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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by JJJohnson Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:09 pm

Bout 1
Damion Onyx vs Dante Phoenix

Bout 2
Angelo Trust vs Scott Harris

Bout 3
Hero vs O'Callaghan

Bout 4
Crime Lord vs Jimmy Phillips

Bout 5
Karl Kramer vs Liam Wood

Bout 6
James McManus vs Perfect Jack

Main Event
6CW World Heavyweight Championship

Jackson Jackson (c) vs Uryu Ishida


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by TwisT Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:31 pm

The arena is packed with fans, when The Consultant comes out onto the stage. The fans greet him with boos and Charles smiles broadly. He lifts his cane up high, before smashing it down to the ground. Instantly "O Fortuna" plays loudly over the speakers, as the lights go low. Karl Kramer strides out and stands in front of his uncle. As the cannon goes off, Karl smashes his right arm across his chest before walking down to the stage.

JT: Karl Kramer lost the chance to become the next UK Champion in the last show, but he showed enough glimpses during that match to prove he has what it takes.

HE: What he didn't show however, is that killer extinct. He stalled when Jenny was put in his path. If he wants to get to the top then he needs to develop that vicious streak that his uncle is trying to coax out of him. He is a walking bulldozer and he should realise those quantities mean that very few will be able to stand in his way.

JT: He has that capacity there is no doubt.

HE: He should take a leaf out of Helms' book. Fight fire with fire to make a statement. The Kramer's are nobodies friends so why not make everyone an enemy? Once that happens it is easier to smash them out of your way.

Charles Kramer is handed a microphone, as Karl walks to the corner and slouches against it. Charles takes a few paces across the ring and sighs.

CK: Controlled chaos.......

He looks up at the audience.

CK: What the hell does that actually mean?! That you are happy to sit back and drink Prosecco while the walls come crashing down around you? That putting too much lipstick on is enough to talk yourself out of any situation? Flashing manufactured breasts to the masses to try and get the inmates to toe the line?

He sighs again.

CK: You see, the problem with this #metoo era is that women just get in the way......

Karl smirks slightly in the corner as half the crowd gasp.

CK: Oh I am sorry if that is not very PC-like but may I remind you that you have just paid to watch a guy being burnt alive in a casket and another having his neck broken by the edge of an announcers table. So apologies if I do not have any sympathy with your dismay at Charles Kramer attacking the fairer sex!

Charles looks around him.

CK: Controlled chaos simply does not work. Chaos is something tribal, animal-like and aggressive. You can't control those that have been reduced to their base level. If you want control then you have to exert authority. Then no matter how bad the carnage gets, the person at the top can always slap anybody down that goes too far. The problem with 6CW at the moment is that person at the top.....that woman.....just does not know what she is doing. Thus chaos reigns.......

He looks at Karl.

CK: Karl Kramer is a ticking time bomb. When the chinks in his armour have been eradicated, then we will reach the point where chaos is replaced with carnage. Spelt with a K. When Karl is ready to be classed as K2, the man mountain of 6CW, then it will be a summit that no other wrestler can scale. Complete control will return to the hands which were born to lead. No more playing second fiddle. No more dealings with owners that are both stupid and naive. No more running the show from the shadows.

He looks into the camera.

CK: I make it plain right now that the very existence of 6CW is at stake and my ability as saviour cannot be ignored any longer.

He smirks.

CK: But until that point when those that can't control crawl on their knees to my feet, my aim is to turn the man beside me into the most efficient destroyer that any wrestling federation has ever seen. James McManus may still hold the title, but he doesn't hold any hope. Luck runs out and soon McManus will return to what he has been doing for the last 7 years.....being insignificant in the happenings of the company.

He goes to drop the mic, but then stops.

CK: Oh, and to Karl's opponent this week.....welcome to the back of the queue. We will be sure to help your good self on the way down and trample on you on our way up.

He laughs and points his cane at the camera, as Karl smirks behind him.


