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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Kay Fabe
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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by DrDeath Tue 10 Dec 2013, 7:10 am

Could the Cena turn be happening, was it symbolic to have him standing with The Authority at the end of Raw?

Or will the PPV just be another flop - WWE style?


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Guest Tue 10 Dec 2013, 8:02 am

I wouldnt get your hopes up mate.

Its likely to get people wondering and improve the buy rate for the PPV

I doubt one of the talking points of recent times would happen at a B PPV.

Would welcome it though


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 9:31 am

I have a feeling it won't happen, my prediction is that the Authority will screw Cena over at TLC and the excuse will be that HHH looked back at the footage and it was Daniel Bryan that caused Orton to fly in to Stephanie.

I have to say though, it was a brilliant way to end RAW, I loved seeing Punk and Bryan taking on HHH and Michaels...I know it probably won't happen but DX vs Best and The Beard would be a pretty cool match to have.


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Guest Tue 10 Dec 2013, 10:38 am

So would you recommend watching raw viper or should I just skip to the end?


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 11:00 am

I haven't watched it all, I've only seen a video of the end which was awesome...I read the review and it seems like a pretty good show with Punk and Ambrose having what sounds like a great match.

Here's the video:


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Tue 10 Dec 2013, 11:06 am

Never gonna happen - The moment has passed

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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 11:14 am

I feel like it's too obvious and that's why Orton will still get the backing of the company...Cena makes too much money as a face and tbh, I doubt he could play one now...he's awful at keeping serious and I just feel it would come off as so fake.

I think this brawl opens up a few possibilities such as a DX v Punk/Bryan match or respective singles matches with Bryan and Michaels getting a match and Punk and HHH (if Michaels comes back for one more match that is, I've heard he wouldn't).


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Gregers Tue 10 Dec 2013, 11:56 am

DX are going into the HOF aren't they?

If so then DX vs Punk/Bryan at WM30 is possible

Unified Title - Orton vs Batista vs Cena 
Taker vs Reigns
DX vs Punk/Bryan

Looks like a good top of the card


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Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 12:12 pm

I have a feeling that Cena will face Taker but, if Reigns popularity continues then this is how I'd book it.

The Shield end up as the final three in the Royal Rumble, Rollins and Reigns shake hands but Ambrose slaps Reigns in the face, they have a cool show down with Reigns taking the win, this would keep Rollins and Reigns face and have Ambrose as heel with Reigns continuing his push.

I know this won't happen as Reigns isn't the sort of person they'd give the main event too but I just think it would be a great way for The Shield to fall apart.


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Post by Gregers Tue 10 Dec 2013, 12:48 pm

If they want to break the streak then Reigns would be a good shout, launch him into the stratosphere! Even with a strong showing and a loss (Orton and Punk spring to mind) your stock definitely increases by facing Taker at WM


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 12:54 pm

I think they should hold off the Shield breakdown until the Rumble, have little hints like they did on Raw but keep it until the Royal Rumble match, have the Shield dominate a big part of the match.

I'd have it so Reigns gets number one, have him look strong and eliminate a few people, then maybe somewhere along 7th and 12th have Ambrose and Rollins, have them work together for a few people and then slowly have them begin to argue until they blow up and begin to fight with Reigns maybe eliminating both...maybe he doesn't have to win it but I just think it's a perfect way to have them split.

You could then have a three way feud between the three of them.


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Post by Gregers Tue 10 Dec 2013, 12:55 pm

Because that worked so well for Legacy...


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Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 1:03 pm

Totally different factions first off and secondly, though the idea didn't work out for Legacy and Dibiase in particular, it helped in some part to cement Rhodes in the WWE by pairing him up with Orton.

I think Reigns at the moment is the obvious stand out star and the guy heading for the main event in the future, would it really hurt to have Ambrose and Rollins help that along/get some exposure from it?


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Post by Guest Tue 10 Dec 2013, 1:15 pm

Actually can't wait for the Shield to split up, I think its only Reigns benefitting from it now and the sooner Ambrose and Rollins go alone and start developing as singles competitors the better, especially given some of the rave reviews of Ambrose before he debuted


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 1:26 pm

According to the review I read the Ambrose/Punk match was awesome and the one before on Smackdown was even better.


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Guest Tue 10 Dec 2013, 1:41 pm

xviperx wrote:According to the review I read the Ambrose/Punk match was awesome and the one before on Smackdown was even better.

Thats what I mean by not benefitting as being part of the Shield. He should be having these huge matches on the big PPVs as well as Raw/Smackdown yet as part of Shield its usually a 6 man tag or some crappy US title defence over some low mid carder.

