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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 27 Apr 2024, 12:34 pm

Bout 2
Hell in a Cell
Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD
Theme: "Sweet Dreams" by Marilyn Manson


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by x12x Sat 27 Apr 2024, 2:10 pm

We find ourselves in the Plague Family compound as we see the figure of Edward Plague making his way slowly through the garden as he is stopped by a follower who looks nervous. The follower goes to speak but hesitates as they do.

What is it my child?

The follower, still clearly nervous, plucks up the courage to speak

Follower: I have a question Edward...I'm confused...

Plague looks a little concerned and moves over to a bench where he sits, motioning for the follower to sit next to him. The follower, a young women, takes a deep breath before continuing

Follower: Last week you said Gazzy needed to fight alone as a punishment but you still helped him.

Plague lets a soft smile cover his face

The idea that I was not there was punishment when I finally came to his rescue he was able to be reminded of where the sun shines and remind himself of the shadows he once called home.

You see, this is how we build our family...

the follower smiles, taking in Plague's words

...we save people from themselves...we show them the light...
...just like I did with you.

Plague reaches out and holds the hand of the follower who continues to listen to every word Plague says

I took the shadows away and showed you just how blue the sky can wouldn't want to lose that would you?

The follower shakes her head

Neither will Gareth...especially now he has Willow, the newest member of my family.
He'll want the sun to shine on her for eternity

the follower cuts in once more

Follower: but what about Christy? She wishes to turn Gazzy against us...

Plague lets go of the follower's hand and seems to compose himself for a second at Christy's name being mentioned

Don't you worry my child...the sun will still shine

I promise.

Plague and the follower remain sat together, the pair continue to talk as the shot fades to black and the scene ends.


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by x12x Sun 28 Apr 2024, 9:15 am

CCClouds by He Is Legend begins to play through the speakers in the arena bringing out a chorus of boos as the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion Edward Plague slowly makes his way out on to the stage with the title held closely to his chest.

As Plague makes his way to the ring the fans in attendance hurl abuse at him causing him to shake his head and talk under his breath, the camera moves in close enough so hear a little of what he is saying

"they'll learn the error of their way Edward...I promise"

Plague quickly makes his way in to the ring and takes a microphone before speaking to the crowd, taking a moment to allow for their boos to die down

The Plague Family face the Blood Brothers...Welcome to hell... know, I like that.

Plague lets a sick smile cover his face as he paces the ring

but you see...Night Of Glory won't be hell... matter what they want to tell you... see, pain is not hell.
blood shed is not hell.

what myself, Gareth, Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon are going to put each other through is NOT hell.

Plague's tone takes a serious turn as he continues

You see true hell...'s being lost, alone and scared.
true hell is living your lives in the shadows that surround you and forgetting what the sun feels like on your skin...

...hell is what I have survived and is it what I have helped Gareth survive... is what I will help you all survive if you allow me too.

Plague pauses as the fans boo him and his offer, he laughs at them and a sick smile returns on his face

Yes...that's it...cloak yourself in denial and pretend that everything is perfect. Blind yourself to the truth...

...the truth that you are all lost, praying to false idols and in dire need of a saviour!
There is a reason you put your faith in 'men' like Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade!

Plague looks annoyed as the fans give good reactions to the men he is set to face at Night Of Glory

Plague: relate to them right?

Two lost sheep who have tricked themselves in to thinking they have it all...that they have any power in this world...

it's pathetic.

Plague pauses one last time

At Night Of Glory you will be forced to watch a lesson about Family.

You will be forced to watch that sometimes blood means nothing when there is no trust. My family will show that we are ONE UNITED FRONT and we will break the fragile bonds of the so called 'blood brothers'

We will open the eyes of the world to what family can truly achieve.

Plague lowers the mic, pulling the title in even closer as he stands tall in the ring.


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Fri 03 May 2024, 9:36 pm

We see the outside of a rough looking pub. Above the door is written 'The New Dock'. 

Outside there's a man using the wall as a urinal. The camera moves towards the pub and we see through the window the clientele. A group of young men standing at the bar, all jostling and joking with eachother. Theres a few women dressed very revealing, asking passers by if they'd like some company tonight. The pub is very busy and noisy with small groups of rough looking men all over. At a table in the corner is an older man, mid 50s, with his dog on a lead, an XL Bully, on a lead. The dog is drinking what appears to be a pint of larger from a bowl on the floor. The man snarls as he scours the room. Almost disgusted at the other people there. As he catches someone eye his gaze halts and his head drops. The camera turns to see Logan Kincade sat at a table. Almost dwarfing the chair he's sat on as hes hunched over sipping what looks like a dark ale. He looks angry, frustrated even as he turns to his brother who is sat opposite him.

This can't go on like it is lad. He's getting too big for his boots.... Still can't see out my right eye properly... Sorry I kicked you in the face by the way.

Logan swigs his pint and slams the glass down onto the table, his face is twitching as he is holding back a rage inside of him.