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by gazzyD Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:13 am

The following is a exclusive

The scene opens in a dimly lit room that looks like a class room. The majority of the desks are empty except for one which has a well-built hooded figure sat at it. A projector flickers in to life and what looks to be an old home movie starts playing at the front of the class

The movie shows old footage of what looks to be a pee wee football game before a man in his 60s appears

‘Ever since he was kid, Jimmy always was a competitor’ a name bar appears across the bottom of the picture Alan Phillips – Jimmy’s father. The action continues showing various highlights all of one of the children, number 87, making play after play. The voice of Alan Phillips continues to talk over the footage; ‘I mean I don’t want to sound like one of these trophy parents you see living their dreams through their children, but I knew back then that we’d never have to worry about the future

The footage moves on and shows clearly a 17 year old Jimmy Phillips. He’s in his lounge opening a letter and jumps for joy at the contents

AP: I still remember how happy he was. As an Ohio kid Jimmy grew up with an ambition of playing Buckeye football and then he got the letter he’d been dreaming about. A full scholarship to Ohio State.

The footage moves on and starts to show highlights from Phillips college football days. The opposition players are older but Phillips still stands out in terms of stature and ability. His former coach Urban Meyer is on the next slide

UM: I’ve seen some players in Big 10 football, some of the best talents you’ll see, and I’ll tell you Jimmy can easily be classed amongst them. From the first session we had with that kid you know we all looked at each other and just smiled. We all knew we had something special here

The footage moves on showing Phillips make a game winning catch, getting carried off on his team mate’s shoulders and then there is a shot scanning a room where the shelves are adorned with game balls and trophies

UM: you know, it’s one of those things that will always play on my mind. What if. There’s no doubt in mind if this kid had made the draft he was a top ten pick….easily. What happened….well you never like to see a player get injured, let alone one that would end such a promising career

Jimmy’s dad reappears on screen

AP: We were there. It was a pretty innocuous incident, little did we know just how bad it would be

The footage on screen shows Phillips leaping for a ball in the end zone only to be hit mid-air which sends him crashing down to the turf on his neck and upper back leaving him motionless on the floor

The hooded figure watching the footage (obviously Jimmy Phillips) hangs his head as he looks away. The camera rounds on Phillips who clearly finds the old footage of his injury upsetting. He takes a deep breath, almost fighting back tears, before looking back up and beginning to speak

JP: right there….that look in my eyes. That is when I knew my football career was over. I didn’t need the diagnosis to tell me, I knew right there and then that this did not feel right. When I was stretchered off I lay there looking up at the sky just thinking F*ck. Football is all I ever wanted to do and I was about to get told that not only would I never play again, but there was a good chance I wouldn’t even walk again. My world was genuinely about to crumble around me

The camera spins back round to the movie playing on the projector. It shows Phillips getting the news from his doctor. He barely acknowledges what he has been told as his mother breaks down in tears in his fathers arms. Jimmy starts speaking again

JP: that was the worst moment of my life. Not only was I trying to process coming to terms with what had happened, but I was racked with guilt like I’d let everybody down. You know, I’d failed my team mates, the Ohio State fans, but worst of all my mom and dad. It was horrible. I was struggling, and there were times at my lowest when I could have easily gave up…..luckily, I never.

I lay in my bed I knew my football career was over, but why should my life be? I'd read about these pro athletes in wrestling being told they'd never wrestle again and then years later they're headlining the biggest wrestling shows in this business. You could say wrestling saved my life. When my doctor came back and advised me there was only a 80% chance I’d never walk again, then I saw that as there was a 20% chance I would. From then on I pushed through the darkness, I worked and I worked and I worked. Not just physically, mentally too. It was hard work, but everything worthwhile in this world is worth putting the effort in. Before I knew it I was able to pull myself up and stand with the help of my nurses, a month later I was walking unassisted. Throughout my life, since my injury at least, there isn't a goal I have set myself that I haven't accomplished. That is of course since I arrived here.

