………………2…………………shoulder up.

HA: Leone came back to 6CW to show he is still capable of competing at the very highest level….this match is his platform to display what he can do…

HE: But he’s not the only one with the ambitions of heading to Night of Glory…

Leone drags Dubois back up and he tries to lift him into a piledriver but Dubois counters with a backdrop. Dubs quickly scrambles and grabs his baseball bat before getting up and swinging at Leone’s head….


Leone swipes Dubois’ legs and the crowd cheer as he places him in the sharpshooter submission. Dubois is screaming and yelling in pain as he tries to crawl for the ropes, but can barely make any headway…

HE: Fight it, Dubs…

HA: Dubois is in excruciating pain here….he’s going to tapout…

HE: No way…

Dubois tries to stretch out and pull himself to the ropes but he can’t and he slumps down on the mat once more. Leone sits right back down into the hold and extends the pressure in the spine of his foe.

HA: Dubois is on his way out here….he’s about to lose his spot in this match…


The crowd are stunned as blood-stained Mike Masters springboards through the air and he forearms Leone in the back of the head, breaking up the submission. Leone holds the back of his skull as he gets up and Masters grabs him…


HA: I thought Masters was done in this match….he’s battered and bloody but somehow he is continuing to fight…

HE: He’s going to knock off Leone right here…

Masters drills Leone down on his face with the “killswitch” and makes the cover…………..1……………………2………………..3!

HA: Somehow Leone showing his spirit by kicking out…

Mr Jones is banging his hand on the side of the chamber and shouting instructions to Mike Masters, who is still blinking back blood. Masters gets up and he grabs Leone’s arms and yanks him up…

HE: Imagine the statement it will make when Masters eliminates Keith Leone…..GRINGO KILLER!

He turns Leone for the finisher but Leone puts the brakes on and shoves him away. Masters flies straight into the path of Liam Wood and forearms him back through the ropes to outside. Masters then turns back around…


Leone looks for the superkick but Masters ducks it and it detonates on the jaw of Thunder, who flies through the ropes to the outside. Masters then springboards onto the ropes and flies back…


The kick thunders into the side of Leone’s head and sends him scattering across the floor. Dubois stumbles back, holding his spine, and he grabs his baseball bat off the floor before swinging it at Masters’ head…


Masters dodges the impact of the bat and he grabs Dubois’ head before driving him down across his knees. Dubois staggers backwards, seeing stars, and Liam Wood climbs back into the ring….


Dubois is left flat on the canvass after Wood drives his knees straight up into the face of his foe…

HA: Jerome Dubois is history…

HE: Noooo….the dream has evaporated…

HA: Liam Wood has an elimination to his name…


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:37 pm

The doors of the chamber open to let Jerome Dubois out and Mr Jones quickly scurries up the steps to enter inside. Referees try to hold him back as Wood turns to face the commotion…

HA: What the hell is Jones doing….he’s not allowed in this match…

HE: He wants to check on the condition of his client…

HA: Yeah right…

Wood’s eyes bulge and he looks furious as he sees Jones trying to get inside the chamber. Wood makes a beeline for the ropes but Masters sneaks up behind him and lands with a brutal lowblow before rolling him and grabbing a handful of tights…


HA: NO….




The crowd’s boos are deafening as the referee’s hand comes down for a three and Liam Wood is eliminated from the match. Mike Masters stumbles away and drops to his knees, blood staining his face and blonde hair. He grins and nods his head whilst Mr Jones stands in the doorway of the chamber with a satisfied look on his face…

HA: Liam Wood has been screwed over here…this was a damn setup…

HE: Wood needs to learn to control his emotions….if he joined Mr Jones he would definitely have a much better chance of doing that…

HA: Wood’s dreams of headlining Night of Glory just went up in smoke because of Mike Masters and Mr Jones…

HE: I think he is starting to realise that….

Wood is back up on his knees. For a moment he looks confused by what has happened but then realisation dawns on him and he looks furious. His body is shaking as he stares at Jones and then turns around to look at Masters, who is still celebrating the elimination. Wood gets to his feet and he ignores the referee, who is asking him to leave the chamber, and then he picks up Dubois’ baseball bat…

HE: What is he doing….

