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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Hammersmith harrier
Baby faced assassin
Dipper Brown
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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by hazharrison Sat 21 May 2016, 7:36 am

First topic message reminder :

Late August. Surely we can get affordable tickets to this one?

They'll need to flood the undercard to fill a ground. I imagine the McDonnells will feature.


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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Guest Sun 29 May 2016, 5:00 pm

AlexHuckerby wrote:I know we hate excuses in boxing, but for me Brooks excuses are rather legitimate, the guy got stabbed and injured and therefore his last three opponents since winning the belt haven't been great, one was a keep busy and the other two mandatories. We do love to slate Kell Brook though, who I'm pretty confident does want to face the other tops fighters. It seems he finally has a clear run at them and starting with Vargas is very good. I also do not believe for a second once Spence becomes mandatory they'll fold the belt. As Hearn said he is more than happy to take a 75/25 split on that fight, which will obviously be PPV here, if Kell progresses to that stage and is still holding the belt of course. Say I'm gullible but I have believed in Brook from yonks back, when everyone was ripping him in the Matthew Hatton days. Brooks the real deal to me and have quite firmly believed that from day one.

Don't agree.

Brook has basically gotten a pass for the majority of his career. Compare that to the amount of criticism Khan gets (from day 1, I might add, and obviously a large portion of it's racially motivated - yeah, yeah go on about playing the race card blah blah blah, and before anyone points out the colour of Brook's skin let me add that there is clearly a virulent anti Pakistani sentiment in this country (and more recently anti-muslim) and Khan clearly suffers as a result of that)

In comparison, Brook has had every excuse under the sun made for his pathetic record. Let's face it, if Khan had been going up against Vargas he'd be slated.

Secondly, the criticism that Brook has received has always been boxing related and usually along the lines of 'he needs to step it up, he's wasting his talent' whereas Khan gets criticised for everything from being too ambitious, too greedy, too arrogant, loud mouthed (really? he may not be the sharpest knife in the draw, but no way is he a bad kid, and as far as boxers go, he seems to be quite an affable chap) to he's a ducker (because he ducked the mighty Kell Brook - the destroyer of no no Dans - and instead fought Canelo). There's also a keen focus one every aspect of Khan's character from his detractors whereas no one gives a monkeys about what Kell Brook is like as a person.

There's a big Elephant in the room when it comes to our appreciation of the two boxers. We all know what it is - the irrational hatred for a guy who's prepared to take on the biggest challenges in his sport compared to the almost universal applause for a guy (a world champion supposedly) who has a far inferior record simply for announcing a fight against someone who's nothing special.




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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Hammersmith harrier Sun 29 May 2016, 5:03 pm

emancipator wrote:
There's a big Elephant in the room when it comes to our appreciation of the two boxers. We all know what it is - the irrational hatred for a guy who's prepared to fight no risk fights hoping for a no win big money fight compared to the almost universal indifference for a guy (a world champion supposedly) who has a far inferior record simply for announcing a fight against someone who's nothing special.



Hammersmith harrier

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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Guest Sun 29 May 2016, 5:05 pm

BTW, I'm not pointing any fingers at people on this forum, but in Boxing forums in general Khan gets absolutely slated and sadly it's usually the Brits that are the worst offenders.

In contrast, he gets a lot of respect from American fight fans and from the boxing fraternity in general. You could see in the build to the Canelo fight how many fellow boxers, commentators, journos etc, were pulling for Khan, and even after he lost, how respectful they were of his efforts.


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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Guest Sun 29 May 2016, 5:14 pm

Hammersmith harrier wrote:
emancipator wrote:
There's a big Elephant in the room when it comes to our appreciation of the two boxers. We all know what it is - the irrational hatred for a guy who's prepared to fight no risk fights hoping for a no win big money fight compared to the almost universal indifference for a guy (a world champion supposedly) who has a far inferior record simply for announcing a fight against someone who's nothing special.



Right, so nearly getting decapitated by a light heavy weight is a no risk fight? Boxing, as we all know is a dangerous business. It takes courage to get into the ring against anyone let alone a hard hitting fighter who outweighs you by almost 20 pounds on fight night.

There's an interview before the fight where it's put to Khan that the Canelo fight is a no risk fight for him and his reply is that every time he steps into the risk there is always the risk of losing, and no boxer wants to lose. That he hates losing, had already lost 3 fights and most definitely didn't want to lose another. He genuinely went for the fight because he saw it as an opportunity to become a star, for the glory - it's the biggest opportunity of his career - and yet some people will still look to criticise him for it. Kind of proves my point.


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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Hammersmith harrier Sun 29 May 2016, 5:24 pm

He took the fight for the money and nothing more, he can stay contrary to that but people aren't idiots.

Hammersmith harrier

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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Rowley Sun 29 May 2016, 5:30 pm

Hammersmith harrier wrote:but people aren't idiots.

Are you new on here?


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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Rowley Sun 29 May 2016, 5:36 pm

The irony is, as emancipator has alluded to, had Brook took the Canelo fight the reaction from plenty on here would have been beyond effusive. Reasonable question to ask why one fighter gets praised for it whilst another gets mocked.


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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by Guest Sun 29 May 2016, 5:37 pm

Hammersmith harrier wrote:He took the fight for the money and nothing more, he can stay contrary to that but people aren't idiots.

And which boxer fights for free? Besides Khan has/had options, is already a multi millionaire and clearly this is the biggest opportunity he will ever get in his career against a marquee fighter (since Mayweather and Pacquiao are no longer possible). So to say it's only about the money I don't think is fair - it's also about the glory.


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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by dangerous_mouse Mon 30 May 2016, 3:04 am

Hammersmith harrier wrote:He took the fight for the money and nothing more, he can stay contrary to that but people aren't idiots.

How can you speak on another persons perspective?

And if you are right in saying he took the fight for the money and nothing more, it's not like a David Haye type of pantomime, he took a massive risk for the money as he must have known full well Canelo could take his head off, and almost nearly did... money well earned for me.

Have to agree with emancipator that Khan gets an absolute pasting while Brook gets an easy ride by the Brits, hate to say it but the reasoning of his ethnicity that gets him instant hate is one I agree with.

I'm a Brit and I'll say Kell Brook's CV is absolutely unforgivable.


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Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane - Page 2 Empty Re: Brook vs Vargas - Unification Bramall Lane

Post by milkyboy Mon 30 May 2016, 11:52 am

Seems you have to be in one camp or the other. I like them both as fighters, talent wise to me, they're the cream of British boxing currently. (Joshua, frampton are in that argument).

There's no doubt which one has fought the higher class of opponent and put his neck on the block though. That's not directed at brook... I'm sure he'll fight who he's told to. This fight is a step in the right direction but its definitely overdue. Hopefully, it's the sign of things to come.

As for why Khan gets flak and brook doesn't... It's been discussed to death countless times but emancipator is on the money in my view. Khan's mouth doesn't help him at times but to me, it's a mix of ambition, self belief and let's face it, stupidity, rather than broner/mayweatheresque crassness.


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