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Play no matter what.

Doon the Water
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Post by lorus59 Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:51 pm

On Sunday last my friend told me he could not go for his usual round of golf because his dog bit his left hand while getting a bath (the dog not my friend). It reminded me of years ago while I was playing and I hit a ball over a barb wire fence and could see the ball on the other side. I used the branch of a tree to support myself as I reached over to retrieve the ball. Of course the branch broke, I fell and cracked my knee on a rock and cut myself on the barb wire. I was in absolute agony but finished my round anyway. What mishaps have you guys had before or during a round that either stopped your game or you played on nevertheless?

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Post by Doon the Water Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:39 pm

I can remember finishing level par for the last five holes of a competition with a double vision miagrane. That was weird, especially the putting.

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Post by George1507 Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:57 pm

I played with a guy who cut his neck on a bramble thorn. It wasn't bad cut, but it bled profusely down his white shirt. By the time he finished, his shirt looked like something out of a horror movie, and a woman fainted at the clubhouse.

Ever since then I've carried some band aids in my bag.

The strange thing was he didn't know he'd cut himself!


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Post by ScottieD18 Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:38 pm

We were playing the Scottish Unis at Montrose. One guy got really drunk one night. We exected him to lose heavily the next day.

The match came down to his game and he won his match by holing a good put at the last hole. He explained in the clubhouse how he was able to hole the put with the double vision. When he looked down he saw three balls and three putter heads and when he looked at the hole he saw three holes so he had a 1 in 27 chance of hitting a decent put.


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Post by George1507 Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:45 pm

1 in 27... a lot better odds than I face when standing over a putt then!



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Post by 4putt Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:55 am

Doon the Water wrote:I can remember finishing level par for the last five holes of a competition with a double vision miagrane. That was weird, especially the putting.

I had a similar experience when playing in a works qualifying event for the National Finals to be held in Scotland. We were playing The Dyke course near Brighton. The first 18 holes I played OK, still in contention. On the second hole of the second round I was pin high, just right of the green, went to play my shot and couldn't see properly. Backed off several times but still couldn't see. In the end I thought I've got to hit the thing and played an air-shot. Second attempt got it on the green and 3 putted. Next hole vision started to improve and was back to normal by the time I played my second shot.
End result was I came second and qualified for the free jaunt to Scotland.


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Post by 4putt Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:15 am

Just remembered something else.
At these National Finals I went to put my hand in my pocket for a tee and got stung by a bee that was in there. By the end of the afternoon round my hand had swollen so much I couldn't hold the club with it. Practically played the back nine one handed.


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Post by Faldono1fan Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:46 am

Was playing with my mate about 10 years ago. My drive ended up close to a tree and I was rehearsing my backswing. The combination of the twisting motion and checking the path of my swing was too much for my left knee which came out of it's socket, but luckily as I crashed to the ground in agony the knee went back in (which I am told is a massive break). I couldn't play again for a few weeks and wore a support for a couple of months, but luckily not had any problems since. Must of been that twisting motion and not moving the leg properly that did it.


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Post by McLaren Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:59 am

I guy called Tiger woods managed to play all four rounds of the 2008 US open with a fractured leg and a torn acl. The best part of this tale is that he then won the play off after having already survived 72 holes.

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Post by super_realist Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:11 am

Yawnn, Bert Trautmann etc etc.

Breaking a leg playing golf, what a poof. How we laugh when Richard Boxall did it, but somehow when Woods does it it is heroic. Pah. Brittle bones.


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Post by Shotrock Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:51 am

What Tiger did that tournament was mythic. Westwood and so many others left watching ... while Tiger plays his way into a playoff and then closes the deal. Simply amazing feat of golf and mental fortitude.


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Post by McLaren Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:33 am


The difference is that Boxall ended up carted off in an ambulance after wimping out. Tiger came home with the trophy.

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Post by raycastleunited Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:43 am

My mate fell in a ditch and tore his ACL in a foursomes KO game. I was standing on the other side of the fairway, I turned around for a second and when I looked back he had disappeared. The ditch was only a couple of feet deep, so at first I couldn't work out where he had gone... I then wandered over and found him lying flat out in agony, he looked like he was in a coffin.

