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Talking Shop - Who the what now?

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Talking Shop - Who the what now? Empty Talking Shop - Who the what now?

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Fri 21 Feb 2014, 2:16 pm

Who the what now?
Author: Jaden T Waters
Me again
As you’ll soon come to realise I suffer regularly from verbal diarrhoea or should I say diarrhoea on a page. Many random ideas fire from the synapses’ of my mind and rather than give these time to mull over and disseminate within my thought process I choose instead to throw them at a page and see what sticks
Hence these random musings that I have chosen to call talking shop; the last two have had a certain level of structure. PPV recap and looking ahead at the biggest night of the year but this one I’m not sure what you would file it under as can be explained by the inexplicable title above(If that makes any sense)
So what am I getting at I am sure you are screaming at your computer or tablet screen unless you have already given up hope and moved onto something a little more obvious or at least something that will eventually provide some however all too brief entertainment (followed by guilt and self loathing, or is that just me?)
You know those moments in wrestling that you just can’t explain but it gets you hooked, from the first moment the lights go out and you know this is special, you know something big is happening and you are so happy to be a part of it and you are in it for the ride, the long haul
Throughout time the art of the surprise return or reveal has been a brilliant way of pointing a knowing finger at a smark (like me) and saying HA HA got ya
Hogan heel turn
Cena’s Royal Rumble Return
Adamson being revealed as Gazzy’s attacker
But now I’ve grown up, I’m not the wide eyed teenager who marks out every time I hear the sound of glass breaking. OK I still am but I really thought that as I grew older that feeling would lessen and I would see things coming from a mile away
But then it happened. The lights went out, fairly standard fare, a reoccurring heart beat, ok I’m intrigued….
But then……….
It was everything I remembered about days gone by, the hairs standing on the back of my neck, that feeling of being part of something special, that fear of the unknown and most importantly wanting to know more. Oh my god I’m twelve all over again and I’m jumping up and down on my parents couch screaming at the television
Puppet Master – You’ve got me hooked
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Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

Posts : 6474
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 45
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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