I think out of the Shield he can really press on and work his way up, have proper rivalries and build his character up etc. Rollins is in desperate need of getting out as well as he is getting easily overshadowed by the other two and I think he needs to find his own way as well as a singles guy


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Crimey Tue 10 Dec 2013, 1:50 pm

It was actually a really surprising ending, as it definitely hinted at a lot more, and put Punk and Bryan in a position I didn't think WWE would want them to be, and that's right at the top of the card competing with Triple H. I'm hoping this does lead to them both being pushed back up the card and in positions more befitting of their talent.


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Looseheaded Tue 10 Dec 2013, 4:10 pm

That ending was awesome, finally we get to see Punk involved in Authority storyline and Bryan's an unreal level of over so surely he cant be ignored completely much longer


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by The Best in the World Tue 10 Dec 2013, 4:45 pm

Could it be happening? No, is the simple answer.
We may want it, but love it or hate it, Cena is still the 'top guy' in the company and they will keep him face, for merchandise and all that.

As for Raw, brilliant. Loved the hinting at the implosion of the Shield, with Reigns again looking the strongest, and the ending was superb. Punk/HHH and Bryan/HBK was great and Orton's face as he got up from the Pedigree was class. Also credit to Ambrose and Punk for MOTN
What are they doing with Miz? Is he face or is he heel?!! Loved the continuous chanting for D-Bry during the end, his face was brilliant!
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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Kay Fabe Tue 10 Dec 2013, 6:15 pm

I didn't see anything to suggest Cena would turn heel, I know standing tall with the Authority looking down at Orton was done in a way that would hopefully generate questions and throw some doubt into the whole Cena/Orton clash.

Cena is the uber face, for me it fit perfectly into his character that he would go to the aid of an injured woman, what I do find strange though that Cena's character is so moral yet he's never once had a go at the Authority for how they've acted, he's slated Orton for being a cheap champ but never those behind it, I think that might be something to keep an eye on.

It was great to see Punk finally get involved, I love his facial expressions, he reminds of of Austin in that his character doesn't buy BS and doesn't care who is saying it, if it's Fandango or HHH he'll just finally snap.

I tend to hate when Wrestlers are made to come out, it looks stupid when the top guys aren't there but it looks even worse when the top guys are there and nothing seems to happen, last night was good, I wonder if we're finally building towards the Punk/HHH WrestleMania match we should have got in 2012

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Post by theundisputedY2D2 Tue 10 Dec 2013, 6:36 pm

Kay Fabe wrote:I didn't see anything to suggest Cena would turn heel, I know standing tall with the Authority looking down at Orton was done in a way that would hopefully generate questions and throw some doubt into the whole Cena/Orton clash.

Cena is the uber face, for me it fit perfectly into his character that he would go to the aid of an injured woman, what I do find strange though that Cena's character is so moral yet he's never once had a go at the Authority for how they've acted, he's slated Orton for being a cheap champ but never those behind it, I think that might be something to keep an eye on.

It was great to see Punk finally get involved, I love his facial expressions,  he reminds of of Austin in that his character doesn't buy BS and doesn't care who is saying it, if it's Fandango or HHH he'll just finally snap.

I tend to hate when Wrestlers are made to come out, it looks stupid when the top guys aren't there but it looks even worse when the top guys are there and nothing seems to happen, last night was good, I wonder if we're finally building towards the Punk/HHH WrestleMania match we should have got in 2012

Never mind that man, we could finally be building towards the Randy Orton / Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley-Levesque match we should have got in 2009!


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Kay Fabe Tue 10 Dec 2013, 7:01 pm


Well remembered

Damn Hunter; the thunder stealin' son of a Blueblood gun

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue 10 Dec 2013, 10:20 pm

I didnt see anything heel in that. It was the most face thing Cena could do, he was honourable to a hurt woman even in the face of their "evil"

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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Tue 10 Dec 2013, 10:21 pm

That final segment was f*cking awesome! I marked out at so many things (Punk hitting Triple H, Michales hitting Punk, Bryan hitting Michaels, Triple H giving Orton a Pedigree etc) that in the end I just thought "oh sod it" and spunked all over my laptop!!!

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue 10 Dec 2013, 10:22 pm

HHH with the pedigree made you mark out? Why? Not antagonising, merely curious

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue 10 Dec 2013, 10:24 pm

That made it out like Michaels and Bryan isnt finished. I think thats more tease than actual reality, whereas Punk and HHH seems to really fit, but there were signs throughout the night before the big finish.

End segment did have some real meaning, shame HHH spotlight hogged and I was a big fan of how much Bryan was grinning either

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Post by Shot 21 LCFC Tue 10 Dec 2013, 10:25 pm

Just because I didnt expect it to happen. It also opens up a lot of questions over what will happen between them. Admittedly it was the least exciting thing to happen of all the mark out moments but it just added the brilliant chaos of the segment!

