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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

Post by Gordy Thu 2 Aug 2012 - 15:49

Many of these younger talents look like they should have been in the England team. We should have ousted alot of the overpaid old guard years ago and focussed on the hungrier younger players.

I would like to see GB remain as a team for International competitions with the collective nations playing individually outside of that for friendlies, touring and possibly a Home Nations tournament. Anyone else agree?


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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Re: Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

Post by Crimey Thu 2 Aug 2012 - 15:50

I think they only look better because they're in a lower standard of competition. I'd always fancy the England side that appeared at Euro 2012 to beat them 9 times out 10.


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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Re: Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

Post by Thomond Thu 2 Aug 2012 - 15:52

Pointless comparison as the GB lads are playing fellas who are novices a lot of the time, of the teams they have played so far there weren't many incredibly good players in the opposition teams. U-23 like and all that, they are getting better but won't win the thing in my opinion.


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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Re: Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

Post by TopHat24/7 Thu 2 Aug 2012 - 15:53

No. Not even close. About the easiest sporting question I've ever answered.



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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Re: Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

Post by sugarNspikes Thu 2 Aug 2012 - 15:55


Though I wouldn't mind having Bellamy in the England squad.


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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Re: Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

Post by J.Benson II Thu 2 Aug 2012 - 16:40

If the GB team had competed in Euro 2012, they would have lost all 3 group games.

J.Benson II

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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Re: Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

Post by ValleyGraduate12 Thu 2 Aug 2012 - 21:57

Of course the GB team are better! It includes several Welsh players thumbsup


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Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England? Empty Re: Anyone think the Great Britain football team is better than England?

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