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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Seanusarrilius Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:49 pm

First topic message reminder :

Ok, here is the conference in full.

Let me say this.

I would prefer him to stay retired, absolutely would, but man Hatton, I wish you well!

Wish he knew that we were proud of him tho, depsite his issues, he has my respect

Last edited by Seanusarrilius on Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:49 pm

Please do not mention chop chop.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by KingMonkey Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:50 pm

Would like to see the Witter fight but for Witter making a few quid out of it. Chop Chop is a great shout.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:52 pm

Think Witter-Hatton has had it's day mate.......

Bit like watching Holmes-Foreman in 1995.....

The fight is meaningless and Witter is still a hard sell...

How would you promote a fight like that???

Witter missed the boat..


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by KingMonkey Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:01 pm

Hatton has had his day but that's not the point. The fight pretty much sells itself, add a bit of bad blood history to it and it's gold. Job done.

Now, to those who know their boxing it stinks. Witter's 'style' stinks. But you can bet your harris we'll be watching. and, if it wasn't for me being up there (at the MEN) only a week later anyway I'd probably be trying for tickets.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Rowley Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:02 pm

Has Paulie become the go to guy now whenever someone needs a bit of a name who can't punch worth a damn, first name on everyone's lips for this comeback and every time Khan gets splattered he is default comeback opponent. Who'd have thought not being able to punch could be so profitable


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:04 pm

Who would have thought being a stinker...could be so exciting!!!

Rowley we are getting old Mate!!! Cry


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by KingMonkey Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:04 pm

Not being able to punch and holding a valid world title.....


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:07 pm

Everybody has beaten Paulie..

What makes Hatton-Paulie meaningful Monkey????

what is the point??


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by KingMonkey Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:13 pm

I've already said I don't want to see it and, really, what makes Hatton's comeback 'meaningful' at all?

BUT, for the sake of argument, its for a world title. You sell it as a rematch. Paulie's mouth drums up interest. If Ricky isn't completely shot then it should be a decent length fight that Ricky should win giving fans 'value for money'. Regardless what you think of Paulie his style is decent enough on the eye, the fight won't stink.

Oh, and the exposure in the States of course....

Commercially it ticks all the boxes. As a genuine fan though you're spot on, no point at all.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Sugar Boy Sweetie Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:16 pm

I wouldn't watch hatton paulie II if they were fighting at the foot of my bed.

Hatton has no business in the ring anymore. He's had 3 and half years away, 3 years of which was spent doing bugle, scoffing pies and downing the black stuff. 6 months working out in the gym is good - it'll get him in the kind of shape any self respecting 33 year old should be in, but it won't get his boxing peak back - least of all his punch resistance. He was a fairly limited fighter who made the most of his talents and image, he should move on - why don't these guys learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and accept that these things rarely work out. I've no interest in seeing him fight a tomato can to boost his ego/wallet, and anyone top level will splatter him.
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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:16 pm

I'm not arguing....

I just don't see the point and what does a world title mean these days...

and surely he should fight somebody to warrant such a fight!!

Maybe we can have him fight his brother....and wlad and Vit fighting eachother on the same bill!!

"Brothers in arms"....

Maybe that will sell!!! Wink


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by KingMonkey Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:22 pm

Neither of us are 'arguing' mate, that was just a figure of speech.

Title's mean nothing now, that much is certain. Haye and Brook have both been draped in straps after recent wins, I mean come on..... Nevertheless, Paulie is still IBF (I think) Champ.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Rowley Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:24 pm

As someone who does not want to see Hatton come back I ould have to concede Paulie makes perfect sense, does not whack hard enough to pose too much risk if Ricky really has nothing left, talks a good game and will sell the fight and the world title whilst totally devalued still sells fights.

However I am generally very depressed by the idea of this comeback, can't get out of my mind the idea it is not unrelated to him losing his Sky deal an just don't see what he hopes to acheive, his whole style was based on assets he is most likely to have lost, the relentless pressure, ability to bully fighters at 140 and swarming style are unlikely to be aided by three years on the Guinness and a likely inability to get anywhere near 140 again.

Also Hatton was undisputed man at light welter, Ring Magazine fighter of the year and regular in the p4p rankings, if he can't get anywhere near that again, and be certain he can't why risk your health to embark on a career that is almost certain to be a pale imitation of your previous one.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by KingMonkey Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:28 pm

Without a doubt it is to do with him losing his Sky deal. 100%.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Sugar Boy Sweetie Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:34 pm

KingMonkey wrote:Without a doubt it is to do with him losing his Sky deal. 100%.

