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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue 11 Sep 2012, 3:49 pm

First topic message reminder :

Ok, here is the conference in full.

Let me say this.

I would prefer him to stay retired, absolutely would, but man Hatton, I wish you well!

Wish he knew that we were proud of him tho, depsite his issues, he has my respect

Last edited by Seanusarrilius on Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by quentins_monkey Fri 14 Sep 2012, 10:17 am

Has the press conference taken place yet or does anyone know what time it is?

I'm still holding out hope that he's going to announce he's taking part in Dancing on Ice... Smile


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by 88Chris05 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 10:32 am

Not sure about the time of the press conference, mate. Usually these things tend to be midday / 1pm jobs. I'm hearing worrying rumours that it's a fight with Khan which is going to be announced today. Reliable(ish) source. I'll have my head in hands if that turns out to be true.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by bellchees Fri 14 Sep 2012, 11:17 am

Anyone know if it will be televised or live to stream from somewhere?


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 11:39 am


I'm intrigued to here who your source I received a text whilst I was out last night hinting at such a thing....

I would be very worried if he was coming back and taking on Khan without so much as a warm up fight first...the fact Khan has been very quite of late does strike me as unusual and perhaps he has been told he must lay low until the announcement has been made...

I would not fancy Hatton's chances against Khan if it was his first fight...but if he shook of some ring rust then he could step in and give Amir problems...

Lets face it whilst Khan may be as quick as Mayweather he can not box to a game plan and will get sucked into a fight...especially against someone who uses the ring and cuts down the space as intelligently as Hatton....who regardless of whether he is 50%, 75% or 100% of what he used to be would still have a punchers chance!!

Emore - Apologies for the slight rant last night/early this morning....I had a few jars and safe to say where I can usually laugh off some of your more 'pony' posts I decided that it did in fact infuriate me! As I said sometimes you can post some intelligent stuff...just have to get past all the guff first Wink


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by 88Chris05 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 11:53 am

Interesting to see I'm not the only one who has heard that particular rumour with some weight apparently behind it then, Ozzy.

Agree with you completely that taking on Khan immediately after returning would be suicide. I'm doubtful that Hatton will ever be able to get back to that kind of level in any case - but certainly not straight after three and a half years out of the ring. The last thing he needs is someone who moves well, even if they are prone to concentration lapses.

Hatton's speed and elusiveness (the latter never being his USP anyway) were already deserting him back in 2008 / 2009; just don't think he'd be able to pin Khan down or get to him often enough to even make it competitive at this stage.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by quentins_monkey Fri 14 Sep 2012, 11:55 am

Well it's definitely going to be the 24th for a comeback... just been on his website... there's an advert for it on the left hand side

No mention of the opponent though...


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 11:55 am

Anyone watching the press conference or seen any of it...?

He looks in very good shape...doesn't look gaunt which was my worry so obviously has lost the weight sensibly. I would hazard a guess he can't weigh more than 12 stone..perhaps slightly lower so getting down should not be a problem...

But more importantly than that he has said all the right things as far as I am concerned. He sounds driven...motivated and very much keen to put things right.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:00 pm

Someone really needs to do the world a favour!! I don't think I have ever disliked someone so much....sleaze bag!! I guarantee he will be the 1st promoter on the phone attempting to get one of his average fighters a shot at Ricky!! The guys name should be next to the words 'Vulture' & 'Fraud' in the dictionary.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by 88Chris05 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:03 pm

Stuck at work, Ozzy - has he mentioned any opponent as of yet?

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by aja424 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:09 pm

On the plus side of things, Ricky will be going into his fight camp in a lot better condition to how he previously did.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by bellchees Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:12 pm

owen10ozzy wrote:

Someone really needs to do the world a favour!! I don't think I have ever disliked someone so much....sleaze bag!! I guarantee he will be the 1st promoter on the phone attempting to get one of his average fighters a shot at Ricky!! The guys name should be next to the words 'Vulture' & 'Fraud' in the dictionary.

Warren speaking some sense for a change. Staying retired is a much better idea than being pancaked by someone Hatton would have breezed past in his prime and that is the only outcome here. Absolutely nothing about Hattons style in the ring and lifestyle outside the ring suggest he is a fighter who will age well, add three years off to that and he is an accident waiting to happen.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:14 pm

Haha! I saw that you had wrote it earlier....haven't used it for an age, but it is now on the word list and will be brought out many times over the coming weeks. Especially on emore's threads Smile

88chris05 - No word on his opponent -

Former world champion Ricky Hatton says he will box again, more than three years since his last bout.

"It's more than a comeback," said the Manchester-based boxer, 33. "I'm fighting to redeem myself."

Hatton retired last year with a record of 45 wins and two defeats.