HA: Someone needs to get security in there…

HE: He’s succumbing….he can feel it resonating inside of him…

The crowd are making a lot of noise as Wood holds the bat in his hands and he begins to shake uncontrollably. Mike Masters staggers away from the ropes and he barely has time to register what is happening when Liam Wood slams the bat into his ribs and then jabs it straight into his face….

HA: Wood has lost all control in there….DAMMIT!

The crowd are stunned and unsure how to react as Wood completely unleashes and begins to batter the baseball bat down into the body of Mike Masters, targetting the body with brutal shots. Masters is writhing in pain for a few seconds but soon his body stops convulsing and he is completely still as Liam Wood stands over him…

HE: Look at Jones….

Mr Jones’ eyebrows are raised for a moment and then an evil smile crosses his face. Security and referees pour into the chamber to get their hands on Liam Wood and they manhandle him and restrain him in order to remove him from this match.

HA: I am completely gobsmacked by what we have just witnessed….Mr Jones and Mike Masters conspired to eliminated Liam Wood from this match and in retaliation Wood has snapped and beaten Masters senseless with a baseball bat…

HE: Wood has given in to the evil growing inside of him….

Masters is battered and bloody, face down on the canvass, as Liam Wood is pushed through the doorway of the cell. He stops and fights against his restraints so that he can stare into the eyes of Mr Jones, who stares straight back…

HA: I really have no idea where this is heading….but what I do know is that Liam Wood is gone from this match…

HE: We are down to just three competitors…

HA: I don’t think Mike Masters even counts anymore…

Thunder is sat on the floor of the chamber watching as Liam Wood is pushed up the ramp towards the backstage area. Thunder looks a little bemused by his friend’s actions but then he rolls under the bottom rope and heads towards the unconscious body of Mike Masters…

HA: Masters isnt moving here…not many people like him but nobody wants to see this kind of hurt and agony…

HE: Wood snapped….he beat Masters until he stopped breathing…

Thunder looks a little disappointed as he rolls Masters onto his back and makes the cover…

HA: Mike Masters was never going to kickout…..the poor guy can’t even move…

Medics are on site with a gurney and they climb into the ring to help carry Mike Masters to safety. The MSG crowd give a round of applause as Masters is strapped onto the gurney and carried from the chamber…

HE: Masters is in a really bad way…

HA: He needs medical attention for sure…

Mr Jones is a concerned party as he stands beside the stretcher and escorts Mike Masters towards the backstage area. The doors of the chamber are then locked shut once again and the cameras pan inside to show the two men now clambering to their feet…

HA: And now it comes down to this….we started with six and now we have two…..Thunder and Keith Leone….one of these men is heading to Night of Glory to challenge for the EWF Championship….

HE: But the question is who?


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6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS REVOLUTION Results Tuesday 21st April 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 21 Apr 2015, 8:38 pm

Thunder, in his orange jump suit, takes up a fighting stance as Keith Leone climbs into the ring to join him. Both men go head to head in the centre of the ring before tilting their heads to stare up at the “Night of Glory” sign in the rafters…

HA: That is what this all boils down to….an opportunity to fight for one of the business’ richest prizes on the grandest stage of them all….it does not come any bigger than this…

HE: Every superstar on the roster dreams of this chance….these two men are one fall away…

Thunder nods his head and then Leone shoves him in the chest, sparking a reaction from the crowd. Thunder responds with a push of his own and then both men begin to fire at will with hard punches. Thunder is faster and he puts Leone onto his heels and whips him off the ropes but Leone comes back and ducks a clothesline before rushing the opposite side and flies back with a forearm smash…

HA: Leone has been here before….he’s seen it and he has done it….but Thunder has the motivation, the heart and the talent to secure his very first Night of Glory main event…

Thunder gets back up and Leone lashes chops into his chest before whipping him off the ropes. He drops his head for a backdrop but Thunder stops short and kicks Leone in the face. Leone staggers back and Thunder runs at him with a clothesline…


