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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Sun 11 Nov 2012, 8:47 am

First topic message reminder :

navyblueshorts wrote:
mystiroakey wrote:Mac your beiing an idiot there mate.. NBS at best is on some pedantic mission at the moment- at best arguing symatics..
Don't be a plank. There's nothing semantic in what I've said. You always say I'm arguing semantics when you don't get what I'm talking about!
You're right re. the spaghetti, butter and TK. It's not great but it's not as bad, nutritionally, as is being made out. As I said before, if they ate that occasionally, what's the issue? If they eat it every day? That's another matter.

its disgusting- the family is overweight.. they should not be eating that sort of food ever! the fact that they even ''like' that sort of food is a big problem.

the mother said she was raised on it!

That is there stock spaghetti dish!

Jamie oliver needs to be sent to that family- its an emergency i tell ya!


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:08 am

Exactly Diggers, they choose not to because they are terrified of the backlash from The Church. Imagine being so subserviant to such an outdated institution.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by JAS Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:12 am

super_realist wrote:Eh, having laws dictated to by the church.

Mind you, Western Scotland lives in the past and in bigotry too, so perhaps it's more of a regionalised thing. The more educated parts of the country aren't affected. Run

The ironic thing is Super most of the idiots locked in religious bigotry in Western Scotland are at best agnostic but mostly Atheist, most couldn't find their local church/chapel or tell you when they were last in it!!


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:16 am

Very true JAS, all the football fans hide under a cloak of religion for their football allegiance but few ever go on a Sunday. Sectarianism really is the most pathetic thing I an think of.

By the way, with all the bible thumpers on the PGA tour, how, if they make the cut do they square not going to church on a Sunday?


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by incontinentia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:20 am

Diggers wrote:There isn othing stopping any of the partys in Ireland making abortion legal, they just choose not to. The church couldnt stop it other than by influencing its members not to vote for a change.
they don't legalise it cos its wrong diggers.

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by McLaren Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:22 am


The church govern the moral conscience of the people and those people will only vote for people who allow them to carry out the wills of the church. Should the Pope ever decide to announce condoms and abortion are hunky dory with him and that using them will not result in a flaming death, I am sure a political party in Ireland will be able to take the pro abortion stance.

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:27 am

incontinentia wrote:
Diggers wrote:There isn othing stopping any of the partys in Ireland making abortion legal, they just choose not to. The church couldnt stop it other than by influencing its members not to vote for a change.
they don't legalise it cos its wrong diggers.

Well thats a matter of opinion, and I certainly dont agree that its wrong.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:27 am

incontinentia wrote:
Diggers wrote:There isn othing stopping any of the partys in Ireland making abortion legal, they just choose not to. The church couldnt stop it other than by influencing its members not to vote for a change.
they don't legalise it cos its wrong diggers.

Perhaps you should be called Indoctrinated?


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by gaelgowfer Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:28 am

incontinentia wrote:
Diggers wrote:There isn othing stopping any of the partys in Ireland making abortion legal, they just choose not to. The church couldnt stop it other than by influencing its members not to vote for a change.
they don't legalise it cos its wrong diggers.

If you had to carry a baby that you didn't want in your belly for nine months, you might think differently.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Aruglia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:31 am

gaelgowfer wrote:Seismic changes taking place in Eire. From what I can gather, the state is gradually separating itself from the church. This process has been made easier due to the scandals surrounding priest sex abuses of children.

Still, can't see any irish government sanctioning abortion by choice. Its citizens are just too ... catholic!

"Did you know" that mixed (religion) marriages were frowned upon to the extent that offspring were (perhaps still are?) compelled to be raised as catcholics? Such a policy of course decimated the number of protestants living in Eire which, I guess, was the idea!

Many protestants moved away anyway because I think they were also denied opportunities to help shape the country's political landscape. I think this is now also changing.

Firstly our country is called Ireland. Secondly your bigotry and lies disgust me. It's not the first post along similar lines I have seen from you on this forum. I should probably feel sorry for you because your bigotry is borne out of pure ignorance. Though you try very hard to hide it on these forums - it's pathetic.

Where are all these "did you know" facts coming from? I'd be interested to see your answer. Though I know the answer already: some other bigot.

