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Jerome Garces

Soul Requiem
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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Jerome Garces

Post by Dirtydave Tue 29 Oct 2019, 7:53 am

First topic message reminder :

Regardless of any result he's been involved in, I do not see the rationale in appointing this guy to lead the final.

He regularly refs one team out of the game, and can be random about breakdown and set piece decisions...

My favourite would've been Barnes, up there with the very best imo, however we know why that can't happen, however before Garces I'd have preferred...

Or Gardner.

Hell, I've been very impressed with Berry in this tournament!

What do we think?


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Scottrf Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:41 am

Guiding principles
• The TMO is a tool to help referees and assistant referees. The referee should not be
subservient to the system.
The referee is responsible for managing the TMO process
• The referee is the decision-­­maker and must remain in charge of the game
Any relevant information taken into consideration must be CLEAR and OBVIOUS and in the
context of materiality
The application of the TMO system must be credible and consistent, protecting the image
of the game.

First bold broken because the referee isn't making any decisions, just waiting for the TMO to. Didn't spot the offense.
Second broken because it required multiple slow motion replays.
Third broken because it's not consistent and wouldn't have been picked up anywhere else.


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Afro Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:41 am

Scottrf wrote:"Any relevant information taken into consideration must be CLEAR and OBVIOUS and in the
context of materiality"

If it requires multiple slow motion replays, surely this requirement isn't met?

It took me multiple replays, but it might just be they know the rules and make the judgement quicker and better than me.

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by LondonTiger Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:42 am

We could have VAR instead.


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Guest Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:45 am

Scottrf wrote:"Any relevant information taken into consideration must be CLEAR and OBVIOUS and in the
context of materiality"

If it requires multiple slow motion replays, surely this requirement isn't met?



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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Scottrf Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:46 am

miaow wrote:
Scottrf wrote:"Any relevant information taken into consideration must be CLEAR and OBVIOUS and in the
context of materiality"

If it requires multiple slow motion replays, surely this requirement isn't met?


If it's clear and obvious it's easy to see. Although I thought that point was clear and obvious.


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Guest Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:47 am

What does that mean? Easy to see?


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Scottrf Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:48 am

miaow wrote:What does that mean? Easy to see?



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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Guest Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:51 am

Just trying to make sense of what you're suggesting. Getting rid of slow motion in replays? Yeah?


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Afro Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:53 am

miaow wrote:
Scottrf wrote:"Any relevant information taken into consideration must be CLEAR and OBVIOUS and in the
context of materiality"

If it requires multiple slow motion replays, surely this requirement isn't met?


Surely it is the slow motion replays that make it clear and obvious. Clear and obvious is personal and subjective anyway. Now I have seen it, it looks clear and obvious to me each time I watch it. At the time it didn't

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Scottrf Tue 29 Oct 2019, 11:55 am

miaow wrote:Just trying to make sense of what you're suggesting. Getting rid of slow motion in replays? Yeah?

Checking for specific offenses only would be a decent start. That or ref the rest of the game, including forward passes, crooked feeds/lineouts, off feet at rucks, high tackles etc.


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Guest Tue 29 Oct 2019, 12:07 pm

Which specific offences? Isn't that what they already do?

Are we also now talking about the TMO used for foul play, or in the act of scoring?


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by TightHEAD Tue 29 Oct 2019, 12:09 pm

The TMOs inconsistency and over usage (just like VAR) is not making sport better.

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by WELL-PAST-IT Tue 29 Oct 2019, 12:12 pm

I am not going to get into the argument as to if it should have been allowed or not, but if it has to be "clear and obvious", they should be able to pick it up in the first replay at worst the second. Anything that requires more than that is clearly not "clear and obvious" by definition and should stand.

It's like the refs asking "is there any reason why I cannot award the try", it's a cop out, ask "check if it was grounded" or "did the ball go forward?". Not did I miss something?

