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Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend?

Pal Joey
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Which underdog most likely to cause an upset?

Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_lcap40%Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 40% 
[ 14 ]
Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_lcap20%Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 20% 
[ 7 ]
Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_lcap31%Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 31% 
[ 11 ]
Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_lcap9%Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 9% 
[ 3 ]
Total Votes : 35
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Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Empty Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend?

Post by maestegmafia Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:15 am

First topic message reminder :

England, Japan, New Zealand and Wales went through top of their groups.

New Zealand 1
Wales 2
England 3
Ireland 4
South Africa 5
Australia 6
Japan 7
France 8

New Zealand vs Ireland
England vs Australia
South Africa vs Japan
Wales vs France

I figure out of the eight teams the four underdogs are therefor:-



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Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Empty Re: Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend?

Post by Taylorman Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:15 am

Ha ha, he did. Ever the diplomat ol Gats. What a weird bunch of matches those quarters were.


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Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend? - Page 3 Empty Re: Most likely team to get an upset and beat a better team this weekend?

Post by Scottrf Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:51 am

tigertattie wrote:
Scottrf wrote:Yeah they’ve been abysmal this year, have never won a QF and New Zealand look good. New Zealand find another gear when they need it and Ireland are too predictable.

They've been inconsitant but not abysmal. I'd have them at least on a 30% chance of winning.



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