Blue Dragon looks at Logan with some concern but he smirks, part of him, happy to see his brother show an emotion that's not madness. He's sitting relaxed in his seat and is reclined back. He reaches over and takes a crisp from the table. The two had bought a bag and spilt it open on the table to share (like anyone in the pub should do)

Yeah mate, I'm sure you didn't enjoy that one little bit ay? Haha, it's fine, you've done worse. But your right about Plague, the delusional f*ck is warping more and more minds, you know I don't always do what's 'right' but I don't drag anyone else down with me. Them three d*ckheads that interfered in our match, they probably have lives, probably keeping this cult a secret from their wives, just like their wives are keeping their f*ck buddies secret from them. This whole world stinks of this type of sh*t. But it's people like Eddy Plague that make we want to burn this whole world to ashes.

Kincade looks up and he nods. Clearly half listening to what Dragon has to say, he seems distracted and still really wound up by recent events..

See Gazzy's Mrs dropped the sprog? (Logan nods, a disgusted look on his face) Don't be like that, it's not the kids fault they're all sick in the head. We aren't all destined to follow in our fathers footsteps Logan , you know that more than most.. but it does make me wonder... Do you think she looks like her Mum, her Dad, or her Uncle Eddy?

What are you talking about? 
I mean.. this isn't the time for idle sh*t chat. You told me you wanted to talk about our match at Night of Glory, and your talking some bollo*ks about a baby, are you ill lad?

If you let me finish...
I'm talking about Gazzy D and his new baby for a reason. Plague's played him like a fiddle all this time because Gazzy's a pathetic, washed up loser. He had nothing to care for and was looking so someone to follow, he had nothing left apart from chasing glory and when he finally got that, Plague took it from him, now he has something new...
How long till plague tries to take that too?
Pague seems to think Gazzy is his family, he has no idea what real family is all about... 
Not like us Logan.. 
Logan are you listening?

Yeah yeah... Family..

As Logan talks he seems to be looking off at something. This grabs Blue Dragons attention too, he seems distracted as well. The camera pans across and we see three young men, all wearing 6CWF t-shirts. One Genesis Shirt, one JJ shirt and an Edward Plague Shirt. He's also wearing a black hoody with the hood up as we see Logan tense up.

Do you think? Is that one of Plagues boys?

It's just some kid wearing a sh*t t-shirt, don't worry...

Before Dragon can finish his sentence Logan is already half way across the room. His chair still falling backwards from him springing out of it. He reaches the three men and his palm finds it's own way into the young man's throat. The other two men with him seem shocked and don't know what do to, one of them tries to plead with Logan and comes close enough for Logan to strike as he drives his forehead into the nose of the man. He crumbles to the ground, blood pouring out in an instant. Dragon takes a deep breath and starts to walk over to the situation when he knocks into another man, a larger man who holds up a spilled pint, Blue Dragon goes to apologise but as soon as the man gets in his face, Blue Dragon takes a step back and he drives a knee up into the man's jaw. He flies off his feet and over the bar.

More men pile in on Logan Kincade as he turns to meet them. The two younger men behind him turn and run as Logan reaches back and catches one. He drags him in and smiles at him sickly before lifting him up into a gorilla press and throwing him into the oncoming group, taking two men down. The third makes it to Logan and is face to face with the monster of a man before he gabs a bottle from a table. He swings it at Logan who catches his hand. Kincade squeezes the man's fist as the bottle shatters, shards of glass dig deep into the man's digits. Logan licks his lips as the man screams out in pain. He takes a piece of glass from the man's hand and he drags it across his own palm, deep red blood trickling out and covering his hand, Logan places his bloody hand in the man's face, the blood going into his eyes and mouth, blinding him as he lifts him and slams his head into the table, empty glasses and bottles flying everywhere as the table flips and the man's lifeless body in slumped underneath it. Logan steps over him and he approaches more oncoming attackers. They soon change their mind as Logan becomes the aggressor now, he begins to take them on all at once, beating them down with feet and fists. All the while the glass and blood all over the place seems to fuel him more.

Blue Dragon is busy himself. The man now laying behind the bar had some friends, as Blue Dragon takes a step back towards his own table he's set upon, Dragon reaches into his jacket and takes something from it. A man jumps on his back and smashes a glass over his head. Dragon reaches up and grabs the man's face. His thumb goes into the man's right eye socket as he squeals in pain, Dragon flips him over and onto the table, he turns and puts out a hand to halt the men. They all stop for a second in shock as Blue Dragon adjusts something on his right hand. We see he is wearing his 'Gauntlet' glove, the heavy steel studs glisten as he cleanches his fist..

We only came for a drink... 
How's your night?

Sound, to be fair.. it's the most fun I've had in a while..

Dragon grabs two of the men and he launches them across the room to Logan..

Eh-ar then lad... Two more for the pile.

Logan continues to brutalise the patrons as Blue Dragon smiles, he becons the others forward now as the first and second are dodged and the third man takes a studded right hand to the jaw, he instantly goes limp and falls to the ground with a thud. Dragon turns on the men behind him he grabs one by the throat and he headbutts him in the eye, before swinging him to the left and into his friend, the two of them fall to the ground and Blue Dragon picks the last conscious man back up by the scruff of the neck, he roars in his face like an animal before twisting him into a sleeper hold. He places one hand over his face to suffocate him before stepping up onto the bar and delivering a Blind Justice onto his unconscious friends, Logan looks over angrily but can't help being impressed. He kicks a man in the groin and as the man leans down in pain he grabs his head and delivers a Deathnote Powerbomb before laughing out loud..

Not the only one who watches the product, d*ckhead...