The lights go up and there is a number of promotional material for 6CW on the walls around the class room

JP: Ever since I've got to this company I've promised so much, but delivered so little. Thats on me. I don't know, maybe I bought in too much to my own hype. That changes now. As hard as I worked knitting my life back together, this.....this is just a whole other level. But I've never come across a fight I've ran away from. I've never backed down from a challenge

Phillips looks square into the camera

JP: from now on its all work, its business. There's no playing up to the camera for me, there'll be no talk, just action. So this is for every man on the roster, forget everything you thought you knew about Jimmy F*ckin' Phillips. The embarrassment I've become stops now. I haven't fought my life to stay on the bottom rung of this business and I'm not gonna stop fighting until I'm at the top.

Out of shot a hand comes across the shoulder of Phillips and the camera pans up. An unknown man, aged roughly mid 50s dressed in a suit

??: I think what my client is trying to say is it's hunting season in 6CW. You've been warned

The mystery guy signals for Jimmy to get up and the two exit the class room turning off the projector and the lights as they do before the scene fades


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by x12x Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:11 am

As the Consultant and Karl Kramer stand in the ring the boos get even louder as Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts out from the speakers and the man who lost his shot at the world heavyweight title Liam Wood walks out on to the stage alone with a smirk on his face. Wood remains on the stage as his music stops and he talks to the two men in the ring.

Boys, forgive me if I don't come join you in the ring...with this whole Corona Virus thing it's best to keep away from people who could possibly have it and judging by the sight of you two, you look like you're riddled with something...

I just had to come out here ask you a few questions though because I'm honestly a bit confused.

Charles and Karl look at Wood who continues to speak

Well Karl it's just I just sat in the back and listened to Charlie talk about how you are going to become the most destructive force there is in the company, about how you are going to become a destroyer and basically how we should all start running because there's no hope for any of us...

...and I just needed to know if you actually think anyone buys it?

You see, I just don't get what's threatening about a fat guy having an old man tell us how deadly he is? Like why can't you speak for yourself? Is it because when you did that you came across like a kids entertainer? I think the reason you need someone to speak for you is because this whole bad guy act is just that, it's faked for the cameras and it's not really's so easy to see through it's almost pathetic.

Both men in the ring stare Wood down as he begins to pace the stage, continuing to mock them

My advice though Charlie, is don't try so ends up being corny. You come out here and try and upset the fans by talking about the MeToo movement and you think it's going to shock and appal but all it does it remind us that you look like an old sex offender...don't worry though, as long as it's just Karl you're playing hide the sausage with we'll leave you guys too it.

Wood smirks before continuing again

The thing is, I get it...I get that need for a change when you realise something isn't working out...the fact that you realised your whole good guy thing was boring and nobody liked it in about 2 months is impressive but it still needs a little work...Charlie, you aren't Paul Heyman, you aren't very good at this...

When he speaks for Brock, we listen but when you speak for Fatboy make him look pathetic. “Welcome to the back of the queue”?! So what you're saying is that you know that your nephew is trash and only good to be a jobber for this company, that he's the bottom rung of the is that a threat? How is calling him a Man Mountain a good idea?! All it makes me think of is that idiot Man Mountain Mike and reminds every single one of us that Karl is nothing more than a big guy with no hope of achieving anything.

The act needs work boys...

Wood lowers the mic and laughs to himself waiting for Karl or Charles to reply.


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by TwisT Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:20 pm

Charles Kramer stares at Wood, and doesn't say anything. Karl Kramer looks annoyed in the background but stands his ground. After a while The Consultant speaks.

CK: How long have you been doing this Liam? Five years? Six? Do you feel you have accomplished all that you could in that time? Do you still believe you have what it takes? When people think of Liam Wood, do they think that man was one of the best?

Charles paces the ring.

CK: Now evidently I could answer those questions, but it is clear my opinion means nothing to you.  It is also clear that you regard Karl Kramer as nothing more than a minor inconvenience in your quest to do what ever Liam Wood wants to do.

Charles stops and stares at Wood again.

