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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Adam D
Sir. badgerhands
Super D Boon
captain carrantuohil
Nico the gman
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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:20 pm

Now he's on Warren's channel he's all over his fighters.....Degale was excellent in his last fight etc..other Warren guys show real promise(thanks for the job) etc....Added to the fake-looking hyperbole he seems to spew on everything...Plus the cringeing butt-licking way he seems to suck up to interviewees with the John Cleese type false laugh thrown in for good measure!!...

No..not my cup of tea this guy!! but fairplay..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:22 pm

I'm sure he'll be devastated to hear you're not a fan of his TRUSSY. Still, these are strange days when Johnny Nelson is regarded (in punditry terms) with something approaching affection if not exactly respect


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:23 pm

Now we've had the clown......Let's raise the level of the debate..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Waingro Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:25 pm

I agree mate I dont think he knows much about boxing he hypes everything up so much i think he is a bit annoying tbh


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:27 pm

It's just the Warren spin he seems to be chucking at everything as well as the over the top garbage that comes with it..

Degale nearly got knocked out twice against an average fighter...Warren was impressed though I'm sure..

Leave it out..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Nico the gman Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:29 pm

Overenthusiastic at times,(well nearly all the time) good patter, but agree can be very annoying, I think you could write on the back of a stamp what he knows about boxing talks crap.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Waingro Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:29 pm

Warren probably pays him to say that stuff it would make sense if he did but i think he should stop hyping things up so much


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by captain carrantuohil Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:30 pm

Agree in every respect. Bunce always seems to forget that as a journalist, a modicum of restraint, objectivity and analysis is an essential part of the tool-kit. Hype is only really mandatory if you're writing for Richard Desmond. SB also seems to have a not especially subliminal desire to be Don King - beats me why he doesn't just take out a promoter's licence, for which he would appear to be far better suited.

Last edited by captain carrantuohil on Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:33 pm

Surprised I would've thought i'd be out on my own on this one...but glad to see others agree he's over-the-top and comes across as not very objective sometimes..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:37 pm

Ever listened to his BBC podcast Truss? It's a bit like self harming listening to that.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:41 pm

You're a tetchy little girl TRUSS, anyway...

I agree with Captain's view that Bunce comes across as a frustrated promotor at times. Whilst there's no doubting his passion for the sport, his delivery could do with something of an overhaul but then you'd probably end up with the dull lifeless utterings of former BN Editor Claude Abrahams.

Their new guy Tristan (????????) who's a regular on Ringside is almost cut from the same cloth as Claude....knowledgable but shouldn't be used to sway floating voters when SKY are doing their big PPV pushes.

"Buy it if you like, I'm not fussed whether you do or you don't. It might but OK but who can say?"

"Thanks Tris...where's my wallet?"

I'd be tempted to suggest Barry McGuigan as he's learned the art of punditry over the years. It's just a shame that everytime he changes his opinion of a fighter with alarming regularity. However, I'm still sold on him if only for the absolute slating he gave Audley Harrison (I think it was on the undercard of Khan/Prescott)


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Reborn-DeeMcK-Reborn Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:57 pm

Its not just Bunce though Truss. Its all the pundits on Boxnation. I tend to turn the volume down on the stream when they begin to talk.

Put on some white noise in the backround when the fights come on, it tend to be more pleasurable that Enzo Mac talking.

But yea, Bunce has torn the @rse out of the meaning of butt licking when it comes to Warren's fighters.

Wish he was like Brian Kenny and actually argue the points that the fans want answered. I don't really like Kenny either, but at least he has the balls to confront fighters from time to time

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 5:59 pm

Cheers for getting it back on track Reborn.....They certainly know where their bread is buttered..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Scottrf Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:02 pm

He seems to be an opinionated man without an opinion and a knowledgeable man who can't objectively analyse a fight.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Super D Boon Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:03 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Here's a tip....Make a decent comment once in a while....and quit making stupid remarks on my weightlifting stuff as well...

Vacuous waster..

Please tell me you're NOT one of those horrid people that makes loud noises when he lifts weights............

Super D Boon

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:04 pm

I agree....He sems to say what he thinks people want to hear rather than be objective...

Remember Williams was going to be too good for Vitali..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:05 pm

Only when I'm lifting chicks up in the sauna afterwards... Cool


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Super D Boon Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:07 pm

That's okay then......I won't tell your wife.

Super D Boon

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Scottrf Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:11 pm

DAVE667 wrote:Who? TRUSSY or BUNCEY?
Honestly, I imagine they are peas in a pod.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Super D Boon Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:14 pm

Golly! Such a lot of bile today. Almost as bad as when I suggested to the tennis lot that Andrew Murray only wins stuff when the best players aren't focussed. They really don't like that!

Super D Boon

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by oxring Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:33 pm

I really like witty banter. To the level of which Blackadder would be proud. Where cutting pithy lines fly freely to and fro.