The two of them survey the room there's a few men still scuffling with each other after the chaos has broke out and the barmaid is hiding in the back room, peeping her head out from behind the doorway

I've had enough of this sh*t. I'm fed up with scumbags like you coming into my pub and causing trouble... 
I've been coming here for 40 years and there's always been people like you trying to stick your noses in and wreck it for everyone else... 
Well that's it, you leave now or you'll regret it..

The man sat in the corner with his dog is giving the lads a piece of his mind as his Dog snarls and bares it's teeth. It's pulling at the lead and looks like it wants to kill someone as the man releases his lead and the dog makes a run for Logan, it dives at him at unbelievable speed. Is massive paws pinning Logan's shoulders to the ground as it growls and snarls an inch from his face. 
The man is still ranting as Blue Dragon grabs a full bottle of wine from the bar. 
Logan Begins to snarl back at the dog and the pair of them bare their teeth at eachother. Logan is snarling and growling just like the dog. 
Dragon looks at Logan and then back at the man, he flips the bottle in his hand and launches it at the man, it hits him in the head and knocks him out. 
As the bottle strikes the man it shatters and the dog bites into Logan's shoulder. Kincade winces and bites back. His teeth sinking into the dogs neck as it yelps and let's go. Logan uses his left hand to lift the dog off him and cracks a huge right hook into the dogs thick skull. The dog rolls off Logan and lays next to him on the ground, it's chest raising and falling as it gasps for breath. Logan focuses in on Blue Dragon as he reaches out a hand to help Logan up. 
The two flip over a chair each and Dragon picks up a bottle of larger from the ground. He checks it's not got glass in it before swigging it and patting Logan on the shoulder..

Finish this one and then go the arena?

I was finished ages ago lad.....

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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Fri 10 May 2024, 11:25 pm

x12x wrote:
CCClouds by He Is Legend begins to play through the speakers in the arena bringing out a chorus of boos as the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion Edward Plague slowly makes his way out on to the stage with the title held closely to his chest.

As Plague makes his way to the ring the fans in attendance hurl abuse at him causing him to shake his head and talk under his breath, the camera moves in close enough so hear a little of what he is saying

"they'll learn the error of their way Edward...I promise"

Plague quickly makes his way in to the ring and takes a microphone before speaking to the crowd, taking a moment to allow for their boos to die down

The Plague Family face the Blood Brothers...Welcome to hell... know, I like that.

Plague lets a sick smile cover his face as he paces the ring

but you see...Night Of Glory won't be hell... matter what they want to tell you... see, pain is not hell.
blood shed is not hell.

what myself, Gareth, Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon are going to put each other through is NOT hell.

Plague's tone takes a serious turn as he continues

You see true hell...'s being lost, alone and scared.
true hell is living your lives in the shadows that surround you and forgetting what the sun feels like on your skin...

...hell is what I have survived and is it what I have helped Gareth survive... is what I will help you all survive if you allow me too.

Plague pauses as the fans boo him and his offer, he laughs at them and a sick smile returns on his face

Yes...that's it...cloak yourself in denial and pretend that everything is perfect. Blind yourself to the truth...

...the truth that you are all lost, praying to false idols and in dire need of a saviour!
There is a reason you put your faith in 'men' like Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade!

Plague looks annoyed as the fans give good reactions to the men he is set to face at Night Of Glory

Plague: relate to them right?

Two lost sheep who have tricked themselves in to thinking they have it all...that they have any power in this world...

it's pathetic.

Plague pauses one last time

At Night Of Glory you will be forced to watch a lesson about Family.

You will be forced to watch that sometimes blood means nothing when there is no trust. My family will show that we are ONE UNITED FRONT and we will break the fragile bonds of the so called 'blood brothers'

We will open the eyes of the world to what family can truly achieve.

Plague lowers the mic, pulling the title in even closer as he stands tall in the ring.

Plague stands in the ring. His Championship clutched tight to his chest as he looks around the arena. Suddenly it's plunged into darkness and fire rises for the stage as 'Bodies' by Drowning Pool hits and the crowd erupt with a mix of Cheers and Boos, a mixed reaction but a huge reaction none the less...

Plague stares straight up the ramp anticipating the arrival of Blue Dragon as the seconds pass and the crowd begin to simmer down, the ovation becomes confusion as the music fades and there seems to be a commotion. 

The curtain whips around violently as we see a pair of legs sticking out from under the curtain and a hand emerges from the back, in that hand is Blue Dragons Leather Jacket. The figure that's holding it steps out. A massive man in a long black robe. Plague smiles as he realises what's happened the man starts to laugh with him, even through the Plague Mask he wears we can see he's laughing as he walks to the ring. He gets about half way down the ramp and he kneels on the ground. He bows his head to plague who's smiling. After a second or two the man stands and holds the jacket in front of him. He spreads it out to see the back spray painted are the words 'Welcome to Hell'. 

The man steps towards the ring and Plague backs off slightly, he steps up onto the ring and over the ropes as he hands to jacket to plague. He once again bows and then takes a mic from his robes...

My Lord Plague, I bring you a gift, I have taken the jacket of our enemy, like taking the scalp of another warrior.... 
I have handed you a token of my thanks for showing me the light, and bringing me away from the shadow, the shadow of mediocracy, the shadow of my sad obsessions...
You have given me a new obsession, you see once I sought after power, I wanted to control...
But you have shown me what I really want, you have shown me that what I really want, what I've always wanted .. 
Is Chaos....