CK: In my time here, over many years, I have watched some of the greatest names forge their careers. From 6WF right through to 6CW, I have seen some glorious times. I have helped various talent win multiple titles and also been on hand to see some of the most dominant reigns in history. But forgive me when I don't place Liam Wood in the bracket of the legends that I have seen. Again, my opinion and quite clearly wrong in your eyes.

Charles puts his hand up to apologise.

CK: If you would just humour me a second to give you my reasons why.....

He stops, gathers his thoughts and begins again.

CK: Liam Wood that I know, is a safe pair of hands at best. Someone you turn to when given out token reigns just because he is here and because he has been about a bit. He isn't someone that is going to have 383 days reign of the 6CW World Heavyweight title for instance. He is the guy you put in title battles for the exposure but not because he has a chance of winning. Liam Wood hasn't changed. Liam Wood hasn't evolved. Liam Wood has been lazy. Instead of testing himself he refuses to believe anyone wouldn't want another dose of Liam Wood rammed down their throats. He is the guy that loves talking about his time, his past and his name, while deliberately ignoring anything that doesn't revolve around Liam Wood. He likes his personal insults. He likes to deviate from his lack of talent. He truly believes he is a ground breaker when most of the roster consider him as a bit of a joke. He doesn't carry himself off with class or distinction. He is full of excuses and sensitive to anybody calling his excuses out. When Liam Wood says something, you could Google those lines and find at least 10 examples of him saying the exact same thing over the years.

Charles stays serious.

CK: So I am old. My nephew is fat. In your eyes we probably don't deserve to be here.....

Charles smirks slightly.

CK: So let us put that to the test.

Charles beckons Karl over and the two men stare at Wood.

CK: Liam Wood v Karl Kramer on Monday 23rd March 2020. Loser leaves 6CW. For good.

Karl looks at his uncle, as the crowd pops. Charles waits for the crowd to quieten down before continuing.

CK: Will the old dog beat the new breed? Because if he does, he won't have to put up with our corona virus infected bodies anymore. What do you say Liam? It will make things more interesting won't it?

Kramer drops his mic and waits for the reply.


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by x12x Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:16 am

Wood smirks as he begins to reply

It's really nice that you showed an interest in my history in this company but let me clue you in on a few the seven years I have been doing this I have been the world champion multiple times, I have headlined the biggest shows this company has put out and I have been one of the biggest names this company has seen in the last times, I was the only one keeping this place afloat, I was the only name worth putting on the posters and I have been at the top of my game for each of those seven years.

I haven't just been at the top of the mountain...I helped create the mountain that you stand at the bottom of with this wannabe.

So do I feel like I've accomplished enough? No, I don' see for some, world title reigns and being voted superstar of the year is the end goal but for me, it's just the beginning. I will have more reigns, I will hold more titles and I will break records. You can act like I'm passed it but if Karl could even achieve 1% of what I did in even my first year in this company, he'd feel like a legend.

Wood confidently begins to pace the stage as he continues to reply

You are right though, the opinion of a pedophilic mouth piece for a man who is one more steroid shot away from completely saying goodbye to his d!ck doesn't mean a damn thing to me, the truth is...I couldn't care less about you or fatboy and if over the next few months the Corona Virus kills you both off it wouldn't change a thing...I'm sure we could find another pair of cliches anywhere in the world to replace the two of you...

...that being said, one thing did catch my attention.

Wood pauses, letting a serious tone take over his voice

and that was this idea of 'loser leaves 6CW' being the stipulation for my match in a weeks time with your nephew, you claim that it would up the ante and add more interest but I think your motivations are two fold...

1. nobody cares about Karl Kramer so you need to find any way to make his matches more interesting, you need to add stipulation after stipulation because at the end of the day, the last time people cared about wrestlers like Karl was back in the 80's and luckily all of those wrestlers are now dead via heart attacks

The crowd boo at Wood's joke but he ignores this to carry on

and 2. you know that Karl is going to lose and if he has to leave 6CW you can then move on to a new client who isn't him and you can act like it's his fault that he can be added to all the other failed projects that never really made it in 6CW...

ultimately the idea is the dumbest thing I've heard and you can stick it up your ass for all I care.

