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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue 25 Jul 2017, 11:10 pm

Main Event Two
EWF World Championship Match
Liam Wood © vs Cerberus
Theme: Sirens – Rag’n’Bone Man

Dolphin Ziggler

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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by Fernando Thu 27 Jul 2017, 9:28 pm

Day Of Reckoning 2017 wrote:

HE: Cerberus onto the apron again!

O'Callaghan sprints in but Cerberus meets him with a big headbutt. O'Callaghan stumbles back, Cerberus steps into the ring, O'Callaghan runs in at him...








Ding, Ding, Ding!


HA: Cerberus is going to Night Of Glory!

HE: Cerberus is now, if he wasn't before, the most dangerous man in 6CW!

HA: Both world champions will certainly be on edge with this man walking around with a shot at their title.

HE: In the end it came down to two of 6CW's brightest young stars, the men talked about as the future of this company.

HA: Tonight they ushered in a New Dawn.

HE: On this occcassion, it was Cerberus who got the win after a back and forth battle after it came down to the final two.

HA: Undoubtedly O'Callaghan will be back on this stage again, but tonight, it is Cerberus who wins and goes to the Main Event of Night Of Glory!

*Cerberus climbs the turnbuckles, staring down the ramp and motioning a title belt around his waist as the show goes off air.

The lights go down in the arena as Haunted blares out whilst the red lights flash as the monstrous frame of Cerberus walks out in a suit and heads down the ring where a table is set up and sits in a chair and leans back putting his feet up on the table lifting a mic up his mouth

In a few short days my reign as EWF Title will begin...
At the expense of Edward Plague's puppet Liam Wood...
Week after week now he's continued down the same line...
Spouting his bullsh*t theories about me being just another monster...
It is the sign of a man that is scared because he doesn't doesn't know what he's future is...

Cerberus smirks to himself

So im here to put your fears at rest Liam because after NOG...
You won't be EWF Champion & When that goes Edward will follow...
Edward doesn't hang around people that have no purpose for him...
And that's what the build up to NOG has been all about...
Making him realize that your nothing special...

Making you disposable to him...
Because all along this has been Edward protecting you from yourself...
And your inevitable failures as usual...
So it's about ripping that comfort blanket out from underneath you...
And exposing you for what you really are Liam...

HE: He's a great World Champion that's what he is
HA: Sure as hell an interesting game plan from Cerberus

You want to diminish what ive done over the last few years in 6CW...
Longest reigning TV Title holder...
Longest reigning Xtreme Title holder...
Yet all these things make me what i am today...
The endurance that i built up from having to wrestle and not just bash people over the head with a chair...
The brutality of Xtreme matches that left me bruised & scarred all over...
The resilience i have built up has led me this far...

Yet when it gets tough for Liam Wood...
Liam Wood breaks like a twig and crumbles under the pressure...
You just have to look at your history...
Everyone remember when you were handcuffed to the corner...
Watching helplessly as Vincent Costello threatened to bash your precious Emmy over the head...
You turned into a blubbering pathetic mess in a instant...

Cerberus leans forward on the desk and looks dead into the camera

I want to make this clear to you Liam...
You can give yourself as many nicknames as you like...
To paper over the cracks in your confidence...
But piece by piece im going to break you down...
And shatter you into a mess that even Edward can't fix

Cerberus stands up behind the desk with his arms wide open waiting for Liam Wood to appear


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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by x12x Thu 27 Jul 2017, 10:44 pm

As Cerberus stands in the ring the fans boo as Revival Mode blasts from the speakers and the EWF Champion Liam Wood walks out on to the stage, a smile already on his face as he looks at the challenger. Wood quickly makes his way to the ring before laughing at the table set up by Cerberus before sitting himself up on the turnbuckle and speaking to his future opponent

“Oh I really in your head that much? I make one comment about you being a big god damn cliché and now it's all you can focus on? The funny thing is...nothing you say can change how I see myself when I look in the mirror.”

“When I look at myself I see a god damn doesn't matter if you call me a coward or tell me my title reign doesn't mean anything because I still have MY title over my shoulder...I am still the only man to hold this belt three times and you can tell me that my history doesn't mean a damn thing but the truth is...the moment I got this belt I tore up those history books and made everyone forget about whoever held this belt before it found it's home with me...”