Plague is taken aback by the man as he now rises he reaches out and he takes back the jacket from Plague, he removes his robes and we see he's wearing Jeans, a white vest and his hands are taped with dirty white boxing wraps, he starts to put the jacket on as Plague realises his assumption was wrong..

The man then reaches up and unbuckles the plague mask, he slowly removes it and we see Blue Dragon, the crowd cheer as Dragon reveals his face and Plague looks disgusted..

I'd also like to thank you Plague, for showing me who I need to be to beat you, and I'd like to apologise for my cut lip and the blood on my knuckles, you see me and Logan stopped off for a little warm up on the way here. We felt the need. You showed me the other week that your not just the weak minded sycophant I thought, you have some serious danger behind this cult fiasco.

Dragon drops the mask on the floor and stamps down on it..

The sad thing is Plague, your so obsessed with the melodrama and the bargain bin spooky sh*t that you lose what actually makes you a worthwhile champion here. I'm not gunna lie, I like a scary movie as much as the next man, unless the next man is bram stoker, but even I draw the line on this cosplay gimp b*llocks. Your wasting so much. Your holding all the moron who follow you back from their potential, your holding Gazzy D back from being the husband, father, and athlete he could be. But worst of all Edward, your holding yourself back... Don't you see that? This United Front you talk about... Well that's just a political stance right?

Dragon seems to be reasoning with Plague as he simply looks unimpressed in return...

Your out here now talking about how you can save everyone, about how you saved Gazzy, saved him from what? From being 6CW Champion? From being there for his wife? Nearly from being there for his daughter? And all for what? So you can feel important? Respected? Feared? Well your wasting your time and his. 
For f*ck sake Eddy, I come out here time after time and I tell these people that I'm going to burn 6CWF to the ground, I tell them I'm going to take out their favourite wrestlers and they start to cheer me, that's Respect... 
I win the Key the Kingdom and I have the two world champions checking under their beds for the Dragon that could be waiting to take their titles, that's Fear... 
And now I stand here Infront of a man, well no, a symbol of all the things wrong with humanity, someone with seemingly countless followers and the world at his feet, a man with Gazzy D, a former World Heavyweight Champion, on a leash and under control and still I don't fear you, and I damn sure don't respect you. You try your best to be something important and Plague your not.. 
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but your a rip off of a rip off of a rip off... 
Part Cult Leader and part Gimp.. and nothing to be admired. In all honesty Plague I pity you, I wish you could see this world the way it is... 
The way I see it

Dragon turns his back on plague, disrespect very much intended.

This world is for the ones who are willing to reach out and take what they want, not for those who will push others to do it for them. From the moment my career in this industry started I have forced my way into every Oppertunity I have had, I have boxed my time and waited for the right oppertunity to take what I want. And when that oppertunity hasn't been there I've made my own. Like the Key to the Kingdom, I not only made that opportunity for me, I made it for everyone else... 
Including you... 
After all Eddy, I'm the reason you have that 6CW World Championship aren't I? You only got that opportunity because I decided to share it with everyone, I decided to give everyone the shot to prove that they, and they alone, where the best and you once again took the easy way out. You had your little sub help you take me out and you took his championship from him. 
You're out here now, saying that I'm deluded when it comes to family? Me and Logan have had, and will have, our battles. We have an interesting relationship to say the least but I know that he would never use me to get to the top, because he'd rather run through me to prove he's really the best, and the feeling is mutual. 
There's honour amongst thieves.
There's respect in war.
There's fear in the hunt. 
But what you did, the way you have influenced that man's life, for your own personal gain. That's pathetic....

Dragon gets in Plagues face now, he's angry, no longer happy with words, his fists clench up and he looks ready to explode

You come here and you doubt our power, our abilities? You doubt MY ABILITIES?!? You stupid c*nt... 
You've got no idea what I'm capable of. You know what hell is? It's being stuck in the shadows? No sunlight on your skin? No heat from the sun? Are you taking the p*ss lad? 
I'll give you all the light you want, I'll shove that sun up your ar*e and it'll burn you from the inside. I'll take that ball of fire that you see as your salvation and set you alight, I'll burn you to a crisp and I'll p*ss on you to put it out. Then I'll stand over your chared remains and I'll hold that title above my head. I've told you before Plague, your going to lose everything you care so much about and then you'll have no choice but to take my advice, forget everything you think of as power because what you have is a weak hold on weak minds and a weak hold on a championship that you don't even deserve...
I can't wait to watch it all ripped from you... 
I hope to god that I'm the one who gets to do it...

The two stand face to face in the ring as the crowd cheers, the tension between the two burning like a fire around them...

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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by x12x Sat 11 May 2024, 11:13 am

As Plague and Blue Dragon stand across from each other in the ring there is a clear tension as a sick smile covers Plague's face and he begins to laugh to himself

You wish I could see the world for what it really is?

Plague shakes his head, laughing again

The irony of YOU saying that to me is almost sweet if it wasn't so pathetic.
Does Logan know his little brother is this delusional?

I have to say I almost admire the way you can turn your failures in to a good thing...but the thing that worries me is that you can't even tell that you're doing it.

can you?

