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NOG 2017 Match Five Promo Thread: Clarke James © © vs Perfect Jack © © - UK and INT Titles Unification Match

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NOG 2017 Match Five Promo Thread: Clarke James © © vs Perfect Jack © © - UK and INT Titles Unification Match Empty NOG 2017 Match Five Promo Thread: Clarke James © © vs Perfect Jack © © - UK and INT Titles Unification Match

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue 25 Jul 2017, 11:06 pm

Match Five
UK and INT Titles Unification Match
Clarke James © © vs Perfect Jack © ©
Theme: How You Like Me Now – The Heavy

Dolphin Ziggler

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Post by Perfect Jack Tue 01 Aug 2017, 12:35 am

Different media stations with camera crews and journalists are all sat inside the media room at the London Stadium ahead of Night of Glory X111. Camera flashes go off as Timothy Allen makes his way to the podium to introduce the media events proceedings.

TA: Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, I welcome you here today for a live and exclusive press conference ahead of Night of Glory X111. This will be a press conference held by Perfect Jack and Clarke James ahead of the 6CW UK and International championship title unification match at Night of Glory. Both men enter the stage followed by security who are there to prevent any physical contact by the two men should things get out of hand. Both men sit down opposite sides to Timothy Allen. They both place the titles that they claim is their own.

TA: With both men here now, here's how this event will play out. As the press officer for today's proceedings I will be fielding questions separately for each man, allowing them to answer individually before allowing for some free talk at the end for both men to discuss the upcoming match. Now, for the first question.

A journalist from a local newspaper stands up and begins to speak.

Journalist: How has your preparation been for match at Night of Glory.

PJ: My preparation has been perfect. These peaks (Perfect Jack flexes) and these cheeks (Perfect Jack smiles) are ready for Night of Glory and they're ready to unify these titles. (Perfect Jack places both hands on the titles in front of him.)

TA: That's a great question to start off proceedings thank you. Next question please.

Another journalist stands up.

Journalist: Perfect Jack at last years event you captured tag team gold with Lex Hart, and the year before that you lost to Dicey Reilly, it could be said that you struggle in one on one encounters at Night of Glory. Care to comment?

Perfect Jack chuckles but returns to a serious demeanor.

PJ: Do not mention either of those scoundrels names in my presence ever again. But to answer your question. Go back and watch the tapes again. Reilly got lucky. As for Lex, he's nothing without me. My continued rise to stardom proves that and that rise will continue at Night of Glory when I unify these titles. Don't you dare insinuate that I struggle in one on one matches at Night of Glory. Look back at what i've done. I'm a history maker. Get me another question Tim.

TA: Ok thanks for that. Ok time for another question. Yes, you there in the middle row.

Journalist: Over the past few weeks you and your opponent Clarke James have had sort of an uneasy alliance these past few months, since the triple threat match against former champion O'Callaghan. How will this uneasy alliance fold out at Night of Glory.

PJ: The alliance is over. Actually, to be honest, there was never an alliance. There was an agreement that benefited both of us. O'Callaghan is out of the picture. Only us two stand. After our match at Night of Glory, only i will stand when I raise both these titles over my head as your 6CWs new unified UK and International champion. So there's your uneasy alliance. There was never any to begin with. It's business as usual for me this Sunday.

TA: Ok final question before we hand over to Clarke James.

Journalist: What do you say in response to those who claim that Clarke James is the true UK and International champion.

PJ: What do I say? What do I say? Ha. I say go back and watch the shows. Who pinned O'Callaghan first. It was me. Not him. (Perfect Jack points at Clarke James who smirks.) You go back and you watch the live events, the television shows, where was he? Nowhere. Where was I? I was here, there and everywhere. Hell I was even on Good Morning Britain. I was everywhere showcasing 6CW as the champion. So I ask each and everyone here and those watching at home, who is the real champion. It's me. Not him. I'm the real champion. I've elevated these titles to new heights they have never ever seen before. So you tell everyone who think he's the true champion what I've just said. Clarke James...(Perfect Jack points at Clarke James) SAY HELLO.....IF YOU HEAR ME.

TA: Thank you for that question. I'd like to now start fielding questions for Clarke James.

Perfect Jack

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Post by Beer Fri 04 Aug 2017, 12:12 pm

James sits back in his chair, turning to his handler, his mic picking up the conversation

Clarke James: Why is he shouting? Like, do I need to say hello everytime he speaks? I don’t get it…

Handler I don’t know boss, just stand up and raise your titles in the air, that’ll shut him up…

James nods to his handler and rises to his feet, he grabs his titles from the table and raises them in the air…

Clarke James: I’m the true champ….oh sh…

James looks embarrassed as the plates on his title fall to the floor and the cardboard strap breaks….

Clarke James: Erm…… yeah, Enforcer made me give mine back….

Jack laughs at James who tosses the remaining cardboard towards his opponent, missing completely. James sits back in the chair as his handler leans forward….