Wood looks down on Cerberus and smirks at the challenger

“I'll indulge you really think I look like a man who doesn't know what his future is? I'm wearing my future over my god damn shoulder right now...I am a future Hall Of Famer and at Night Of Glory I am the man ending the show with my hand raised in to the air. I walked in to this business and told the world that I was going to be a World happened...I told Keith Leone I was going to beat him...and guess what?! I did just that and I'll tell you why...”

“...I know what my future is because I write my own future. It's what I have done since day one and it's what I'll continue to do once you're out of the way. So enjoy waiting for direction and crying that you never got it but it just shows who the hell you're a follower and I'm a leader.”

Wood lowers his head for a moment, a serious tone covering his voice

“You are right about one thing...

...there was a time I found myself helpless, a time when I let someone control my life...I watched as Vincent Costello threatened someone I cared about and I let that beat me but you know what...I changed the blue print...I moved on and now I ask you this...”

“...where is Vincent Costello now? Where is the man who promised to destroy me now that everything has settled? I'll tell you where...he's gone, lost and forgotten while I hold the belt he claimed to be see, I outlasted them all and I'll outlast you.”

Wood's smirk returns again

“So thanks for the ego boost, thanks for reminding me that I adapted and changed to get what I wanted while you've relied on being the King of a division nobody cared about with the Engel Harlequins and Dicey Reillys of this I've beaten...something you'll have in common with them soon enough.”

Wood remains sat on the turnbuckle and looks down at Cerberus, signing off

“At Night Of Glory you can claim you're going to beat me, you can claim you're going to break me and you can claim that I don't have a chance, just like they did but this belt is staying with me because it's my future and that is something I'm not done writing get used to it.”

Wood lowers the mic, waiting for Cerberus to respond


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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by Fernando Fri 28 Jul 2017, 12:22 am

Cerberus stares at Wood and starts to slow clap him sarcastically

I do wonder if you ever stop to listen to yourself talk Liam...
All you've done since i won the Gateway to Glory...
Is focus on the same things over & over again...
Then wonder why i call you out on your endless bullsh*t...
Im starting to think maybe we should just record this promo...
Just so in future you can just play this and dub over the name...
So no one has to listen to your endless drivel and just fast forward it...

Cerberus just watches Wood who keeps tapping his belt going "This will never be yours"

I will give you some credit you are one hell of an athlete Liam...
Beaten some of the best 6CW have to offer...
Unfortunately intelligence doesn't seem to be a strong point...
Im a "Follower" despite fighting my way to the top on my own...
And you are a "Leader" despite being firmly imprinted into Plague's bumhole...

Unfortunately for you this means you don't decide your future as much as you claim...
You're future is what Edward tells you to do...
Just like Anarchy when you put Gazzy through the table at his demand...

Wood smirks at that and says "It'll happen to you soon"

You talk about how you've beaten the likes of Dicey,Engel & outlast Costello...
Maybe you check the history book cos ive beaten them aswell...
I put the guy who had your number on the shelf never to be seen again...

Cerberus leans on the table with an evil grin

If the blueprint you have is to outlast me then you're going to be leaving NOG in a casket...
Even the "Iron man" Crime Lord couldn't do it & i buried him alive...
Because i will keep going and will not stop until i decide to end it...
Watching you struggling to breathe as the air runs out of your lungs...
Slowly turning purple and the last gasps as you fade from consciousness...
As i rip that belt from your cold dead hands to bring in a new reign...
Edward will be scrapping what's left of you up from the canvas...

HE: I think we're starting to see the darker side of Cerberus emerge from the darkness again
HA: I would be looking for a blueprint to get the hell out of their if i was Wood

Cerberus starts goading Liam Wood sat on the top rope "Edward can't protect you now"


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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by x12x Sat 29 Jul 2017, 9:34 am

Wood looks at Cerberus and for a second looks taken back by Cerberus' words, his eyes widening for a moment

HA: I think Wood just realised that he isn't the only one who can make his words hurt...the champion seems rattled.

HE: Don't be stupid...Liam has this under control.

Wood drops down from the turnbuckle and places the belt on the top rope carefully, his eyes lingering on the belt before turning back to Cerberus, his smirk once again on his face

You really think you have this all worked out don't you?! You come out here and you tell me that I'm a puppet but the truth is...I pull all of the strings, I make the moves and I am the one you all come to when you need to see the view from the top of the damn mountain.

Without me...this ALL goes don't you DARE forget that.