Leone picks Thunder up off the floor and twirls him into the spinebuster……………1…………….2…………..shoulder up. Leone gets back up and he beckons for Thunder to stand before launching at him…


Thunder ducks the superkick and runs the ropes before returning with a spear. He quickly heads to the corner and connects with a split-legged moonsault……………..1………………….2………….kickout from Leone. Thunder ushers Leone back up…


Leone elbows his way free of the “rock-bottom” and then he boots Thunder in the stomach and he detonates with a double armed DDT…

HA: That might be all she wrote…


HE: Thunder is tough, I’ll give him that…

Leone kneels for a few seconds and then gets back to his feet. He takes a few deep breaths as he waits for Thunder to get back up and then he lifts him up onto his shoulders…


Thunder kicks his legs and drops back and counters with an inverted DDT…………..1……………..2……….shoulder up. Thunder gets back up and he clambers up onto the ropes and somersaults off…


Thunder looks for the front flip legdrop but Leone moves out of the way and sends Thunder crashing into the deck. Leone stumbles up and he grabs Thunder’s legs…


Leone tries to turn Thunder into the submission but Thunder reaches up and grabs Leone’s head, pulling him down into a small package………………1…………………….2……………..shoulder up. They get back up and Thunder lifts Leone onto his shoulders for a Samoan drop but Leone drops off the back and pushes Thunder away…


Thunder turns back around and he feels the full force of the superkick on his jaw…………….1………………………2…………………….3!



The crowd are split, some are stunned and some are cheering, as Thunder manages to pop his shoulder up off the canvass. Leone sits for a moment and considers what has just happened but then gets back to his feet. He looks around at the chamber structure and then heads to the corner and climbs to the top rope. He leans back against the pod behind him and then launches through the air…


Leone drives his elbow right down into the chest of Thunder, sparking a roar from the crowd. Thunder doubles up in pain and staggers back to his feet as Leone ushers him in and scoops him up….


Thunder scrambles off the back of Keith Leone and then he shoves his opponent off the ropes. Leone comes back and Thunder presses him into the air…


Leone comes back down and feels the full force of the European uppercut from Thunder. Thunder then leaps into the air and crashes his elbow down into Leone’s chest…




The crowd are in disbelief as Leone manages to throw his shoulder up off the deck before the three count. Thunder rolls off the cover and for the first time he looks a little surprised by what is happening. He then drags Leone up and hits a suplex…

HA: Thunder is in a huge test now….this is a massive challenge for him because for the first time he finds himself as the favourite….he has Leone hurting…

HE: No let ups….

Thunder lets out a shout as he pulls Leone back up and hits a second suplex. His body is racked with pain but he manages to get Leone up for a third time and he succeeds in completing the hat-trick…

HA: Three amigos….Leone is flat out….

Thunder spits on the floor and he claps his hands together as he listens to the fans chanting his name. He staggers up and falls into the turnbuckle before beginning to climb to the top rope. He waves his arms and nods his head before leaping….


Thunder jumps into the picture perfect frogsplash but he finds nothing but the knees of Keith Leone upon his landing. Blood trickles from the mouth of Thunder as he staggers back up to his feet and Leone is there to meet him…


HE: That’s it…

Leone kneels down and ploughs the head of Thunder straight into the canvass. Leone looks satisfied as he covers…



HA: What?


The referee’s hand crashes down for the third time but there is confusion all around as the bell doesn’t ring. Keith Leone is sat for a second, looking at the official, and then the referee tells him that Thunder did just get an inch of his shoulder off the canvass…

HA: This has to be some kind of joke….how could Thunder possibly kick out?

HE: I had no idea the heart this kid possesses….

HA: Vincent Costello took a whole year of Thunder’s career….he is hell-bent on getting to Night of Glory to even the score…

Leone almost has to suppress a smile as he looks down at Thunder, who is barely able to open his eyes. Leone gets back to his feet and he staggers over to the corner and begins to stomp his foot down into the mat. The fans clap along with each time that Leone’s foot hits the canvass…

HE: Leone is tuning up…..he knows that one more shot is all it is going to take…

HA: Thunder is running on fumes….he has nothing left but by God this kid is fighting…..he’s a warrior beyond anything I ever knew…

HE: If people didn’t respect this man before tonight then they damn sure will when this is all said and done….this is the elite….this is world class wrestling at its finest…

HA: Two of the best…..CONCUSS KICK!