It was only the 4th hole. After a few minutes rest I managed to lift him up and he hobbled round the rest of the way. All he could manage were half swings but his partner was on inspired form... and we won on the 18th! Yahoo


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Post by navyblueshorts Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:59 am

Woods didn't 'break his leg' that U.S. Open; he had a stress fracture. Hardly the same as Boxall's breakage. Woods also 'tore' his ACL; it was hardly a major tear or he wouldn't have been able to walk. Can we please stop mythologising this? He'd damaged his leg; it hurt I have no doubt but it couldn't have been the most significant damage ever. I daresay most people in contention in a U.S. Open would have carried on under the same circumstances.

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Post by Diggers Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:14 am

True enough NBS, I mean Darren Clarke won the Open dragging around 5 stone of lard which must be harder than just having a stress fracture.


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Post by McLaren Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:17 am

Diggers wrote:True enough NBS, I mean Darren Clarke won the Open dragging around 5 stone of lard which must be harder than just having a stress fracture.

I was going to say tiger also had the stress of Juggling 5 mistresses, but then so it seems did Clarke..................

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Post by super_realist Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:36 am

Woods should be ashamed that his body is so weak and frail that he can get a stress fracture and an acl tear by playing golf. That's like a chess or whist injury. Pathetic. Laugh


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Post by navyblueshorts Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:22 am

Diggers wrote:True enough NBS, I mean Darren Clarke won the Open dragging around 5 stone of lard which must be harder than just having a stress fracture.
My point Digs, is that this has been mythologised, as usual, because it's Woods. I don't doubt that what he did was some achievement but the plain point of fact is that it can't have been either that bad a fracture or that bad an ACL injury. Plenty of fast bowlers in cricket have played through a shin/ankle stress fracture and many batsmen have played with broken fingers/wrists/arms but only found out the following day; no-one turns them into some sort of deity do they? Plenty of rugby players have played through far worse but nothing much is made of that either is it? Still, fair play to him and, I suppose in the context of golf, it's some feat.

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Post by lorus59 Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:14 pm

It's amazing how Tiger Woods seems to take over almost every thread. If someone started a thread about UFOs landing at the Open, it would be assumed they had come to abduct Tiger.


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Post by number1hacker Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:51 pm

If it wasn't my dog, I would of said "kill it"........


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Post by Faldono1fan Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:13 pm

This was quite an original thread until it turned into another bore fest about Tiger. Surely I am not the only one fed up with this?


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Post by ScottieD18 Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:20 pm

To move away from Tiger.

Way back a good local scratch golfer in Aberdeen turned up to play the Links Championship (back then the biggest amatuer event in the North East), opened his boot and discovered he had left his clubs at home and all he had in the boot was his mothers set of clubs.

He played anyway but failed to qualify.


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Post by 4putt Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:36 pm

Faldono1fan wrote:This was quite an original thread until it turned into another bore fest about Tiger. Surely I am not the only one fed up with this?

I agree. IMO the mods are not doing their job in splitting topics when they get hijacked.


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Post by navyblueshorts Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:40 pm

Faldono1fan wrote:This was quite an original thread until it turned into another bore fest about Tiger. Surely I am not the only one fed up with this?
Actually, discussion of TW's injury is entirely pertinent to this thread. By all means add something different to take us off on a different tangent.

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Post by navyblueshorts Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:42 pm

4putt wrote:
Faldono1fan wrote:This was quite an original thread until it turned into another bore fest about Tiger. Surely I am not the only one fed up with this?

I agree. IMO the mods are not doing their job in splitting topics when they get hijacked.
Unfortunately, it's not been hijacked. As I said above, TW's injury and his playing on with it is entirely pertinent to this thread. How ironic is that?

