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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:41 pm

1).Chapter 3 of the 2014/2015 season sees the Tour head to Georgia's Golden Isles, and the lovely Seaside Course on Sea Island, for "The McGladrey Classic". Originally a 1920's Colt/Allison collaboration, the course was redone by Tom Fazio and looks as aesthetically gorgeous as all but one or two on Tour. The Tour has hit the jackpot with its weather for the early season trips to Silverado and Las Vegas, and four days of promised sunshine should only enhance the Seaside Course as we enjoy the action from our armchairs.

2).Several of the PGA Tour's frat boys live in this most attractive area, Love, Kuchar, ZJohnson, English and a bunch of lesser lights, and others have instructors based locally.
Almost twenty of the field went to university in Georgia, including Chris Kirk who won here last year, and several others are from the nearby Carolinas, including Bill Haas and Webb Simpson who are paired together this week - in a rare flash of wry humour from the PGA Tour.

3).Speaking of which, the Ryder Cup just won't go away, what with Poulter's riposte to Faldo's snipe at Garcia, and His Highness Jack Nicklaus coming out in Tom Watson's corner as the Gleneagles post-mortems continue.

'Course, Saint Jack has also come out in support of a talented young College Quarterback who, in any other society would probably be serving time right now. Think Balotelli's stupidity and throw in shoplifting and several allegations about sexual assault, mixed in with police neglect (possible corruption?) and you'll get the picture.
Not sure Captain Tom would like to be bracketed with this particular thug, but that's the way St.Jack moves these days.

4).Russell Knox and Martin Laird will be in the field for the third straight week and they've hit the ground running this month. Knox steadied his ship to finish third in Las Vegas, but he needs to straighten his back and lift his head up if he's to be taken seriously as a tournament contender. His body language after his first nine holes last Sunday was terrible, shoulders slumped and head shaking. Not good enough.

5).No surprise to see Ben Martin win on Tour; I mentioned him seven months ago that he "looked as if he may have the 'right stuff'" to win soon - I just didn't expect it to be the week after he dragged his sorry arse in second-to-last place at Silverado with rounds of 78 & 79.

6).Some of the Tour's leading lights are starting to return to action with a slimline (relatively speaking) Jason Dufner teeing it up in Perth. He looks as if he's lost a stone or two, and that's just from around his neck.
Duf doesn't give the gallery much love on the golf course but I love watching his swing routine, plenty of waggles and such a smooth swing. Plus no-one is more adept at slipping golfballs to unwitting children in the crowd.

7).The World Golf Hall of Fame made a couple of good choices in their "Class of 2015" by electing Laura Davies and AW Tillinghast (designer of Bethpage Black, Winged Foot, Ridgewood, Quaker Ridge, Baltusrol, etc etc - and Philadelphia Cricket Club, 22 yards of pitch and a pleasant ring of willows around the boundary edge?). What kept them out all these years?

8).But the choices of David Graham and Mark O'Meara to be "enshrined" with them seem a little more marginal.
1979 US Amateur Champ O'Meara was a top-level, never great, PGA Tour Pro, who won two Majors out of the blue in 1998, then spent the rest of his Tour career as mentor to Tiger.
King of the Pebble Beach Pro-Am (won 5 of 'em) and owner of an atrocious Ryder Cup record, he was also Tiger's spokesman in the pay-for-play row that marred the run-up to the 1999 action in Boston and thereafter terminally indignant as to whether that marred his chances of:
Ryder Cup Captaincy: "To be honest, I was a little disappointed I didn't even get considered."
Hall of Fame Election: Perhaps I'll get in: "When I stop playing? When I'm six feet under? When there's no-one left to put in?"
Get over it Mark, looks like Tiger put in a good word for you.

9).Talking of good words, what about David Graham, similarly a two-time Major Champion?
Seems like golfing mates and Preston Trail buddies Trevino and (possibly?) G.W.Bush put in a good word for him.
Graham went one further than Tom Watson when Presidents Cup Captain in that the insurrection against him occurred BEFORE the event! So much so that Peter Thomson had to be brought in to deputise!!
But if the WGHOF has been renamed the Hall of the Very Good with Couples and Montgomerie, Graham and O'Meara, it doesn't diminish the quality of Graham's signature (US Open) win at Merion, described by Hogan as the "greatest round of golf I've ever witnessed".

