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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 27 Apr 2024, 12:25 pm

Bout 3
6CWF European Championship
Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly
Theme: "Zombie" by The Cranberries


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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by DanielReilly Sun 28 Apr 2024, 10:29 pm

We are live in the arena when the lights suddenly dim. 'Foggy Dew' begins to blast throughout the arena and green, white and orange strobe lights begin to flicker and shine all over the arena. The titantron springs into light and an Irish flag is shown. A female voice begins to speak, speaking with a thick Irish accent.

'In the beginning, they stood aligned. The World thought they would unite as brothers.'

An image replaces the Irish flag of the very first 6CW show in 2009 where Daniel Reilly and Dicey Reilly are stood in the ring, side by side, as tag team partners.

'But one was full of greed, one took the Gold and mocked the failings of the chosen one'

An image of Dicey is shown, holding the 6CW Championship high whilst Daniel looks on.

'But the destiny was soon to be fulfilled as a King was crowned and he sat proud upon his throne.'

An image of Daniel Reilly holding the 6CW Championship after winning it for the first time.

'Their paths would continue to cross, their paths would always find a way back to each other. And soon, the King became the ruler of all of Europe.'

An image of Reilly holding the 6CWF European Championship.

'But the greedy one couldn't let the King have his time. He tried to take the crown away from the King.'

An image shows of Dicey holding the European Championship over a fallen Daniel.

'But to betray the King comes with consequences, and for such betrayal, blood will be split.'

An image shows of the recent Night of Glory press conference. Dicey is bleeding heavily as Daniel stands over him.

'All stand for your King, the high King, the warrior of Eire, the chosen Champion of the Irish people, the King of all of Europe and the King of IREEEEEELLAAAANNNNNNDDD!'

The lights shut off and the music stops before the room lights up and 'Broken Dreams' begins to play as the fans erupt into boos. Daniel Reilly comes strolling out from the back wearing his new 'Daniel Reilly: Born to Fight' t-shirt. He has an Irish flag in one hand and the 6CWF European Championship in the other as Oliver Keane comes striding out behind him. Reilly takes a second to stand at the top of the ramp as he lifts the Title and the flag up high. Both Reilly and Keane laugh as the fans boo heavily before beginning the walk to the ring. Reilly climbs into the ring as Keane grabs a microphone which he hands to Reilly. The music begins to fade as Reilly places the Irish flag near the turnbuckle before adjusting the European Title onto his shoulder.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, the King has some things he wants to get off his chest. Now normally, the King comes out here and he will take shots at all those who have wronged him, but tonight is different, tonight only one man has the King's full attention, the one and only Dicey Reilly.

The fans begin to cheer at the mention of Dicey's name.

DR: And so Dicey it is official. For the first time ever, Daniel vs Dicey will take place at a Night of Glory event 15 years after they both debuted for the Company. Now Dicey, the King came out here last week and said some words directed towards you and in true Dicey fashion, you couldn't help but come out and have your say. But too many times lately, the King has allowed people to come out and speak during Daniel Reilly's time and this time it was just not going to fly. The King walked away because the King had said all that needed to be said, the King did not want to give you anymore of the King's time when you have had 15 years of Daniel Reilly's time. Dicey, the King has always tried his very best to show respect where respect is due, but for too long the King has been disrespected by the locker room, disrespected by these fans, disrespected by Alex Walker, disrespected by JJ Johnson and disrespected by you! And so forgive the King but he is past trying to respect you anymore.

You continue to come out here and claim you are the better Reilly, you come out here and claim that the King has always been in your shadow, and yet you stand there empty handed and on a downward spiral whilst the King holds all of Europe in his hands! When you fight the King at Night of Glory, the King will be into his eighth month as the 6CWF European Champion after already cementing his place as the greatest European Champion that not just this Company but this business has ever seen! And yet you dare to believe that you have even the slightest chance of ending Daniel Reilly's historic European Championship reign? Dicey, the King has always tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but it is clear to Daniel Reilly that you are, and always have been, nothing but a joke and a stain on this Company!