By the way, I am an Irish Catholic married to an English Anglican and we raise our two children how we choose. Keep your disgusting bigotry and lies to yourself please.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:34 am

The thing that I find amazing is that anyone can believe in something with no factual basis at all, let alone govern their lives by such belief.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:40 am

Anyone see the documentary, The Dark Charisma of Hitler the other day?
God knows how they are going to make that into a 3 parter, was utterly dreadful. Its not that hard to grasp that an exceptional set of circumstances conspired to allow the beliefs of a shouty little nutter to spread much further than they ever should and then a reign of terror allowed him to do what he wanted.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:43 am

I watched it last night Diggers, thought the narrator was dreadful and the lack of footage being supplemented by Hitler busting out of a flame filled background every 2 minutes was very poor and tiresome indeed.

A fascinating period of history made boring by a very dreary and rushed production.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by JAS Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:44 am

Aruglia wrote:
gaelgowfer wrote:Seismic changes taking place in Eire. From what I can gather, the state is gradually separating itself from the church. This process has been made easier due to the scandals surrounding priest sex abuses of children.

Still, can't see any irish government sanctioning abortion by choice. Its citizens are just too ... catholic!

"Did you know" that mixed (religion) marriages were frowned upon to the extent that offspring were (perhaps still are?) compelled to be raised as catcholics? Such a policy of course decimated the number of protestants living in Eire which, I guess, was the idea!

Many protestants moved away anyway because I think they were also denied opportunities to help shape the country's political landscape. I think this is now also changing.

Firstly our country is called Ireland. Secondly your bigotry and lies disgust me. It's not the first post along similar lines I have seen from you on this forum. I should probably feel sorry for you because your bigotry is borne out of pure ignorance. Though you try very hard to hide it on these forums - it's pathetic.

Where are all these "did you know" facts coming from? I'd be interested to see your answer. Though I know the answer already: some other bigot.

By the way, I am an Irish Catholic married to an English Anglican and we raise our two children how we choose. Keep your disgusting bigotry and lies to yourself please. to say a raw nerve's been touched then Wink

Never ceases to amaze me that every single time anything involving Ireland (or Eire) gets brought into any discussions on these boards the sensitivity meter goes nuclear.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:46 am

They're like Scousers JAS, completely without a sense of humour or self deprecation and who take themselves far too seriously.

For someone to go to the trouble of setting up an account to simply respond to Gael seems a bit sad and tragic.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by hend085 Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:49 am

Diggers wrote:There isn othing stopping any of the partys in Ireland making abortion legal, they just choose not to. The church couldnt stop it other than by influencing its members not to vote for a change.

Diggers this is a very ignorant statement. there is nothing stopping any of the partys changing abortion legislation? pretty difficult when you are an opposition party for one.
and secondly, to make abortion legal it would require constitutional change. to change the constitution a referendum is necesary. please dont make such narrow minded and ignorant statement about something that you have no knowledge of. its obviously not a black and white issue.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:00 pm

Sorry Hend, never thought anyone was dumb enough on here that I would have to explain the party would need to be in power to actually make the change. Obviously I have overestimated some people. Though clearly a party could run its manifesto on legalising abortion, if they were to be elected they could call for a referendum through their mandate.
A constitutional change would be triggered by govt action ? No direct church involvement. Thats the point I was making. Or can the church call for a referendum in Ireland ? No, didnt think so. Its a political process, all political processes have shades of grey but you are sugesting that something that comes down to a simple human choice by the majority of the population is more complicated that it actually is...thats rubbish.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Aruglia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:06 pm

JAS wrote: to say a raw nerve's been touched then Wink

Never ceases to amaze me that every single time anything involving Ireland (or Eire) gets brought into any discussions on these boards the sensitivity meter goes nuclear.

Yes it is safe to say. Sometimes happens when lies are spread that relate directly to me and my family.

And super_realist - nice response. All I can say about you is your contributions to this forum will make for a fascinating study for some psychiatry student some day.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by JAS Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:06 pm

super_realist wrote:They're like Scousers JAS, completely without a sense of humour or self deprecation and who take themselves far too seriously.

For someone to go to the trouble of setting up an account to simply respond to Gael seems a bit sad and tragic.