Leone pushes his hair from his face as Thunder gets up and then he dives forwards for the superkick. Thunder rocks onto the balls of his feet and manages to catch Leone’s foot before spinning him around…


There crowd let out a huge cheer as Thunder crashes Leone down onto the canvass with ultimate force. The “Oncoming Storm” then pushes himself onto his feet and he falls forwards, only managing to hold himself up by using the turnbuckle. He stares out at the crowd as he pulls himself onto the top rope…

HA: Thunder is desperate and determined….he wants this so badly…

HE: What is he doing?

The cheers grow louder as Thunder looks down at Leone and shakes his head. He turns around and grabs the top of the pod before hauling himself ontop of it. He perches there, his hands clinging to the roof of the chamber, and he edges closer to the end of the pod…

HA: That’s almost twenty feet in the air…this is madness…

HE: Thunder wants that Night of Glory main event so badly…

Thunder looks to his side and he looks at the “Night of Glory” sign before turning back towards the ring and he jumps into the air…



Crowd: ONE…



Ding ding ding

HE: I don’t believe what we just saw…

HA: In all my years in this business I have never seen many things that rival that…


HE: Leone will never, ever, catch that superkick any better than what we just witnessed…

HA: He damn near kicked Thunder’s head off…

The replays are showing for everyone to see. Thunder launching from the top of the pod for the frogsplash but Leone kicking back up onto his feet and catching Thunder with an incredible superkick whilst he is in midair.

HE: Leone did it…..he returned to prove he can still compete at the highest level and boy did he do exactly that here tonight…

HA: A phenomenal effort from Keith Leone….he is back and he is going to Night of Glory to challenge for the EWF World Heavyweight Championship…

HE: And what about Thunder?

HA: Are there enough superlatives in the world to acknowledge the efforts of Thunder here tonight….mark my words that a star was born here at Revolution….he may not be leaving here victorious but he is leaving with the respect of every single person in this building…

“Limowreck” is screaming from the speakers and the fans are going wild as Keith Leone stumbles to his feet and has his arm raised in victory. He looks exhausted but pleased with his accomplishment as pyros explode and confetti begins to fall from the rafters…

HA: Keith Leone is the King of the Elimination Chamber and he will meet Vincent Costello at Night of Glory in what I can promise will be a historic clash…what a match this was….what a night and what a pay per view….nobody does it likes 6CW, that I can guaran-damn-tee!

HE: We have seen so much here tonight….so many incredible matches, twists, turns and drama….and in two weeks we will do it all over again at Aftermath…

HA: Folks we are almost out of time here tonight but….OH LOOK AT THAT….WHAT A SHOW OF RESPECT!

Thunder has somehow managed to get to his feet and his face is full of disappointment, tears filling his eyes. Keith Leone takes a long look at him and then extends his hand to Thunder….Thunder looks wary for a second but then he accepts and the two shake hands as the crowd pop. Leone then lifts Thunder’s arm into the air and parades him to the audience…

HA: What a class act Keith Leone is….I tell you right now that it takes an awful lot to earn that man’s respect….Thunder should be damn proud of his effort here tonight…

Leone nods at Thunder, who nods back, and then Thunder exits the ring and heads to the outside. Leone then does a lap of the ring, climbing onto all four turnbuckles and pointing up at the “Night of Glory” sign as he motions a belt around his waist.

HA: Thank you so much for joining us tonight ladies and gentlemen….I hope you have enjoyed the show as much as we have….tonight will live long in the memory of us all but there is no time for pausing because now the road to Night of Glory reaches its final destinations….we are just a couple of months away from the big one…..what will unfold between now and then?

HE: I can’t wait to find out…

HA: Me neither…we’ll see you in two weeks folks….goodnight!

The show goes off air with Keith Leone continuing to celebrate his victory as the crowd chant his name.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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