Agreed. Hatton probably feels like he's letting his fighters down - as well as seeing his business going down the kermit. He's decided to maximise the only asset he's got: himself. Some might say its a poor show if sky cut him loose as a promotor but take him back if he puts hus own body on the line - but business is business, he's a grown man and they're not a charity. I can't see hatton going to C5, they're a Mickey Mouse outfit that doesn't have the balls to create a platform for a fighter of his profile. Sky have the finance and the experience and that's where he'll go - and no doubt his fighters will all be on the bill as a caveat.
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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:27 pm

I think the main reason behind his come back is his promotion. He has invested a lot of time and money into building a stable and as any person would wishes to see it succeed.

For all the stick people have given Ricky with regards to his lifestyle following his retirement etc....I think this says a lot more about the kind of man he is.

3 years after retiring and, given what he got up too for 18 months of it, there is no shadow of a doubt that he isn't going to be the fighter he once was.

However if he is 90% of what he was then I do think he has enough in his locker to make a successful 3 odd fight return and go out on a high.

We won't know where he stands until he gets back into the ring, although having been up at his gym a couple of times in the last 6 months I can say he does look in good shape...and more importantly seems to have the desire and fire back. I would be hugely concerned if he didn't have that because I think that is when fighters who come out of retirement are in more trouble...

Case in point Roy Jones Jnr....

I I was saying the fact that he is willing to put both his reputation and his health on the line in order to help his stable of boxers says a heck of a lot about the type of person Hatton is...

He sure doesn't need the money and to be frank could just fold his Promotion company up and still financially be alright....

But seemingly he want's to give his fighters the same opportunities he had...

What does make me laugh is other boxers who will now clamour for a bout with him regardless of their thoughts on him coming out of retirement...the little weasel that is Witter hasn't taken long. Laughable that he declares it a mistake to come back and say's their is no reason for him to do so...BUT...if he is coming back for a fight with him then that is fine..absolute vulture.

Here's the link:

Whilst it doesn't quite sit right with me that he is coming back I do wish him the best of luck and hope he signs off with a good couple of performances and victories.

Best of luck Hatton!


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Seanusarrilius Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:40 pm

owen10ozzy wrote:I think the main reason behind his come back is his promotion. He has invested a lot of time and money into building a stable and as any person would wishes to see it succeed.

For all the stick people have given Ricky with regards to his lifestyle following his retirement etc....I think this says a lot more about the kind of man he is.

3 years after retiring and, given what he got up too for 18 months of it, there is no shadow of a doubt that he isn't going to be the fighter he once was.

However if he is 90% of what he was then I do think he has enough in his locker to make a successful 3 odd fight return and go out on a high.

We won't know where he stands until he gets back into the ring, although having been up at his gym a couple of times in the last 6 months I can say he does look in good shape...and more importantly seems to have the desire and fire back. I would be hugely concerned if he didn't have that because I think that is when fighters who come out of retirement are in more trouble...

Case in point Roy Jones Jnr....

I I was saying the fact that he is willing to put both his reputation and his health on the line in order to help his stable of boxers says a heck of a lot about the type of person Hatton is...

He sure doesn't need the money and to be frank could just fold his Promotion company up and still financially be alright....

But seemingly he want's to give his fighters the same opportunities he had...

What does make me laugh is other boxers who will now clamour for a bout with him regardless of their thoughts on him coming out of retirement...the little weasel that is Witter hasn't taken long. Laughable that he declares it a mistake to come back and say's their is no reason for him to do so...BUT...if he is coming back for a fight with him then that is fine..absolute vulture.

Here's the link:

Whilst it doesn't quite sit right with me that he is coming back I do wish him the best of luck and hope he signs off with a good couple of performances and victories.

Best of luck Hatton!

This is a perfect summation. Nice one


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:42 pm

I think European level....someone who was perhaps World not long ago...

The interesting thing for me is whether he decides to fight at 140 or 147...

Many people across this board have said that he has to fight at 147 as he simply couldn't get down to 140 anymore however he is walking around at roughly 12st at the moment...which is actually a little lighter than he used to walk around at before his training camps.