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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by x12x Tue 10 Dec 2013, 10:55 pm

Shot 21 LCFC wrote:Just because I didnt expect it to happen. It also opens up a lot of questions over what will happen between them. Admittedly it was the least exciting thing to happen of all the mark out moments but it just added the brilliant chaos of the segment!

How I see it going...may have said it already in this post.

At TLC, Orton will get help from HHH/The Authority still getting backing and they'll say that it wasn't Orton's fault, it was Bryan due to pushing Orton in to Stephanie. I loved the segment though tbh and liked that they showed the friendship between Punk and Bryan with him taking out Michaels.


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Kay Fabe Tue 10 Dec 2013, 11:19 pm

I think they'll definitely lay the blame on Bryan...he'll never get another shot at the World Title etc... sets him up for the Rumble and the guy with the story

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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by liverbnz Wed 11 Dec 2013, 8:15 am

Good end segement but why on earth did the go-home show for the PPV end with Stephanie being the main focus? Especially when they are trying to build a match that is 'one of the biggest of all time'. Other than that I felt it was a good end segment and it opened a few possible story threads for some. And Bryan is incredibley over - much more than I had realised.

Punk and Ambrose had a great match. Ambrose is really growing on me unlike Roman Reigns who I think tends to overact his powerhouse gimmick. I'm not a massive fan of the Shield as indiviuals so it would be dissappointing to see them split so early. Hopefully they hold it of for a while yet.

The rest of the show was much of a muchness. Brodus' heel turn is intriguing me as is the fued between Sandow and Big E. There are signs that the intercontinental title is going to be taken seriously after 15 years of abuse.

The slammy awards presentation was odd in that they announced the nominess, then did the wrestlers entrance(s) for the next match and then announced the winner of the slammy while the wrestlers waited in the ring.

Also, HHH needs new music to go with his corporate gimmick. Motorhead doesn't really suit.


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Post by Crimey Wed 11 Dec 2013, 11:36 am

I think The King of Kings is perfect for his current character, the lyrics especially. I don't think the character is supposed to think he's some corporate stooge, he thinks he's just the old, cool Triple H except now with power. They'd ruin the character I think by trying to give him something more low key.


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Post by liverbnz Wed 11 Dec 2013, 12:00 pm

Crimey wrote:I think The King of Kings is perfect for his current character, the lyrics especially. I don't think the character is supposed to think he's some corporate stooge, he thinks he's just the old, cool Triple H except now with power. They'd ruin the character I think by trying to give him something more low key.

It doesn't necessarily have to be low key just not heavy metal. I just don't think it sutis someone, well, in a suit! The song definitely says 'power' but not 'authority'. Even get him and Steph a joint tune.


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Wed 11 Dec 2013, 6:26 pm

Im suprised there hasnt been complete meltdown over the fact that John Cena v The Rock won Match Of The Year!!

I think its too late for Brodus Clay to be some monster heel, but they can do better than that. He should carry on dancing, but be a complete bully. He can be deluded and think he is a good guy.

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Post by Guest Wed 11 Dec 2013, 6:31 pm

I think everyone expected it Shot tbh, shouldn't have even been a contender let alone a winner


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by Looseheaded Thu 12 Dec 2013, 2:01 am

Shot 21 LCFC wrote:Im suprised there hasnt been complete meltdown over the fact that John Cena v The Rock won Match Of The Year!!

yeah i was really angry about that but had to save some rage for the Bellas outdoing AJ Lee for Diva of Year as well as Steph McMahon's insult outdoing Aj's again (though her slam on Lawler deserved to win really)


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Could it be happening (Raw spoiler) Empty Re: Could it be happening (Raw spoiler)

Post by NickisBHAFC Thu 12 Dec 2013, 5:22 pm

Fantastic ending to RAW. Just brilliant. The promo's were decent, the crowd were fantastic and funny. Bryan smirking throughout had me cracking up. CM Punk's face when the crowd were chanting "boring boring" made me crack up as well! Im not sure what there leading to, but one thing is for sure, the road to Wrestle Mania 30 has been opened. 

Some of the slammy awards were just stupid though. Cena vs Rock and the bella twins main point of focus. Completely stupid, WWE need to remove the power from the people.

CM Punk vs Dean Ambrose great match. 
Start of a Brodus Clay heel turn? Better than him dancing. 
An actual feud going into a PPV intercontinental title match?!

One thing though, who holds the US championship? Can't remember the last time i saw it!


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Post by Kay Fabe Thu 12 Dec 2013, 11:58 pm

Dean Ambrose...although I genuinely had no idea until I was about to type I had no idea.

I bet you associate the US Title with SmackDown! and thats why you couldn't think who it was

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