Plague's eyes widen as he continues to speak to Blue Dragon

You say you gave everyone the chance to be champion? the truth is you LOST your chance at holding MY title because of your delusion of grandure...

...You say you don't respect me? The truth is your respect is the last thing I could ever possibly want. For too long you have been praised for being nothing more than a mindless thug...the truth is that when people talk about you and your brother...they only talk about one of you as a legend of this business...'s not you is it?

plague smirks at Blue Dragon

You say this world is for those who take what they want...

...and I stand here as YOUR world champion...
...with a true family behind me... pity me?

You are JEALOUS!

Plague steps in closer to Blue Dragon with a huge, sick smile across his face

Little Blue Dragon is nothing more than a jealous, deluded fool.
...jealous that I have what he wants...

...I've got the world in my hands
...I've got a family behind me...
...people who truly care.

You on the other hand are a lost sheep, counting down the hours until Logan turns on you yet again. Trying to block out the memories from your life that leave you unable to sleep at night... can bark all you want but we all know the loudest dogs are the ones with the most to fear.

Plague lowers the mic, smirking at BD as he waits for him to respond.


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by Lee Sat 11 May 2024, 7:29 pm


RJ: It was only a matter of time until he joined in

JT: They said his name one too many times.

Logan Kincade strides out onto the ramp with a smirk on his face. He brings the mic to his lips as Edgecrusher by Fear Factory fades out.

LK: Edward, you keep talking about me like you have ANY idea what you're on about. You keep saying I will turn on Blue Dragon... Listen fella, I'm not even on his side to start with...

BD looks a little confused but quickly realises he's right and his demeanour changes to one of agreement.

Plague looks annoyed as he shakes his head as he adjusts his title in his arms.

LK: Don't get me wrong, I've told you all before, I hate everyone here, but I hate some of you less, and Blue is the one I hate the least....but then we have you..

Logan begins walking down the ramp as Plague sizes up the two giant Scousers as he is outnumbered in the ring.

LK: Now, you say Blue is jealous of you...of YOU? Behave yourself, all he feels for you is pity, you and your gang of weirdos skuttle around in your little club house wearing masks like a second rate Slipknot tribute band.

The thing you don't seem to understand is we've been showing restraint so far in the hope that you'd just finally f**k off and yet like a bad smell you linger. You continue to be a stain on the ar*e cheek of 6CWF and frankly I'm getting a little bit sick of the stench...

Logan sniffs at Plague who looks unimpressed with Kincade's antics

LK: smells like desperation and piss, at Night Of Glory, we end this, we end your little band of gobsh*tes, and when they see their "leader" humiliated and bloodied they will see what everyone else sees in you, and they will leave... they will leave and then you'll have no one to protect you, and when you least expect it... I'll take that belt away from you, and then you'll have nothing.

Logan smirks at Plague as he laughs at the idea if Logan Getting a title shot


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by x12x Sun 12 May 2024, 9:05 am

Plague looks at Blue Dragon and then at Logan before turning his attention to Logan

and here was me thinking that you were the mature one Mr Kincade...I guess this delusion runs in the family because yet again all I see is another lost sheep trying to bear it's teeth in the hope that we'll believe it's a wolf...

...but that's all you both hold...


Plague holds the title even tighter as he speaks

It's admirable that you come to defend your brother but to claim that there is no jealousy is yet another delusion.

I hold what he wants...
I hold the thing that he would happily hurt anyone over...
...even you.

...especially you.

Plague's sick smile returns as he continues to speak to Logan directly

You say I don't know you but what more is there to know? You're a violent man who's violence is born from a broken upbringing...all you can offer is violence...

...but it is within that offer that you show your true hand and a cold hard truth...
...that you don't know ME.

Plague laughs to himself, his eyes locked on Logan

You say that at Night Of Glory you are going to humiliate what?
hurting me?

Your delusions are showing again...

...Do you think you're the first person to hurt me? spill my blood?

is this the grandeur you've built up in your head?
You're both as lost and deluded as each other...

Plague's smile fades, a more serious tone is noticed in his voice

I expect to be put through hell...'s what we all deserve you see...

...all four of us in that match deserve to feel every second of pain we put each other through because without pain there are no lessons and nothing can truly be achieved.

life without pain and suffering is meaningless

and I refuse to live a life without purpose. your threats of hurting me are nothing more than what I need...

Plague pauses one last time, the serious tone still in his voice

You are looking at a being who dragged himself through the fires of hell to bring Gareth back to the light...if you look at my body you see the scars and marks of the battles I have gone through to achieve what I have today.

MY world title
MY family

MY Night Of Glory!

Plague once again lowers the mic and stares across the ring, his eyes darting from Logan to BD


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Sun 12 May 2024, 11:46 am

Blue Dragon steps forward. Making himself the focus of the crowd..

Here we go again.... Why is it, every time someone says something he doesn't like, it's delusion? Am I the only one who's noticed this? What exactly is the delusion here? 

Both of us have a history, a proven history, of hurting people and enjoying it.. 

Logan is telling you the truth when he tells you that he will show your weakness to the world, your mortality will be there for all to see.. 

You will lose everything, including that title.. 