It's weird though because it seems to be an Internet forum only phenomenon. I had a 3 month contract in Dublin around 2000 and loved it, the people couldn't have been friendlier, none of the chip on shoulder defensiveness we regularly see on here, maybe things have changed. I don't know.

...and Gael of all people!!! I thought people leave the forum to AVOID responding to Gael!! Only joking Aunty Gael Wink


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:12 pm

JAS wrote:
super_realist wrote:They're like Scousers JAS, completely without a sense of humour or self deprecation and who take themselves far too seriously.

For someone to go to the trouble of setting up an account to simply respond to Gael seems a bit sad and tragic.

It's weird though because it seems to be an Internet forum only phenomenon. I had a 3 month contract in Dublin around 2000 and loved it, the people couldn't have been friendlier, none of the chip on shoulder defensiveness we regularly see on here, maybe things have changed. I don't know.

...and Gael of all people!!! I thought people leave the forum to AVOID responding to Gael!! Only joking Aunty Gael Wink

Im not sure about that Jas. My direct experience was dating an Irish girl for quite a while. I expressed the same views as to how lovely the people were when we visited but she would always say they were to your face but what was said behind your back was a different story.
She herself married young and got divorced and her mother wouldnt talk to her for 3 years and openly admitted that she could never really forgive her and that she could never truly be married again. She said that was a pretty common opinion of a lot of people in her home village.
This wasnt Dublin though where I guess everyone is a bit nore cosmipolitan and as I said everyone was always lovely to me, but it was interesting to hear the views of an insider.

Last edited by Diggers on Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by gaelgowfer Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:12 pm

Aruglia wrote:
gaelgowfer wrote:Seismic changes taking place in Eire. From what I can gather, the state is gradually separating itself from the church. This process has been made easier due to the scandals surrounding priest sex abuses of children.

Still, can't see any irish government sanctioning abortion by choice. Its citizens are just too ... catholic!

"Did you know" that mixed (religion) marriages were frowned upon to the extent that offspring were (perhaps still are?) compelled to be raised as catcholics? Such a policy of course decimated the number of protestants living in Eire which, I guess, was the idea!

Many protestants moved away anyway because I think they were also denied opportunities to help shape the country's political landscape. I think this is now also changing.

Firstly our country is called Ireland. Secondly your bigotry and lies disgust me. It's not the first post along similar lines I have seen from you on this forum. I should probably feel sorry for you because your bigotry is borne out of pure ignorance. Though you try very hard to hide it on these forums - it's pathetic.

Where are all these "did you know" facts coming from? I'd be interested to see your answer. Though I know the answer already: some other bigot.

By the way, I am an Irish Catholic married to an English Anglican and we raise our two children how we choose. Keep your disgusting bigotry and lies to yourself please.

Oh dear, what a truly spectacular own goal. What colourful language ... and you all religious too. Whistle

It's a while ago since I read this article so I can't remember where I read it but, let's face it, you couldn't make up this stuff, so it must be true! Never mind though, navyblueshorts doesn't believe anything I say either so, join the queue!

No man or church should hold divine right of power over what a woman does with her body. To do so reduces her human status to that of a mere vessel.

Incidentally, aren't english anglicans practically catholic in all but name?


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by incontinentia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:16 pm

There have been several abortion referenda in Ireland over the last 30 years or so. The current legal stance is a reflection of the will of the people and not the church.

Jas- one reason for Irish sensitivity is patronising bull from people who havent a clue what they're talking about, as evidenced by a few posts on this thread today.

When Harrington hit his legendary 5 wood in the Open a few years ago a numbskull commentator described it as 'the luck of the Irish'. Can you believe that sh1t? No wonder we are sensitive!

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:17 pm



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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by JAS Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:18 pm

Arug, welcome to the board...but for Chrissakes lighten up.
Supers' had a pop at my genre being uneducated this morning (i'm from western Scotland originally). Maybe if I thought there was some truth in it or if i thought his tongue wasn't firmly in his provocative little cheekbone I might have got a teeny bit closer to being offended.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:21 pm

By the waylove ireland, dont understand or like the abortion law,

thats it, and i believe things will change.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:22 pm

Incontentia that harringfton shot only just got over the fairway bunker then bounced another 60 yards stiff!!

come on pal- abit lucky surely!

however you make your own luck - right!