But the Briton, who held the WBA and IBF light-welterweight and WBA welterweight titles, has decided to return, with a fight scheduled for 24 November against an unnamed opponent.

"I want British boxing to be proud of me again," added Hatton, whose fight will take place at the Manchester Arena. "The only way to convince everyone I'm back is by flattening someone on 24 November."

Hatton, nicknamed "The Hitman", has not fought since suffering a second-round knockout by Manny Pacquiao in May 2009.

Hatton was stripped of his licence to box in 2010 after admitting using cocaine.

But he appeared before the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBoC) in Cardiff on Wednesday to ask for it back.

BBBoC general secretary Robert Smith said Hatton looked "very well" and seems to have "sorted himself out".

"From what he was saying, he seems very settled with his family," Smith added. "He has already had some of the medicals and we are making sure he's on track."

That is a small bit of what was said at the press conference. Doesn't quite do it justice though.

He sounds very very determined and you can sense that he isn't merely coming back to make a few bucks. He is back to prove something to himself. The fire is definitely can sense that just seeing him and as I said the guy looks in tremendous shape already to be honest.

Of course that doesn't mean that he is going to make any waves or even be successful...but unlike a lot of returns from retirement he is getting back into the ring on his own terms and for all the right reasons as far as I can tell.

No announcement on opponent, that will be revealed in the coming days. My guess would be the public announcement to reveal his return has been used to put his name in the shop window....would be very surprised if he doesn't have numerous voicemails from fighters/promoters on his answer machine when he returns home...(F I S H eyes will no doubt be one of them, the snake)!!


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:17 pm

Bellchees - Since Warren knows very little about how Hatton is feeling, doing in training etc for me he is better left keeping his trap shut. The guy is a walking definition of hypocrisy.....

How many times has he been more than willing to back and promote someone who is past it or making a comeback..

Im sure if they had not split all those years ago and had the very public fallout he would be straight on the phone attempting to get his cut of the pie. I also have no doubt that he will be attempting to get one of his fighters in on the comeback act...I literally despise the man!!!


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by bellchees Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:33 pm

owen10ozzy wrote:Bellchees - Since Warren knows very little about how Hatton is feeling, doing in training etc for me he is better left keeping his trap shut. The guy is a walking definition of hypocrisy.....

How many times has he been more than willing to back and promote someone who is past it or making a comeback..

Im sure if they had not split all those years ago and had the very public fallout he would be straight on the phone attempting to get his cut of the pie. I also have no doubt that he will be attempting to get one of his fighters in on the comeback act...I literally despise the man!!!

There's no denying Warren is pond scum and would jump at the chance to match one of his fighters with Hatton for a decent payday but he's right in saying Hatton should stay retired.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:39 pm

Bellchees - I know what you mean but I just think more than anyone, those involved in the boxing game should be more diplomatic when they are speaking about such things. I even said on here that I don't think it is right for people to judge someone for coming out of retirement because we simply do not know enough about the addiction boxing has. Yes we can discuss it and talk about the reasons behind it and whether we think it is a good or bad thing....

But it doesn't sit right with me people coming out and saying he should do this or do that. Oh he is risking his health etc etc...especially when it coming from those who you just know would love to profit from it.

It's the same with fighters who are having their say and saying 'Oh he should stay retired' the end of the day I would bet a large sum of money that 95% of those fighters condoning Hatton's retirement will either retire to late or come out of retirement themselves at some point!

Yeh im intrigued to see who the opponent is...although I hope he isn't judged to harshly if it is fairly low key...

You just know that all those condemning him and saying he will get flattened etc will then moan if he doesn't step in with an elite fighter straight away. He has been away for 3 years and I hope he is the sense to get in with a domestic/european level fighter and shake of the cob webs first.

I think many people forget the chaos around that Pacman fight. Yes he did get destroyed and as he said in the press conference today it kind of forced him into retirement...which he didn't really want to do. He knows full well that the fighter who stepped between the ropes that night was not the same....that isn't to take anything away from Pacman because even Ricky did not expect to get crushed like that...but alot of things had gone wrong in the build up to the fight and he readily admits he peaked 2 weeks to early for the fight...

I would hazard a guess that he feels he was more of a shell of his previous self that night than he may be now...


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Rowley Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:44 pm

My issue with the likes of Warren spouting forth is you do not ever have to look too far to highlight the hypocrsisy that is just below the surface. Take Frank for example, he seems to have no such qualms about continuing to promote Enzo Mac who has been splattered in a fashion way beyond those of Hatton and has had a general look of accident waiting to happen for some time. You also get the impression that if he got the call for Gavin to be in the opposite corner his objections would disappear pretty sharpish


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:50 pm

owen10ozzy wrote:I am going to stand by my vulture quote Captain....I agree that they should have fought whilst in there prime but purely so that Hatton could have shown he was by far the better of the two...