Cerberus laughs at Wood's claim causing Wood to get clearly annoyed

It's funny isn't it but ask yourself this...when Plague needed someone to bring the eyes of the world to him, who did he come to? He came to me...the REAL champion of this company...and when you wanted to fight for a title who's did you pick? MINE.

You see, you can tell me I'm not a relevant champion, you can call me a coward but the truth is you need ME...I am the only thing putting your name in the headlines right now and once our match is over and you've eaten your all fades away while you f**k off back to being the king of pointless sh¡t...

...because that's all you were, are and ever will should grateful that I'm letting you fight for a belt that is worth so much more than you'll ever be worth.

Wood turns back to the belt, taking a second longer to look at it before once again turning around, leaning over the desk at Cerberus who remains calm and collected as Wood is clearly trying to stay calm

At Night Of Glory though, you're in get to try and prove yourself against the only remaining legend of this place...

...For the past 4 years I have slowly taken over this business and the ones who stood before me either left, faded or destroyed their own legacy...the ones who tried to set a path for me were left in my dust and I proved that point when I left Gazzy D a broken man...

...and why did I do that? It wasn't because Edward told me was because I could, because I wanted to put Gazzy in his place and remind him that he joins the list of people beneath me...right where I'll add you when we step foot in this damn ring because there's something that you need to realise...something that deep down you already know...

Wood moves back to the belt, sitting on the turnbuckle once again

...every great achievement you have ever had has an asterisk by it.

Wood begins to list them, counting them off with his fingers, starting with his middle finger ruled a division that nobody cared about and it finally got shut down...
Two...your TV Title reign was ended because I decided it was time for it to be the belt you dominated for so long to a washed up, french joke.
Three, You put Costello on the shelf after his millionth come back...already broken...not half the man he used to be...he didn't go out with a bang but just a whimper...what you did wasn't impressive, it was just the humane thing to do.

and Four...your Gateway To Glory win...will forever be jaded by the fact that you never went on to win the title you wanted. It'll forever be remembered as the time Liam Wood finally got given the respect he deserved as he killed a final pathetic king.

With all four fingers up Wood once again lets three of them drop, giving Cerberus the middle finger and lowering the mic, still sat high above the ring.

HA: Cerberus and Wood look like they want to kill each other right now...


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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by Fernando Wed 02 Aug 2017, 9:58 pm

HE: Liam Wood prodding at a bear 
HA: You prod too long it's going to bite 

Cerberus stares at Wood starting to get agitated 

You just don't get it do you Liam...?
I chose you because you are the easiest target...
Not because you as good as you think you are...
Because i know how desperate you are to keep that belt...
And a desperate man is one that falls to his own mistakes inevitably...
That's why i chose you...

Remember last years NOG...
Desperation personified and look where it left you...
Thunder took your title just cos your ego wanted to be main attraction...
And it cost you like it will this year...

Cerberus leans across the table looking up at Wood on the ropes

There's a saying i learnt from the best...
and it's one i am going to advise you over now Liam...
When a man as egotistical as you tries to play 1 up...
You lend him just enough rope to hang himself...

You want to talk about someone with asterisks over their career 
Shall we take a lovely look at your examples...

Costello was a washed up man that needed ending & i did it...
Yet time after time comeback after comeback he was still good enough to make a mockery of you...
All he had to do was mention Emmy and down you went...

The only relevant one you named was you costing me my TV Title because you could...
You did that before i stupidly took my eye off the ball and i paid for it so well done...
But the fact that you wanted to do that shows just how insecure you are...
Knowing that i was outshining you despite all you do & say...

But my personal favourite of them was this...
I ruled over a division that no one cared about...
I want you to take a long hard think about it 
When you still haven't realized that...
Your title is a shameful effigy over a company that doesn't exist anymore...

Yet you come out here week after week saying...
EWF is the peak of wrestling...
When it's just a pathetic reminder of the past...
Enforcer moved into GM...
Leone is gone
Costello is gone
Reborn is a joke
Thunder took his ball & went home...
The only reason your EWF Champion is your the only 1 left...
and it's time to lay it to rest...

Wood starts to look irritated by Cerberus words

4 days Liam...4 days until you hang yourself with that rope...
You can go backstage consult with Plague make blueprint after blueprint...
But your attempt to deny your fate is futile...
I will watch you turn blue in the face as that rope gets tighter around your neck...
Before ripping that EWF out of your hands...
And much like your title reign...
It will consigned to the history books to be forgotten....