Boos from the fans as Reilly laughs.

DR: Dicey, for 15 years you have played the act of the man who embodies what 6CWF is, you have portrayed yourself as the man of the people, and yet it is Daniel Reilly who continues to carry this Company single handily on his back as he takes it to new heights whilst you spend your time drinking in the back and losing your big moment Title match to 'daddy'. And yet because of your name, you manage to worm your way into a match for the most prestige Title in this business despite spending the last 6 months in freefall! And normally the King would moan about this. The King has made a point that you only get to fight for the European Championship if you have earnt it, and whilst you have done absolutely nothing close to getting a shot at this Championship, the King gets it. This is the match that these people have waited 15 years for. These people have waited 15 years to see Daniel vs Dicey, Reilly vs Reilly, Original vs Original at a Night of Glory event! And so the King begrudgingly accepted your challenge. But Dicey, if you could not handle the King just a couple of weeks ago, then you are just too far out of depth when you come across the King of Europe in the biggest event in this Company! The King is going to retire you for good before walking through the streets of Dublin with the 6CWF European Championship held high in one hand, and the head of Dicey Reilly held high in the other!

More boos from the fans as Reilly shoots them a smirk.

DR: Last week, the King signed the contract in your blood. Now let that be a warning shot for what is to come. You will spill more blood at the hands of the King, Dicey. You have no right to be stood in the ring with a prime Daniel Reilly when you are 5, maybe even 10 years past your best! The people of Ireland have turned their back on you and now they look to only one man to lead them to the glory that you have failed to do.

Dicey, Daniel Reilly has took his seat and replaced the great High Kings of old, the King has staked his claim on the land and Kingdom of Eire and he is stood high on the big standing stone of Lia Fail. The God, Lugh, is looking down on the King as the chosen Champion of Eire! You will have no choice but to fall to the feet of the King of all of Europe as he fights for his people, the Irish people as the King of all of Ireland!

Reilly laughs before holding up the European Championship.


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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by President Trump Wed 01 May 2024, 10:17 am

“Born to Fight” hits as Daniel Reilly is parading the European Title in the ring. Dicey walks out with a mic in hand and a smile on his face

Dicey: You know what Danny boy this really feels like déjà vu. You come out with all the fancy video packages, the pomp and false name titles. Calling yourself Irish and the King of my fair land at that but at the end I still end up with that belt in my hands and you on your back like a good girl looking up at me.

Daniel clutches the belt to his chest

Dicey: You know deep down that your time is up, these fans know your time is up


Dicey: Its true Danny, listen to the people. The Kings time is at an end, this is your “Let them eat cake” moment, the guillotine is waiting and I will gladly take your head off your shoulders. 15 years is a long time, a lot has happened but the unfortunately for you history will always repeat itself. Dicey will dethrone the king of the streets, Dicey will again have gold around his waist, Dicey will again be what the company needs and Dicey will again go through hell to do what he said what he’ll do. I am a man of my word Danny Boy and at Night of Glory I will take everything that is yours and walk out of the arena as the NEW 6CWF EUROPEAN CHAMPION!!

President Trump

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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by DanielReilly Wed 01 May 2024, 11:22 am

Daniel stares up at Dicey who is stood on the ramp with a big grin on face. Daniel takes a second before returning a smile.

DR: You are going to be what the Company needs? Dicey, you have not been what this Company needs for the last 10 years! This Company has exactly what it needs in Daniel Reilly! And let's get one thing right because the alcohol has clearly affected you but the King has never claimed to be Irish. But isn't it ironic that an English Brummie man rules over your entire land whilst the fabled Irish hero of yester-year has become whatever the hell you are these days!