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by incontinentia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:25 pm

You say luck, i say sheer class!

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:26 pm

Aruglia wrote:
JAS wrote: to say a raw nerve's been touched then Wink

Never ceases to amaze me that every single time anything involving Ireland (or Eire) gets brought into any discussions on these boards the sensitivity meter goes nuclear.

Yes it is safe to say. Sometimes happens when lies are spread that relate directly to me and my family.

And super_realist - nice response. All I can say about you is your contributions to this forum will make for a fascinating study for some psychiatry student some day.

Keep crying into your irish stew Arug and keep living in the past.

Does anyone else think they're too sensitive? How long go was the potato famine? Yet people still pretend to be offended by any mention of it.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:28 pm

ok his win was sheer class...


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:31 pm

It was a class win, a class shot, but there's always a touch of luck when a shot runs up to the hole from 200+ yards out on a links course.

Were you actually seething at "the luck of the irish" quip? picard


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by gaelgowfer Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:33 pm

Didn't the EU want to abolish abortion laws via the Lisbon Treaty but the irish dug their toes in and demanded the right to a referendum to decide the matter?


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by incontinentia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:37 pm

I was fuming super, and later made a complaint to the bbc and i'm glad i did.

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:39 pm

Incontinent, that is actually pathetic that you complained. If you play golf on links you know there is an element of luck to such a shot.

What exactly was your problem apart from over-sensitivity?

I imagine the person taking the call was flabbergasted someone could be so petty, or pi$$ing themselves someone had so much time to waste.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:40 pm

Where ddi the luck of the Irish phrase come from anyway ? I wouldnt have said it was a particularly lucky country, pretty much the opposite really.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by hend085 Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:41 pm

Diggers wrote:Sorry Hend, never thought anyone was dumb enough on here that I would have to explain the party would need to be in power to actually make the change. Obviously I have overestimated some people. Though clearly a party could run its manifesto on legalising abortion, if they were to be elected they could call for a referendum through their mandate.
A constitutional change would be triggered by govt action ? No direct church involvement. Thats the point I was making. Or can the church call for a referendum in Ireland ? No, didnt think so. Its a political process, all political processes have shades of grey but you are sugesting that something that comes down to a simple human choice by the majority of the population is more complicated that it actually is...thats rubbish.

If you knew anything about Irelands stance on abortion you would realise there have been a number of referendums in the past. you are trying to make it out as if popular opinion in ireland is in favour of abortion but the church is calling the shots. this simply isnt the case.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by barragan Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:42 pm

out of interest, here is the full Alliss quote - as near as i could get:

he's had a bit of the luck of the irish today. he was offline a few times early on and found cart paths and tracks and walkways. but he's deserved it because he's played with a freedom of spirit and a freshness and an honesty - the others just couldn't compete.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:44 pm

And where Hendo do people form those views (or have them indoctrinated into them)? That will be religion then.

The UK is just over the water, no major cultural differences with the exception of Ireland is religious and the UK isn't (by and large) (and we have a plentiful potato supply)Run

Religious bodies may not make the laws, but they certainly shape the opinion of those eligible to vote on a referendum.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:44 pm

Well leprecorns are lucky and the 4 leaf clover and all that


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:46 pm

hend085 wrote:
Diggers wrote:Sorry Hend, never thought anyone was dumb enough on here that I would have to explain the party would need to be in power to actually make the change. Obviously I have overestimated some people. Though clearly a party could run its manifesto on legalising abortion, if they were to be elected they could call for a referendum through their mandate.
A constitutional change would be triggered by govt action ? No direct church involvement. Thats the point I was making. Or can the church call for a referendum in Ireland ? No, didnt think so. Its a political process, all political processes have shades of grey but you are sugesting that something that comes down to a simple human choice by the majority of the population is more complicated that it actually is...thats rubbish.

If you knew anything about Irelands stance on abortion you would realise there have been a number of referendums in the past. you are trying to make it out as if popular opinion in ireland is in favour of abortion but the church is calling the shots. this simply isnt the case.

