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wwe and impact wrestling buisness partners?

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wwe and impact wrestling buisness partners? Empty wwe and impact wrestling buisness partners?

Post by Mr Video Man Fri 08 Jun 2012, 11:10 pm

since christian might be appearing at slammiversary and flair is doing work for wwe do you think this would be a good buisness idea going forward for both companys?

when either company is doing a dvd or something ask the other for permission to use him/her for the time needed and then return them when filming etc is done?. e.g if wwe did a hulk hogan dvd pay impact wrestling to use him for a few interviews or if impact wrestling do a dvd chronicalling the career of mr thursday nights rvd then pay wwe for permission to show some of his wwe footage or something along those lines?
Mr Video Man
Mr Video Man

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wwe and impact wrestling buisness partners? Empty Re: wwe and impact wrestling buisness partners?

Post by Crimey Sat 09 Jun 2012, 10:32 am

The thing is, that would be far more beneficial to TNA then it would be for WWE. They don't really need the TNA wrestlers as they have almost all their best footage in the WWE anyway, and I doubt they'd make a DVD about them while they were in TNA anyway.

Essentially WWE would be giving TNA free publicity by putting over one of their guys in a DVD and then TNA would also get to use WWE footage and people to put themselves over. Even if they were selling the footage, WWE won't get enough money to make it worthwhile.

I imagine it was a one off as they wanted Flair to do the Four Horsemen.


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wwe and impact wrestling buisness partners? Empty Re: wwe and impact wrestling buisness partners?

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Sat 09 Jun 2012, 2:21 pm

I agree with Crimey that it was most likely a one-off "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" type deal to get Flair to attend the Hall of Fame. However I'm wondering if maybe there'll be another case of this happening because you just KNOW that WWE would love to put Sting in their Hall of Fame and give him the DVD treatment.


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