"How do you live with yourself then" is not a pithy line. It is not witty and it breaches house rules.

Play nicely or don't play at all. Debate the topic at hand - an entirely reasonable one, don't debate the poster. Dragging the debate further off topic will lead to sanctions against member accounts.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:35 pm

So it applying for the job..or have you earmarked the role of the dog faced boy or the bearded lady?


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:36 pm

I'm sorry for writing an interesting article Oxy and for being abused for the trouble..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by oxring Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:38 pm

DAVE667 wrote:So it applying for the job..or have you earmarked the role of the dog faced boy or the bearded lady?

Bearded lady. It is movember after all.

Now get back on topic:

There's an inadequate amount of boxing TV as it is - and I don't think Bunce draws people towards the sport. He also speaks from the Goebbels school of truth. I remember after Haye didn't bother to fight against Wladimir - Buncey justified it by saying that "Haye has been more of a test for big Wlad than all of the other bums combined". Given he had to climb off the floor repeatedly against Peter (1) - I'm not sure that's true.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by oxring Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:41 pm

I can keep deleting posts for hours and it takes me half the time it takes to type them. So get on topic or don't bother - you're wasting your own time.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:41 pm

I'd suggest banning him OXY...But where would we be without such a knowledgeable and informative poster..??

I think Bunce like I said earlier tends to say what he thinks people want to here...

Comes across as a bit of a suck up..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Sir. badgerhands Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:43 pm

Didn't realize you were a mod oxy, when did that happen?

Can't say Buncey is really my cup of tea, but his sure better than Jim Watt.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:45 pm

Different job than the one Watt has..

Watt is a fight caller...Buncey is a journalist/analyst..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by oxring Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:46 pm

Sir. badgerhands wrote:Didn't realize you were a mod oxy, when did that happen?

Can't say Buncey is really my cup of tea, but his sure better than Jim Watt.

Original (and still) moderator of 606v2 - I've actually been in post longer than Windy. Unfortunately, it took about a week before it became plain that I was not nearly adequate to control the forum on my own - and so Windy and Azania came into post. Windy was promoted to admin and az sacked and replaced by fists who was also promoted - and that completes the lineup as it stands.

The behind_the_scenes admin politics has been pretty surreal at times. But has gone well - its a pretty good team that are running the show now.

Analyst. Awful word for Buncey - implies he actually analyses something.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Sir. badgerhands Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:48 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Different job than the one Watt has..

Watt is a fight caller...Buncey is a journalist/analyst..

Aware of that.

Both do talk about boxers as part of their job however.

As bad as Buncey is I'd still probably rather listen to him read the phone book than listen to Watt speak about fights or fighters for 1 minute.

Sir. badgerhands

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:50 pm

oxring wrote:I can keep deleting posts for hours and it takes me half the time it takes to type them. So get on topic or don't bother - you're wasting your own time.

I'm at work getting paid for it....hardly a waste when you consider the alternatives.

Watt's only colour commentary, he's never given the job of calling a fight in the way Ian Darke is. Even when Darke's on the other side of the world, the don't let Watt loose with the mic. The sure and steadying hand of Adam Smith is often at the helm. "Sit there Jim and talk about 'arumm punches"

The new fella on SKY Bob Mee comes across exceptionally well without being hysterical or deliberately inflammatory (ON TOPIC ENOUGH FOR YA?)

Last edited by oxring on Thu 03 Nov 2011, 6:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sigh.)


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 7:02 pm

We appreciate your sacrifice DAVE...and thanks for the post..most enlightening.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 7:04 pm

You say you do but I have my doubts.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 7:11 pm

Not doing much work are you!!

Won't get a pat on the head off PC plod at this rate.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 7:15 pm

Maybe I'm multi tasking and I'm sat in the office writing out half a dozen statements for Court next week whilst managing to summon up the interest to keep conversing with you.

Not bothered about a pat on the head just as long as His Honour doesn't feel the need to have me stood in the dock. Sadly someone's gotta make sure the evidence is provided to the CPS in time for them to discontinue it due to lack of interest.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Steffan Thu 03 Nov 2011, 7:18 pm

Crikey Dave I didnt realise you were old bill


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Guest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 7:24 pm

Just work for 'em always interesting, often frustrating, occasionally challenging, very occasionally rewarding clerical capacity.

Just do my bit and add my little piece of the jigsaw. Was nice to see two local thugs gets nine years each recently for beating some poor guy unconscious during the World Cup. Made the front page of the local papers and I can say that I did my bit to help secure their conviction.

Nothing earth shattering, I'm not developing an alternative to fossil fuel or finding a cure for disease....just a bit of Law and Order


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Steffan Thu 03 Nov 2011, 7:25 pm

Last 2 coppers who knicked me were ok. Last but one time they even gave me a lift back into town in the morning. Last time I got knicked I actually knew the copper. Dont know whether he had any influence but thankfully the taxi driver dropped the assault charge and we settled the damage to his car out of court


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 8:32 pm

Make it more interesting Steffy...