Wood pauses again, his tone now more jovial as he laughs off the idea of a Loser Leaves Town match

Now I get what's going to happen next, you're going to say that Liam Wood is scared and that he isn't brave enough to put his career on the line but the truth is, I don't let other people tell me what to do, especially people like you Charlie. You see the funny thing is that if we made it a loser leaves 6CW then Karl should be packing his bags right now... apparent man monster who needs his uncle to do his talking for him, a fat juice head with a boring old gimmick who will never make it and who tried to be Mr Nice until he realised that nobody gave a f**k.

Karl, you're already the loser and the sooner you and your uncle realise it, the better...'s embarrassing.

Wood smirks at the two men in the ring as the crowd boo his words.


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by TwisT Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:47 am

Charles Kramer smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

CK: A simple no would have sufficed. Well then, there is nothing more to say. Until next Monday......

He motions to Karl to follow him and the two men leave the ring. They stride up the aisle and brush past Wood, before exiting behind the curtain.


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by The Last Outlaw Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:24 am

Whispers are weapons in the mouths of fools

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Marky Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:03 am

Two enhancement talent are in the ring with a referee and Mike Bird ahead of a showcase match, the two youngsters shake hands as Mike Bird introduces them to the crowd.

Suddenly "Take me to the Hospital" by The Prodigy hits and the crowd erupts, only for a furious looking Jackson Jackson to march down to the ring, dragging the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship behind him in a clutched fist, he gets into the ring, tosses the Championship down and snatches the microphone from Mike Bird!

Jackson: Not today lads. Hit the bricks. Go on.

Jackson is clearly in a bad mood as the two wrestlers and referee leave the ring reluctantly, Jackson ignores them completely and focuses on the entranceway.

Jackson: Business first. Uryu Ishida. I gave you a shot at the 6CW World Championship. But you now need to step aside. I need you to do the honourable thing Uryu. I will not be focusing on you in our match, so I want you to stand aside, so I can get my hands on Marty Helms. You'll get your shot, but it needs to wait.

Jackson is pacing around as he continues

Jackson: In fact, I don't want you to stand aside Uryu, I want Jessica to come out here and cancel the match. Hell, this isn't even about the Title. Marty Helms, you son of a bitch. You've got a receipt coming your way for what you did to Frank. I'm going nowhere until my demands are met. I'm the f*cking Champ. This show doesn't happen without me. I want the blood of Marty Helms. Anything less and I'll f*cking walk.

Jackson slams the microphone to the mat and waits for either Helms, Uryu or Jessica to come out


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:29 am

With the enhancement talent making their way out of the area, out runs Angelo Trust. He’s in just boots and small trunks, but is glistening, maybe even dripping wet.

He takes one down with a clothesline and then spins round to lock the second in a chokehold.

AT: Get him, Kelsey!

*He stands expectantly and then flings himself back as if hit by impact, throwing the young wrestler over him by the throat and released.

He walks on down to the ring

AT: King! Why are you using a mic, Jack? We’re in an empty building. You’ve flipped the Bird, that’s wise, but let’s talk this out, champ.

*He rolls in and goes to touch elbows with Jackson. The champion doesn’t return the gesture

AT: Safe, safe, I get it. But not to worry with me; you might notice I’m rather moist. That’s not just being in your company, King, I’m actually covered head to toe in alcohol.

*He smiles and then reacts to Jackson’s lack of reaction

AT: No, no, I didn’t hoard! Not my style, I couldn’t fit it in with all the tagliatelle. But I’ve made my own: it’s easy! I got gin and Brylcreem! Bloody easy, although doctors and nurses must get very sticky hands...

But it means I’m safe! We can finally tag team, me and you against him and him. Or even Helms and Uryu, what a bunch of losers! Shake my hand, let’s make it official!