But this is typical Dicey. You come out and you do your little stand up routine and you talk about how you're going to beat whoever up and credit where credit is due because that has worked for you up to now. But you aren't going against any of them idiots in the back now, Dicey. You are going against the King of Europe and the little Dicey schtick just isn't going to work here. You see, those in the back may still fear you but the King can look you dead in the eye and tell you that you strike no bit of fear in Daniel Reilly and that you just do not have the tools or the capability to even get close to beating the King at Night of Glory!

Do you really think the King has established this Championship to what it has become in the last eight months for him to just discredit his own hard work by losing to someone like you? A man who can barely get his act together, never mind stand a chance against the King! You have had 15 years to find a level as high as Daniel Reilly has achieved and whilst you started strong, the Dicey hype very, very quickly fizzled out. Whilst the King has grown stronger over the years, you have deteriorated! Whilst you continue to press the self destruct button on your career, the King has continued to prove to the World why he is the best talent that 6CW has ever produced!

But let the King of Ireland remind you of something, Dicey. The King wants you to remember when all is said and done that it was you who asked for this. When the King retires you and takes away the one thing you love, Daniel Reilly wants you to remember that it was you who asked for this match. When you lose and your World comes crumbling down around you, the King wants you to remember that he told you that you was out of your depth, that you did not deserve a chance at the King's European Championship!

The King's time is far from up, Dicey. You need to look a little closer to home if you want to talk about time being up. But don't worry Dicey because when our match is over, the King of Ireland will still allow you to return home if your people will still accept you after you once again let your people down as Daniel Reilly closes the book on the legend of Dicey Reilly!


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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by President Trump Wed 01 May 2024, 12:13 pm

Dicey takes a deep breath as in to squash his rising temper

Dicey: You have been back here since the doors reopened and let’s be honest it was slim pickings on who the powers that be, the real king makers could give the nod for who would be in the frame for titles. Let’s face it, you were in the right place at the right time and credit where credits due you took the ball and ran with it but no the big boys have come home and the pool has gotten bigger and little flounders like yourself are gonna get gobbled up quick. This shark has been circling for a while now. Just look at who I have eaten up already, Marty Helms (crowd boo) the most dominant champ in a long time. I came back to beat him, to take away his title for running his mouth about ending my career, I said I would and I did. Then Genesis, the most dominant faction in this business, I put them to the sword just like I said I would. Now the King of the Streets, my old nemesis, the self-proclaimed King of Ireland, we crossed paths on a random show where I handed you your first defeat since winning that belt. I thought nothing of it until you just like Marty tried to make your name again by smearing mine. You beat me with help as usual and started running your mouth about retiring me, you started goading me about being the better Reilly, being the King of Ireland but you have got my attention and no you are going to lose it all.

Dicey takes another deep breath

Dicey: All of this was avoidably Danny….all of it but now I have to beat you at Night of Glory….MY SHOW!! And when I do there will be no hard feelings just a collective sigh of relief from everyone that they don’t have to listen to your sh!t anymore

President Trump

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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by DanielReilly Wed 01 May 2024, 12:43 pm

Daniel begins to laugh as Dicey finishes up.

DR: There he is, that is the Dicey the King wants at Night of Glory! The King wants to beat you when you at least have just an ounce of fire in your belly rather than the feeble old man the King beat a few weeks ago! Now you hadn’t forgot about that loss had you, Dicey? You’re very quick to go on and on and on about the one loss the King suffered to you at the start of his reign as King of Europe but you forget that just a few weeks ago, the King took away your chance to win the Fight for the Right tournament!

And before this gets too predictable, the King knows that you then cost him his shot. And that’s why you and the King both find each other on this path. You cost the King and for that more of your blood is going to be spilled! And don’t you dare stand there and try to think you are ready for the King at Night of Glory just because you have beat Marty Helms! Helms had a good Title run but it doesn’t hold a candle to what the King has done with this European Championship! Going against Marty Helms is nothing at all like what you are going to go against when you find yourself face to face with Daniel Reilly!