10).Back to The McGladrey then.
European presence is confined to the usuals, but given the number of Europeans living so close to Sea Island it's a shame that guys like Donald and McDowell (both with good records up the coast at Hilton Head) don't show up to kick-start their season in advance of HSBC Champions play.
The star of the TV broadcasts will undoubtedly be the Seaside course, and I'm expecting a relatively local lad to win the trophy, perhaps another first-time winner. Hudson Swafford maybe, recently a Top 25 machine, while my shilling each-way will be on Scott Brown, but the course should suit Knox, not to mention Bill Haas and Kirk; and Webb Simpson who fumbled his way to a play-off loss to Ben Crane a few years ago and has a great record here.
But I'd love to be a fly on the golf-bag of Haas or Simpson when they discuss Captain Watson and Text-gate.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:32 pm

Good Job Kwini.  It should be noted that Nicklaus has a conflict of interest with the FSU (Free Sneakers University) Quarterback.  His Grandson Nick O'Leary is pretty good Tight End and could be drafted by the NFL.

Korean Open this week, Kevin Na and Seung Yul Noh playing.  But KJ Choi and YE Yang are not playing nor is Hyung Sung Kim, the highest ranked Korean.

Ishikawa and Matsuyama didn't play the Japan Open last week.

IMO, players have obligation to support their home countries National Open.  Their countries Golf Associations helped support these players in their Junior and Amateur careers.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:16 pm

Cheers GPB,
Yup, knew about O'Leary, but Winston will be headed straight for the slammer when he exhausts his College eligibility and Nicklaus must know that.
(Not suggesting Watson should be in the pokey - he's in the stocks right now, rotten tomatoes being tossed at him from all directions!)

Agree about the National Opens, but have to say I'm not up to date with local support systems in Asia so no opinion on that. However, no excuse for South Africans and Aussies who habitually stay away . . . . .


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:07 pm

Hideki competed as an amateur for long period of time. You would think his travels to the Asian Amateur and Augusta Ga were "assisted" through the Japan Golf Association (or equivalent).

The Koreans have a big junior program. Not sure if KJ Choi was a recipient, but given that KJ is outspoken against Korea;s mandatory conscription for the younger Korean Golfers, he should be there.

IIRC, SY Noh and SM Bae and KT Kim are all facing 2 years in the Korean Military in the next few years. Chances are that will setback their careers


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:38 pm

IMO you have to look at each individual situation to make judgments about players going back to play their National Opens.  But I think for the most part the "debt" angle suggesting players are somehow not doing right by their countries of origin by not doing so doesn't fly.

SURE it would be "nice" if all these guys could go back and play some "jr leauge" tournament back home... but lets face it... in Asia especially that's what they are.  Now if Hideki, Ryo, Choi and the likes NEVER went back to play in their home countries... that "might" be different, but that's the case with any of those.  But still, IMO the BEST way these players could repay their countries is to do go out and make a name for themselves (and in the process their home countries) like Yang, Choi, Noh, Ryo, and lately Hideki have done.

And for South Africa... quite frankly I can't see where any "sports organization" other than private ones have done much to assist amateur players in that country.  I know Els has gotten a lot of heat for not playing a lot of SA Opens... but lets face it... he's a WORLD player and IMO the player development program and privately financing SA Amateurs to go play around the world through his Fancourt Foundation pays any so called "debt" he has to South Africa 10 fold.  A lot of the better "young guns" to come out of SA came through Els program... IMO if they have a debt... it's to Ernie... and not the SA Open.  

About the only player I've wondered about not going back home more is Jason Day.  But reading up on him when this came up a few years ago... I know his Aussie amateur golf wasn't being financed by any golf association or anything... instead he went to private academies and colleges to learn his golf... and then turned pro way early to try to pay the bills.  It seems he would want to go back to Australia to play more often, and even though I don't know why he doesn't... I don't think he should be chided for it.   IMO he does Australia proud enough by the way he comports himself, his talent, and his participation in President Cup's and the World Cup etc...


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:43 pm

I remember back in 2011 when Els got ticked at O'Grady (with Chubby pulling the strings) for scheduling the S.A. Open against the President Cup.

Of course, Els skipped the S.A. Open the next year.

I think it was one of the main reasons why Els left Chubby and ISM.