*He waits, hand offered

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:29 pm

"Hold On Tight To Your Dream" starts playing as Uryu walks out looking a little confused as he holds a mic as he walks down the ramp.

UI: You...are looking past me? For once you have really surprised me Jackson. I thought you were taught better.

Uryu steps in the ring, eyes never looking away from Jackson.

UI: I can't look past you however, you hold one of the greatest prizes in this industry and I may only get this shot at it. You think I am even going to entertain the thought of stepping aside of this opportunity? are you a Frak idiot!?

Uryu then spots Angelo Trust and glares at him.

UI: Leave, now.

Uryu then looks back at Jackson and shakes his head as Angelo takes a few steps back but doesn't leave the ring completely.

UI: You are one of the toughest men here, I will freely admit that Jackson and even on my best day, my absolute best day I will need luck to beat you. I go into this match willing to throw my everything I have at it. I go into this match where the odds of me winning are like 75-1 and I frankly do not care because this is what I have worked my entire damn life for! So if you wanna focus on Helms then feel free but it's going to cost you an arm and your World Heavyweight Championship Jackson.

Uryu goes nose to nose with Jackson, staring intently.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Marky Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:26 pm

Jackson looks over to Angelo Trust who is now leaning on the ropes, then back at Uryu, Jackson steps back from Uryu

Jackson: First of all, personal space yeah?

Jackson glares at Uryu

Jackson: It's like you weren't even listening to me Uryu. The circumstances have changed since I offered you a title shot. Marty Helms attempted to retire my tag team partner. He may have even succeeded. I want Helms' blood. And frankly Uryu, if you don't like it, I can always low blow you and lose by DQ. Don't think you can even try and intimidate me. I'm the Champ. Champions advantage still means something, and I will happily tell you, and whoever claims to be in charge around here, that any title match between us will not go ahead without assurances that I will get Helms.

Jackson looks at his 6CW World Heavyweight Championship

Jackson: You give people an inch and they take a mile. You see, I didn't see you win a number one contenders match Uryu. I didn't see you do anything to actually earn this shot. Purely out of the goodness of my heart, I gave the seven people who care about you what they wanted, Jackson Jackson versus Uryu Ishida for the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship. However, circumstances have changed. I want to postpone it. You didn't earn the match, you have no right to dictate terms to me. But I'm telling you, you are making an enemy of me Ishida. It's not worth it.

Jackson is pacing as he is still angry at the situation

Jackson: You, Uryu Ishida, are a selfish son of a bitch. I gave you an opportunity. Since then, a former friend has viciously attacked my best friend, hospitalised him, and I have to deal with that as a priority. But here you are, Acktually I want my undeserved title match first, I only have one thing to say Ishida.

Jackson gets right in Uryu's face

Jackson: Be careful what you f*cking wish for.

Jackson holds up his Championship and is seething as he stares a hole in Uryu


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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:32 am

Uryu keeps staring back at Jackson.

UI: Terms? nono, those were not terms. It was a warning not to overlook the challenges right in front of you. Jackson this is my very first one on one opportunity for the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship and quite honestly it could be my last. If you were faced with a champion that asked you to step aside you would refuse it just as fast as I did. If anyone steps aside from their dream of being champion then it shows that they don't have much drive and desire necessary to be champion in the first place! I am here and not backing down!

Uryu takes half a step back and looks at the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship.

UI: I also understand your position, I have been in it quite a few times. Hell you have seen what happens when a man is so focused on payback he loses all sense! You and Frank were there as my opponents! If I can get distracted like that with all my years of experience against Max what are you going to do if Helms shows up? Go into a blind rage and try to fight him by yourself? I've been there n done that more times than I can count Jackson.

Uryu sighs and shakes his head.

UI: Now I may regret this but if Helms shows up and ruins our title match you wont fight him alone. I want to win the title the right way, beating you in this ring without any outside influence. I want to hear you tap the mat, staring at the Sunset. And as much as I want you to get your ass kicked by Helms...I can't sit by and watch another injury be inflicted on a rising star. 6CW would be less without you and as much as I want to be 6CW Champion I wont sacrifice this companys' future to attain it. Besides, You aren't the only one who wants to kick his ass. He cost me in the Iron Man tournament and whilst I beat the monsters bitch called James McManus, I still want a damn large piece of the monster.