Now obviously he is older and getting down will be harder but he is leading a much healthier lifestyle in his normal life outside the ring now so I do think he could get down to 140...whether he is effective or not is another matter...but I would rather he go to 140 simple because alot of the guys at 147 are huge these days and he couldn't bully people when he was fighting at 147 last time...

Of course this is all speculation and come tomorrow he could just announce that he has locked down a TV deal along with a number of the Olympic medalists to his stable of fighters....that would classify as a 'Major Announcement'...


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:48 pm

Cheers Sean.....

It does grate me when people go on about fighters and judging whether they should hang them up. At the end of the day until I have walked a mile in their shoes then i'm not really going to give them to much stick.

The fight game has and always will be one which is difficult to walk away from, heck if I was getting paid £25,000 per fight I would struggle to give it up regardless of whether I was having my face panned in or not...

Of course their are cases out there where it is clear that a fighter should not even be entertaining the thought of getting in between the ropes...i.e. Roy Jones & Tyson & Holyfield....

But at 33 Hatton is hardly old...and yes he did balloon up between fights but at least he has got himself in good looking after himself much better and at least is showing the fire and desire to perhaps get back in the ring...

This is the one thing which is more dangerous than most things in my mind. When someone steps between the ropes and their heart isn't in it anymore that is when I worry....having seen Hatton train and spoken to him a couple of times I don't think that is the case for him..

As I said of course I would rather not see him in the ring again...but if he is in the shape & mind where he feels he can do something then who are we to criticise (we can judge that's different)...especially given the circumstances behind him doing..which is to help out/further other people's boxing career.

Last edited by owen10ozzy on Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Seanusarrilius Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:01 pm

He is defintiely coming back Alma, take that as fact


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by captain carrantuohil Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:03 pm

Bit unfair to call Witter a vulture, Owen. Junior was pretty unwise to taunt Hatton so much and thereby do himself out of a lucrative match when both were in their prime, but there is still a case to be made that Hatton ought to have fought him about five years ago.

Even now, why not? Both will have slipped and it won't prove much, but it'll shift tickets and it's a winnable fight for Hatton. At the age of 33, I don't honestly believe that Ricky has too many of those available at 140 or 147 against any of what you might call the current head men, be they Brook, old Morales, Khan or anyone else.

His life, of course, but I'd far sooner see Hatton getting contentedly fat on the sidelines, rather than groping about on the canvas. His powers were waning back in 2008 (wobbled by Lazcano, for goodness sake), and it's a big stretch to see him doing anything notable four years later.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:18 pm

My guess would be N'Dou

He is 41 now and is way off his prime and showed very little vs brook over a year ago except for a chin.

He almost fought Hatton years ago as also fought Matthew Hatton so it would sell despite N'Dou being past it

N'Dou lacks power, speed or the workrate that can hurt or bother Hatton but he does guarantee that you put work in. He has never been knocked out and will allow us to see where hattons stamina is at whether it's an 8,10 or 12 rounder N'dou will go the distance


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:18 pm

I think people are looking too far ahead with the Malignaggi chat. This is assuming he still holds the title if/ when Hatton's ready to fight him.

Assuming Hatton does come back and has a soft warm up fight in November, Paulie would surely have to have a defence between now and early next year. If he loses that, Hatton's only possible realistic chance at a world title is gone, assuming Paulie hasn't lost to a total bum. The WBA ranking have plenty of decent welterweights in their top 10 that would surely be too much for Hatton nowadays.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:24 pm

I am going to stand by my vulture quote Captain....I agree that they should have fought whilst in there prime but purely so that Hatton could have shown he was by far the better of the two...

Witter has always been one of those guys who had talent but never fully made the most of it he just couldn't or the fact he was to lazy...personally I think it was the latter...

Whenever Witter had the chance to show he deserved to be in the ring with Hatton he often stunk the place out. There was perhaps a two year window following the Kosta fight where Witter could have put himself in the frame for a showdown with Hatton.

During that period he spoke far to often about his rival rather than getting in the ring and just showing what he had...this resulted in him stinking the place out against the likes of:

N'Dou...Kotelnyk...Lynes and to some degree DeMarcus Corley...

Since Hatton has been in retirement he has done nothing to warrant getting between the ropes with him and for me he has proven that he has & always will be a little classless with regards to Hatton...

If he doesn't believe the bloke should be getting back into the ring then why a few sentences later say if he does come back it should only be to fight me...