Witter has always been one of those guys who had talent but never fully made the most of it he just couldn't or the fact he was to lazy...personally I think it was the latter...

Whenever Witter had the chance to show he deserved to be in the ring with Hatton he often stunk the place out. There was perhaps a two year window following the Kosta fight where Witter could have put himself in the frame for a showdown with Hatton.

During that period he spoke far to often about his rival rather than getting in the ring and just showing what he had...this resulted in him stinking the place out against the likes of:

N'Dou...Kotelnyk...Lynes and to some degree DeMarcus Corley...

Since Hatton has been in retirement he has done nothing to warrant getting between the ropes with him and for me he has proven that he has & always will be a little classless with regards to Hatton...

If he doesn't believe the bloke should be getting back into the ring then why a few sentences later say if he does come back it should only be to fight me...

He is essentially saying that Hatton could get hurt by coming back to fight because of the lifestyle he led whilst away and that he isn't the fighter he once was...but then he is happy to feed off him for what would be his biggest pay day of his life..

As for it shifting tickets, your right it probably would. But I would go as far to suggest that only 1% would go to people who actually wanted to see Witter fight....the guy has never shifted tickets in his life & he isn't going to start now. Yet based on previous negotiations and the type of character Witter is I would bet a sizeable sum of money that he would head to the contract table wanting 50%...

I actually think he could still have the beating of Khan because whilst Khan is talented the fact is he does not have the boxing ring intelligence which is something Hatton had in abundance. He knows how to cut the ring down (and he wouldn't have forgot how to do that) and at various points in the fight would get to him on the inside. If he did then I think it would be curtains for Khan.

There are a list of fighters I would rather see him in their with and Witter's name does not appear.

Witter was a world champ. So was Hatton. The fight was a natural. Saying Witter should have done this or that to get the fight made is a nonsense. It was always Hatton's choice who he fought and if Hatton wanted the fight, it would have happened. He didn't like Witter and that is the main reason.

Khan would murder him.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by tunes666 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:51 pm

88Chris05 wrote:
tunes666 wrote:There are other fighters who have lost and still fought , so why not Ricky at the age of 33?

That's absolutely true, tunes. However, decidedly less - hardly any, in fact - have been able to forge a decent comeback after a three and a half year hiatus from the ring. Even names as great as Ray Leonard and Ali (both younger than Hatton when they returned to boxing after their own respective absences) returned as considerably lesser forces.

I take your point about how a career doesn't necessarily have to include fight against pound for pound megastars in order to be classed as a successful or worthwhile one, but when you've been fortunate enough to have that kind of career before, why return when it's patently clear that you'll never scale such heights again? I'm sure Hatton could probably score wins over the N'Dous, McCloskeys and Corleys of this world, and earn some nice money on the way, but I'm not so sure it would really elevate his standing within the sport.

Only ever losing to the pound for pound number ones is a nice testament to your abilities to boast. Past his best or not, it'd be a shame to see that bragging right taken away.

But as you say, Hatton, ultimately, is big enough and ugly enough to carve his own path and make up his own mind. Maybe such bragging rights aren't that important to him, maybe he just wants to secure the future of his stable, maybe he's happy to fight within his comfort zone upon his return to simply make sure he goes out on a win.

I suppose you could break my argument down in to this very simple statement - in the huge majority of cases, fighters who were already on the slide trying to return after such a long lay off have ended in disaster and, at times, ignominious defeats. I just don't want to see Hatton join that club.

People have made come backs and done well.. And if we are to go by odds then here would be no need for sport..

No one has ever beaten FMJ does his mean no one should bother fighting him.. ?

In Rickys case in his latter years he waz not mentally fit, now he is.. So for him its a chance to see if he can still add a couple more names to his legacy.. Will he do it? ,maybe not, but maybe he will..


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:52 pm

bellchees wrote:
owen10ozzy wrote:

Someone really needs to do the world a favour!! I don't think I have ever disliked someone so much....sleaze bag!! I guarantee he will be the 1st promoter on the phone attempting to get one of his average fighters a shot at Ricky!! The guys name should be next to the words 'Vulture' & 'Fraud' in the dictionary.

Warren speaking some sense for a change. Staying retired is a much better idea than being pancaked by someone Hatton would have breezed past in his prime and that is the only outcome here. Absolutely nothing about Hattons style in the ring and lifestyle outside the ring suggest he is a fighter who will age well, add three years off to that and he is an accident waiting to happen.