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Post by McLaren Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:49 pm

I once turned up to a medal comp without my driver and putter, which I had taken out the bag to clean and practice with respectively. I was about 14/15 and one old (looking back maybe only 55) duffer suggested I go home. Given that I had been dropped off by my mum, my home was about 5 miles away and a tough hike, I choose to ignore this advice and play anyway. I managed to get the best scratch score in my group which felt good. Although I think they may all have been 18 handicaps or over.

The course was short so not having a driver was not a real issue as three iron off the tee was more than long enough. Putting was more of an issue as it was pretty much a three putt every time I was outside 35/40 feet.


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Post by super_realist Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:52 pm

Interesting point Mac, I think many players would be better off not even owning a driver.


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Play no matter what. Empty Re: Play no matter what.

Post by 4putt Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:16 pm

navyblueshorts wrote:
4putt wrote:
Faldono1fan wrote:This was quite an original thread until it turned into another bore fest about Tiger. Surely I am not the only one fed up with this?

I agree. IMO the mods are not doing their job in splitting topics when they get hijacked.
Unfortunately, it's not been hijacked. As I said above, TW's injury and his playing on with it is entirely pertinent to this thread. How ironic is that?

I suggest you read the last sentence of the OP. It doesn't say, 'do you know of any golfers who played injured', it asks 606V2 members if they played on regardless. As far as I'm aware Woods is not a member. Thank God.


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Post by number1hacker Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:29 pm

I played injured last Saturday.. A dog bit my hand. Couldn't put my glove on, couldn't grip the club, but I still enjoyed myself. Hurt like hell the next day so had to rest it.. Just hope it repairs its self for next weekend!!!

As for forgeting things (like clubs, towels and something to put sand in) unfortunately it's a regular occurrence....

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Post by navyblueshorts Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:30 pm


True. However, Woods' injury etc is still perfectly relevant IMO so it's staying.


Did you ever see the Ryder Cup match when Crenshaw snapped his putter over his knee in a fit of pique early in the round? Played on putting with a long iron or bellying a SW and still won at a canter. Don't recall him 3-putting either; mind you, he could putt with a twig and still be better than most I would think.

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Post by ScottieD18 Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:36 pm


He broke his putter in the singles match in the 1987 Ryder Cup against Eamonn Darcy. He used a long iron the rest of the round and holed plenty. Came to the last and he holed from about 6 or 8 feet leaving Darcy a slightly shorter put down hill to win the match. Seve ran a 10 footer about the same distance past in an earlier round so Darcy could single put for the win but could easily three put and lose. Darcy holed the put. It was a critical point near the end of the last day and helped Europe to the win.

Darcy later claimed he did not realise Crenshaw had broken his putter, he thought he had changed to the long iron as the greens were so fast.


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Post by number1hacker Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:09 pm

Yep, I tend to do that when the greens get a bit quick.


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Post by Faldono1fan Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:25 pm

NBS - Two points:-

1) I think the intention of the thread was to draw on people's personal experiences of playing through pain. Yes TW did play through pain at the US open, but I am personally bored of hearing about him at any given opportunity.

2) Crenshaw LOST to Darcy in the 87 ryder cup albeit he did take him to the 18th which was some feat in itself!


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Post by McLaren Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:57 pm


I think I may have seen a youtube clip of him snapping it but was too young to watch the 87 ryder cup.

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Post by dynamark Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:24 am

Few years back we teed off on the 2nd and one of our group managed to drive and hit on the back of the head a player walking up the 6th 180 yds away.Guy was out cold about 7 of us tending to him ambulance called and the groups behind still insisted on teeing off raining shots down onm us.Incredible but they would not walk through


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Post by SetupDeterminesTheMotion Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:44 am

Faldono1fan wrote:NBS - Two points:-

1) I think the intention of the thread was to draw on people's personal experiences of playing through pain. Yes TW did play through pain at the US open, but I am personally bored of hearing about him at any given opportunity.

2) Crenshaw LOST to Darcy in the 87 ryder cup albeit he did take him to the 18th which was some feat in itself!

Gentle Ben didn't injure himself, but broke his putter in a pique of anger. If his mother was there, she would have sent him to his room, for his behaviour.

