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Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Valero's Conscience
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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by hazharrison Tue 13 Oct 2015, 1:05 pm


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by Pound-for-Pound Tue 13 Oct 2015, 5:14 pm

I want to stay interested in this story but what started out as a revelatory piece has just descended into back and forth mud-slinging between the two parties with no sign that Hauser will attain the evidence to fully expose USADA or Mayweather if there is guilt on their part. It feels as if he has just hit a road block in his ability to break new ground on the matter and is now just defending his previous statements while trying to draw USADA into saying more but with no new evidence to hit them with.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by AdamT Tue 13 Oct 2015, 7:53 pm

Mayweather 'in my opinion' has been naughty many years, like many top fighters.

It is why I think he is a hypocrite for hiding behind drug testing to avoid Manny.

Before people blast me it is only my opinion and for the record I think Floyd would won back then. But it would of been very close and he would of taken a bit of a hiding on route to victory.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by milkyboy Tue 13 Oct 2015, 10:12 pm

I found it strange that in the first article he didn't really pursue the fact that mayweather had no reason to rehydrate. I think I made that comment at the time. It's not evidence but it was the most obvious and damning element to the whole thing.

if you know the basics of pr, you can bury the key facts under a bus load of irrelevant ones which is what is happening to this boobie for tat stuff. I lost interest part way through this and I suspect most people did. Witch hunt or crusade? Depends on who your favourite is.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by AdamT Wed 14 Oct 2015, 8:01 am

Milky Floyd was 150 in the 30 day weigh in. No need for an extreme hydrate.

Apparently he is too small to fight GGG (I myself believed this) but now he is struggling to make welter?

Anyway it is obvious why he used the I.v and I will leave it. I will always respect his skills,he is great. However the fact he avoided Manny because of drug testing makes him a hypocrite in my eyes. He knew he had a real chance of losing that fight. The Cotto beating scared him In my opinion.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by Valero's Conscience Wed 14 Oct 2015, 1:30 pm

I admit, IV's are only used for people who have to cut a lot of weight which Floyd doesn't so is suspicious.

It will never come to anything and will be swept aside much like the vast accusations against Manny.

Regardless of this, Manny would have still been dominated.

Valero's Conscience

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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by AdamT Wed 14 Oct 2015, 1:31 pm

I don't think he would of been dominated in 2009-10.

Last edited by AdamT on Wed 14 Oct 2015, 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by Valero's Conscience Wed 14 Oct 2015, 4:00 pm

AdamT wrote:I don't think he would of been dominated in 2009-10.

I meant this year.

I would always fancy Maweather, however I'm sure it would of been closer.

Valero's Conscience

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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by AdamT Wed 14 Oct 2015, 4:03 pm

I think he would of won back then, but it would been close.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by 3fingers Wed 14 Oct 2015, 8:08 pm

I suspect he wasn't pursued, previously, as he was 'paying everyone's wages' from TV execs to rival promoters and opponents. However, now hes retired an opportunity has materialised for a thorough investigation


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by AdamT Wed 14 Oct 2015, 8:33 pm

The funny thing is, IF Floyd has been found to use anything he will be made a scapegoat.

Armstrong gets branded a cheat, but lets face it. His close competitors were doping too.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by catchweight Wed 14 Oct 2015, 10:01 pm

Hausers report revealed enough suspicious circumstances to make joining up the dots pretty straightforward. It will probably fall short of the hard evidence to prove there was foul play but thats innevetiable given the actual testing body charged with conducting the tests is not on board. Any boxer being linked with suspicious activity hardly raises eyebrows anymore. The more interesting aspect of the report is just how lacking credibility USADA actually is and how weak the testing is even dressed up as top level, Olympic style, professional etc. Its like you hire these guys when you want to cheat and get the all clear.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by Dipper Brown Wed 14 Oct 2015, 11:15 pm

Adam, Armstrong's cheating was the tip of the iceberg. Like you say, they were all at it but Armstrong was the head of an organised doping ring that ran on intimidation and abuse of power. It was more akin to organised crime than sport. That's the problem.

Dipper Brown

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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by huw Thu 15 Oct 2015, 11:48 am

It would be interesting if Mayweather was doping.

A bit like when someone accuses their partner of cheating on them, usually means they are cheating.

Above Armstrong is mentioned due to the fact he was obviously a complete arse in the way he went about it but would Mayweather be any different? Accuses a fellow fighter of cheating which tarnishes their reputation when he was cheating all along.

His standing in the sport of boxing is similar to Armstrong in that he is widely regarded as being top of his sport for many years.

Really hope he is clean, I would find it hard to have yet another reason to dislike him as he provides so many of them without this.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by Rowley Thu 15 Oct 2015, 12:18 pm

Remember watching a documentary on Armstrong. I suggested it was pretty well known Armstrong was doping throughout his career, but cycling had never been big in America and all of a sudden big businesses had access to the biggest market in the world. Suggested because of this there was no real desire to shoot the golden goose. Does make you wonder if there was really that great a desire in boxing to go after the few fighters who can actually shift PPV's


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by milkyboy Thu 15 Oct 2015, 1:08 pm

huw wrote:

Really hope he is clean, I would find it hard to have yet another reason to dislike him as he provides so many of them without this.

when you're a wife beating, money worshipping, crass, arrogant braggart, would it make much difference to add lying, hypocritical drug cheat to the list?... or does it just kind of complete the set.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by hazharrison Thu 15 Oct 2015, 2:59 pm

Rowley wrote:Remember watching a documentary on Armstrong. I suggested it was pretty well known Armstrong was doping throughout his career, but cycling had never been big in America and all of a sudden big businesses had access to the biggest market in the world. Suggested because of this there was no real desire to shoot the golden goose. Does make you wonder if there was really that great a desire in boxing to go after the few fighters who can actually shift PPV's

There was no desire from anyone. The fact that Hauser actually wrote this still amazes me.

Promoters had no interest in rigorously testing PPV stars (that could potentially scupper a mega-promotion close to the fight).
In the same vein, the alphabets had no interest in rigourously testing PPV stars as that's where they obtain their biggest fees.
The drug testing body had no interest in busting Mayweather as he was paying them five times more than the going rate (and way more than that if we're using VADA's rates).
The press have no interest in pursuing such matters as a) investigative sports journalism is dead and b) they'd have their access pulled.


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Hauser vs USADA Round 3 Empty Re: Hauser vs USADA Round 3

Post by AdamT Thu 15 Oct 2015, 3:12 pm

Poor Manny is the one who got tarnised. He has the genetics to grow naturally. Real superhuman he is.


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