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Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC

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Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC Empty Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC

Post by doctor_grey Mon 21 Nov 2022, 2:26 pm

From the Sydney Morning News' What do you think? Would be great for USA Rugby. Though, to be fair, some pretty good coaches have worked for the USA for a while - Gary Gold there now (or at least was). For me, I can't see USA Rugby affording Eddie unless there is some serious financial backing. Outside of that, I wonder how he would do for the full 8 years. Of course, this could just be Eddie jockeying for a new job somewhere else and using this as leverage in negotiations...


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Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC Empty Re: Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC

Post by formerly known as Sam Mon 21 Nov 2022, 6:45 pm

Gary Gold a good coach? Maybe passable not sure I'd stretch to good.

The move might suit Eddie. He likes spending a good portion of his time in Japan and if he's allowed to be based on the West Coast that makes the travel time a lot less.

formerly known as Sam

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Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC Empty Re: Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC

Post by mikey_dragon Tue 22 Nov 2022, 11:07 am

I also heard he was going to re-sign with England up to 2030.


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Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC Empty Re: Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC

Post by mountain man Tue 22 Nov 2022, 11:14 am

mikey_dragon wrote:I also heard he was going to re-sign with England up to 2030.

Only if Pivac stays with Wales.

mountain man

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Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC Empty Re: Eddie the Eagle? Jones in talks to join USA for record term - through the USA home RWC

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