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Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more..

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Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more.. Empty Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more..

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 9 May - 9:07

Wonderful combination puncher... Bags of heart....Fan friendly and probably the best talent I've seen in the UK since Calzaghe...

Great performance beating a top welter in Porter away from home..Heart.. Skill and Porter like Hopkins would go on to impress...

But then Brook either fought stiffs or was thrown in with p4pers at the wrong time...

For two years after his title win Jo Jo Dan types made him stagnate and then he gets chucked two weights up into an unwinnable fight with the P4P number 2....He got a near career ending injury and after recuperation gets chucked in with Porter the future of 147 without knowing the eye will hold up.

Sad thing was he schooled the kid before his other eye went.. The one time Brook needed to fight a stiff he didn't...Yes Porter was mandatory but step aside money or vacate the options were there..

The next major fight after a comeback stiff was one of the best fighters of his era in Crawford with no decent name behind him after those two shattering losses to give him confidence..He dutifully folded.

The Khan fight though both were past it showed what a clever..gifted fighter Brook was and made one wonder just what he could have been..

What he was is a British great and a credit to the sport...

Glad he is retiring and hope he finds pleasure in his loving family..

But did he miss the boat legacy wise ??..Think he did.


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Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more.. Empty Re: Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more..

Post by aja424 Wed 25 May - 20:52


Last edited by aja424 on Wed 25 May - 20:54; edited 1 time in total


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Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more.. Empty Re: Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more..

Post by aja424 Wed 25 May - 20:52

I was really excited about Brook whilst he was starting out and at Brit level. I know he had injuries and that stabbing in Tenerife, but it was frustrating seeing him in so many 80/20 fights and not really challenged until he was 30yo.


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Age : 45
Location : Nottingham

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Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more.. Empty Re: Kell Brook - A huge talent... Could have been so much more..

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