Uryu returns to staring a hole through Jackson Jackson.

UI: This isnt a request to be friends or allies with you god no, I don't like you even in the best of circumstances. I am telling you I am going to do what is right for the future of 6CW. If you don't like that, tough.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Marky Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:19 am

Jackson sighs and shakes his head at Uryu

Jackson: Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Angelo: music "Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you..." music

Uryu and Jackson turn and stare at Angelo

Angelo: ...sorry...

Jackson is breathing heavily through his nose as he realises he has no choice

Jackson: Okay. Our match, it's still on. Fine. Helms will have to wait. But I would just like to thank you, for one thing. I would like to thank you for helping me refocus on you instead of Helms. Because of your selfish actions, because of your sanctimonious bullsh*t, you have made sure that when that bell rings, I will be 100% focused on f*cking ending you. Helms will get his, he will get his after the match when that bell has rung, and I am STILL your 6CW World Heavyweight Champion. You're damn right when you say this is your first and last opportunity. Because once I'm done with you, when I do what Max could never do, beat you clean in the middle of this ring, you will realise that the reason you never won the big one wasn't because of a lack of opportunities. It's because when it comes to the business end of matches, you just don't have the mentality.

Jackson stares at Uryu as Uryu isn't pleased with Jackson's words

Jackson: I have stood up to everyone. EVERYONE. Everyone who has stood before me, I have faced, and I have survived, and I have thrived. I won the Ironman Tournament. I won the tournament and the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship. And since then, I've defended it against worthy competitors. And I challenged you for a match last week, because I am the fighting champion 6CW needs and deserves. But since our little conflab, where I gave you the opportunity you craved for so long, Marty Helms did what he did. So, even though I gave you the shot you didn't technically earn, all I asked was for you to do the right thing. Postpone our match. Do you honestly think you wouldn't get another chance? Even though you didn't even earn this one?

Jackson is incredulous as he continues

Jackson: I can and will beat you Uryu. Every day of the week and twice on Sundays. I asked you, competitor to competitor, man to man, to stand aside, delay our match so I could sort out some personal business. You said no. So guess what. Now, you are my personal business. And like I said, Helms will get his comeuppance. But you, by being a selfish pr*ck, will also get yours. Enjoy your 6CW World Title match. It will be your last for a long, long time.


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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 37
Location : Crawley, West Sussex

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:22 am

*The two men are fiercely angry, a competitive rage clear. Trust, sliding a little bottle of vodka out of his trunks, pours it over himself before moving towards them. He takes off his baseball cap and runs his hand over his head

AT: Fine speeches, gentlemen. But what you both gotta do here is show those three qualities I always talk about: rustle, royalty and reset. That’s why they call me the Pirate King of Mexico; you need my three r’s!

*He turns and offers a high five to an empty space, reacting as if it was taken.

AT: We were saying to each other as you had your little back’n’forth there that a World Title means something. Not many men get to hold it, and some men shouldn’t.

*He stares directly at Uryu.

AT: Trust me, Uryu, Jackson has the angel on his side. He’s a holy figure; your game is full of holes. It’s not just that you have never been good enough, it’s that you never will be. You’re not smart enough, strong enough, not pirate enough.

And if you take on my boy here, the son of Jack, you’ll be going up against the legacy of Perfection and end up walking the plank. Arrrrrrgh!

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:50 pm

Uryu keeps staring at Jackson.

UI: So...Angelo, your voice keeps on saying the same words that many have said. I shouldn't hold the top title in 6CW. You know how many men have said I shouldn't even be here? You know how many have said that I dont deserve this or that and have tried to end me in this ring? You know how many have actually succeeded in keeping me away for longer than a month? One. He went further than anyone else, wrecked my personal life and I will freely admit...he beat me.