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Guest Tue 29 Oct 2019, 12:21 pm

That's totally crazy. So first 2 replays the foot isn't clearly in touch, so try is awarded...then 15 seconds later we get a slow motion on a third angle where the foot is in touch...but, oh well, no try, too late. You obviously take each decision as it comes - clear and obvious is a hangover from the amateur days. People get too hung up on it. How about 'fair and accurate' and use the tools we have to meet that?

Far too much reactionary backlash against referees an TMOs and the laws itself going on. As I said, if there is a decision in the final this weekend where England get screwed over and the TMO isn't used to check/pull it back, you'll all be livid - and rightly so.

TH, instead of perptual outrage, suggest a better protocol.

We're yet to hear one.


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Soul Requiem Tue 29 Oct 2019, 12:22 pm

People get hung up on it because that is what the laws say.

Soul Requiem

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by WELL-PAST-IT Tue 29 Oct 2019, 12:31 pm

There is no problem with the Laws, it is the way they are used, as I said if it takes more than two replays, it isn't clear and obvious and the refs decision should stand. It's simple really, its us human beings that mess it up.

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by No 7&1/2 Tue 29 Oct 2019, 12:32 pm

Its consistency of approach and consistency in understanding of what the laws mean by clear and obvious. To me they should be favouring the attacking team if it's a close decision.

No 7&1/2

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by LondonTiger Tue 29 Oct 2019, 1:10 pm

Owens is apparently injured, so whoever suggested Garces was last man standing may be correct


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Afro Tue 29 Oct 2019, 1:12 pm

LondonTiger wrote:Owens is apparently injured, so whoever suggested Garces was last man standing may be correct

He's probably jet lagged from all those Emirates flights he takes in the ad breaks

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Guest Tue 29 Oct 2019, 1:42 pm

LondonTiger wrote:Owens is apparently injured, so whoever suggested Garces was last man standing may be correct

That might be mental health/stress related as well. Big pressure on the final, and the way we talk about referees etc. - he's been very open how the last RWC impacted on him. Puts things in perspective how we, as fans on the sidelines, speak about referees and the impact we can have.


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by Poorfour Tue 29 Oct 2019, 5:22 pm

Right. I found the clip and I've taken some screen shots.

Here's where we start. I've labelled some body parts for clarity:
Jerome Garces - Page 2 Engvnz13
Points to note:
1) The lower hand is definitely George's - look at the thumb
2) Equally, the top hand on the ball is definitely a New Zealander's - I think that's Retallick - because you can see the continuity to his upper arm, and you can also see that George's left arm is up and bound because you can see his armpit.
3) No-one else apart from Vunipola is anywhere near the ball.  

Jerome Garces - Page 2 Engvnz14
Here's where the ball is dropped. Retallick's definitely had an influence. But the key thing is that the only hand on the ball at this point is George's - you can just see the edges of his fingertips underneath the ball

Jerome Garces - Page 2 Engvnz15
And here's the crucial shot:
1) George's hand is the only one on the ball
2) Vunipola is clutching at air - and if you follow the clip through, he waves his arm around the ball but doesn't actually change its path at all. He doesn't make clear and obvious (or fair and accurate) contact until after George has regathered
3) George regathers the ball by using someone's leg. But it's his own leg. He can't - by definition - be in front of himself, and in any case the ball moves backwards.

My view on Jonker's interventions is that:
a) Underhill 1 was arguably a correct decision but was not clear enough to overturn the on field decision, especially if you draw the offside line correctly from Ford. Should have been a try
b) Underhill 2 was correct. Retallick bit in on Curry more than either Curry or Sinckler was expecting, and Sinckler naturally responded by trying to use the gap, but it was definitely an obstruction
c) Youngs was an incorrect decision, and I think this sequence makes it clear.

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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

Post by mikey_dragon Tue 29 Oct 2019, 5:28 pm

Garces isn’t good. If I could describe him it would be as Craig Joubert Mark II. Ruined the final.


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Jerome Garces - Page 2 Empty Re: Jerome Garces

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