And Schwartzel left a couple of years later.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:57 pm

Some chicken and egg there robo; don't feel qualified to debate but the Aussie Open has often suffered a shortage of its best players which is too bad. And I would say that Day has adopted a galactico schedule without quite having the game to warrant it. A bit born-on-third-base-and-thinks-he's-hit-a-triple - not a great analogy as he's clearly worked hard and made sacrifices, but some element of truth.
Think he gets a free pass this year as he's stated he's resting all that's ailed him, a bit Strickerish.

Separately, two pieces of "news":

~ Possibility that The McGladrey will be a two-course 156-player event next year, using their "Plantation" Course as well as Seaside. Torrey Pines-like.

~ PGA Tour dredging the depths of the FedEx points rankings to fill their CIMB field. Sounds like they're going down to #125 and beyond. Final field will make interesting reading.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:17 pm

And: Talking of resting injuries:
Els has been complaining that his hip is giving him trouble, but he's teeing it up in Macau tomorrow. Just so long as the appearance fee is there, Ernie.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:46 pm

Kwini... Not really disagreeing with anything you're saying on Day... all I'm saying is I don't hold any of these guys not going back for National Open's against them. Too many variables... including one I didn't mention. Some of these guys just aren't very Australasian (or whatever country) any more. Such is the nature of things that people who move away from home for career or what not... stay away. Personal choice for whatever reasons.

And interesting mix of PGAT guys at (or NOT at) the CIMB... seems like a good spread of players from FE Rank 21 on down are represented... about the number I would expect considering for most it would be a long trip for one event. But the surprise is that only 2 out of the top-20 FE guys are entered (Horsehel & Garcia)... With the opportunity for a bunch of these guys to play a "2-fer" with the HSBC... I would have expected more out of the FE Top-20

And by the way... the final field in a more readable format than the PGAT release is online on the Asian Tour site: It breaks down who got in how...

This is the FE rank for the 60 PGAT guys
69 - K.J CHOI


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:01 am

Thanks for the CIMB info.

But I'll take issue with one thing!
I've lived in the USA for 35 of the past 38 years and I still feel as British as when I first took a westbound 747, and I'll never become a US citizen. I bet that, deep down, the vast majority of "ex-pats" from wherever feel the same about their native land, even if they take citizenship of whichever flag of convenience that works for them. Union Jack works fine for me!


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:04 am

kwinigolfer wrote:~ Possibility that The McGladrey will be a two-course 156-player event next year, using their "Plantation" Course as well as Seaside. Torrey Pines-like.
Not quite sure i understand the benefit of this now. With more PGAT guys in the CIMB thus not wanting to play here this week, and even with a field of 132 for this event, it still got all the Webbies in and used all the available 126-150 guys to fill the field (and that's with ZERO SE's going to webbies)... Seems to me by expanding this field by 24 players... it basically just pulls in a bunch of guys 150+ from prior FE list.

Now I'm all for creating playing opportunities... but I'm with GPB in that the focus needs to be getting ALL the Webbies into more events... This year they took Frys and Vegas from 132 to 144... but still all the Webbies didn't get in either. So if anybody needs to go to two courses and 156.. it would probably be Vegas (which used to use multiple courses)... and maybe Mayakoba... Not sure the quality of the other Silverado Resort courses for the Frys, but I hear they're pretty darn nice, just not sure if they're up to tour standards.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:08 am

Re: Sea Island. It may well be that they're taking a later date next year so daylight could be an issue . . . . .


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:18 am

Wonder if Kevin Na could play for the Int'l Prez Cup team. He would be 5th in the rankings if he was eligible.

Na was born in Seoul Korea and this is not the first time he has gone home to play Korea Open. He could have dual citizenship I suppose.

He is 19th in the US Prez Cup standings.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:31 am

kwinigolfer wrote:But I'll take issue with one thing!
I've lived in the USA for 35 of the past 38 years and I still feel as British as when I first took a westbound 747, and I'll never become a US citizen. I bet that, deep down, the vast majority of "ex-pats" from wherever feel the same about their native land, even if they take citizenship of whichever flag of convenience that works for them. Union Jack works fine for me!
Well just goes to show ya... sometimes one writes something down and it doesn't match what one is thinking.

My [intended] point was when it comes to CAREER, especially professional golf... guys often relocate to the states... then they find American wives and then they start families... and their roots grow here. I never meant to imply their "nationalistic hearts" won't forever be with their homelands, but their lives are here. Now for a European guy in professional golf, it seems a LOT easier to accommodate both their lives and at least a little bit of their profession back home. For instance a Laird or a Knox can easily go over to play a Scottish Open.