I agree with Fno1, TW hijacks every thread on this site. He's not no 1 any more, he's not even No 2, by some fluke of how they work these out he's No. 20. People get over it, he's had his time, can we talk about some good golfers. But please don't now starting talking up Lee. He probably challenges TW with hijacking threads. censored censored

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Post by raycastleunited Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:32 am

dynamark wrote:Few years back we teed off on the 2nd and one of our group managed to drive and hit on the back of the head a player walking up the 6th 180 yds away.Guy was out cold about 7 of us tending to him ambulance called and the groups behind still insisted on teeing off raining shots down onm us.Incredible but they would not walk through

That's pretty poor dyna, you should have called the following groups through if you were holding up play.



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Post by Diggers Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:37 am

dynamark wrote:Few years back we teed off on the 2nd and one of our group managed to drive and hit on the back of the head a player walking up the 6th 180 yds away.Guy was out cold about 7 of us tending to him ambulance called and the groups behind still insisted on teeing off raining shots down onm us.Incredible but they would not walk through

This sort of comment backs up my long held view that as much as I love the game your average golfer is basically a bit of a tawt.


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Post by super_realist Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:40 am

There is a saying Diggers that not all golfers are idiots, but all idiots are golfers.


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Post by dynamark Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:12 am

Had to carry him 200 yds on a stretcher to get to the ambulance.
I went back to the tee and asked them to walk down to where it was safe for everyone and then play effectively second shots.No way Jose 'we are in the competition'etc.
I have seen folk playing in the snow on Xmas morning nuts


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Post by navyblueshorts Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:22 am

Faldono1fan wrote:1) I think the intention of the thread was to draw on people's personal experiences of playing through pain. Yes TW did play through pain at the US open, but I am personally bored of hearing about him at any given opportunity.
I'm bored of him too but I will fire back at TW posts I don't agree with. I'm unlikely to initiate a TW conversation.

Faldono1fan wrote:2) Crenshaw LOST to Darcy in the 87 ryder cup albeit he did take him to the 18th which was some feat in itself!
Ah well. Memory fading as age increasing. Darcy was one of the best putters I've ever seen (co-incidentally along with Crenshaw) but still impressed that Crenshaw took it down the last and that it wasn't his putting with a long iron/SW that really cost him.

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Post by lorus59 Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:47 am

My friend hit his tee shot onto a public path running parallel to the golf course and hit a guy on the head and knocked him cold. We ran up to the guy and I asked my friend what he should do now, and he said "I'd imagine it's an 8-iron from here."

A joke.


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Post by number1hacker Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:45 pm

Haha. Probally a pitching wedge for most of the members on this site!!!


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Post by lorus59 Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:15 pm

Time to leave the golf section of this site to the real golfers I guess.


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Post by number1hacker Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:10 pm

Ahh, don't go....... Crying or Very sad


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Post by barragan Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:55 pm

i got hit on the chest by a ball in the last comp of last season. it wasn't too sore as it bounced right infront of me first, but it gave me a wee bit of a shock nonetheless. i holed my next shot out of a bunker for a handy birdie - which really turned my game around that day as i was having a bit of a mare up to that point.


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Post by dynamark Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:13 pm

On the subject of hitting people a friend who lives in Blackpool was playing North Shore tee shot drifted towards footpath hit elderly lady down she goes,he goes running up to find it is his boss/fellow directors mother.As she came round she looked up and said'graham thank goodness its you'
True story


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Post by navyblueshorts Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:25 am

dynamark wrote:On the subject of hitting people a friend who lives in Blackpool was playing North Shore tee shot drifted towards footpath hit elderly lady down she goes,he goes running up to find it is his boss/fellow directors mother.As she came round she looked up and said'graham thank goodness its you'
True story
Laugh laughing I like that one. Did he ever own up?

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Post by dynamark Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:16 am

Yes he did but I understand he will never be allowed to forget it.
The boss in question actually owns a private 9 hole course in the grounds of his home nr Fylde.Shortish holes some cross each other but very nice condition.Usually get a few professional visitors when the Open is at Lytham so hoping to get up there this year.Lucky boy but worked hard for it


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