He is essentially saying that Hatton could get hurt by coming back to fight because of the lifestyle he led whilst away and that he isn't the fighter he once was...but then he is happy to feed off him for what would be his biggest pay day of his life..

As for it shifting tickets, your right it probably would. But I would go as far to suggest that only 1% would go to people who actually wanted to see Witter fight....the guy has never shifted tickets in his life & he isn't going to start now. Yet based on previous negotiations and the type of character Witter is I would bet a sizeable sum of money that he would head to the contract table wanting 50%...

I actually think he could still have the beating of Khan because whilst Khan is talented the fact is he does not have the boxing ring intelligence which is something Hatton had in abundance. He knows how to cut the ring down (and he wouldn't have forgot how to do that) and at various points in the fight would get to him on the inside. If he did then I think it would be curtains for Khan.

There are a list of fighters I would rather see him in their with and Witter's name does not appear.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by seanmichaels Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:26 pm

How's Maidana's schedule looking?


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:33 pm

seanmichaels wrote:How's Maidana's schedule looking?

He's fighting Soto Karass on the Canelo undercard

He would be an awful fight for Hatton, Maidana power have been shown up recently and at 147 but will match Hatton punch for punch and will have better stamina and more power and can take a fair bit of punishment


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:43 pm

Obviously alot depends on where he chooses to come back: Below are fights that I think could be winnable and he may perhaps look at..

Welterweight –

Jessie Vargas, Chris Van Heerden,

leading onto Randall Bailey,Mike Jones,Devon Alexander even Robert Guerrero

then onto one of the 'BIG' names next fall.

Light Welterweight – Olusegun, Zab Judah, Morales,

Leading onto Joan Guzman, Danny Garcia, Lamont Peterson,

Marquez (eventually) or Khan


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:43 pm

alma wrote:Alfonso Gomez? A name, of sorts, beatable and not a puncher

Just come off a bloody battle with a good young fighter in Shawn Porter narrowingly beaten so will be a live opponent and has fought at 154 so he will be able to handle hattons physical strength


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by seanmichaels Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:46 pm

WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs wrote:
seanmichaels wrote:How's Maidana's schedule looking?

He's fighting Soto Karass on the Canelo undercard

He would be an awful fight for Hatton, Maidana power have been shown up recently and at 147 but will match Hatton punch for punch and will have better stamina and more power and can take a fair bit of punishment

I have a hunch Hatton won't be the kind of guy who comes back for a few easy fights. Anyway, if he's gonna take our hard earned bunce it'd be nice to see a tear up. A lot of guys get paid a lot less for much riskier occupations. The guys in Afghanistan put into perspective Hatton's comeback for all those dread mongers out there.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by manos de piedra Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:46 pm

Witter derserved a shot a Hatton in my opinion. At one point he held all the domestic titles, the Euro title and the WBC title and was ranked as number 2 in the division behind Hatton. I fnd it hard to blame him for demanding a shot at Hatton. He had earned it.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:57 pm

Manos - I agree there was an argument that Witter deserved a shot...however im not sure it's as cut and dry as you believe it to be...

He held the British, Commonwealth & Euro title's....after beating Colin Lynes in October 2005....a full 6 months AFTER Hatton had dispatched Kosta Tsyzu who was seen as the man at light-welterweight...

By the time Witter added the WBC belt its safe to say Hatton had far bigger fish to fry..

Witter won that WBC belt in September 2006...a full 1 year after his fight with Lynes...what the hell was he doing in that time...I would hope he was injured...?

Anyhow during that period Hatton added the WBA title to his IBF one and then stepped up and became a two weight champion by beating Luis Collazo in a barnstormer which put an already intrigued American audience on high alert....

The closest Witter got was in 07 when he finally showed some of the talent he possessed in a good performances against Vivian Harris...but by then Hatton had disposed of Castillo and was lining up Mayweather...

The rest as they say is history...