But I think it's a LOT harder for the SAF, AUS and Asian guys with families here. Trips "home" with wives and kids are not always conducive to playing "national opens" in their homelands. And this new wrap around schedule makes it even harder than ever for the American based "internationals"


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:36 am

kwinigolfer wrote:robo,
Re: Sea Island. It may well be that they're taking a later date next year so daylight could be an issue . . . . .
Well they can't take it too much later... Sea Island ain't Chicago, but it's not Miami either and they DO have winter there (not that its near as severe as it can be even 100 miles inland though.)


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:42 am

Last year, the McGladrey tournament was after CIMB and HSBC. Two weeks before US Thanksgiving.

They used to play Greensboro in the first week of April, They can play at Sea Island in Mid November.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:32 am

Robo: Asian Tour website and CIMB is disjointed with at least one player.

CIMB website is showing Greg Chalmers (#132 in FEX) in the field.

The Asian Tour site doesn't list him.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:12 pm

GPB wrote:Robo: Asian Tour website and CIMB is disjointed with at least one player.

CIMB website is showing Greg Chalmers (#132 in FEX) in the field.

The Asian Tour site doesn't list him.
Yeah... it appears as though the CIMB site is more current than the Asian Tour list...  FE #31 Appleby, #74 Hearn and #109 Molder are showing up on the Asian Tour site...  but those 3 are missing and replaced on the CIMB site list with #129 Slocum, #130 Beljan and #132 Chalmers

And that makes sense... with Appleby, Hearn and Molder appearing to be WD's with Slocum, Beljan and Chalmers added next in order...


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:09 pm

The final tournament of the Champions Tour "regular season" gets underway in San Antonio Friday; the season-long points race for the "Charles Schwab" cup seems to be in Langer's pocket with Montgomerie second and Jay Haas currently in 3rd place.

But there are tournaments within tournaments as the Top 30 in the money list all qualify for the Tour Championship next week, as well as securing exemption for 2015.
England's Roger Chapman won two Senior Majors in 2012 but on the Champions Tour it's a case of "what have you done for me lately?". Or "what did you do twenty years ago?".
So: Chapman, although he's 33rd on the moneylist he's not exempt in to "San Antonio", he's also not a winner during the past 12 months, and nor is he in the Top 70 All-Time moneywinners eligible for Champions Tour play.
So he'll therefore only be exempt for 2015 if he re-qualifies via Q-School.

Seems harsh, but other Major winners such as Mark James, Stewart Ginn, Denis Watson and Eddie Romero were all in the same boat years ago.

Tough school.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:18 pm

kwinigolfer wrote:The final tournament of the Champions Tour "regular season" gets underway in San Antonio Friday; the season-long points race for the "Charles Schwab" cup seems to be in Langer's pocket with Montgomerie second and Jay Haas currently in 3rd place.

But there are tournaments within tournaments as the Top 30 in the money list all qualify for the Tour Championship next week, as well as securing exemption for 2015.
England's Roger Chapman won two Senior Majors in 2012 but on the Champions Tour it's a case of "what have you done for me lately?". Or "what did you do twenty years ago?".
So: Chapman, although he's 33rd on the moneylist he's not exempt in to "San Antonio", he's also not a winner during the past 12 months, and nor is he in the Top 70 All-Time moneywinners eligible for Champions Tour play.
So he'll therefore only be exempt for 2015 if he re-qualifies via Q-School.

Seems harsh, but other Major winners such as Mark James, Stewart Ginn, Denis Watson and Eddie Romero were all in the same boat years ago.

Tough school.

Are the Non-Americans the only ones affected by the tough school? Or does it apply to players like Tom Wargo, Larry Laoretti, Allen Doyle, Don Pooley, Mike Reid, DA Weibring?


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:29 pm

Along with the two course setup going forward at McGladrey's, they have requested to be last tournament of the calendar year going forward.

They are going to have the week before (US) Thanksgiving as their spot on the calendar.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:39 pm

Meant to single out guys who weren't Tour members, for the most part, and played at a time when annual purses were relatively high compared to now. Benefitted Albus, Doyle and Wargo especially.
Think Reid especially gets a raw deal, but Pooley and Weibring lost their exemptions more by not playing rather than anything else. Bit like Steve Jones.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:49 pm

The Geezer Tour has never been a meritocracy. Its an exhibition tour.