If he was a Warren fighter, Frank would be saying something different.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Seanusarrilius Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:57 pm

azania wrote:
bellchees wrote:
owen10ozzy wrote:

Someone really needs to do the world a favour!! I don't think I have ever disliked someone so much....sleaze bag!! I guarantee he will be the 1st promoter on the phone attempting to get one of his average fighters a shot at Ricky!! The guys name should be next to the words 'Vulture' & 'Fraud' in the dictionary.

Warren speaking some sense for a change. Staying retired is a much better idea than being pancaked by someone Hatton would have breezed past in his prime and that is the only outcome here. Absolutely nothing about Hattons style in the ring and lifestyle outside the ring suggest he is a fighter who will age well, add three years off to that and he is an accident waiting to happen.

If he was a Warren fighter, Frank would be saying something different.

Anyone that think it is ok for Maccarenli to carry on after winning the "I got KTFO" award 3 yrs in a row, can shut up


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:59 pm

Yeh exactly Rowley....that is my major issue. The fact of the matter is that many of these old pro's and promoters who are weighing in with their say should know better...

Most fighters make a come back or fail to retire at the right then condemn someone for doing the same doesn't sit right with me.

As I have already said I think the discussion should revolve around...what we feel Hatton can do...who he may be fighting...what are his reasons for coming back and do people feel they are the right ones....

Not merely saying 'HE SHOULDN'T COME BACK'....that is not for us to judge!

Azania - Im sorry but it really isn't that cut and dry. I mentioned in an earlier post that I think yes he probably should have fought him...but for me if the fight didn't happen at domestic level then it never was going to. Hatton was moving to the 'top' in terms of big money fights and headlining Vegas whilst Witter was still struggling to sell out out a hall in Doncaster!!

Sometimes I agree with fighters when they refuse to give their rival a pay day....because some times they don't deserve it. Witter was classless in his pursuit of Hatton....I even remember him interfering in a post fight interview with Ricky at ringside and spouting a load of pony Smile . If he had shown a bit of grace and respect then I think Hatton would have happily given him a shot. For me he went about it the wrong way and shot himself in the foot...

If you were selling out the MEN and headlining Vegas would you have been happy to give a 50% share of a purse to a guy who barely sold 1500 tickets in Doncaster and brought barely anything to the table? No of course you wouldn't..


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Sugar Boy Sweetie Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:10 pm

Hatton says he is 11st 6lb (160lb) - coming down from 14st 10lb earlier this year (for anyone that's curious). And he's still referring to himself in the 3rd person and saying 'lickle' instead of little! The way he's talking on Sky right now it seems hus return will be at 147lb.

Last edited by Sugar Boy Sweetie on Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by 88Chris05 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:11 pm

I think Hatton's excuses for never even considering accommodating Witter are pretty flimsy, to be honest - but he was able to get away with offering such drab reasons due to his immense popularity.

The general feeling often seems to be that Hatton had bigger fish to fry. I don't think he had bigger fish to fry from 2001, when the fight was first talked about, to 2005 / 2006. It seems easily forgotten that Witter was in the frame for a Hatton fight long before Hatton became one of the big names of world boxing.

Even then - Maussa? Lazcano? Urango? None of them, at the time, were as credible a fight as Witter would have been. There was a time when the pair of them were considered the top two 140 lb fighters in the world, and yet the majority of Hatton's followers still, somehow, believed that he'd done nothing to earn himself a date with Ricky.

"I don't like him" (in particular) and "he brings nothing to the table" (clearly untrue, as a fight between them would have been a good money-spinner on these shores) don't quite cut it, for me. My guess is that Hatton's popularity, coupled with Witter's ability to offend just about everyone's ears, gave Hatton a bit more leeway than he should have had. When a man is your biggest rival at domestic level, and you're yet to hit the world stage yourself, that's reason enough to fight him, in my book. But when that same man makes the transition to world stage as well and becomes your nearest rival there, to not even entertain the idea of facing off against him, or to label him delusional for calling you out, seems a little off to me.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:13 pm

So people like Urango brought more to the table than Witter? Call me old fashioned, but I am of the opinion that unification fights are what people want to see especially when both champs are from the UK. Ricky didn't like him and didn't want to give him a payday. That's about it. He wanted Witter to beg and plead for a shot which is silly really. I lost a lot of respect for Hatton over that. Shame as Witter would have been an easy night for him.

And it wouldn't have been a 50/50 split. More like 70/30 if that.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Rowley Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:22 pm

My opinions on the Hatton Witter issue have been aired too many times and with hindsight I am more than willing to accept the stars did not always align and would never suggest Hatton should have dumped a crack at Manny and Floyd to accommodate him, however those were two fights out of a 40 odd fight career and the odd thing is for pretty much all of that career Witter was a viable opponent and frequently more qualified than many who did get the call.

