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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20

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Group 20 - vote for two!

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_lcap5%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_rcap 5% 
[ 2 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_lcap7%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_rcap 7% 
[ 3 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_lcap23%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_rcap 23% 
[ 10 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_lcap32%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_rcap 32% 
[ 14 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_lcap33%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Vote_rcap 33% 
[ 15 ]
Total Votes : 44

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Empty Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20

Post by Hero Fri 22 Sep 2017, 9:45 am

Group 20, hasn't it flown by already!

1. Al Green
2. Frank Zappa
3. Marvin Gaye
4. Johnny Cash
5. Led Zeppelin

Last edited by Hero on Mon 25 Sep 2017, 10:15 am; edited 1 time in total


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Age : 48
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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20 Empty Re: Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 20

Post by Galted Fri 22 Sep 2017, 12:21 pm

Johnny Cash and Led Zeppelin. There you have it.


Posts : 15986
Join date : 2011-10-31
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