It doesn't matter how good Roger Chapman or Eduoardo Romero is. Most of the Geezer Tour fans would rather see Ben Crenshaw make a bogey than Stewart Ginn make a birdie.

You got to give the customer what they want to see.

In a pro-am draw party, Tom Lehman and Hal Sutton are going to get drafted before Ian Woosnam and Sam Torrance.

There are spots for Roger Chapman-type players on the "See Alice" circuit, but they got to keep earning them.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:04 pm

Micheal Sim sighting on the Perth Leaderboard. T3 at -6

Michael Sim was a hot shot on then Nationwide Tour in 2009. So much so, he got ranked inside the top 50, mostly playing the Nationwide Tour. I think he was on Norman's shortlist when he was making Captains picks for the 2009 Prez Cup at Harding Park.

He won 3 times on the NW tour in 2009 got a Battlefield Promotion and was exempt into the Masters. He was runnerup in the 2010 Farmers Insurance Tournament in San Diego.

And then he got injured (I think it was his back). Did not get to the play the Masters. And now he plays the Austral-Asian Tour in obscurity.

I hope he can regain some form.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:58 pm

Here's Sim's interview from today... seems to explain a lot of things...


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:52 pm

Another Round 1 struggle for Padraig Harrington today. One over par (70) and he'll need to be under par tomorrow, a 69 at least, to play the weekend.
And a terrible first six holes for Brian Davis - no Top Ten finishes since September 2013 and no Top 30's since May. He's past 40 now, not getting any younger and you'd think he might have his work cut out to eke out another year on Tour.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:46 pm

Lovely setting for golf but Russell Knox was unimpressed - five bogeys in his final seven holes, and played the 2 x Par-5's in +3. Might as well pack his bags.

Better from Laird (-2); Davis and Harrington will both need to shoot 68, or possibly 69, to survive.

Local lads dominate . . . . . so far.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:27 am

Somehow I think PGA Prez Bishop is going to regret opening his can of worms.

Bishop tried the past few years to be a hotshot, but turned out he was firing blanks all along.

Don't imagine his rapid-fire deletions will do him much good: @#d1ckhead.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:51 am

Must be a weather delay in Perth. Nearly 9 am and no 2nd round scores yet.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:00 am

Looks a lousy day there, perhaps the Fremantle Doctor blew in early?


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Post by pedro Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:39 am

kwinigolfer wrote:Somehow I think PGA Prez Bishop is going to regret opening his can of worms.

Bishop tried the past few years to be a hotshot, but turned out he was firing blanks all along.

Don't imagine his rapid-fire deletions will do him much good: @#d1ckhead.
Fool. And by the way: we already knew bishops didn't fancy lil girls.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by incontinentia Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:16 am

Its a win for Poulty anyway, lots of publicity for his book. Why would he release an autobiography anyway? Hasn't achieved much except a few good Ryder Cups. Is anyone here planning to read it?

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by super_realist Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:33 am

incontinentia wrote:Its a win for Poulty anyway, lots of publicity for his book. Why would he release an autobiography anyway? Hasn't achieved much except a few good Ryder Cups. Is anyone here planning to read it?

Probably the best autobiographies are by the people who haven't been at the very top of sports and who might not have been the sports best player. Can you imagine how boring and dreary an Autobiography of 9C or Federer would be?

I'm not planning to read Poulter's one, but I would imagine it would at least be entertaining, forthright, opinionated and interesting.

I see Poulter has signed for Titleist too. Not a surprise, but I suppose changing clubs gives him an excuse for his rankings slide. Picked a good time to step of the sinking ship of Cobra though, right onto the pier.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by BlueCoverman Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:49 am

incontinentia wrote:Its a win for Poulty anyway, lots of publicity for his book. Why would he release an autobiography anyway? Hasn't achieved much except a few good Ryder Cups. Is anyone here planning to read it?

Yes I probably will. Got a weeks golf in Florida next month, will need something to read in the afternoons when lazing around the pool after 18 holes in the sunshine... Wink


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by kwinigolfer Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:26 pm

Poulter's playing a pretty straight bat on this, and good for him.
Imagine that, Poulter being praised for taking the high moral line.

Haven't yet heard what women's sporting organizations have to say about Bishop's characterization.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by McLaren Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:33 pm

Does anyone think being a little girl is a bad thing?

If it is, then only because of how misogynists like Bishop treat you.