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Post by manos de piedra Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:14 pm

I dont really agree, Maussa, Urango or even Collazo were not really any more worthy. Witter was a viable candidate any time between Hatton beating Tszyu and facing Mayweather. I dont think Hatton was afraid of him, he was plotting his own course to get the superfights and Witter didnt fit the plan. But I think Witter was totally justified in calling for a shot. If you had to pick an exact point I think Witter was far more qualified than Urango was. Even going back to Hattons WBU days Witter would still have been an obvious domestic rival prior to Hatton fighting Tszyu. Witter definately had a legitimate grievance never to have got the fight with Hatton I think and Hattons "I dont want to give him a payday" reason was never all that convincing to me. Witter was haunting him for an absolute age. I still actually think the fight would make sense now for both guys. Witter is clearly past it at world level which is presumably where Hatton wants to get to so as a comeback fight why not? If he cant beat Witter now then he should stay retired.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by Captain Charisma Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:17 pm

Paul McCloskey Shocked

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by captain carrantuohil Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:21 pm

Do agree with Manos here. I'll just about accept that hatton had his mind on Mayweather up to Dec 2007, but Urango, Lazcano and Paulie were accommodated at a time when the first two certainly brought no more credibility or cash to the table than Witter.

Like Manos, don't think that Hatton was at all scared, although I do think that the Witter who beat Harris could have given Ricky fits. Right now, I think Witter is gone and Ricky could kill several birds with one stone in a single outing here: Beat a name opponent who poses little threat, silence an annoying rival and set himself up for bigger paydays as the comeback unfolds.

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:26 pm

I get what your saying Manos...and as I said I do agree that the fight perhaps should have happened...for me though it should have been at domestic level, as you allude to,...

Whilst the likes of Maussa & Urango were nothing better what they did provide was an American tv audience...something which Witter never has. At the end of the day Hatton had beaten the guy many believed was the best in the division and from there it was a case of building an American profile in order to get those Superfights.

I disagree with Collazo not being more worthy...because ultimately he brought to the table an opportunity to become a 2 weight world title...and was known as someone who would provide a decent fight (in terms of entertainment)...

So yes basically agreed that Hatton should have fought Witter...but I think that whilst he had a legitimate right to call out 'The Hitman' the way he went about it always hit a nerve with Ricky...

Once the Tsyzu fight had happened Witter was always going to be chasing shadows...the only way he was going to get himself the fight from their on out was to keep winning and impress (especially in America)...and it is at this stage I lay the blame firmly at his feet because every opportunity he got to showcase himself he ended up stinking out the joint worse than Monday morning down at Battersea fishmongers!!

The other thing to remember is that all of the names that Hatton chose to fight outside of the 'Big Fights' would have taken a significantly smaller slice of the pie...something which Witter refused to do when the two camps did actually get round the negotiating table...


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by manos de piedra Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:55 pm

Well theres two slightly different issues. I can kind of accept that after Hatton left Warren he had his mind set on getting the mega fights and he plotted a careful path towards that. Witter obviously was a low reward high risk fight and even if Hatton won he would have probably looked bad doing it. Bt theres a 5 or 6 year period that Witter would have been a legitimate fight for him and Witter himself pretty much did all he could to put himself in contention. He definately payed his dues and earned his shot so for that reason I sympathize for him. I would actually say he had a legitimate reason to call him out so actively. He was always his biggest domestic rival and he followed this up to world level to the point where he was a fellow world champion and ranked second only to Hatton himself in the division. What else could he do? Not being entertaning enough isnt a good enough reason for me. Plus Hatton was so popular he barely needed an entertaining opponent to sell. The MEN would have been packed out regardless. Fighters calls others fighters out all the time. Realistically, Hatton was not going to fight Witter no matter what. Witter could have said pretty please (probably did!) and it wouldnt have mattered. So he basically had to either shout loudly or not at all. The former at least put pressure on Hatton.

manos de piedra

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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by spencerclarke Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:16 pm

I will not be watching any of his fights on his come back trail. I was a big Ricky fan but was seriously worried for his health when he was sparked out by Manny. It's not something I'd like to see again. I wish him luck but I think it is foolish and will only end badly. If not hurt then diminishing his legacy. Sad day for boxing for me.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by TheMackemMawler Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:59 pm

The only fights I am interested in seeing for Hatton (after a warm up bout) are: Pacman, Khan and Witter.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by davidemore Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:01 pm

Good call mack.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty No Ricky... NOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!

Post by davidemore Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:41 pm

Don't do it Ricky man, you'll get pancaked, dude. Your time is gone, stick to family, pies and beer.

Don't do it man, please Ricky, i got into you the night you headbutted the corner of the ring against Mayweather. I'd been living abroad before and only caught highlights. I was so excited to see you live that night, Ricky.

But not anymore.

Take this as an open letter from a cultured, informed and respected boxing writer.

Do not get back in the ring.

My god it will end badly for you. I just pray not too badly. I pray your family will be able to enjoy their husband, son, father.

