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(Another...!) Surrey supporters' thread: top 3 memories of 2015

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(Another...!) Surrey supporters' thread: top 3 memories of 2015  Empty (Another...!) Surrey supporters' thread: top 3 memories of 2015

Post by SimonofSurrey Wed 30 Sep 2015, 4:49 pm

With apologies to supporters of other counties, here's a thread inviting Surrey supporters to recall their three top moments of what was, for us, a pretty special season. I'll kick things off with:
- KP's 355*
- Norah's hat trick to secure promotion
- Our opening bowlers (combined age: 36) becoming the first brothers since 1871 to take all 10 in an innings

Booby prize:
- Surrey confirmed as champions by Essex and Lancs agreeing a draw just as Churchy was away powdering his nose!

But for those not of a Surrey persuasion, I suppose our 'lowlights' could include:

- Jason Roy's first ball of the game duck as England racked up 408 in a 50-over game v NZ
- Zafer Ansari's brief time as a future England tourist (call up before lunch, injury later the same day)
- Gloucestershire's RLODC Final win earlier this month

But enough of seeing both sides of the story. Come on fellow Surrey supporters, let's bask in the warm glow of a wonderful summer as the winter cold approaches. What are your three favourite memories?


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(Another...!) Surrey supporters' thread: top 3 memories of 2015  Empty Re: (Another...!) Surrey supporters' thread: top 3 memories of 2015

Post by guildfordbat Sat 03 Oct 2015, 10:31 am

Think you've pretty much caught it there, Simon.

Any look back at the season also has to sadly include what happened at Arundel and, on a more positive follow up as Olly flagged on the other thread, the good recoveries of Burns and Henriques although I think the latter still has a bit of a way to go.


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Join date : 2011-04-07

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