Like someone mentioned above I would have no interest in reading his autobiography, in fact reading anyone's autobiography seems a bit odd. I struggled through most of one of Sir Alex's, but it was hard work.

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by Roller_Coaster Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:29 pm

I've just finished a belting book.


Spot found his ball in the end. Touch and go for a while, but you've got to love a happy ending.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:35 pm

Still no entrant list for the BMW Masters next week on the Eurotour website. This is not SOP for the Eurotour.

Did the Perth tournament have a weather delay? Watching replay this morning and it looks like a beautiful day in Perth. Bunkers do not look damp. Looks like they completed play.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by super_realist Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:52 pm

kwinigolfer wrote:Poulter's playing a pretty straight bat on this, and good for him.
Imagine that, Poulter being praised for taking the high moral line.

Haven't yet heard what women's sporting organizations have to say about Bishop's characterization.

If Bishop is going to resort to calling Poulter names, then I hope that he is going to do the same to Mickelson, somehow I doubt it.

I don't think Poulter's criticism was bad at all, I think it was well worded and considered. It's his opinion, and I'm not sure why Bishop feels he has a place to criticise Poulter for it, it's got absolutely nothing to do with him at all.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:06 pm

Back in 2008, I was surprised Faldo pick Poulter as a Captain's pick over Colin Montgomery. Poulter did not have much Ryder Cup experience, he was 1-1 at the time teaming with Clarke and losing to Woods/Riley 4&3 and beating Riley3&2 in the Singles.

At the time of the pick, Poulter was a controversial pick.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by McLaren Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:05 am

Nice to see someone in golf make a totally unacceptable comment and then get what they deserve.

(Shame the same fate has passed sergio by)

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by robopz Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:34 am

Geeze Louise...

I don't disagree with Bishop being sacked for being a dumba***... but getting sacked for some trumped up "politically correct inclusiveness of women" issue is just pure BS...


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by Shotrock Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:27 am

Disagree Robo and here's why: Among Ted's duties is (should say was) to represent the PGA to players, press and (most importantly, the bill paying) fans. He gets paid plenty and to make such a comment which was a moronic swipe at half the population (obviously meant that acting like a girl is a weakness) ... well, he was tried in the court of public opinion at that very moment. You take the big money, and the big prestige with the job, you can't be so alienating. Think what you want, but be careful what you say.

Mac - Good point, but Sergio is only "hired" to do one thing. Hit the golf ball as few times as possible during a tournament. He's a pea-brained racial comment spewing goofball with a proclivity for putting his ball in the water when it matters most, but you can't fire the guy.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by GPB Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:13 am

87 players make the cut.   Going to be a Slow Round tomorrow.

Laird, Davis, and Gonzo are the only Euros to make the cut.

Big MDF Cut coming up tomorrow.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by incontinentia Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:43 am

robopz wrote:Geeze Louise...

I don't disagree with Bishop being sacked for being a dumba***... but getting sacked for some trumped up "politically correct inclusiveness of women" issue is just pure BS...
Bishop was sacked for his "lil girl" comment??? Seems a bit harsh!

Interesting article on the "real" Ted Bishop

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by super_realist Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:02 am

McLaren wrote:Nice to see someone in golf make a totally unacceptable comment and then get what they deserve.  

(Shame the same fate has passed sergio by)

Mac, stop being a little girl Cool

Very surprised that Bishop was sacked for that. I think there's a case for unfair dismissal there.


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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by pedro Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:12 am

This soap opera just keeps getting better and better. When you think it's over a new fantastic episode appears.  king

This just shows what a kindergarten the PGA is (oops can I use that expression?). Once again Ian Poulter rattles US golf.  Whistle

I wonder what will happen to the Task Force.. Can't wait till the next episode.

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by incontinentia Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:37 am

Social media strikes again. When will celebs and sportsmen learn not to spout whatever they're thinking on twitter?!

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by navyblueshorts Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:43 pm

McLaren wrote:Nice to see someone in golf make a totally unacceptable comment and then get what they deserve.  

(Shame the same fate has passed sergio by)

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PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher Empty Re: PGA Tour: Beside the Seaside Course: Notes from the Ballwasher

Post by navyblueshorts Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:43 pm

incontinentia wrote:Social media strikes again. When will celebs and sportsmen learn not to spout whatever they're thinking on twitter?!
Isn't that the problem? They either aren't thinking or they're just plain daft.

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