Guess what stuck in my craw and many of those who did fight Junior’s corner is the belief that when the best fighter in a division is vocally and frequently called out by the consensus number two in his division (as Witter was for some time) a refusal to take the fight warrants better than “I don’t want to give him a payday”. It was Ricky’s willingness to offer this as a reason and his fans willingness to accept it that such raised the heckles because as Chris has said were we dealing with a fighter who was not as popular as Ricky or indeed a challenger less objectionable than Junior you can be sure many would have been less forgiving.

Personally was also never keen on the Witter can’t draw flies argument, when you have a guy who can draw 15,000 against Stephen Smith in defence of a WBU title or 55,000 against an acknowledged tune up opponent in Lazcano any debates about how well your opponent sells become largely nugatory.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:27 pm

alma wrote:Witter did talk a lot of pony that's for sure. He went about his chasing of a fight with Hatton the wrong way, a bit like froch did with calzaghe.

JC certainly had bigger fish to fry. RJJ and Hop were bigger names than Froch.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by rodders Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:40 pm

When I first heard the rumours I though this was a terrible idea but I wish Ricky all the best and that he can do himself justice. The odds are stacked against him but I'd love to see him prove his doubters wrong and roll back the years.

Think he may struggle at 147 though. He struggled to impose himself before against bigger fighters and if his reflexes and head movement have eroded then he could get hurt.

He needs to select his opponents wisely and avoid big punchers and natural Welters.

I'd like to see him take an easy tune up followed by Mallinaggi. If he gets through that then set up a showdown with Kahn.

Anyone think JMM might be a decent target?

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:41 pm

Yes the likes of Urango brought more to the table....have you forgotten that the fight was in Vegas?

Following the Collazo victory, where Hatton truly arrived in America, every fighter he fought brought more to the table than Witter. The reason....

American fight fans & more importantly American PPV/Cable wanted to see him...and he was paid very well because of this.

A fight between him & Witter would have been big over here, im not debating that...but the american networks were not interested. Hatton has said as much himself...and it is very well documented that Witter hardly enticed the US.

I'm not sitting here and arguing that Witter wasn't the bigger test out of the likes of Urango, Maussa etc because the simple fact of the matter is...he was seen as the 2nd biggest name in the division and would have created a unification fight...but Hatton could make bigger paydays else where.

Witter did not pick up the WBC belt until September 2006 and had not been in action for a year prior to that.....4 months prior to that Hatton had gone over to Boston and beat Collazo to become a 2 weight World Champion.

From their Witter was simply in Hatton's rear view mirror.

88chris05 I agree that from 2001 - 2005 it was the fight that made sense and as I have said I think it should have been made. As you say Hatton does seem to be given a little lee-way for not taking the fight...but as you allude to, that is down to the fact Witter bloody irritated just about everyone.

Rowley - He only became the consensus number 2 in the divison when he picked up the WBC title in 2006 and as I have mentioned I think from their the fight was always going to be difficult to make. I do agree that the fight could & should have been made prior to that...I think anywhere between 01-03 it would have been a huge domestic showdown.

As a Hatton fan it irks me that he didn't fight Witter because it is an argument people use to bash Ricky with...and that shouldn't be the case. In terms of who was better it is an argument which Hatton should have laid to rest....he didn't unfortunately. I, to this day, believe he would have handled Witter with a fair bit of ease...because whilst Junior was an awkward nights work he was always shown up at World Class level....Judah, Bradley, Alexander...he also struggled against N'Dou and Lynes. Perhaps it is a fight which could happen now.....


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Post by Seanusarrilius Fri 14 Sep 2012, 1:50 pm

He is popular enough that he doesn't have to take silly risks to his health with his opposition. However, he is too brave, and he will fight tough fights if he wins a couple fights. Still wish he would remain reitred, but wishing him the very best


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Post by jimdig Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:12 pm

If he does a 3 fight deal, and it looks like Malinaggi is on the cards. I wonder will he go after floyd and Pacman again. They will be the biggest fights he can make. I don't see him being content to fight domestic level fights.


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Post by bellchees Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:31 pm

rodders wrote:When I first heard the rumours I though this was a terrible idea but I wish Ricky all the best and that he can do himself justice. The odds are stacked against him but I'd love to see him prove his doubters wrong and roll back the years.

Think he may struggle at 147 though. He struggled to impose himself before against bigger fighters and if his reflexes and head movement have eroded then he could get hurt.

He needs to select his opponents wisely and avoid big punchers and natural Welters.

I'd like to see him take an easy tune up followed by Mallinaggi. If he gets through that then set up a showdown with Kahn.

Anyone think JMM might be a decent target?

Not even a little bit of a good idea fighting JMM. The only outcome of that fight at this stage in their careers is Hatton taking a serious beating.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:35 pm

Hatton taking a serious is something I look forward to seeing again. Hopefully it happens on 24th Nov so it send him straight back into the pub and retirement.