Dragon turns to Logan as if to ask 'where's the lie?' and Logan shrugs

Plague you tell us that we aren't wolves. That we are sheep, yet all you want to do is surround yourself with your own sheep and warn them of the wolves at the door, delusional or not, your a f*cking liar.. you come out here and you spout your retoric about what you've been through, you hace no idea of what we've been through, you don't I know us. You don't know Logan, yes I know he's here and I know he can defend himself but I can't help it, THAT is what family is, THAT! is what family do...

You see, Uncle Eddy... There's not a wedge you can drive between us. The pair of us don't secretly hate eachother, yeah we both think we're the best, one day we will find out who's right. But there's one thing that we know even more.. that someone like you doesn't belong at the head of the table, that someone like you needs keeping as par as possible from the weak. We both have history with twisted father figures in our lives and we both know how f*cked up that can make you, look at us...

Dragon points at himself and Logan who once again shrugs and feigns shock. Before Dragon once again turns to Plague, a disgusted look on his face.

What p*sses me off is that your insistent that I'm jealous of you, that I don't respect your abilities, well your wrong, I've just told you that you did impress me the other week, plague, you beat both of us.... You should take that as a huge win. You had no choice, you where backed into a corner and for the first time, possibly in your life, you took care of business yourself. I just hope that man sticks around because if this goth wizard cuck shows up at Night of Glory, well, your f*cked.

Behind Dragon Logan can be seen laughing to himself with a sick smile

I want you at your best Ed, I want to see fire on your eyes as I snuff it out. Ive said for months now, I'm the Alpha of 6CWF, I want to fight the very best and that hunt, that is what keeps me hungry. I like to work up an appetite chase my prey and fight to the death against a worthy opponent...

Where as him...

Hes not one for a hunt, he likes to play with his food. If it's this sad excuse for a cult leader we get.. well, Logan will gladly end you. I'm one for the hunt, he's one for the kill, and the massive the better. If your at your best, or at your worst, all he wants to do is rip you apart and taste your blood then when you've got nothing left, when your cult and your boy Gazzy have walked away, next will come your title. 

Dragon reaches over and pokes the title as Plague grips it so tightly you can see his fingers turn white, all the while trying not to pull away and show any backing down.

It really doesn't matter who takes that title, I would love to be the one to rip it from you, but if Logan takes it, well, I'll be happy it's around the waist of a real fighter. Speaking of which...

Your acting as if the Gateway to Glory was for YOUR world championship, yes I failed, I was beaten by two of you who had attacked me during the match and then teamed upto eliminate me. But when I made that match, I'm pretty sure I said that I wanted to beat the best, that I wanted to challenge myself, because at that time Gazzy D was the 6CW World Champion, not you. That was the challenge I was talking about, because he was one of the best, he was a worthy champion, I didn't agree with his personal choices but between these ropes he stood his ground and he was one of the best, like Logan, and Me, and like you could be, no.. like you are.... If only you'd come out from behind your church and finally make some peace with the man you really are. I don't care what happened when you where a kid, I don't care who hurt you. We've all been hurt, some more than others..

Dragon nods towards Logan who just shakes his head in return 

There's always been a history of Dictators, ruling over what little they can get their hands on, lording it over the weak minded. When, in reality, it's them who are insecure, jealous and pathetic, and that's the side of you I don't respect plague, I'm not out here slapping hands and kissing babies, I'm not the 'babyface' that 6CWF needs right now, I'm not going to defend Gazzy's honour and I'm not going to say that me and Logan will never turn on eachother, we're only ever one spark away from an explosion. But I will point out one thing to you...

Dragon starts to pace the ring. Looking over the ropes and down to the outside. He searching around for something. Mockingly looking out into the crowd and at the announcers desk. He looks up the ramp and he turns back to Plague..

You say me and Logan weren't a real family, you say there's jealousy and that you have a real family... There are four men in our match, in that Cell... My brother and I are here.. yet your all alone... Where the f*ck is Gazzy D? Is he at your side? Is he here to back you up? No he's at home, with his wife, and with Willow .. his real family... You may still feel like he's your boy. He may feel like he owes you something, but in reality, he's already lost his title to you, you have your payment... 

Now it's done

He owes you nothing

You mean nothing to him now

You have no power over him because he has all he needs

He doesn't need you anymore

No one ever has

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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by x12x Sun 12 May 2024, 12:59 pm

Plague continues to look at both Logan and BD before switching his attention to Dragon, Plague's smile widens

I say you're jealous because I can hear the true words behind your empty little barks...I hear the truth behind the words you say...the barriers you put up.

You say you don't have any jealousy for me yet again I need to open your eyes and remind you.

I have what you want.
I took your opportunity and your wasted chance and I took what I wanted... can preach about how I am weak or how I'm a coward but when you look at me, you see a man who could forge his own destiny...

Plague laughs to himself sarcastically

You say you are the alpha of this world... don't truly believe that do you?

Plague switches his attention back to Logan

and you don't believe it either do you?

Plague's smirk widens as he now focuses on both brothers, his eyes darting from one to the other as he speaks

don't answer that would be more hollow barking...more lies and bravado...more pathetic barriers put up to hide the truth.

You come out here together, putting on this fake front...holding each others hands because you can't face me on your own.

You want to know where Gareth is right now?
It doesn't matter...

the fans are confused as are both logan and BD as Plague speaks one last time

It doesn't matter because right now he is not needed...
...when the time comes, our family will continue to do what we do...