Will i watch if you come back?

Sadly, yes.

Forgive me lord.

Stay retired, Ricky.


emore (broken heart )


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by eddyfightfan Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:47 pm

i always wanted hatton to carry on, losing to floyd and manny at the time is nothing to be ashamed of, and think he still had a few good fights in him. now however im extremely nervous for him, also excited in equal measure. if he does come back i hope he gets a well matched opponent.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by davidemore Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:49 pm

You mean a Mexican cab driver who likes eating pies, doing cane whilst not training, drinking beers and playing darts, Eddie?

Good match there.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by eddyfightfan Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:52 pm

witter? id consider it a equal fight right now.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by davidemore Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:54 pm

Yeah be a good one that.

God he needs to stay retired. WTF is wrong with him?


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by tomfinneywalksonwater Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:30 pm

I don't know, it all depends at what level he plans on boxing at. His days as an elite top 10 p4p fighter are over but looking at the current top 20 European light welters and welters I feel confident that if has 70% left of what he had he would beat the majority, Get him in with Purdy or mckloskey.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by davidemore Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:18 pm

Yes Tom but that's a sad place for a giant to be, right? Among the paupers and the hag like mediocre?


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by tunes666 Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:06 am

I think people are jumping on the band wagon a little with how he should not fight again..

ok he may not come back as good... ok he may lose a fight. So what?

If he still thinks he has some fight left in him and has got over some demons in his life, then good luck to him... there are still some decent fights out there for him, he does not need to beat FMJ or Pacman to make it worth while..

There are other fighters who have lost and still fought , so why not Ricky at the age of 33?

If he is motivated and inspired then good luck to him. He does not need to do better than he has done to still give everyone and the sport a good fight against some other competitive fighters.

He has been in the Gym training fighters, not on some other planet. If he can get him self in good shape then there are a few interesting fights out there for him.. should all boxers retire if they cant beat Floyd or Pacman? Its not as if Ricky has not had time to think about what he wants, or that he has not taken his time.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by owen10ozzy Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:00 am


You are so self indulgent...give it over! It's a shame because some times you can actually forge a decent argument but then you ruin it with posts like this...

Yes Hatton hit rock bottom but people think that he has been that way for the past 4 years...thats simply not the case. I have said a few times and will say so again..the guy hit rock bottom but he hasnt been lingering their for ages. He has got his life back on track and has been probably more healthy than ever for the past 18 months.

Of course his come back may end in failure but then again it may not. He is coming back not for the want of filling his own pocket but because he wished to help those within his stable whom he promised would get the same opportunities he would...

The fact that SKY are happy to back him if he is willing to put his own health at risk says alot more about the man himself than of SKY who to be honest should be ashamed of or not!!


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by davidemore Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:06 am

This thread ate my Ricky thread, not happy.


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*Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!  - Page 2 Empty Re: *Update* Ricky Hatton conference footage for comeback!

Post by 88Chris05 Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:06 am

tunes666 wrote:There are other fighters who have lost and still fought , so why not Ricky at the age of 33?

That's absolutely true, tunes. However, decidedly less - hardly any, in fact - have been able to forge a decent comeback after a three and a half year hiatus from the ring. Even names as great as Ray Leonard and Ali (both younger than Hatton when they returned to boxing after their own respective absences) returned as considerably lesser forces.

I take your point about how a career doesn't necessarily have to include fight against pound for pound megastars in order to be classed as a successful or worthwhile one, but when you've been fortunate enough to have that kind of career before, why return when it's patently clear that you'll never scale such heights again? I'm sure Hatton could probably score wins over the N'Dous, McCloskeys and Corleys of this world, and earn some nice money on the way, but I'm not so sure it would really elevate his standing within the sport.

Only ever losing to the pound for pound number ones is a nice testament to your abilities to boast. Past his best or not, it'd be a shame to see that bragging right taken away.

But as you say, Hatton, ultimately, is big enough and ugly enough to carve his own path and make up his own mind. Maybe such bragging rights aren't that important to him, maybe he just wants to secure the future of his stable, maybe he's happy to fight within his comfort zone upon his return to simply make sure he goes out on a win.

I suppose you could break my argument down in to this very simple statement - in the huge majority of cases, fighters who were already on the slide trying to return after such a long lay off have ended in disaster and, at times, ignominious defeats. I just don't want to see Hatton join that club.

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