Jackson smirks as Uryu looks sombre for a few moments before returning to a serious glare.

UI: But you haven't Jackson. You have just started hitting your stride and you think your words will affect me? Hell I am really looking forward to this match, not because its just about the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship. Not because it's one of a very few shots I will ever likely be gifted by overconfident smug pricks like you. But because you remind me so much of him, the man who beat me down again and again and again. The memories of what I experienced back then have been slowly rising ever since you gave me this opportunity. Every punch, every kick, every weapon shot I took, my body remembers every single one delivered by him. Now you think of how long this went on for, how long it took for me to bury everything that happened back then. Now imagine it all coming back up and it all being focused on you. On top of my first ever 6CW Title shot. This may be my only shot to win but with all the experiences I have been though, don't even entertain the thought of this being easy for you because I am going to go through you with everything I have ever known and then some boy!

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Monday 23rd March 2020

Post by Marky Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:52 pm

Jackson is wide eyed and in shock as he takes in what Uryu says

Jackson: Right, first of all... Despite me literally gifting you a one on one shot at the 6CW Heavyweight Championship of the World, even though at Genesis you were pinned by Angelo Trust, a guy pretending to be a pirate over there, and by James McManus in the UK Championship Scramble Match, you have the audacity to call me the overconfident smug prick?! Am I hearing that right?

Jackson puts his finger in his ear and wiggles it around, as if to clean his ears to hear Uryu properly

Jackson: Nah. I'm not overconfident. Overconfident would mean being too confident for your abilities. My accomplishments verify my claims. I don't claim I will beat you because I'm overconfident. I claim I will beat you because I've beaten everyone, and I stand before you as the Undisputed 6CW World Heavyweight Champion. Literally, undisputed. Nobody can dispute it. No cheating, no dodgy decisions, just wins. And while I've been winning, all you can do is talk as if I've just got here. It's insane.

Jackson stares intently at Uryu

Jackson: I made my 6CW debut over three years ago. December 2016. I've won two 6CW World Tag Team Championships. And I wrestled before coming to 6CW. But because you've been here longer, you look down at me and say sh*t like, "you've only just started hitting your stride", calling me boy... Lets get one thing straight. I deserve to be where I am. Hard work and determination has paid off. I don't make excuses. Literally all I wanted was for you to allow me to get revenge on Marty Helms, so we could have a proper one on one match for my Championship.

Jackson shakes his head in disbelief

Jackson: But as it turns out, your claims to be the morally good guy is proven to be utter boll*cks. Being less of a scumbag than Max Adamson doesn't make you not a scumbag. It's not the biggest achievement in the world, is it. I only associated with Adamson because it was a foot in the door. The guy is a born winner. But he's not a nice human being. Man to man, what he did to you, the besmirching of your name, the stealing of your girlfriend... It's f*cking horrible. But you look at me like I should give a sh*t about what he did. Like it's my business. I didn't even meet him until five years later!

Jackson laughs to himself, still unhappy with Uryu

Jackson: The difference is, you think you're a nice human being, but not only are you not a natural winner, you're not even a nice person. You are no better than the "baddies" you berate all day every day. The look in your eyes... It isn't about you and your experiences... It's jealousy. You maintain the illusion that you haven't had the same opportunities as everybody else like you weren't in the same tournament as me. Like you haven't been involved in number one contender matches before. It's bullsh*t. You're a liar, you're scum, and you need to take a long look in the mirror before you start telling everybody else how to live their lives, you sanctimonious prick.

Uryu immediately hits Jackson with a right hand, knocking Jackson onto his backside, Jackson smirks as he sits on the mat, wryly rubbing his chin.

Jackson: Truth hurts, doesn't it.

Jackson grabs his 6CW World Championship from the mat and rolls out of the ring, he heads up the ramp leaving Uryu and Angelo in the ring, Jackson pauses at the top of the ramp and holds up his Championship


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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 37
Location : Crawley, West Sussex

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