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Georgina Anderson - Terminally Ill Teenager with a Dream

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Georgina Anderson - Terminally Ill Teenager with a Dream Empty Georgina Anderson - Terminally Ill Teenager with a Dream

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 11 Nov 2013, 11:18 pm

Hi folks,

This was posted on my football club forum a few days ago and thought it was worth sharing. Georgina is a 15-year-old from Marske (a small town in the North East, near Middlesbrough). Tragically, she has terminal cancer - all attempts to cure it or slow its spread have failed. It was her dream to become a singer and in lieu of that, she recorded the following song, posting it on YouTube, in the hope that as many people as possible would hear her.

Last weekend she attended Boro's home match against Watford and the club not only played her song at half time, but arranged for her to spend the day with one of our star players (currently injured, therefore not playing).

While I can't say I really care for this type of music, it is worth listening to as she does have a cracking voice IMO.

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Georgina Anderson - Terminally Ill Teenager with a Dream Empty Re: Georgina Anderson - Terminally Ill Teenager with a Dream

Post by dyrewolfe Thu 14 Nov 2013, 4:35 pm

Just a quick update to inform you that the guy who originally posted about Georgina on the Oneboro forum, announced she passed away yesterday.

rose R.I.P Georgina rose

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Location : Restaurant at the end of the Universe

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