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NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match

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NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match Empty NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue 25 Jul 2017, 11:04 pm

Match Two
‘I Quit’ Match
Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel
Theme: Devil Inside Me – Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes

Dolphin Ziggler

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NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match

Post by Steel Wed 26 Jul 2017, 7:41 pm

The scene opens in a rather sparce looking room, the only decorations are a long sleak looking black table with three chairs surrounding it. On the table three microphones have been positioned, one in front of each of the chairs.

Harold Lloyd then enters the scene smiling and waving to the cameras, he takes his position taking the middle seat.

Harold: Ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure tonight to be bringing you a very special broadcast. There will be two guests joining me , two men who 6CW have decided need to be kept in a controlled environment to ensure both are able to make it to Night Of Glory and to minimise the risk of a further incident. By myself I have no hope of containing these men so we will also be joined by representatives of the 6CW security team.

Four large looking men in black uniforms then enter the set two flanking either side of Harold Lloyd.

Harold: Gentlemen I would now like to ask you to bring out our guests tonight, they are to be taken to their respective seats and no further or this broadcast will be taken off air.

The four men nod and leave set from different directions, leaving Harold alone awaiting their return. Eventually security return along with Mike Hill and Geoff Steel showing the men to their seats, then remaining within touching distance. Steel and Hill instantly make eye contact the the animosity between them is clear.

Harold: Now Gentlmen, I am sure you have been briefed and know the conditions of you being here today, should any conflict arise you also know the consequences. I will conduct this meeting and their are to be no interruptions, you will answer only the questions I ask, should your behaviour be deemed unacceptable your microphones will be switched off. There are no exceptions to the rules gentlemen.

Both men nod their agreement not breaking eye contact.

Harold: Mr Steel we are to start with you, yourself and Mr Hill were once tag team partners, in your own words can provide the reasons this relationship turned sour.

Steel smirks.

GS: In my own words Harold, Mike Hill needs to grab his ears tightly and pull his head out of his ar$e and stop being such a little b1tch

Steel then jumps to his feet and tries to goad Mike Hill, security are quickly upon him grabbing him by the arms as Hill remains unmoved.

Harold: Mr Steel I suggest you sit down, this will be your only warning, take your seat and calm down, we have only just started here.

Geoff flops down on his seat visibly shaking.

Harold: Now Geoff do you want to answer my question or shall we move on.

Steel sits up straight and loosens his collar.

GS: What this comes down to Harold Is the fact he can't accept that I am better than him, not only as a wrestler but as a person. He walks around claiming to be the best, the standard, his excellency or whatever other bs he calls himself. He knows though I carried that team he would have been nothing without me, he was fed up of being in my shadow, my sidekick, I got the praise that was deserved and he couldn't handle that. That's why he attacked me his ego couldn't allow it any longer, that's reason why he continues to be an annoying constant itch, the moment I move on from him he's finished here, he's already at the bottom but he's about to learn what bedrock feels like.

Harold: Thank you Mr Steel, that was more acceptable behaviour, now please remain silent until spoken to again.

Harold then turns to Hill to begin his new line of questioning.


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NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match

Post by Mat Thu 27 Jul 2017, 2:29 pm

*Mike Hill sits back in his chair, looking relaxed and smirking at Geoff Steel who is sat as close to the table as he can get.

Harold: Mike, same question to you.

Mike Hill: Well Harold, that little show there pretty much sums up why our relationship fell apart. Could you deal with that kind of delusion day after day? Week after week? As a tag team, you spent every professional minute with your partner, and that just got too much for Mike Hill.

To hear someone like Geoff Steel, a slugger, a glorified street fighter continually claim that he is better than Mike Hill, one of the greatest wresters on the planet today...I simply couldn't put up with it a second longer. Anyone with a pair of working eyes knows where the real talent in Standard Steel lay and it certainly was not with Geoff Steel.

And that's where Geoff gets desperate. He starts saying stuff like that, that he was a better person than Mike Hill. Who the hell gives a crap about that Geoff? You are a better person than Mike Hill, congratulations. 95% of 6CW's staff are better people than Mike Hill, you join a long list. How many of that list have been as successful as Mike Hill? None Geoff, not you, not anyone. Nobody has set the standard quite like Mike Hill.

Harold: And now Mike, why did you attack Geoff? Surely this could have ended amicably.

Mike Hill: Mike Hill attacked Geoff Steel for the very reason that he said. Geoff is a better person than me. And by that, Geoff means he's weak. He hated Mike Hill, Mike Hill hated him. But Geoff wouldn't do anything about it, because he's too nice, he's too weak, he's too afraid.

Mike Hill does not give a damn about being nice or popular. Mike Hill does what he needs to do to be successful. And what Mike Hill needed at that time was to get rid of Geoff Steel from his co-tails. So that's why Mike Hill attacked Geoff Steel, because he had the balls to do something about it rather than just accept being lumbered with Steel for the rest of his career.

As it is, Geoff has clung on mighty well to those fine-ass cotails of Mike Hill's. But not for much longer, after Night Of Glory, Geoff Steel will be relevant no more.

Harold: Thank you Mike, Geoff thank you for following the rules of this. Your thoughts on what Mike just had to say?

*The camera pans to Steel...

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NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Two Promo Thread: Mike Hill vs Geoff Steel - I Quit Match

Post by Steel Tue 01 Aug 2017, 6:22 pm

Steel is sat arms crossed his gaze firmly fixed on Mike Hill.

Harold: Geoff? Your thoughts?

Steel shakes his head

GS: If I wanted to say what I feel like saying right now Harold after listening to that farsical monologue I doubt we would be on the air for much longer. So let's just say my views strongly differ to that of my former partner. Mike talked about what makes a man weak and how by not stabbing him in the back I portrayed this characteristic, I call it having a spine and integrity. I considered Mike at that time a friend, I'm an adult had he vented his frustrations in any other way than he choose to we could have split amicably, instead he behaved like a spoilt child threw a tantrum and didn't think he would have to deal with any consequences. It's time for you to act your age Mike because the world doesnt revolve around you, come Night of Glory you will learn your real place in this world and I don't think your going to like it very much.

Harold: Surely after being partners for such a long time, there are aspects of Mike Hill that you still respect.

Steels shoulders shake with a soft chuckle.

GS:This isn't counselling Harold, I'm in no way interested in ever teaming with this individual again.

Harold: I don't believe anybody would consider that possible, but surely there is a quality within Mike Hill you can appreciate.

Steel stops to consider the question.

GS: I guess I can appreciate his stubborness and his ridiculous belief in himself, only because it will make my victory all the more sweeter. He thinks I'm a thug that doesnt deserve to share that ring with him, I'm afraid to break it to you a Mike but we are not having a wrestling match at Night Of Glory, its going to resemble more of a warzone out there. I am going to batter and stamp that ego out of you with not only my fists but whatever I happen to lay my hands on. Then when you mutter the words I Quit I'm just going to leave you bloody and bruised wherever you you lie and move on from you for the last time.

Harold: A tad vivid but I will allow it, Mike anything to add?


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Join date : 2011-05-22

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