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Post by Rowley Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:37 pm

The opponent is definitely difficult to gauge, have read things suggesting he will ease back in but a lot depends where he sees this comeback going, if he is looking to get back in with the very best you could argue Khan is easing back in (as many have suggested could be the fight) however if Khan is the level he is looking to get back to he could go for someone like Gavin daft as it sounds. Think the fortunate thing for Ricky is irrespective of who he chooses he is likely to sell out the MEN in a heartbeat so does not have to worry about getting someone in who will shift tickets.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Seanusarrilius Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:37 pm

azania wrote:Hatton taking a serious is something I look forward to seeing again. Hopefully it happens on 24th Nov so it send him straight back into the pub and retirement.



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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Liam Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:38 pm

hatton vs mayweather at the ethiad stadium would be the dream fight for hatton. he always wanted floyd to come to Britain to fight but it never happened. Perhpas have a couple of warm up fights and try and set up a retirement fight which wouold give him one final massive pay day and would allow a cracking undercard of up and coming british boxers, who would have the world's media attentiona directly on them.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:42 pm

Liam that is certainly an option -

Whilst of course it would have it's detractors if Hatton looked decent against a fringe world level opponent in November and then took on and beat Malignaggi (should he hold the belt) then I am pretty sure both himself and Floyd would be interested in a huge summer fight.

Of course the likelyhood is Hatton loses that rematch...but given Mayweather has slowed considerable...which shows in the fact he stands in front of his man much more now...I think it is a fight which on the face of it would be better than their previous one (in terms of entertainment)...

It would also give both of them a chance to showcase there talent now that Mayweather has his own promotional company...


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by rodders Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:50 pm

Mayweather would be a terrible fight for Hatton, one he has no chance to win, even if FMJ has slowed down.

Hatton wasn't able to physically dominate Mayweather last time out and he certainly isn't able to out box him. FMJ would beat him as easily as he did last time.

Khan though he could hurt on the the inside (if he can get there) and JMM is a blown up SF. You'd fancy Hatton to lose against both but he could pull off an upset imo.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by seanmichaels Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:54 pm

Hatton v maidana


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:56 pm

Seanusarrilius wrote:
azania wrote:Hatton taking a serious is something I look forward to seeing again. Hopefully it happens on 24th Nov so it send him straight back into the pub and retirement.


Some tough love needed.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:57 pm

Rodders -

Not saying Hatton would beat Mayweather pal....merely saying that it is a fight which could come to fruition depending on the success of Hatton's comeback in his first couple of fights.

As Liam pointed to Mayweather has spoken fondly of this country and has often said he wants to have a huge stadium fight here.

Financially it would probably be bigger than any fight out there (barring Pacman) could easily fill a 50,000-80,000 stadium...which on its own would create huge revenue.

The fight would almost definitely be on PPV here (no chance SKY would pass up on the chance) and add on American PPV and you have a massive money spinner...

Of course this is all just idea's etc but doesn't hurt discussing it


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Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 2:59 pm

seanmichaels wrote:Hatton v maidana

Massacre. Hatton should fight Witter or some easy to beat with a name fighter. Fighting anyone ranked top 50 is a mistake.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by rodders Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:00 pm

No thats fine owen, I just would rather see Hatton take on fights he could win. I just can't see anyway against FMJ.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by TopHat24/7 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:01 pm

azania wrote:
owen10ozzy wrote:I am going to stand by my vulture quote Captain....I agree that they should have fought whilst in there prime but purely so that Hatton could have shown he was by far the better of the two...

Witter has always been one of those guys who had talent but never fully made the most of it he just couldn't or the fact he was to lazy...personally I think it was the latter...

Whenever Witter had the chance to show he deserved to be in the ring with Hatton he often stunk the place out. There was perhaps a two year window following the Kosta fight where Witter could have put himself in the frame for a showdown with Hatton.

During that period he spoke far to often about his rival rather than getting in the ring and just showing what he had...this resulted in him stinking the place out against the likes of:

N'Dou...Kotelnyk...Lynes and to some degree DeMarcus Corley...

Since Hatton has been in retirement he has done nothing to warrant getting between the ropes with him and for me he has proven that he has & always will be a little classless with regards to Hatton...

If he doesn't believe the bloke should be getting back into the ring then why a few sentences later say if he does come back it should only be to fight me...

He is essentially saying that Hatton could get hurt by coming back to fight because of the lifestyle he led whilst away and that he isn't the fighter he once was...but then he is happy to feed off him for what would be his biggest pay day of his life..