The taxi drivers dropped the assault charges after you did a Johnny Rambo through the taxi rank..sounds better..


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Steffan Thu 03 Nov 2011, 8:35 pm

I gotta calm down though. Most Archaeology jobs in the UK are government employed so the last thing I need is a growing CRB. Not sure where I am with it to be honest as I say last time got settled out of court and time before was only a fine and time before that was a few years ago so it may have cleared by now


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Scottrf Thu 03 Nov 2011, 8:37 pm

The thugs on the board having a chat then! Ask TRUSSY if you need advice on battering people off their head on drugs Stephie.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Steffan Thu 03 Nov 2011, 8:40 pm

I reckon that "Acidhead" Truss had a fight with was an undercover cop

He may get deported back to Boston where he is wanted for breaking the weights at his local gym with his superior strength


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by tcribb Thu 03 Nov 2011, 9:08 pm

I enjoy him to be honest can agree with the criticisms but I like the fact he is off script and takes the conversation at times like listening to your pals in the pub talking boxing, beats the likes of Adam Smith, Nelson and Piper talking about the same old things and stating the obvious every time.

Get Paul Dempsey with a mix of Bunce, Woodhall and as Dave mentioned Bob Mee you have a good lineup.

However you can't beat the old eurosport commentator Steve Holdsworth if you ask me!

"This fight is so bad, Christopher Reeve has just stood up and left" one of Holdsworths lines.

Get Bunce to dress in a sparkly Yankee doodle dandy suit and Truss will be singing his praises, he can be easily swayed.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Adam D Thu 03 Nov 2011, 9:11 pm


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Strongback Thu 03 Nov 2011, 9:16 pm

I've had my fair share of arguments with Buncey on another site.

I will say for him that he at least gets behind his keyboard and debates the issues with boxing supporters. I wrote a very disparaging thread about him in response to his hyping up of the Haye v Harrison fight and he came on and debated it. He admitted it was a bad night for boxing which I thought was fair enough.

Bunce is full of contradictions but if you look back across the last few decades he has been right there promoting boxing through journalism. He talks a lot of rubbish but I think he knows that.

I see him as a big drum banging out a strong heartbeat. He's not the boxing writer for the thinking man, he no AJ Liebling, but I don't think he would claim to be. Think tabloid.

In relation to BoxNation I would think he believes he got the job based on being a loud mouth and he is happy to play the role. He has never been unbiased, he generally hypes up British fighters whether they deserve it or not. He will continue to do that.

I agree with Captain in that Bunce has behaved more like a promoter in recent years. He seemed to be too close to the Haye publicity machine.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by manos de piedra Thu 03 Nov 2011, 9:27 pm

I agree with captains summary. The thing with Bunce is hes become a charicature and a cartoon character. I actually think he konows far more about boxing than he lets on but hes basically become a figure to promote, excite and bluster rather than call it straight. Like Strongback I have actually debated with him before and hes far more clued up than his tv personailty suggests but I think hes just pitches to casual fan and tries to promote rather than straight talk.

He can be really irratating though when hes just talking rubbish and blustering away especially as I suspect hes basically just acting a part rather than really speaking his mind.

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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by AlexHuckerby Thu 03 Nov 2011, 9:37 pm

to put it simply, i find him hilarious.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Scottrf Thu 03 Nov 2011, 10:03 pm

Strongback wrote:I will say for him that he at least gets behind his keyboard and debates the issues with boxing supporters. I wrote a very disparaging thread about him in response to his hyping up of the Haye v Harrison fight and he came on and debated it. He admitted it was a bad night for boxing which I thought was fair enough.
At the same time I've been in a debate with him where everyone was giving legitimate points and he resorted to keyboard journalist insults and getting high and mighty because he was in the industry.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by Strongback Thu 03 Nov 2011, 10:08 pm

Scottrf wrote:
Strongback wrote:I will say for him that he at least gets behind his keyboard and debates the issues with boxing supporters. I wrote a very disparaging thread about him in response to his hyping up of the Haye v Harrison fight and he came on and debated it. He admitted it was a bad night for boxing which I thought was fair enough.
At the same time I've been in a debate with him where everyone was giving legitimate points and he resorted to keyboard journalist insults and getting high and mighty because he was in the industry.

That's when you have to pull up his post history. If you can spot a real weakness in his argument he generally won't try to shout you down. If its your opinion versus his it will be a long night.


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Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!! Empty Re: Steve Bunce - Not my cup of tea!!!

Post by John Bloody Wayne Thu 03 Nov 2011, 10:55 pm

I'd rather have the aimless enthusiasm of Bunce than the mind numbing, shy whisper of Duke Mcknezie. Jesus Flip christ I can forget that guy's voice as I'm listening to it.

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