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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by x12x Thu 03 Aug 2017, 3:20 pm

Wood grits his teeth, calming himself for a second before speaking

I don't get it? Oh I get it're either a coward or stupid...maybe both.

You might want to act like you're working on a level above me but your words give you away for just what you say you picked me because I was the easiest target...and that, well that makes you a coward...but thinking taking this belt off me? Well, that makes you a bigger idiot than even I thought you were.

Wood begins to pace the ring

You are looking at a man who has held this belt more times than anyone else...a man who has been at the top of the mountain since the start of last year and a man who has beaten every challenge...doing whatever it took to do it.

So yeah, maybe you're right...maybe I'm desperate to hold this belt...all that means is that I'll go further than ever before to make sure I do just that come the end of the night.

...the fact that you think it's going to be easy means you aren't prepared for me.

Wood holds the belt tight to his chest, looking down at it for a second before continuing

The thing that makes me laugh though is the fact that you bring up my past like it's a negative...yeah, Thunder cashed in and took away this very belt...BUT I got it back. Yeah, I let Vincent Costello get in my head but all it did was allow me to change my perspective on this business, on my life and on myself and I changed the blue print... see, like I said...I am the man who adapted, improved and overcame anything in my way...just like I'll do when we face each other. Just like I took away one title from you, I'll take away your chances of holding this one.

Wood holds the belt out in front of Cerberus before placing it back over his shoulder

What I will do though, is beat some respect in to you just like I did to Dicey Reilly last year...he came out here and said the exact same things you did...he called his belt a disgrace, he tried to undermine my title reign and he brought up the fact that I was the only one left...

...there's a reason for that.

Wood leans over the table one more time

Those other guys, they weren't good enough to hold this belt or represent the company that I made...I survived because I am the greatest thing to come out of EWF and I am the greatest thing to remain in this company today...

...I destroyed Leone, I beat Dicey, I outsmarted Engel, I squashed the dreams of Faith, I outlasted Costello and I now stand as the last man can talk about their failings but all that matters is MY success...

...all that matters is that I am making this belt the pinnacle of the wrestling industry and without're right...EWF would be forgotten because without me any company is WORTHLESS...but because I hold this belt, it's still the greatest thing to happen to 6CW and that is why I can't let you hold it...

Wood grits his teeth

You are a cliché, you are hailed as an unstoppable force but you are nothing more than Joshua 2.0, a sad reminder that one dimension freaks can trick their way to the top if someone lets them and I can't be the person who lets that happen.

At Night Of Glory I put you back in your place and continue to keep this belt over my shoulder, raising it higher in to the sky than any other belt in the wrestling world because that is what I do...I create greatness and I bring the eyes of the world to this company...

...without me, this ship sinks...without, nobody gives a f**k anymore.

Wood moves away from the desk, clearly getting worked up

The fact that you can't see's pathetic. I walked in to this business in 2013 and I saw the greats that made it what is was fighting in 6CW and 6WF...Gazzy D, Max Adamson, Daniel Reilly, Lex Hart, Keith Leone, Jerome Dubois, JJ Johnson, The Saint, Logan Kincade...I saw them trying to bring their companies back to the top but one by one...the kings of these companies, they faded out, they left or they became shadows of their former selves...

...pathetic druggies, attention hungry passed it idiots or they disappeared because they knew they weren't the man anymore...just like everyone who walked through the doors with me from by one, these jumped up f**king idiots who used to tell me they were better than me fell to the wayside...

...but I remained, I continued to create greatness and I began to pick off the kings until the only thing possible could happen.

...I became king.

Wood steps through the ropes, his voice sounding more worked up, his attention seeming to split between the fans and Cerberus, still in the ring.

That's what you try to deny though...because I won't jump through your hoops...because I won't be the person you want me to disrespect the ONLY person who truly brings something to this company...

Wood points at Cerberus

YOU think you're taking MY belt away from think I'm going to let you get away with talking about MY belt, MY REIGN and get away with it?!

At Night Of Glory...I take my place as the REAL champion of the King of this whole company...

...and I do it by destroying the so call monster.

Wood drops off the apron, his teeth still gritted as he pushes away the fans that reach out before leaving the stage to the backstage area of the arena

HA: We have NEVER seen Liam Wood this angry seems like Cerberus may have hit a nerve!

HE: An angry Liam Wood is not something we've seen in a long time...with Plague on his side though this could end badly for everyone.