You are completely wrong. Im saying totally the opposite, that the church does not control the abortion laws in the country and that its the choice of the political partys not to actively pursue a pro abortion stance and the choice of the people through past referendum (though the last one was 20 years ago) not to make a change.
Whether they do so based on Catholic ideology or based on their own pro life beliefs who knows, thats down to the individual. My point is the changes could be made without the direct involvement of the church.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:47 pm

Does anyone remember "Lucky Charms" cereal. Had a leprecahun on the front and horrible sweet bits in amongst the cereal.

"Where's me lucky charms?"

(it tasted really bitter)


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:50 pm

mystiroakey wrote:Well leprecorns are lucky and the 4 leaf clover and all that

Leprechauns are short and lugly and make mischief. Not lucky at all to be one or to be affected by one (obviously I know they dont actually exist.....I think)


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:53 pm

Actually yeah your right. Leprechauns themselves are lucky- but they inflict bad luck on others!! naughty dudes


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 12:56 pm

Leprechauns are short, ginger and ugly. Eh, just like the Irish then? Run



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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by barragan Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:06 pm

Whilst you are more than welcome to debate the abortion issue in a sensible and orderly manner, please refrain from making posts which break the site rules. If you are unfamiliar with these they can be found via the following link:
In particular, may I draw your attention to items 1, 3, and 5.


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Post by incontinentia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:13 pm

Thank you barragan, could you to add the word 'leprechaun' to the swear filter also please if possible?

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by Aruglia Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:16 pm

JAS wrote:Arug, welcome to the board...but for Chrissakes lighten up.
Supers' had a pop at my genre being uneducated this morning (i'm from western Scotland originally). Maybe if I thought there was some truth in it or if i thought his tongue wasn't firmly in his provocative little cheekbone I might have got a teeny bit closer to being offended.

Thanks Jas Smile Think I might be a bit too sensitive to hang around though. In another post on this thread Diggers seems to suggest that the whole of Ireland are a bunch two faced ****s just because of soemthing his ex-girlfriend said to him. I am the only one - Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh - that thought that's what he was inferring in his comment?
Diggers wrote:Im not sure about that Jas. My direct experience was dating an Irish girl for quite a while. I expressed the same views as to how lovely the people were when we visited but she would always say they were to your face but what was said behind your back was a different story.
She herself married young and got divorced and her mother wouldnt talk to her for 3 years and openly admitted that she could never really forgive her and that she could never truly be married again. She said that was a pretty common opinion of a lot of people in her home village.
This wasnt Dublin though where I guess everyone is a bit nore cosmipolitan and as I said everyone was always lovely to me, but it was interesting to hear the views of an insider.

And Gaelgowfer I think it's you whose "all religious" not me - and that's putting it very nicely. Maybe the tone of my 1st post was a bit strong and I apologies for that. But I stand by my assertion that you were spreading lies - knowingly or not. No own goal on my part but nice effort to try and deflect your own.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by mystiroakey Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:17 pm

Welcome Arguila- hang about dude.. You a golfer?


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:21 pm

Good grief, you'll have the people of Portland writing in to get "rabbit" banned soon.

Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Leprechaun.


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Post by Diggers Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:23 pm

Aruglia, Jas made a comment, I made a response based on personal experience. I did not embelish it in anyway and the views given were that of a born and bred Irish girl. I merely posted them.
Im from the north east of England, Im always hearing that people up there are lovely and very warm. Ive always though as a generalisation it was a crock quite frankly. Again a lot gets said behind closed doors and it can be a very parochial place to live, from what I gather from my ex parts of Ireland/some Irish people could be somewhat the same.
For me, for a mother to disown her daughter because of religion is a pathetic stance to take in life, if that kind of attitide was prevelant...which she sugested to me it was...then i have no time for it at all.


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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by McLaren Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:39 pm

Does anyone really think that the Irish people would vote to continue a ban on abortion if they were not totally indoctrinated in the teachings and mindset of the catholic church?

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Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Drive4show 'Anything goes' thread

Post by super_realist Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:42 pm

McLaren wrote:Does anyone really think that the Irish people would vote to continue a ban on abortion if they were not totally indoctrinated in the teachings and mindset of the catholic church?

Precisely Mac, hence why a country like the UK which isn't overwhelmingly religious does have abortion as an option.

Another good reason to ban religion.


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