Dicey, the King is no self proclaimed anything, the King speaks only facts. This European Championship that the King holds gives the King the right to all of Europe and in turn, gives the King the right to proclaim the land of Eire as his own! After all, it was long overdue that Ireland had a Champion they could be proud of and it is Daniel Reilly who is himself proud to be able to say that eight months ago when he won this Championship, he gave the people of Ireland a Reilly they could finally be proud of!

That little flame you have ignited in your belly is just too little, too late, Dicey. The curtain is closing and the whole of 6CWF will finally rejoice when Daniel Reilly finally puts an end to Dicey Reilly and sends him straight out of the doors never to be seen again! Hell, the King will even pack your bags for you!

Reilly laughs some more as he mockingly waves goodbye to Dicey.


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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by President Trump Wed 01 May 2024, 1:11 pm

Dicey smiles down at Daniel

Dicey: That’s the funny thing Danny, we Irish are well known except British rule with open arms but just like King Edward the 7th you might lose your virginity in Dublin

Crowd: Virgin!!

Dicey: Trust me I have the fire to beat you but I don’t need to walk around angry 24/7. F**k I would be dead of a heart attack within a week. But don’t you worry you will be getting the full Dicey experience at Night of Glory. You will walk out of the arena like JJ and his homies just ran a train on you. I am what I am, I don’t need to be anyone else. I am crass, I drink, I party, I love to have a good time, I am everything you have said but I am also the man that has won countless belts against the best to ever grace this business. I am the man that can hurt you in ways that will keep you up at night, I am the man that will walk down to that ring and face anyone, you know what Danny…I AM THAT B1TCH!!

Dicey smiles and licks his lips

Dicey: and I will be walking out of Night of Glory the new European champ and there is nothing you or that rat Oliver Keane can say or do about it…..because I was born to do one thing…..and that’s (Dicey drops the mic)

Crowd: FIIIIIGHT!!!!

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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

Post by DanielReilly Wed 01 May 2024, 1:29 pm

Daniel stares up at Dicey with a frown on his face before taking a breath and gaining his composure.

DR: You really do think you have what it takes to beat the King don’t you? Dicey, you are living in your little dream world in your head and no one has had the balls to tell you that you just do not have what it takes anymore! Dicey, the King is an honest man and so he would never discredit you for the Championships you have won in the past but that was a different time and your tank is running just a little too low to be able to tangle with the King!

But the King is glad you are going to bring your all. Despite what you have become, the name Dicey Reilly will still be a good name to have on the list of men who tried and failed to end the King’s historic reign.

Dicey, the King is going to do you a favour at Night of Glory. He is going to end it all for you, he is going to take that burden off your back and he is going to finish you so that you don’t need to suffer them pains you feel each morning after you get out of bed after a 15 year career. Dicey, the King wishes you well in your retirement and please be rest assured that Ireland is in good hands, and that their will always be a Reilly in this place who can actually still get the job done.

Reilly smirks up at Dicey.

DR: Dicey, 15 years this moment has been in the pipeline. In just a couple of weeks, all things come to a head and your jokes will not be able to save you. The King is going to finally rid this place of you for good as he once more stands tall of the King of all of Europe and more importantly, the King of all of Ireland!

Keane reaches for the Irish flag in the corner and passes it to Daniel who holds it high alongside the European Championship. Dicey decides he has had enough and begins to walk down the ramp towards the ring looking for a fight. Daniel drops the flag and his microphone before shouting at Dicey that this is not the right time before rolling out the ring with Keane and climbing the barrier, making his way through the fans to get out. Dicey is stood in the ring watching Daniel and Keane exit, he takes a look at the flag on the floor before picking it up and holding it high to the cheers of the fans as ‘Born to Fight’ begins to play. Daniel takes a final look back and both men lock eyes as Daniel holds the European Title up.


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"Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship) Empty Re: "Original vs Original" - Daniel Reilly (c) vs Dicey Reilly (European Championship)

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