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Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go?

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Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go? Empty Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go?

Post by propdavid_london Tue 07 Jan 2014, 11:30 pm

I'm going on a Stag weekend to Rome.  
There just so happens to be a Rugby game on at the same time - Italy vs England (6N).
Hoping for nicer weather than a few seasons back where there was ice and snow on the pitch.  
Has anyone been there before and can recommend good Bars, restaurants etc.  Would be much appreciated.

Last edited by propdavid_london on Wed 08 Jan 2014, 12:58 am; edited 2 times in total


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Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go? Empty Re: Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go?

Post by LeinsterFan4life Tue 07 Jan 2014, 11:37 pm

Why are Italy going back to the Stadio Flamino?


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Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go? Empty Re: Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go?

Post by propdavid_london Tue 07 Jan 2014, 11:40 pm

Sorry - is it the Stadio Olimpico?


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Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go? Empty Re: Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go?

Post by propdavid_london Tue 07 Jan 2014, 11:42 pm

Cheers LeinsterFan.
Have you been?


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Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go? Empty Re: Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go?

Post by Bathman_in_London Wed 08 Jan 2014, 4:15 am

I've been there, as you say, 2 years ago was blooming freezing as for some reason I hadn't taken ski gear/thermals with me!

Its a good stadium though, pretty easy to walk to from the main/central area (about half an hour from memory, a little further out than Flamino), on the other side of the river.

I guess you are staying near the train station if its a stag do? I can't really remember off the top of my head any specific names of bars/restaurants, would need to have a think. Mind you, if you're on a stag do, presumably you won't want wine bars, you'll want an 'irish' pub or similar! There are a fair few of those around by the way!

I think a good bit of advice is to avoid the restaurant on the big tourist squares like the Piazza Navona, on match day it will be full of people in England shirts, but they are all average and pricey. Just wandering down side streets we found quite a few bars/restaurants/cafes which were good and not as touristy.


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Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go? Empty Re: Going to the Stadio Olimpico for the 6N - Whats it like? Where is good to go?

Post by propdavid_london Wed 08 Jan 2014, 7:29 pm

Cheers Bathman - I will have to remember to pack some thermals just in case.
That's great if its all walking distance - cheers


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