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NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Main Event Two Promo Thread: Liam Wood © vs Cerberus - EWF World Championship Match

Post by x12x Fri 04 Aug 2017, 2:17 pm

As Sirens by Rag And Bone Man begins to play we see the image of Liam Wood stood in a dark, abandoned church, he sits down in the pews and prays as the images flicker between this and images of his high points and low points through out his career.


the flickering images start with Liam Wood becoming the EWF Television Champion followed by his first match against Thunder which saw him defend his belt in what some say was the match of the year

When we return we see Wood now sat in the church with the Television Title resting over his shoulder, next to him sits a masked figure wearing a simple cloth mask across his face, the mask features a single green line across the eyes to symbolise Thunder, the man sits by his side as Wood continues to pray.


The images then flicker to his battles with FEAR that saw him beaten down and broken week upon week but with the support of Emmy and Team EWF lead to him becoming the EWF Champion for the first time in his career

When we return to the church Thunder is still by Wood's side and by his side a woman sits by, representing Emmy. The lights in the church flash bright to reveal the three surrounded by more masked figures who wear demon masks, the lights then go off completely for a second and when they return the demons are gone and Wood now sits with both the EWF World and Television Titles over his shoulders, still surrounded by the characters representing Emmy and Thunder

The lights go out again


The images when show Wood moving over to 6CW, his battles with FEAR/The Authority that shows him being stripped of the EWF Television Title and his losing efforts to defend the EWF World Title, a match that saw Thunder accidentally cost him the belt

As we return Wood is lit up, a hand reaches in from the darkness as one of the demons takes the TV belt away causing Wood to stand up but as he does Thunder's representation takes the World Title off his shoulder and walks in to the darkness leaving Wood with no belts but Emmy still by his side. As Wood sits back down we begin to see more images from Wood's past.


We begin to see Wood's losing streak begin and the return and rise of Vincent Costello, at one time Wood's biggest rival

Back in the church another masked man sits next to Wood, the EWF Title over his shoulder and a pair of brass knucks on his hand. Wood attempts to grab the EWF Title but can't reach it and as he turns around we see Emmy's representation leave the church. Wood turns back to Costello's representation and the figure has left with the belt through the doors of the church. Wood gives chase

As Wood runs through the doors we a skull on the back of his clothing representing his evil side coming out, Wood reaches the doorway of the church and goes outside but as he steps through the door more images begin to play


We see Wood's heel turn facing Dicey Reilly, his battles with Mike Masters to become number one contender and finally his return to become EWF Champion against Keith Leone

Returning we see Wood outside the church, he pushes past representations of Dicey Reilly and Mike Masters who drop to the ground before finding the EWF Title, Wood picks up the belt and we see a representation of Keith Leone lying near by. Wood smiles in to the camera and for a split second a demon mask appears but then flickers away. Wood begins to walk as the representation of Dicey attempts to take the belt only to be dragged away by a man in a demon mask but as Wood reaches the half way point in the path he is once again met by the Thunder representation who takes away the EWF Title for a second time.


The footage then shows Thunder unable to defend the belt, Wood's battles with Engel Harlequin to regain the belt and him joining with Edward Plague and the Brotherhood to keep the belt over his shoulder

Now on the path off the church Wood has once again found the belt on the floor, the body of the Thunder representation lying in the path causing Wood to smile and step over his body. As Wood reaches the belt he picks it up but a second person does as well causing Wood to struggle against the masked man that has clown make up on his mask, the clown representing Engel nearly rips the mask away but is quickly dragged away by more demon masks, each bearing the symbol of the Brotherhood, leaving Wood with the belt. More people attempt to take the belt but once again the Brotherhood demons stop them, dragging them away in to the darkness that surrounds the path but one by one, the Brotherhood demons disappear until only one, golden masked demon representing Plague remains.


The final images show the rise of Cerberus, him winning the Gateway To Glory and becoming the number one contender to the EWF World Title. We finally see Wood and Cerberus go toe to toe, ready to attack each other.

Back on the path Wood walks along, reaching a door that he steps through but as he does we see him back in the church, the lighting now a flickering red, Wood remains in the entrance as the camera pans around his back to show his view. At the altar stands a man in a demon mask representing Cerberus, the figure's clothes covered in blood representing his control of the Xtreme and Television titles respectively. The figure reaches out across the church at Wood, the camera cutting to show Wood's face as the lights go out leaving the screen pitch black as the song comes to an end.


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