As for it shifting tickets, your right it probably would. But I would go as far to suggest that only 1% would go to people who actually wanted to see Witter fight....the guy has never shifted tickets in his life & he isn't going to start now. Yet based on previous negotiations and the type of character Witter is I would bet a sizeable sum of money that he would head to the contract table wanting 50%...

I actually think he could still have the beating of Khan because whilst Khan is talented the fact is he does not have the boxing ring intelligence which is something Hatton had in abundance. He knows how to cut the ring down (and he wouldn't have forgot how to do that) and at various points in the fight would get to him on the inside. If he did then I think it would be curtains for Khan.

There are a list of fighters I would rather see him in their with and Witter's name does not appear.

Witter was a world champ. So was Hatton. The fight was a natural. Saying Witter should have done this or that to get the fight made is a nonsense. It was always Hatton's choice who he fought and if Hatton wanted the fight, it would have happened. He didn't like Witter and that is the main reason.

Khan would murder him.

Change of tune Az? Thought boxers had no options, no choice, were just puppets of their promoter masters? Funny how the shoe fits when it's the other way round with you......


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by captain carrantuohil Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:05 pm

Do we not think that the result of the first Floyd-Hatton fight was so conclusive that PPV, certainly in the US, is going to need some persuasion to give a second installment any consideration at all?

Got to imagine that Ricky will need a fistful of belts to have any chance of attracting Floyd's attention again, and they won't be easy to come by for him. Is he just going to waltz into a title shot at 140 or 147? Might have done had Khan still been the guvnor at light-welter, but I'd imagine that he'll have to wait his turn.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Liam Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:06 pm

rodders wrote:No thats fine owen, I just would rather see Hatton take on fights he could win. I just can't see anyway against FMJ.

I don't think he could, I don't any one can or will beat Floyd. Maybe Pac but he isn't what he was 2/3 years ago. Hatton has probably a 5% chance of beating Floyd but like I said:

-Would promote british fighters to the world
-Create huge amounts of money
-Give Hatton a final payday and to go out in front of his home fans against one of the best fighters of all time
-If he did pull the mother of all upsets off (Long long shot I know) can you imagine the scenes

Obviously, he'll have to win at least 2/3 fights to even think about this fight but I really think its an option in a year or so maybe.


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Post by Josiah Maiestas Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:07 pm

azania wrote:
seanmichaels wrote:Hatton v maidana

Massacre. Hatton should fight Witter or some easy to beat with a name fighter. Fighting anyone ranked top 50 is a mistake.
One time I can agree with that. Maybe a fight with that Salita guy?
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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by azania Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:08 pm

TopHat24/7 wrote:
azania wrote:
owen10ozzy wrote:I am going to stand by my vulture quote Captain....I agree that they should have fought whilst in there prime but purely so that Hatton could have shown he was by far the better of the two...

Witter has always been one of those guys who had talent but never fully made the most of it he just couldn't or the fact he was to lazy...personally I think it was the latter...

Whenever Witter had the chance to show he deserved to be in the ring with Hatton he often stunk the place out. There was perhaps a two year window following the Kosta fight where Witter could have put himself in the frame for a showdown with Hatton.

During that period he spoke far to often about his rival rather than getting in the ring and just showing what he had...this resulted in him stinking the place out against the likes of:

N'Dou...Kotelnyk...Lynes and to some degree DeMarcus Corley...

Since Hatton has been in retirement he has done nothing to warrant getting between the ropes with him and for me he has proven that he has & always will be a little classless with regards to Hatton...

If he doesn't believe the bloke should be getting back into the ring then why a few sentences later say if he does come back it should only be to fight me...

He is essentially saying that Hatton could get hurt by coming back to fight because of the lifestyle he led whilst away and that he isn't the fighter he once was...but then he is happy to feed off him for what would be his biggest pay day of his life..

As for it shifting tickets, your right it probably would. But I would go as far to suggest that only 1% would go to people who actually wanted to see Witter fight....the guy has never shifted tickets in his life & he isn't going to start now. Yet based on previous negotiations and the type of character Witter is I would bet a sizeable sum of money that he would head to the contract table wanting 50%...

I actually think he could still have the beating of Khan because whilst Khan is talented the fact is he does not have the boxing ring intelligence which is something Hatton had in abundance. He knows how to cut the ring down (and he wouldn't have forgot how to do that) and at various points in the fight would get to him on the inside. If he did then I think it would be curtains for Khan.

There are a list of fighters I would rather see him in their with and Witter's name does not appear.

Witter was a world champ. So was Hatton. The fight was a natural. Saying Witter should have done this or that to get the fight made is a nonsense. It was always Hatton's choice who he fought and if Hatton wanted the fight, it would have happened. He didn't like Witter and that is the main reason.

Khan would murder him.

