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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Valero's Conscience
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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by Valero's Conscience Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:33 pm

Jones Jr has been hit with a $3.5m tax bill, another example of a boxer lacking in ability to look after his own finances!

Probably the treason he is fighting Lebedev which many alluded to on this forum.

He may have the money but just been forced to pay, which I hope is the case but so so many boxers appear to be smart in ring savvy but utterly clueless with basic finances!?!

Valero's Conscience

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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by huw Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:10 pm

Thing is in a lot of these instances with boxers, they are idiots but idiots that know they are idiots so will let someone else handle the financial side for them only to find out the person trusted was also an idiot.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:52 pm

This is what you get when you ask for financial advice from Wesley Snipes


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by BALTIMORA Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:36 pm

I've no sympathy really, if he's skint. Plenty of people can manage to hang onto the money they make. For whatever reason boxers seem to be head and shoulders above other sportsmen when it comes to wasting money.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:57 pm

When you are self employed you have to pay the tax on last year this year....

People forget that and spend it....

As for being an idiot some of the best and biggest businessmen in the World have lost all their money by making bad investments...

You're judging this guy without knowing the specific circumstances...


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by BALTIMORA Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:08 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:When you are self employed you have to pay the tax on last year this year....

People forget that and spend it....

As for being an idiot some of the best and biggest businessmen in the World have lost all their money by making bad investments...

You're judging this guy without knowing the specific circumstances...

Which is why I said 'if'. Likewise I have no sympathy for anyone who's squandered a fortune through their own lack of financial acumen, or through avoidable carelessness or over-spending. Don't give me the 'self-employed' line either. When you have the kind of finances RJJ has had, you take the time and effort to hire a good accountant. It's not rocket science.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:10 pm

So you have no sympathy for a guy who has been fleeced...

Not even for those that lost hundreds of thousands with Bernie Madoff and killed themselves..

You are a hard man..


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by BALTIMORA Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:17 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:So you have no sympathy for a guy who has been fleeced...

Not even for those that lost hundreds of thousands with Bernie Madoff and killed themselves..

You are a hard man..

Truss, would you care to READ what I've said before casting your judgement? Besides which, I saw no evidence of Jones having been fleeced. Being fleeced is hugely different to blowing a fortune on shiny trousers and cars with televisions in them. One I have sympathy for, one I do not. Simple.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:20 pm

Squandered a fortune through their lack of acumen.....Is what you said!!

So when a guy like Madoff offers you a return that's three times as much as anybody else is offering...

If it sounds too good it is would be most people's advice!!

Lack of acumen...........

I read what you wrote..


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by BALTIMORA Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:33 pm why do you have such a hard time understanding it?


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:50 pm

You're obviously too thick to remember what you wrote..

which makes conversing pointless..


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by HumanWindmill Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:52 pm

Or maybe you simply misunderstood each other.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:54 pm

Let him take back what he said then...

It's in black and white for god's sake..


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by HumanWindmill Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:57 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Let him take back what he said then...

It's in black and white for god's sake..

I wasn't having a pop, Truss. It's just that you two are excellent posters and, being a half full glass type, I figured maybe you'd just misunderstood each other.

None of my business, really.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:00 pm

Alright Windy.. just hate people that write something...saying it's takien out odf context when it isn't...

If he didn't mean it that way...have the honor to say you cocked up instead of trying to throw the blame on someone else..


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by D4thincarnation Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:28 pm

I'm sure if he worked in a bank he would be able to find some tax loopholes.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by BALTIMORA Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:36 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Alright Windy.. just hate people that write something...saying it's takien out odf context when it isn't...

If he didn't mean it that way...have the honor to say you cocked up instead of trying to throw the blame on someone else..

After you, good sir... 8)


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by BALTIMORA Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:55 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Squandered a fortune through their lack of acumen.....Is what you said!!

No, it's not. I said:

BALTIMORA wrote:I have no sympathy for anyone who's squandered a fortune through their own lack of financial acumen

So when you say:

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:I read what you wrote..

I beg to differ.



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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by SugarRayRussell (PBK) Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:18 pm

Don't see how anyone could have sympathy for RJJ this seems all his fault. I've heard no stories of him being fleeced out of his cash. He has earned a lot of money and if he has squandered it living the high life while not paying taxes it's his own fault. Does he not work on HBO?
SugarRayRussell (PBK)
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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

Post by huw Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:37 am

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:

As for being an idiot some of the best and biggest businessmen in the World have lost all their money by making bad investments...

And a lot of idiots make it rich by just being lucky, it's the way of the world.

When mentioning 'an idiot' I was actually referring to boxers in general that end up in this position. They should be a lot more careful with investments as most would be past their earning well years in their mid-30's, meaning they should be looking at longer term less risky investments.

Some may still get ripped off or be unlucky but in general most of these guys that end up owing millions are idiots.

When you think that these guys are especially in RJJ's earning the sort of money that is the equivalent of winning the lottery 2-3 times per year for a 10 year period there is no excuse for being skint.


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Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money? Empty Re: Roy Jones Jr = Another Boxer Who Cannot Look After His Money?

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