...just like I have saved him from harm in the past when it was needed... can question my family all you want if it helps distract you from the cracks in your own family...if it stops you from asking why mommy and daddy didn't love you enough...

...if it stops you from wondering...

...who truly is the Alpha?...
...who is Kane and who is Abel?...
...who is the true king of your little broken family?!

Plague lowers the mic one more time, looking at either brother to see if they'll respond.


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by Lee Wed 15 May 2024, 3:23 pm

Logan walks around Plague so there is a brother either side of him, Plague looks a little defensive but contains his composure knowing his minions aren't far away.

LK: See you talk a good game with the knowledge that if you say the wrong thing to the wrong psychopath... Your gang of merry men will come and save you.

But your general is nowhere to be found... One of your support beams, you foundation is absent, cracks are beginning to appear in YOUR family, Edward your castle is built on sand.

Logan gets closer to Plague.

LK: So you hold on to the title nice and tight, your days are numbered, the fall of the House Of Plague has begun and I'll be right there at the end, side by side with the Blue Dragon and the best part is, underneath the bravado and the know it.

You won't ever say it out loud of course, because you're too...proud? Deluded? Either way it's there, deep in your mind and its a cancer that will eat you from the inside out.

Logan walks back to BD's side and nods towards him.

LK: You're desperate to face us one on one? Fine, I'll let Blue have the last word, it's true we aren't a close unit outside of this place, we're not best friends, we pretty much despise each other but he said it, I've said it and in your rambling you've said it...we are family, actual family, and that means something. What you have is a gang at best, a book club, a WhatsApp group. Family? get a grip.

Logan smirks at Blue Dragon

LK: Blue, say what you need to say now, leave nothing unsaid right!, because this ends at Night Of Glory...

One way or another.

Logan tosses the microphone and leans back over the top rope flips out of the ring and lands on his feet on the floor, he begins to head up the ramp as the crowd mostly cheer but some boos are mixed in.


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Wed 15 May 2024, 8:23 pm

Dragon watches Logan begin to back up the ramp. His eyes still fixed on Plague as BD steps into the path of their vision..

Plague I'm done talking to you.. 
I don't know what else I can tell you..
So instead I'll just tell you a little story about my past, then I will leave this ring and I will see you back here in this ring, I'll bring my brother and you bring your .. whatever he is... 
And we will settle this argument the right way.

Dragon steps away from plague and he rests on the ropes..

My Dad had this dog once. It was a staffy, his name was Terry, and this dog was a stray when it was younger, my dad found it as a young dog near the back of his club it had a half docked tale and it was beaten with a chain, all his skin was apparently ripped up and scared when he brought him home. 
My mum told him to take the dog back where it came from, that there was probably a reason the dog was stray, but my Dad did what he always done, exactly as he pleased. 
He took that dog in an he loved it, it was his right hand. Terry would go everywhere my dad did. He had him for a few years all in all, that dog was my dads one real friend, he would have done anything for that dog... 
Then one day there was a disagreement, my dad went to get Terry from home. You see by that time Terry had been staying with my mum in the house, and with her new baby... 
That baby was me...

Plague mockingly makes a baby cradling gesture and Dragon smirks at him...

He came home in a panic and he grabbed Terry by the collar, the dog was willing to go, just panicked and my mum jumped to his defence, she told me dad to be careful and then she realised that she had hold of my dad's arm... 
My dad was a violent man, and he considered this, disrespectful... 
He grabbed her back. One hand around her arm and the other around the back of her neck and he matched her into the bedroom... 
Terry followed them.. 
I can still hear the growling and the barking. I can still hear my mum pleading with him to leave the dog alone, that he was just defending her. It's one on my earliest memories.... 
He done the right thing, after years of being a subject of that man, after years of being my dad's 'good boy' he finally done the right thing.. 
I remember the gunshot and the yelp. I remember the bloodstain on the carpet and remember my dad, the only time I saw it .. 
I remember my dad, regretting ever taking that dog off the street.. because all it done was show him that the only thing stronger than guilt, the only thing stronger than persuasion... 
Is a real family...

Blue Dragon steps out of the ropes and he follows Logan Kincade up the ramp. The two get to stage and Dragon takes one last look over his shoulder before they both leave, plague alone in the ring as the camera zooms out and the loneliness seems to sink in...

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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by x12x Thu 16 May 2024, 6:31 am

Plague watches as both men leave until he is left on his own, he takes a second and turns to the crowd, speaking one last time

Open your eyes, open your ears and focus on their follow words...their words betray them

They call what they have a real family...
Then they say they cannot stand each other...
They call what they have a real family...
Then they tell us how their Father abused their mother...

you see the lesson is that pain and punishment can be a learning tool and can be used to liberate people from the shadows but when used in this way? It creates fractures that cannot be broken...and leaves lost sheep trapped in their own denial


Suddenly the lighting in the building flickers and then goes off...

Moments after the titatron turns on and a video begins to play as we see four scare crows set up in a bleak and desolate field which has had all the crops perish. As the sky above begins to flash with flickers of lightning and the sound of thunder echos the camera moves in and focuses on the four scare crows.

The first scarecrow has a plague mask covering it's face and a makeshift 6CW World Title tied tight to it's shoulder.