Handler: The Champ will now take questions…

Timothy Allen: Thanks….Ok, let’s have some questions for Clarke James… yes, Gentleman in the back…

Journalist: Thanks, Spencer Moon, Midget Wrestling Monthly, with the claims Perfect Jack has made about the work he did to ensure the belts stayed in your ‘uneasy alliance’, do you think you’re just a passenger in this feud?

Clarke James: Great question….. let me ask you this? What would you do in my position? Would you go out there, bust a gut, break your nuts to hold on to these titles, when there’s two of you to do the work? Think about it, yes, little boy Jack here gets the plaudits, he pinned O’Callaghan, he’s been on Good Morning Britain, but what’s he talking about? OUR titles. Our match. Our rivalry. He can have all the damn plaudits, I’ll make the man a fricking statue in honour of his achievements, but the reality here is, he’s battle worn. He’s tiring, he’s on his last legs, and at Night of Glory, I’m gonna take what’s rightly mine. All brawn and no brains, that’s all you are Jack. And you’re sitting there, lapping it up like the little 6CW Puppy you are, talking about Dicey, Lex, when was the last time you were relevant in this business? When was the last time anyone round here gave a sh*t about you?!

These titles, they meant nothing. O’Callaghan was a paper champ. He didn’t just suck the life out of one division, he managed it in two…. The game changer was me, Jack. Soon as I hit the scene, people started taking notice. You should be thanking me, thanking me for allowing you to stay relevant, allowing you to share my spotlight. Allowing you to share these belts with me before I make them relevant again.

James looks over at Jack and stares him down….

Timothy Allen: Yes, next question, Lady in the front row…[/b]

Journalist: Hi, I’m Cassie Wilde from….

Clarke James: Isn’t that the Perfect Jack fan site?

Journalist: *giggling* yes…

James rolls his eyes, shaking his head….

Clarke James: Fine…. What’s your question?

Journalist: How does it feel knowing Perfect Jack is gonna kick your ass at Night of Glory? He’s better than you Clarke, you’re a nobody, nobody even likes you. He’s Perfect Jack and you’re not even normal. You’re just a Hero fanboy and everybody knows it. I LOVE YOU JACK!

The girl stands waving and blowing kisses at an awkward looking Jack…

Clarke James: Is this your idea of joke, Jack? Putting one of your sadass fangirls in the crowd. Is that what your career has come to? A few screaming teenie fans and a deluded belief that somehow you’re going to hold on to your belts? I pity you, Jack…. I pity all the games, all the tricks you tried to convince yourself that it’s you that holds all the cards. What next? Piers Morgan tweeting his support for you?

You call yourself the history maker, and in a way you’re right…. cause come Night of Glory you’ll be on the receiving end of one of the most one-sided ask-kickings 6CW has ever seen. You can have ringside seats to my coronation as the true Unified, Undisputed,  United Kingdom and International Champion.

Now holla if you hear that, Jack!

James stands and looks across at Jack as Timothy Allen stands between them…


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NOG 2017 Match Five Promo Thread: Clarke James © © vs Perfect Jack © © - UK and INT Titles Unification Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Five Promo Thread: Clarke James © © vs Perfect Jack © © - UK and INT Titles Unification Match

Post by Perfect Jack Fri 04 Aug 2017, 8:52 pm

TA: Now that we've heard from Clarke James, I'd like to field a couple more questions for Perfect Jack.

PJ: No no Timothy, that won't be necessary, I have no desire to answer questions, I however would like to say a few words of my own.

Perfect Jack laughs and takes a sip of water before beginning to speak.  

PJ: I just think it's funny how Clarke, you say I'm irrelevant, but aren't you the one who first came to me...

Perfect Jack points to himself.

PJ: To suggest an alliance between the two of us, if I were so irrelevant Clarke, why the need to come to me help take the titles away from O'Callaghan hmmm? The truth hurts doesn't it big man. You needed Perfect Jack, you needed me to get to Night of Glory or else you'd be at home re-reading your copies of Midget Wrestling  monthly. Tell me Clarke, where is your fansite hmm? Mines right there.

Perfect Jack points to Cassie Wilde in the audience who blushes.

PJ: You're right Clarke, she is a plant, I used my contacts within the media and I got her a pass to this exclusive media event. I won't lie, I like to indulge, I like to check up on the site every now and again. Hell, I even have an account on there, I won't reveal my username however. I like to keep that a secret. I'll tell you what, here's your next scoop, your next hot picture, after Night of Glory when I beat your ass, I'm gonna walk myself back to my locker room, championship titles in hand and I'm gonna take THE best picture the world will ever see. The users on PerfectionisPink will get a first look at me showing off my titles and as a bonus, they're also gonna see my peaks. (Perfect Jack flexes his muscles) and my cheeks (Perfect Jack smiles.)

The room applauds softly but Cassie Wilde is seen applauding excitedly.

PJ: Now if I can be serious for a minute, I hear you Clarke, I hear you alright, but let me say this, the next thing you'll hear is "And new Undisputed UK and International Champion....PERFECT JACK." because come Sunday, Clarke, I'm gonna beat your ass Clarke and prove to everyone everywhere why I'm the true champion.

Perfect Jack

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Age : 32

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