Change of tune Az? Thought boxers had no options, no choice, were just puppets of their promoter masters? Funny how the shoe fits when it's the other way round with you......

Hatton is self promoted and has a lot of say in the direction of his career. Slight difference.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by 88Chris05 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:14 pm

I'm a little alarmed to see people even brushing the outter edges of the possibility of Hatton ever fighting Mayweather again under any set of circumstances.

Can't agree that it's the biggest money fight out there for Mayweather aside from Pacquiao, even if Hatton does win a couple of fights in the coming months. A Cotto rematch, Alvarez, Bradley etc - I imagine that, these days, they'd all be bigger money spinners for Floyd than a second bout against Hatton would. This isn't 2007 anymore. I doubt that Hatton will be able to whip up the same frenzy he managed in the UK for this comeback as he did during his 'first' career (though he'll still attract the kind of coverage and fanfare most Brits could only dream of), but in America? Absolutely no chance. Any aura or air of elite / star quality Hatton had Stateside was seriously dented by Mayweather once before, and was absolutely smashed to pieces by Pacquiao.

I doubt the American market will buy in to him the way they did a few years back.

Besides, why would Mayweather even entertain the idea? He's far too big physically for Hatton now, and this is an over the hill Hatton in any case. As for the idea that he'd come to Britain for the fight - well, the day Mayweather fights in Britain, I'll (insert silly thing that a person would never normally do under common circumstances here)!

Hatton may feature in big(ish) fights again, and maybe even world title ones. But you can forget the days of fighting the pound for pound megastars. They are well and truly gone.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Sugar Boy Sweetie Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:15 pm

captain carrantuohil wrote: Is he just going to waltz into a title shot at 140 or 147? Might have done had Khan still been the guvnor at light-welter, but I'd imagine that he'll have to wait his turn.

Only thing I would add to that is that champions do get optional opponents in between their mandatories, and any of the 140/147 titlists may decide Hatton is good value to fight due to him being a) old and past it but b) being hugely popular and therefore guaranteeing a great payday. For any top level operator Hatton much surely be viewed as a low risk high reward opponent, which means he could be offered title shots very quickly.
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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 3 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by TopHat24/7 Fri 14 Sep 2012, 3:24 pm

azania wrote:
TopHat24/7 wrote:
azania wrote:
owen10ozzy wrote:I am going to stand by my vulture quote Captain....I agree that they should have fought whilst in there prime but purely so that Hatton could have shown he was by far the better of the two...

Witter has always been one of those guys who had talent but never fully made the most of it he just couldn't or the fact he was to lazy...personally I think it was the latter...

Whenever Witter had the chance to show he deserved to be in the ring with Hatton he often stunk the place out. There was perhaps a two year window following the Kosta fight where Witter could have put himself in the frame for a showdown with Hatton.

During that period he spoke far to often about his rival rather than getting in the ring and just showing what he had...this resulted in him stinking the place out against the likes of:

N'Dou...Kotelnyk...Lynes and to some degree DeMarcus Corley...

Since Hatton has been in retirement he has done nothing to warrant getting between the ropes with him and for me he has proven that he has & always will be a little classless with regards to Hatton...

If he doesn't believe the bloke should be getting back into the ring then why a few sentences later say if he does come back it should only be to fight me...

He is essentially saying that Hatton could get hurt by coming back to fight because of the lifestyle he led whilst away and that he isn't the fighter he once was...but then he is happy to feed off him for what would be his biggest pay day of his life..

As for it shifting tickets, your right it probably would. But I would go as far to suggest that only 1% would go to people who actually wanted to see Witter fight....the guy has never shifted tickets in his life & he isn't going to start now. Yet based on previous negotiations and the type of character Witter is I would bet a sizeable sum of money that he would head to the contract table wanting 50%...

I actually think he could still have the beating of Khan because whilst Khan is talented the fact is he does not have the boxing ring intelligence which is something Hatton had in abundance. He knows how to cut the ring down (and he wouldn't have forgot how to do that) and at various points in the fight would get to him on the inside. If he did then I think it would be curtains for Khan.

There are a list of fighters I would rather see him in their with and Witter's name does not appear.

Witter was a world champ. So was Hatton. The fight was a natural. Saying Witter should have done this or that to get the fight made is a nonsense. It was always Hatton's choice who he fought and if Hatton wanted the fight, it would have happened. He didn't like Witter and that is the main reason.

Khan would murder him.

Change of tune Az? Thought boxers had no options, no choice, were just puppets of their promoter masters? Funny how the shoe fits when it's the other way round with you......

Hatton is self promoted and has a lot of say in the direction of his career. Slight difference.

The majority of the era people are saying Witter was a relevant fight for Hatton he was with Warren. By the time he left he had the 'too big' argument.


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