The second has a polaroid picture of Gazzy D, Christy and their newborn child Willow stapled to it

The camera then moves on to the third, this scarecrow has Logan Kincade's signature hammer pushed in to it's chest

the camera then moves on to the final scarecrow that is wrapped in barbedwire and has a torn and tattered flag tied around it's neck featuring a blue dragon reminiscent of BD's tattoo

as the camera pulls back and storm in the background rages even harder and a voice over can be heard

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here"

The line is uttered, a shot of lightning strikes the ground in front of the four scarecrows and a small flame takes hold of the dying crops on the ground and begins to spread. As it spreads it begins to reach each scare crow, the narrator continues


...A tale as old as time...a bond forged in destiny...
...but betrayal is always only a second away in the pursuit of glory.

At this point all four scarecrows start to burn

The maniacal cult leader with his so called Brother...
The Blood Brothers...bonded by blood but can it last?

As we watch these men walk through hell...
...will any of them survive...

...will blood be thicker than water?

The scene comes to an end, the final image we see are the four scarecrows burn down to nothing as crows begin to land in the desolate field and the screen fades to black.

The lights in the arena then come back on and Plague is nowhere to be seen and the only thing remaining in the middle of the ring is a Plague mask.


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

Post by gazzyD Fri 17 May 2024, 10:41 pm

The scene opens with Christy say up in her bed. She is engrossed in her iPad when gazzy enters the bedroom with Willow in his arms which causes her to look away from the screen

C: Everything OK?

Gazzy places Willow in her crib situated to the side of the bed

G: Shes out like a light. I’d barely gotten through the first bit of Baa Baa Black Sheep and she was flat out. So peaceful. You know, I still can’t believe we have done it

C: I know, it doesn’t seem real does it. Sometimes I just go in and look at her sleeping. So beautiful

G: Its because she takes after her mummy

Gazzy kisses Christy on the head

G: What you reading?

Christy goes back to her iPad and scrolls up to the top of the article and passes it to Gazzy

C: Its about you. Everybody is talking about how you’ve not been there this past week when Plague has been in the ring with Dragon and Logan. People are wondering if you’re even going to show up tomorrow night

Gazzy takes the iPad and reads through some of the comments, no show of emotion on his face

C: You know, its been nice having you home these past couple of weeks

A smile spreads across gazzys face

C: and I know Willow would be lost without her daddy if you were to suddenly disappear this weekend

The smile spreads larger on gazzy’s face and he lets out a laugh

G: Well that’s certainly one way of talking me in to staying here with you. If only it was that simple

C: It can be

Gazzy sighs as he gets in the bed and sits up next to Christy

G: I can’t just bail……I mean its Night of Glory after all. Its the biggest night of the year. I used to dream about nights like this when I was working to crowds of 50-60 in masonic halls and leisure centres

C: I know all that, I get it I do…..I just…..

G: What is it?

C: I just still can’t get my head around this need you have to back up Edward Plague. You almost missed the birth of your daughter because of him. He stole your title. He’s used you countless times. I wish you could see this

G: I know….I know. Honestly between you and Uryu. You’re both like a dog with a bone

C: that reminds me, have you messaged him yet after what he did?

G: No…I know I need to, Christ knows what to say though short of ‘Thanks for your help even though I’ve been a massive prick to you’

C: Don’t be daft. Just say thanks, sorry and tell him you’ll buy him a pint at the Christmas party. Anyway, the only reason me and Uryu have kept telling you about Plague is because we care. You really don’t have to do this, nobody will think less of you you know

Gazzy takes a deep breath before getting back to his feet. He paces the room for a bit before turning back to Christy

G: Christy……I know that since I won the title that Plagues obsession with the gold began to grow. I’m not blind enough to see that. I know that all along he wanted a way to take that title for his own, but I owe a debt to Plague. At my darkest point last year, he offered some light. I’m not brainwashed, I’m…….I’m just thankful. When things weren’t good between us, when things were crap in 6CWF, he…….he probably saved my life

Christy starts to tear up and gazzy quickly comforts her

G: Babe, please don’t cry. We’re better than ever now. The past is done, finished, history. But you see this is why I can’t just walk away from Plague. Besides I want to go out there and put on a show. I want to go out there be the be the best version of me, and not even for Edward Plague. Nope. I want to do that for me…….for you…….for Willow. I want to go out there and I want to give the fans a night they’ll remember, like only I can. I want to go out there and show even Edward Plague that theres still an appetite to once again hold the 6CW World Heavyweight title

Christy wipes a tear away as she takes gazzy by his hand

C: Just promise me you’ll be safe. Now more than ever I hate watching and fearing seeing you get injured, and they’re normal matches. This is going to be the worst yet watching you inside Hell in a Cell

Gazzy sits on the edge of the bed and kisses Christys hand

G: I’ll be reet. Its them lot I feel sorry for, locked in a cell with me *gazzy says in a joking tone*. Besides, I’ve got something I need to come back home to now

Gazzy kisses Christy’s hand again when the cries of Willow start up again. Christy starts to make a move for her before gazzy stops her

G: I got this. Let me get her back to sleep seeing as I won’t be here the next couple of nights to do it

Gazzy kisses Christy on the lips before lifting Willow from her crib and taking her out of the room as the scene ends with Christy going back to her iPad


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"Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell) Empty Re: "Welcome to Hell" - Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD ( Hell in a Cell)

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